150 Most extremely disgusting would you rather questions for adults and couples (Bad, Dark, Awful, Awkward, Dirty, Kinky)

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By: Kevin Grant

Curiosity often leads us down unexpected paths, doesn’t it? Well, get ready to wander into the wild world of Disgusting would you rather questions, where boundaries blur and discomfort reigns supreme.

Picture this: you’re faced with a choice – lick a public restroom floor or eat a handful of live worms. Now, before you recoil in horror, know this is just the tip of the iceberg.

We’re about to embark on a journey through 150 of the most outrageously disgusting scenarios you’ve ever encountered. From cringe-worthy to downright dirty, these questions will push your boundaries and test your resolve.

So, grab your partner, summon your courage, and prepare to explore the depths of disgust like never before. Welcome to the realm of extreme “Would You Rather” – where laughter mingles with revulsion, and every choice comes with a twist.


Extremely Disgusting would you rather questions

The following are some Extremely Disgusting would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have a cockroach crawl into your mouth while you sleep or wake up with a centipede crawling across your face?

2. Would you rather drink a glass of your own vomit or a glass of someone else’s urine?

3. Would you rather have to lick the sole of a stranger’s shoe or lick the inside of a public toilet bowl?

4. Would you rather have your hair infested with lice for a month or have a tapeworm living in 

your intestines for a year?

5. Would you rather have to eat a handful of live maggots or a handful of live mealworms?

6. Would you rather spend a night sleeping in a bed infested with bedbugs or sleep in a bathtub filled with leeches?

7. Would you rather have to swallow a live goldfish or a handful of live crickets?

8. Would you rather lick the floor of a slaughterhouse or the floor of a garbage dump?

9. Would you rather have to wear underwear that’s been worn by someone else for a week or a shirt that’s been soaked in sweat for a day?

10. Would you rather have to clean a public restroom with your bare hands after a busy day or clean a sewer pipe with your tongue?

11. Would you rather have to eat a sandwich made with expired meat or a sandwich made with 

rotten vegetables?

12. Would you rather have to drink a glass of spoiled milk or a glass of sour vinegar?

13. Would you rather have to clean a toilet with your toothbrush after someone with a stomach virus used it or clean a dog kennel with your bare hands?

14. Would you rather have to lick the armpit of someone who hasn’t showered for a week or lick the foot of someone who just finished a marathon without washing?

15. Would you rather have to lick the inside of a garbage disposal or the bottom of a dumpster on a hot summer day?

Offensive and disgusting would you rather questions 

The following are some offensive and disgusting would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have to clean out a clogged drain filled with hair and unknown substances using only your mouth or have to clean a public restroom floor with your bare hands?

2. Would you rather have to eat a packet of expired onions or a spoonful of expired tartar sauce?

3. Would you rather have to lick the sweat off a stranger’s back after a workout or lick the grease off a stranger’s hair after not washing it for a month?

4. Would you rather have to taste the inside of a used diaper or lick the inside of a trash compactor?

5. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of cold, congealed chicken fat or a bowl of cold, 

congealed pig lard?

6. Would you rather have to brush your teeth with hot sauce or with vinegar mixed with urine?

7. Would you rather have to drink a cup of blended raw fish guts or a cup of blended raw chicken guts?

8. Would you rather have to spend an hour in a room filled with the stench of rotting fish or the stench of spoiled milk?

9. Would you rather have to drink an expired cock which is like a poison or a handful of dead skin flakes?

10. Would you rather have to swim in a pool filled with electric octopus or a pool filled with sewage?

11. Would you rather have to wear socks filled with live worms or gloves filled with live maggots 

for a day?

12. Would you rather have to clean a public washroom with your toothbrush or clean a public dumpster with your bare hands?

13. Would you rather have to eat a sandwich made with expired peanut butter or one made with expired jelly?

14. Would you rather have to drink a cup of your own sweat or a cup of someone else’s saliva?

15. Would you rather have to smell the floor of a slaughterhouse like a dog or the floor of a busy subway station during rush hour?

Most dark Would you rather disgusting questions

The following are some most dark would you rather disgusting questions:

1. Would you rather have your body slowly consumed by a flesh-eating bacteria or be slowly eaten alive by a swarm of insects?

2. Would you rather witness the slow, agonizing death of a loved one or be forced to inflict that suffering upon them yourself?

3. Would you rather be trapped in a room slowly filling with water, knowing you’ll drown, or be buried alive in a coffin with no hope of escape?

4. Would you rather lose all feeling in your body and be paralyzed from the neck down or lose your mind and be trapped in a state of perpetual hallucination?

5. Would you rather be forced to cannibalize a loved one to survive or watch as they succumb to starvation before your eyes?

6. Would you rather be permanently disfigured in a horrific accident or lose all sense of touch, never able to feel anything again?

7. Would you rather be cursed with eternal life, watching everyone you love die around you, or be cursed with eternal torment, enduring unspeakable pain for eternity?

8. Would you rather have your eyes gouged out or your tongue cut out?

9. Would you rather be condemned to an eternity of solitude in complete darkness or be surrounded by constant, deafening noise with no respite?

10. Would you rather have all your bones shattered one by one or be slowly flayed alive?

11. Would you rather be forced to relive your most traumatic memory repeatedly for eternity or lose all memories of your past, including your own identity?

12. Would you rather be burned alive at the stake or buried alive in a coffin filled with venomous snakes?

13. Would you rather have all your teeth pulled out one by one without anesthesia or have your fingernails and toenails ripped out with pliers?

14. Would you rather be possessed by a malevolent entity, trapped in your own body as it commits unspeakable acts, or be exorcized, but risk losing your soul in the process?

15. Would you rather be condemned to wander a desolate wasteland for eternity, tormented by hallucinations of your deepest fears, or be imprisoned in a never-ending nightmare from which you can never awaken?

Awkward would you rather questions

The following are some awkward would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have your stomach growl loudly during a moment of silence at a funeral or during a solemn moment at a wedding?

2. Would you rather walk in on your parents having intimate relations or have them walk in on you?

3. Would you rather loudly pass gas during an important meeting or have your stomach growl loudly during a silent moment of a presentation?

4. Would you rather have your phone go off loudly during a movie or have it ring loudly during a quiet moment of a live performance?

5. Would you rather accidentally call your teacher “mom” or your boss “dad”?

6. Would you rather forget someone’s name immediately after meeting them or accidentally call them by the wrong name every time you see them?

7. Would you rather accidentally spit on someone while talking or have someone spit on you while they’re talking to you?

8. Would you rather accidentally send a romantic text to the wrong person or receive a romantic text meant for someone else?

9. Would you rather accidentally trip and fall in public or spill food all over yourself during a fancy dinner?

10. Would you rather have toilet paper stuck to your shoe while walking through a crowded place or have your zipper down without realizing it during an important event?

11. Would you rather accidentally walk in on someone in the bathroom or have someone accidentally walk in on you?

12. Would you rather have your pants rip in public or have your shirt button pop off in front of everyone?

13. Would you rather accidentally send an embarrassing selfie to your entire contact list or accidentally post it on social media?

14. Would you rather have food stuck in your teeth during a job interview or have bad breath during a first date?

15. Would you rather fart loudly on a first date or burp loudly during a romantic moment?

Most Disgusting would you rather questions for adults

The following are some of the most disgusting would you rather questions for adults:

1. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of cold, congealed pig brains or a bowl of cold, congealed intestines?

2. Would you rather have to drink a cup of liquid drained from a garbage bag or a cup of liquid drained from a septic tank?

3. Would you rather have to clean a public restroom with your bare hands or clean a public dumpster with your toothbrush?

4. Would you rather have to wear underwear that’s been worn by someone else for a week or socks that have been worn by someone with foot fungus?

5. Would you rather have to sleep in a bed infested with maggots or a bed infested with cockroaches?

6. Would you rather have to eat a sandwich made with expired meat or a sandwich made with expired cheese?

7. Would you rather have to swim in a pool filled with vomit or a pool filled with blood?

8. Would you rather have to bathe in a tub filled with spoiled milk or a tub filled with rotten eggs?

9. Would you rather have to drink a cup of sweat collected from a sauna or a cup of tears collected from a morgue?

10. Would you rather have to brush your teeth with soap or with vinegar?

11. Would you rather have to spend a day wearing clothes that have been soaked in fish guts or clothes that have been soaked in urine?

12. Would you rather have to eat a handful of live slugs or a handful of live centipedes?

13. Would you rather have to sleep in a room filled with the stench of rotten fruit or a room filled with the stench of moldy cheese?

14. Would you rather have to drink a cup of spoiled wine or a cup of spoiled beer?

15. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of cold, congealed animal fat or a bowl of cold, congealed chicken skin?


Awful would you rather questions 

The following are some awful would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather be stranded alone in the middle of the ocean with no hope of rescue or trapped in a collapsed building with no means of escape?

2. Would you rather lose your ability to speak or lose your ability to communicate through writing?

3. Would you rather witness the end of the world in slow motion, unable to do anything about it, or experience it suddenly and unexpectedly?

4. Would you rather live in a world without any emotions or in a world where emotions control every aspect of life, leading to chaos and destruction?

5. Would you rather lose all of your possessions and wealth or lose all of your memories and experiences?

6. Would you rather be forced to kill someone to save your own life or sacrifice your own life to save someone else’s?

7. Would you rather be cursed with immortality, condemned to watch the world change and evolve without you, or be cursed with eternal damnation, suffering in eternal torment?

8. Would you rather have the power to heal others but not yourself or have the power to inflict pain on others but not alleviate your own suffering?

9. Would you rather be the only person left on Earth or be transported to a parallel universe where you know no one and nothing?

10. Would you rather lose all of your senses except for one or lose one sense but have heightened abilities in all the others?

11. Would you rather live in a dystopian society with strict rules and limited freedoms or live in an anarchic society with no rules and constant danger?

12. Would you rather have the ability to time-travel but be unable to change the course of history or have the ability to change history but be unable to control when or where you travel?

13. Would you rather be forced to relive your worst mistake repeatedly for eternity or be unable to remember any of your past mistakes, doomed to repeat them?

14. Would you rather know the exact date and cause of your death or be completely oblivious to 

it until it happens?

15. Would you rather be the cause of a catastrophic event that leads to the downfall of humanity or be the only person who could have prevented it but chose not to?

Bad would you rather questions

The following are some bad would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have to wear wet socks for the rest of your life or have a perpetual itch you can never scratch?

2. Would you rather be unable to taste any food for the rest of your life or have every meal taste like something you dislike intensely?

3. Would you rather have chronic bad breath that never goes away or have uncontrollable body odor no matter how much you shower?

4. Would you rather have to listen to nails on a chalkboard every time you speak or have a constant high-pitched ringing in your ears?

5. Would you rather have a perpetual runny nose or be prone to uncontrollable sneezing fits at the worst possible times?

6. Would you rather have to wear clothes that are always two sizes too small or two sizes too big?

7. Would you rather have to sit in a crowded waiting room for hours on end or stand in a never-ending line that never moves?

8. Would you rather have to endure a constant buzzing sensation in your teeth or a constant stabbing pain in your gums?

9. Would you rather have to live in a house infested with spiders or a house infested with mosquitoes?

10. Would you rather have to walk everywhere on tiptoe for the rest of your life or have to squat like you’re sitting in an invisible chair whenever you stand?

11. Would you rather have to wear shoes that are always too tight or shoes that are always too loose?

12. Would you rather have to constantly feel like you’re about to sneeze but never actually sneeze or have the sensation of needing to scratch an itch that never goes away?

13. Would you rather have to endure a constant feeling of pins and needles in your fingers or a constant feeling of being pricked by tiny needles all over your body?

14. Would you rather have to sleep on a bed of nails or a mattress filled with lumpy rocks?

15. Would you rather have to wear clothes made entirely out of sandpaper or clothes made entirely out of fiberglass?

Extreme would you rather questions

The following are some extreme would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island with no food or stranded in a barren wasteland with no water?

2. If you would be the last person on earth would you rather wanna be a man or a woman?

3. Would you rather lose all of your physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) or lose all of your emotional senses (love, empathy, compassion, happiness, sadness)?

4. Would you rather live in a world where everyone can read your mind or live in a world where you can read everyone else’s mind?

5. Would you rather be immortal but eternally imprisoned or mortal but free to roam the universe?

6. Would you rather lose the ability to speak or lose the ability to understand language?

7. Would you rather have the power to control minds but lose your own free will or have no control over your own mind but maintain your free will?

8. Would you rather live in a world ruled by tyrannical robots or a world ruled by bloodthirsty vampires?

9. Would you rather live in constant agony with no hope of relief or live in a state of perpetual numbness with no ability to feel anything?

10. Would you rather have the power to resurrect the dead but suffer excruciating pain each time you use it or have the power to heal any injury but be unable to heal yourself?

11. Would you rather be cursed to relive your worst nightmare every night or be cursed to live out your worst fear every day?

12. Would you rather be trapped in a room slowly filling with water or slowly filling with sand?

13. Would you rather have the power to control time but be unable to control the consequences of your actions or have the power to see the future but be unable to change it?

14. Would you rather be cursed to roam the Earth as a ghost for eternity or be condemned to an eternity of suffering in Hell?

15. Would you rather be the last person on Earth with no hope of human contact or be surrounded by people who despise and torment you every day?


Extremely dirty would you rather questions

The following are some Extremely dirty would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have to brush your teeth with a toothbrush soaked in sewage or wash your hair with shampoo made from animal feces?

2. Would you rather have to brush your teeth with used toilet water or wash your face with water from a muddy puddle?

3. Would you rather accidentally sit on a public toilet seat covered in someone else’s urine or 

accidentally step in a pile of dog poop with bare feet?

4. Would you rather have to clean out a neglected, filthy public toilet with your bare hands or spend a night sleeping in a dumpster?

5. Would you rather have to clean a dirty litter box with your bare hands or clean a dirty fish tank with your mouth?

6. Would you rather have to use someone else’s toothbrush that hasn’t been washed for a month or wear someone else’s dirty underwear for a day?

7. Would you rather have to clean out a moldy, neglected refrigerator filled with expired food or clean out a slimy, neglected bathtub filled with stagnant water?

8. Would you rather have to eat a sandwich that fell into a puddle of mud or a sandwich that fell into a pile of garbage?

9. Would you rather have to drink a cup of your own sweat or a cup of someone else’s saliva?

10. Would you rather have to dig through a dumpster for your lost wallet or crawl through a sewer for your lost phone?

12. Would you rather have to slurp up a cup of your own phlegm or chew on a used bandaid?

13. Would you rather have to walk barefoot through a field of slugs or a field of cockroaches?

14. Would you rather have to smell someone’s smelly socks for an hour or have to smell someone’s sweaty gym clothes for a day?

Disgusting sex would you rather questions

The following are some Disgusting sex would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have your partner wear edible underwear in public or role-play a fantasy scenario in public?

2. Would you rather have a threesome with your partner and a stranger or watch your partner with someone else?

3. Would you rather try a new extreme position every time you have sex or experiment with a new sex toy every time?

4. Would you rather have sex in a public place where there’s a risk of getting caught or in a risky location like on a moving vehicle?

5. Would you rather have your partner lick food off your body or drink a shot from a body part of your choice?

6. Would you rather have a BDSM session with your partner as the dominant or as the submissive?

7. Would you rather watch your partner pleasure themselves or have them watch you?

8. Would you rather role-play as strangers meeting for a one-night stand or as long-lost lovers reuniting after years apart?

9. Would you rather incorporate food into your intimate activities or incorporate ice into your 

intimate activities?

10. Would you rather try a new sexual technique your partner suggests or introduce your partner to a new fetish of yours?

11. Would you rather have a romantic night in a luxurious hotel suite or a wild night in a seedy motel?

12. Would you rather attend a swingers’ party with your partner or have a public display of affection in a crowded place?

13. Would you rather watch a steamy movie together and act out the scenes or read erotica together and act out the scenes?

14. Would you rather have sex blindfolded or handcuffed?

15. Would you rather have a private photoshoot with your partner or make a sex tape together?

In A Nutshell:

As we conclude our journey through the realm of extreme disgusting, would you rather questions remember the laughs shared and the boundaries tested. It’s in these uncomfortable moments that we often find the most unexpected connections.

But our exploration doesn’t end here. Dive deeper into the world of daring dilemmas by checking out our other articles. There’s always more laughter, more discomfort, and more surprises waiting to be discovered. Keep the conversation going and the laughter flowing – until next time!



  • Kevin Grant

    I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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