120+ Dark would you rather questions

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By: Kevin Grant

Ever found yourself pondering the spine-tingling what-ifs lurking in the corners of your mind? What if you were faced with sinister choices that send shivers down your spine? What if you had to navigate through a maze of macabre dilemmas?

Welcome to the realm of Dark would you rather ask questions where decisions take a dark turn, and the lines between right and wrong blur into obscurity. Delve into the depths of human curiosity as we present over 120 chilling scenarios designed to test your mettle and unravel the mysteries of your psyche.

 From eerie enigmas to bone-chilling conundrums, brace yourself for a journey into the unknown where every choice reveals a new facet of your innermost fears. Are you ready to confront the darkness within and emerge unscathed? Let’s embark on this twisted adventure together.


Dark would you rather questions

The following some Dark would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather be haunted by a vengeful spirit for the rest of your life or witness a loved one being possessed by a demon?

2. Would you rather have the ability to erase one traumatic memory from your past or know every traumatic event that will happen to you in the future?

3. Would you rather live in a world where everyone knows the exact date of their death or where 

Is everyone’s death a complete surprise?

4. Would you rather spend a year in solitary confinement in prison or attend a public execution?

5. Would you rather lose the ability to feel any emotion or be overwhelmed by uncontrollable emotions at random intervals?

6. Would you rather save the life of a stranger or sacrifice the life of someone close to you to save multiple strangers?

7. Would you rather have the power to stop time but age twice as fast during those moments or live forever but watch everyone you love grow old and die?

8. Would you rather be falsely accused of a heinous crime and spend your life in prison or commit a heinous crime and live with the guilt for the rest of your life?

9. Would you rather be stranded alone in a deserted, haunted town or in a dense forest inhabited by dangerous predators?

10. Would you rather have the ability to see the spirits of the deceased or be constantly followed by a malevolent entity that only you can see?

11. Would you rather witness the end of the world through a catastrophic event or slowly watch society decay into chaos and lawlessness?

12. Would you rather be cursed to never sleep again, constantly plagued by hallucinations and insomnia, or be trapped in a recurring nightmare every time you close your eyes?

13. Would you rather be tortured for a week but guaranteed to survive or be given a lethal injection without any suffering?

14. Would you rather accidentally cause the death of someone close to you or have someone close to you intentionally cause your death?

15. Would you rather be able to communicate with the dead but constantly feel their pain and suffering, or never be able to communicate with them but always wonder about their fate?

Darkest would you rather questions 

The following some Darkest would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather live cursed knowing future suffering or in a world of empathy-devoid children?

2. Would you rather survive alone in desolation or resort to cannibalism in a group?

3. Would you rather realize life’s a simulation or be the sole real entity in a world of automatons?

4. Would you rather relive mistakes eternally or forget loved ones when connecting?

5. Would you rather be trapped in a slow time or fast time dimension?

6. Would you rather see others’ darkness or be haunted by unseen figures?

7. Would you rather have consciousness in a robotic body or a merged hive mind?

8. Would you rather discover desires, illusions or existence as a joke?

9. Would you rather know loved ones’ deaths or witness them repeatedly?

10. Would you rather endure eternal torment of mind or perpetual numbness?

11. Would you rather hear damned screams or wander a tormented maze?

12. Would you rather control life and death or be unable to die?

13. Would you rather see future suffering or relieve nightmares endlessly?

14. Would you rather exist as a spirit or inhabit others’ suffering bodies?

15. Would you rather choose causing suffering or live all permutations of existence?

Funny Would you rather questions dark edition

The following some Funny Would you rather questions dark edition:

1. Would you rather have all your dreams broadcasted to everyone you know or have to relive your most embarrassing moment every day?

2. Would you rather have your voice sound like Gilbert Gottfried’s for a year or communicate solely through ventriloquism for a month?

3. Would you rather have to wear a shirt that says “I’m with stupid” and an arrow pointing to yourself or have to wear a shirt with your ex’s face on it?

4. Would you rather have to reenact your most embarrassing moment in front of your family or have it live-streamed to your entire social media network?

5. Would you rather have to announce every time you fart with a bullhorn or have to do a victory dance every time you successfully use the bathroom?

6. Would you rather have to attend your own funeral or have to attend a stranger’s funeral every week?

7. Would you rather have to eat a stick of butter every morning for breakfast or have to drink a gallon of vinegar every evening for dinner?

8. Would you rather have to walk around with a visible wedgie for a day or have to wear pants that are way too short for a week?

9. Would you rather have your thoughts narrated out loud by Morgan Freeman or have your life events narrated by Gilbert Gottfried?

10. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or have to wear clown shoes every day?

11. Would you rather have to put in your mouth every inanimate object you touch or have to sniff every person you meet?

12. Would you rather have to wear a necklace made of toenail clippings or a bracelet made of hair from various body parts?

13. Would you rather have to wear socks on your hands or mittens on your feet for a month?

14. Would you rather have to speak in a made-up language that nobody understands or have to communicate solely through animal noises?

15. Would you rather have to answer every phone call with “Who died?” or have to end every text message with “LOL JK” even if it’s not a joke?


Best Would you rather dark questions

The following some Best Would you rather dark questions:

1. Would you rather have your laughter sound like a witch’s cackle or have your sneezes sound like a foghorn?

2. Would you rather have every mirror you look into show you as a different person or have every photograph of you display a ridiculous facial expression?

3. Would you rather have to greet everyone with a kiss on the lips or a handshake that lasts for a minute?

4. Would you rather have a permanent itch that you can never scratch or a constant tickling sensation in your throat?

5. Would you rather have to perform a stand-up comedy routine every time you use an elevator or break into song whenever you step into a taxi?

6. Would you rather have to wear a hat made of live worms or a shirt made of itchy wool that you can never take off?

7. Would you rather have to reenact your most embarrassing moment in front of a live audience or have it reenacted by sock puppets on YouTube?

8. Would you rather have to loudly announce your bodily functions in public or have them broadcasted on a jumbotron in Times Square?

9. Would you rather have a pet snake that always tries to strangle you in your sleep or a pet tarantula that insists on sitting on your face?

10. Would you rather have to eat a spoonful of hot sauce every time you hear your name or have to wear a diaper on your head whenever it rains?

11. Would you rather have your hair turn a different color every time you lie or your teeth fall out every time you tell the truth?

12. Would you rather have to wear a belt made of live electric eels or a necklace made of fire ants?

13. Would you rather have to wear a suit made entirely of bubble wrap or a dress made entirely of duct tape?

14. Would you rather have your dreams play out in real life while you sleep or have your nightmares haunt you while you’re awake?

15. Would you rather have to sneeze every time someone says your name or hiccup every time you hear a doorbell?

Dark humor would you rather questions

The following some Dark humor would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have to perform the chicken dance every time you enter a room or have to recite a Shakespearean soliloquy before every meal?

2. Would you rather have a permanent hula hoop around your waist or have to walk on your hands everywhere you go?

3. Would you rather have to wear a T-shirt with your most embarrassing childhood photo printed on it or have to wear pants that are three sizes too small?

4. Would you rather have to reenact a cringeworthy moment from your past every time you meet someone new or have to wear a sign that says “Warning: I’m Awkward”?

5. Would you rather have your hair styled like a pineapple for a year or have to wear neon green lipstick every day?

6. Would you rather have to wear a necklace made of rubber chickens or have to wear a belt that constantly plays the “Macarena” song?

7. Would you rather have to wear socks with sandals in the snow or have to wear flip-flops in a blizzard?

8. Would you rather have to carry around a life-sized cardboard cutout of yourself or have to wear a helmet with a flashing neon sign that says “Look at Me”?

9. Would you rather have to speak in pig Latin for a month or have to communicate solely through interpretive dance for a week?

10. Would you rather have to wear a pair of glasses with googly eyes or have to wear shoes that squeak with every step you take?

11. Would you rather have to wear a cape made of duct tape or have to wear a hat that constantly emits steam?

12. Would you rather have to wear a shirt that changes color based on your emotions or have to wear pants that inflate like a balloon when you’re nervous?

13. Would you rather have to wear a tie that plays annoying music every time you speak or have to wear a belt that tells bad jokes every time you sit down?

14. Would you rather have to wear gloves that are permanently sticky or have to wear shoes that make honking noises every time you walk?

15. Would you rather have to wear a backpack filled with bricks or have to wear a backpack that releases confetti whenever you open it?

Hardest dark would you rather questions

The following some Hardest dark would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather be cursed with the knowledge of how and when the world will end, or be cursed with eternal life, unable to die even as the world crumbles around you?

2. Would you rather be the only survivor of a catastrophic event that wipes out humanity or be responsible for causing the event but survive?

3. Would you rather relive your worst nightmare every night while you sleep or experience a different but equally terrifying nightmare every time you close your eyes?

4. Would you rather lose the ability to feel any physical pain or lose the ability to feel any emotional pain?

5. Would you rather have the power to bring back deceased loved ones but endure their suffering in the afterlife, or let them rest in peace but never see them again?

6. Would you rather have the power to heal any physical ailment but suffer excruciating pain each time you use it, or be unable to heal others but live pain-free?

7. Would you rather be forced to watch a loved one die a slow and painful death or be forced to kill them yourself to end their suffering?

8. Would you rather have the ability to time travel but be unable to change any events, or have the ability to change events but be unable to return to your original timeline?

9. Would you rather live with the constant fear of being forgotten by everyone you know or live with the burden of knowing you will eventually forget everyone you love?

10. Would you rather be cursed with eternal youth, watching everyone around you age and die, or be cursed with rapid aging, knowing your time is limited but living a full life?

11. Would you rather be cursed with the inability to form new memories, living in a perpetual state of déjà vu, or be cursed with vivid hallucinations of your worst fears whenever you close your eyes?

12. Would you rather have the power to resurrect the dead but be haunted by their ghosts, or have the power to communicate with the dead but be unable to bring them back?

13. Would you rather be trapped in a cycle of reincarnation, reliving the same life over and over again with no memory of past lives, or be trapped in limbo, unable to move on to the afterlife?

14. Would you rather have the power to control the elements but lose control of your own emotions, or have perfect emotional control but be at the mercy of the elements?

15. Would you rather have the ability to see the true intentions of others but be unable to trust anyone, or be blissfully ignorant of others’ intentions but constantly betrayed by those you trust?


Really Dark Would you rather questions for adults

The following some Really Dark Would you rather questions for adults:

1. Would you rather be cursed with immortality but experience excruciating pain every day, or live a short but painless life?

2. Would you rather be haunted by the ghosts of your past mistakes or the ghosts of those you’ve wronged?

3. Would you rather be trapped in a never-ending nightmare where you’re constantly pursued by your worst fears, or be trapped in a dreamless void where you’re completely isolated from reality?

4. Would you rather lose all your memories but retain your sense of self, or lose your sense of self but retain all your memories?

5. Would you rather be cursed with the inability to feel any emotions or cursed with uncontrollable, overwhelming emotions that consume you?

6. Would you rather have the power to bring back the dead but risk unleashing malevolent spirits into the world, or leave the dead at peace but be haunted by their absence?

7. Would you rather be cursed with eternal youth but watch everyone you love grow old and die, or age rapidly and watch your body deteriorate before your eyes?

8. Would you rather live in a world where everyone you meet is a psychopath, or live in a world where everyone you meet is a mindless drone, devoid of emotion or personality?

9. Would you rather lose the ability to trust anyone ever again or be betrayed by everyone you trust?

10. Would you rather be forced to relive your worst day over and over again for eternity, or be forced to watch someone else suffer through their worst day repeatedly?

11. Would you rather be cursed with the constant feeling of impending doom or cursed with the inability to feel fear, no matter how dire the situation?

12. Would you rather be cursed with the knowledge of when and how the world will end but be powerless to stop it, or be blissfully ignorant of the impending apocalypse?

13. Would you rather be condemned to spend eternity in the fiery pits of hell or spend eternity wandering the desolate wastelands of purgatory?

14. Would you rather be cursed with the ability to hear the tortured screams of the damned but be unable to help them, or be cursed with the ability to see the tormented souls of the afterlife but be unable to communicate with them?

15. Would you rather have the power to resurrect the dead but be forced to watch them suffer in undeath, or have the power to grant eternal peace to the dead

Disgusting would you rather questions extremely dark

The following are some Disgusting would you rather questions extremely dark:

1. Would you rather have to drink a glass of warm urine or a glass of room-temperature blood?

2. Would you rather have to eat a raw egg filled with live maggots or a raw egg filled with live worms?

3. Would you rather have to lick the sole of a shoe worn by a marathon runner or the sole of a shoe worn by a construction worker?

4. Would you rather have to eat a handful of earthworms or a handful of slugs?

5. Would you rather have to drink a glass of water from a stagnant pond or a glass of water from a sewer drain?

6. Would you rather have to chew on a used chewing gum found under a park bench or a used chewing gum stuck under a movie theater seat?

7. Would you rather have to eat a sandwich filled with expired deli meat or a sandwich filled with live crickets?

8. Would you rather have to swallow a live goldfish or a live tadpole?

9. Would you rather have to lick the floor of a public restroom stall or the floor of a fast-food restaurant kitchen?

10. Would you rather have to eat a spoonful of moldy cheese or a spoonful of rotten fruit?

11. Would you rather have to drink a smoothie made of blended raw liver or a smoothie made of blended earthworms?

12. Would you rather have to clean a cat’s litter box with your bare hands or clean a dog’s vomit with your bare hands?

13. Would you rather have to eat a handful of live ants or a handful of live cockroaches?

14. Would you rather have to suck on a used lollipop found on the sidewalk or a used pacifier found in a dumpster?

15. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of expired canned soup or a bowl of moldy bread soaked in spoiled milk?

In A Nutshell:

As we reach the end of our journey through the shadows of decision-making, one thing becomes clear: the human mind is a labyrinth of intrigue and curiosity, capable of navigating even the darkest of scenarios. Whether you found yourself pondering the unthinkable or relishing the challenge of unraveling the mysteries within, we hope this exploration of 120+ dark  would you rather questions has left you both intrigued and enlightened.

But fear not, for the adventure doesn’t end here. Dive deeper into the realms of imagination and exploration by checking out our other articles, where we delve into a myriad of topics designed to spark curiosity and ignite conversation. Whether you seek to challenge your intellect, explore the depths of human psychology, or simply indulge in a bit of whimsical fun, there’s something for everyone.

So, what are you waiting for? Click through to discover more captivating content and continue your journey of discovery. The shadows may be dark, but the possibilities are endless. Let the exploration begin!



  • Kevin Grant

    I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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