190+ Impossible would you rather questions

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By: Kevin Grant

What if… just for a moment… you could rewrite the rules of reality? This article invites you to do just that with over 190+ tantalizing “Would You Rather” questions that plunge you into fantastical worlds, explore alternate realities, and confront paradoxes that will leave you pondering the very fabric of existence. Ready to unlock the secrets of the impossible? Step inside…


Unanswerable Impossible questions would you rather edition

The following are some unanswerable impossible questions would you rather edition:

1. Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater but only while you’re on land, or be able to fly but only while you’re underground?

2. Would you rather speak every language fluently but only to inanimate objects, or be able to read minds but only when someone is thinking about cheese?

3. Would you rather have the power to turn invisible but only when nobody’s looking, or be able to teleport but only to places you’ve never been to?

4. Would you rather have the ability to control time but only in your dreams, or have the power of telekinesis but only on objects made of tofu?

5. Would you rather have infinite wealth but only in a currency that’s only accepted on Mars, or be immortal but only during leap years?

6. Would you rather be able to talk to animals but only when they’re sleeping, or have the power to freeze time but only when you’re sneezing?

7. Would you rather be able to teleport but only to random places on the planet, or have the ability to shape-shift but only into inanimate objects?

8. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather but only within a 1-meter radius around you, or be able to control people’s emotions but only while wearing a clown suit?

9. Would you rather be able to summon any object you desire but only if it’s smaller than a grain of sand, or have the power to predict the future but only events that have already happened?

10. Would you rather be able to speak with the dead but only in a language you don’t understand, or have the power to heal others but only by inflicting equal pain upon yourself?

11. Would you rather have the ability to read people’s minds but only when they’re thinking about you, or have the power to turn invisible but only to yourself?

12. Would you rather have the power to control gravity but only on objects lighter than a feather, or be able to breathe fire but only on days that end in “y”?

13. Would you rather have the ability to teleport but only to places you’ve seen in postcards, or be able to time travel but only to witness historical events without being able to interact?

14. Would you rather have the power to become invisible but only when nobody believes you exist, or have the ability to communicate with plants but only during thunderstorms?

15. Would you rather have the power to control electronics but only if you’re underwater, or be able to understand and speak any animal language but only while upside down?

Funny Would you rather impossible questions

The following are some funny would you rather impossible questions:

1. Would you rather have a pet penguin that wears a tuxedo and speaks in a British accent or a pet flamingo that insists on wearing sunglasses indoors?

2. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible but emit a loud foghorn sound every time you do or be able to teleport but only to the nearest port-a-potty?

3. Would you rather have to reenact a famous movie scene every time you enter a room or burst into spontaneous song and dance every time you leave?

4. Would you rather have a nose that honks like a clown horn every time you sneeze or a laugh that sounds like a squeaky toy?

5. Would you rather have a personal rain cloud that follows you everywhere you go or have a swarm of fireflies constantly buzzing around your head?

6. Would you rather be able to talk to plants, but they’re all gossip queens or be able to talk to inanimate objects, but they’re all conspiracy theorists?

7. Would you rather be chased by a hundred duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?

8. Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays every time you enter a room or have your own laugh track that plays after everything you say?

9. Would you rather have spaghetti for hair that regrows every night or cotton candy for brains that melt in the rain?

10. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather but only while doing the Macarena or be able to talk to aliens, but they only communicate in emoji?

11. Would you rather have the power to make anyone fart on command or turn any food you touch into Brussels sprouts?

12. Would you rather have a pet dinosaur that behaves like a lapdog or a miniature elephant that insists on being your personal bodyguard?

13. Would you rather always have a visible thought bubble above your head or have subtitles appear beneath you every time you speak, translating your words into Pig Latin?

14. Would you rather have a belly button that dispenses soda or a nose that shoots out popcorn kernels?

15. Would you rather have to wear a chicken suit to all formal occasions or a tutu to all sporting events?

Impossible funny would you rather questions

The following are some impossible funny would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have an uncontrollable urge to break into song and dance every time you hear a doorbell or have to moonwalk everywhere you go?

2. Would you rather be followed everywhere by a mariachi band or by a group of enthusiastic clowns?

3. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow that dances to the rhythm of your thoughts or ears that flap like wings every time you hear music?

4. Would you rather have to speak in pig Latin for the rest of your life or only be able to communicate through interpretive mime?

5. Would you rather have a pet octopus that always wears a monocle or a penguin that insists on wearing a top hat?

6. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible but only when someone is humming the “Jeopardy” theme song or the power to teleport but only to the nearest porta-potty?

7. Would you rather have a personal fan club that follows you everywhere but only consists of goats or a team of synchronized swimmers who perform in your bathtub every morning?

8. Would you rather have a magical talking toaster that dispenses sarcastic compliments or a sentient umbrella that constantly critiques your fashion choices?

9. Would you rather have knees that squeak like rubber ducks every time you bend them or elbows that honk like clown noses whenever you touch something?

10. Would you rather have to wear a backpack filled with live chickens wherever you go or have a small cloud above your head that rains pickles?

11. Would you rather have to wear roller skates on your hands or have to walk on stilts everywhere you go?

12. Would you rather have a pet snail that moves at the speed of light or a pet sloth that can breakdance like a pro?

13. Would you rather have your voice sound like a helium balloon whenever you’re angry or have your laughter sound like a foghorn?

14. Would you rather have a personal cloud that follows you around and rains candy or a flock of flying pigs that grant you wishes but only on Tuesdays?

15. Would you rather always have to skip instead of walk or only be able to travel by doing cartwheels?

Most Impossible hard would you rather questions

The following are some of the most impossible hard would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather live in a world where every decision you make is predetermined by fate, or live in a world where every decision you make alters the fate of someone else?

2. Would you rather have the power to bring world peace but erase all forms of creativity and art, or have a world filled with creativity and art but endless global conflicts?

3. Would you rather be able to communicate with animals but never be understood by another human, or have the ability to communicate with humans but be completely unable to understand any animal?

4. Would you rather have the ability to time-travel but always be pursued by a relentless time police, or have the ability to teleport but randomly arrive at your destination naked?

5. Would you rather possess the power to control the weather but be responsible for natural disasters, or have the ability to prevent all natural disasters but have no control over the weather?

6. Would you rather live in a world where all secrets are known to everyone, including your own, or live in a world where everyone believes lies, including yourself?

7. Would you rather have the ability to cure all diseases but shorten the average human lifespan by 50 years, or have humans live twice as long but never find cures for any diseases?

8. Would you rather live in a society where everyone is constantly happy but lacks free will, or live in a society where everyone has free will but experiences intense emotional turmoil?

9. Would you rather have the power to resurrect extinct species but erase a current species from existence, or let nature take its course without any interference?

10. Would you rather be able to understand the language of any object or have the ability to make any inanimate object come to life, each with its own consciousness and desires?

11. Would you rather have the power to manipulate minds but lose your own sense of identity, or be completely immune to any form of mind manipulation but lose the ability to form meaningful connections?

12. Would you rather live in a world where dreams are indistinguishable from reality, or live in a world where reality is constantly shifting and unpredictable?

13. Would you rather be able to teleport instantly but risk arriving in a random dangerous location, or have the ability to fly but only at a maximum altitude of five feet above the ground?

14. Would you rather have the power to rewind time but age twice as fast during the rewound period, or have the ability to fast forward time but lose all memory of the time skipped?

15. Would you rather have the ability to shape-shift into any form but lose a year of your life, or be able to clone yourself but each clone has a separate consciousness and free will?


Very Interesting Impossible to answer would you rather questions

The following are some very Interesting Impossible to answer would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather know everything about everyone or have everyone know everything about you?

2. Would you rather pause time but age twice as fast, or reverse time but lose a year of life?

3. Would you rather be able to see your own future or see others’ futures but never your own?

4. Would you rather control your dreams but forget them, or have vivid dreams but no control?

5. Would you rather live in a world where you can see everyone’s thoughts or hear everyone’s thoughts but remain oblivious?

6. Would you rather be able to talk to animals but lose the ability to understand human speech, or communicate with aliens but lose the ability to communicate with anyone on Earth?

7. Would you rather have the ability to stop time with excruciating pain, or teleport anywhere instantly but lose a limb each time?

8. Would you rather have the power to erase any memory from your own mind but suffer temporary amnesia afterward, or have the power to implant false memories into someone else’s mind but risk altering their personality?

9. Would you rather control the elements but lose control of your own emotions, or have complete emotional control but never experience natural elements again?

10. Would you rather instantly learn any skill but forget a random memory each time, or have a perfect memory but be unable to learn new skills?

11. Would you rather see emotions as colors or express emotions through music, while being the only one unable to hear it?

12. Would you rather teleport with a random person dying each time or heal physical ailments by absorbing the pain yourself?

13. Would you rather be able to see one year into the future but be unable to change it, or have the ability to change the past but risk altering the present in unpredictable ways?

14. Would you rather fly at a slow speed or breathe underwater but only in shallow puddles?

15. Would you rather have the power to bring one person back from the dead but lose all memories of them, or have the ability to communicate with the dead but never interact with the living again?

Dirty Impossible would you rather questions

The following are some dirty impossible  would you rather questions:

1. Would you prefer to accidentally call out your ex’s name during intimacy or hear your partner shout their mother’s name?

2. Would you choose mind-blowing but volatile intimacy or consistent, average encounters with your best friend?

3. Would you rather be restricted to acrobatic positions or only engage in missionary?

4. Would you opt to exclaim “Yes, grandma!” with every climax or narrate your intimate moments to your grandmother?

5. Would you rather never climax again or give up your favorite meal forever?

6. Would you prefer to cry during intimacy or let out a scream at the height of pleasure?

7. Would you choose numbness in your private parts or hypersensitivity bordering on discomfort?

8. Would you rather engage in public intimacy or confine it to a single location indefinitely?

9. Would you opt to quit watching porn or have your mom read your search history?

10. Would you prefer intimacy in the bathroom or the kitchen exclusively?

11. Would you rather be a sugar daddy or have one?

12. Would you choose silent intimacy or full-volume screams throughout?

13. Would you rather stick to one bed for all intimacy or forego beds altogether?

14. Would you rather intimacy last only 3 minutes or extend to 3 hours?

15. Would you prefer a partner with strong body odor or chronic bad breath?

Great Would you rather questions that are impossible to answer

The following are some great would you rather questions that are impossible to answer:

1. Would you rather know the exact date and time of your death or how you will die?

2. Would you rather have the ability to read minds but be unable to control whose thoughts you hear or be completely deaf?

3. Would you rather have the power to teleport but risk arriving in a random dangerous location or have the ability to fly but only at a maximum altitude of five feet above the ground?

4. Would you rather be able to speak all languages fluently but never be understood by anyone or only speak your native language but understand all others perfectly?

5. Would you rather live forever but watch all your loved ones age and die, or live a normal lifespan but be forgotten by history?

6. Would you rather be stranded alone on a deserted island with unlimited resources but no chance of rescue or be stuck on a crowded island with limited resources and constant conflict?

7. Would you rather have the ability to control time but never be able to interact with anyone or freeze time but age twice as fast while time is frozen?

8. Would you rather have the power to cure all diseases but shorten the average human lifespan significantly or live in a world without sickness but with no medical advancements?

9. Would you rather have the ability to know all the secrets of the universe but be unable to share them with anyone or remain ignorant of the mysteries of existence?

10. Would you rather have the power to bring back one deceased loved one but lose a year of your own life or never be able to bring anyone back but live indefinitely?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s dreams come true but yours never will or live in a world where only your dreams come true but at the expense of others?

12. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather but cause natural disasters with every change or have no control over the weather but ensure global climate stability?

13. Would you rather have the power to control fire but burn everything you touch or control water but cause floods wherever you go?

14. Would you rather have the ability to communicate with animals but lose the ability to communicate with humans or be able to communicate with extraterrestrial life but never be able to return to Earth?

15. Would you rather have the power to travel to parallel universes but risk getting lost in the multiverse or stay in your current reality but always wonder what could have been?

Best Impossible would you rather questions to answer

The following are some best impossible would you rather questions to answer:

1. Would you rather be trapped in a time loop reliving the same perfect day forever, or experience endless, unique days filled with unpredictable joy and sorrow?

2. Would you rather possess the memories and experiences of your past lives, even the painful ones, or have a clean slate with no personal history but limitless potential?

3. Would you rather expose a corrupt system and face certain persecution, knowing many will benefit, or remain silent and live comfortably at the expense of others’ suffering?

4. Would you sacrifice your own happiness for the well-being of a loved one, knowing they may never understand the depth of your choice, or pursue your own fulfillment at the risk of their disappointment?

5. Would you risk everything to save a stranger with extraordinary potential, potentially altering the course of history, or prioritize the safety of your own loved ones facing immediate danger?

6. Would you rather win the lottery and fulfill all your material desires, only to discover it brings 

unexpected emptiness, or struggle financially but be surrounded by genuine love and purpose?

7. Would you choose to live in a virtual utopia designed for your happiness, knowing it’s not real, or face the harsh realities of the world with the potential for true human connection and growth?

8. Would you rather have the power to become invisible at will but be unable to see anything while invisible or have the ability to fly but only when it’s raining?

9. Would you rather be able to communicate with plants but lose the ability to speak with humans or be able to communicate with ghosts but never be able to sleep peacefully again?

10. Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater but be allergic to sunlight or have the ability to breathe in space but be unable to breathe on Earth?

11. Would you rather be able to control the minds of others but lose control of your own thoughts or have perfect control over your mind but be unable to influence anyone else’s thoughts?

12. Would you rather have the power to transform into any animal but only for one hour a day or have the ability to control the weather but only within a 10-foot radius of yourself?

13. Would you rather control fire but always be surrounded by flames or control ice but feel constantly cold?

14. Would you rather have the power to manipulate time but experience repeating time loops or manipulate reality but risk irreversible damage?

15. Would you rather understand all art but lose the ability to create or create masterpieces but be unable to appreciate other art?

Impossible gross would you rather questions

The following are some impossible gross would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather smell all scents, even vile ones, or have perfect taste but only for garbage and bodily fluids?

2. Would you rather develop a power to propel through air by farts in public bathrooms or teleport to awkward family gatherings?

3. Would you rather understand animals’ complaints or speak all languages with embarrassing jokes?

4. Would you rather recall food poisoning dreams or have deja vu of childhood accidents?

5. Would you rather be in a magical land with talking toilets or have singing garbage cans for romance?

6. Would you rather use persuasive pick-up lines for show tunes or become invisible during karaoke?

7. Would you rather manipulate gravity for sticky substances or have super strength for embarrassing items?

8. Would you rather shapeshift into objects or control minds for polka-dancing and banana-eating?

9. Would you rather predict boring meals or time-travel to historical restrooms?

10. Would you rather be incredibly lucky finding moldy bread or learn mundane secrets of the universe?

11. Would you rather use telekinesis for food-flinging or mind control for elevator confessions?

12. Would you rather speak fluent languages for traffic jam pick-up lines or hear animal gossip about hygiene?

13. Would you rather recall bodily fluid embarrassments or have deja vu on gum for first dates?

14. Would you rather be in a magical land with talking snot-globes or have singing pimples for wardrobe malfunctions?

15. Would you rather be irresistible after smelly food or teleport to therapy sessions with misunderstandings?

The most Impossible would you rather questions for adults

The following are some of The most Impossible would you rather questions for adults:

1. Would you rather lose all your memories but retain your skills or lose all your skills but retain your memories?

2. Would you rather have the ability to hear everyone’s thoughts but be unable to filter them or be able to see everyone’s future but never your own?

3. Would you rather live without the internet or without air conditioning/heating?

4. Would you rather have constant nagging pain or have intermittent excruciating pain?

5. Would you rather have the power to control time but age twice as fast or have the power to control minds but lose your own free will?

6. Would you rather know how you will die but not when or when you will die but not how?

7. Would you rather live a life of fame and fortune but die young or live a long, ordinary life with no recognition?

8. Would you rather be constantly followed by a ghost or have your every move watched by a government surveillance drone?

9. Would you rather have a photographic memory but be unable to forget anything or be able to forget anything but never remember anything again?

10. Would you rather have the ability to speak all languages fluently but never be able to communicate effectively or be able to communicate effectively but only in your native language?

11. Would you rather live in a world without music or a world without books?

12. Would you rather know all the answers to life’s questions but be unable to share them or have all the world’s knowledge but never be able to apply it?

13. Would you rather have the power to heal any physical injury but take on the pain yourself or be able to heal others emotionally but take on their emotional pain?

14. Would you rather have the ability to change the past but risk altering the present or have the ability to predict the future but never be able to change it?

15. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s emotions are visible but yours are hidden or live in a world where everyone’s thoughts are heard but yours remain silent?


Impossible would you rather questions for couples

The following are some Impossible would you rather questions for couples:

1. Would you rather have your partner always know your thoughts or never be able to understand your partner’s emotions?

2. Would you rather be able to travel back in time to fix past mistakes in your relationship or see into the future to prevent future conflicts?

3. Would you rather have your partner always remember every mistake you’ve made or always forget every special moment you’ve shared?

4. Would you rather have your partner possess the ability to read your mind but never share their thoughts or have them share all their thoughts but never understand yours?

5. Would you rather have your partner be able to control your dreams but forget about them afterward or have them experience vivid dreams about you but never be able to control them?

6. Would you rather always have your partner know when you’re lying or never be able to tell when they’re lying to you?

7. Would you rather have your partner always want to know every detail of your past relationships or never ask about them but always wonder?

8. Would you rather have your partner be able to instantly resolve any argument but risk memory loss or have them always remember every disagreement but never be able to resolve them?

9. Would you rather have your partner be able to change one thing about your appearance but risk changing your personality or have them accept you completely as you are but always wish you were different?

10. Would you rather have your partner always remember every date and anniversary but never show affection or have them forget every special occasion but always be loving and attentive?

11. Would you rather have your partner be able to predict your future actions but never understand your motivations or have them understand your motivations?

12. Would you rather have your partner always be able to read your emotions but never know how to comfort you or have them be unable to read your emotions but always know how to make you feel better?

13. Would you rather have your partner always know exactly what you want but never surprise you or have them surprise you but always guess wrong?

14. Would you rather have your partner be able to control your dreams but risk altering your subconscious or have them be unable to enter your dreams but always be present in them?

15. Would you rather have your partner possess the ability to know your deepest fears but never be able to help you overcome them or have them always support you but never understand your fears?

Impossible would you rather questions for kids

The following are some impossible would you rather questions for kids:

1. Would you rather fly like a superhero, but only at lunchtime, or have pockets that magically refill with your favorite candy, but every bite causes a silly sound effect?

2. Would you rather talk to animals, but only understand their complaints about messy rooms and broccoli, or have a pet dragon, but it snores so loud it shakes the house every night?

3. Would you rather have invisible ink that reveals embarrassing secrets when spilled, or a time-traveling scooter that zips you to different ice cream shops, but only in the past?

4. Would you rather have super speed like a cheetah or the ability to fly like a bird?

5. Would you rather have the power to turn invisible or the ability to become as small as an ant?

6. Would you rather teleport anywhere in the world instantly, but only while wearing bunny slippers, or shrink down to the size of a mouse, but all the furniture becomes incredibly bouncy?

7. Would you rather speak every language fluently, but only in funny accents, or understand every animal noise, but the most common phrase you hear is “Pick up your toys!”?

9. Would you rather have a magic wand that grants wishes, but only for other people, or a pet sloth that can predict the future, but only in riddles you have to solve?

10. Would you rather have the ability to turn into any animal or have a best friend who can transform into any object?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone has superpowers or a world where everyone can talk to animals?

12. Would you rather have a jetpack that lets you fly, but only after eating three spinach smoothies, or learn to breathe underwater, but only in bathtubs?

13. Would you rather have a robot chef that makes amazing meals, but only serves them in miniature dollhouse dishes, or a magic paintbrush that brings your drawings to life, but they always cause small, hilarious messes?

14. Would you rather have a magic hat that lets you change hairstyles in an instant, but only into wacky, unpredictable styles, or learn to talk to plants, but all they ever tell you is how thirsty they are?

15. Would you rather have a pet unicorn that grants wishes, but only if you sing them silly songs, or a talking book that tells amazing stories, but always with a different, silly voice each time?

World’s most impossible would you rather questions

The following are some of the World’s most impossible would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather be reborn in a parallel universe with one difference or stay here, forever pondering the other life’s potential?

2. Would you rather possess absolute knowledge of the universe or embrace blissful ignorance?

3. Would you rather time-travel as historical figures or witness history through records?

4. Would you rather rewind time by erasing memories or live with all your mistakes and regrets?

5. Would you rather experience a year of joy or a balanced life of ups and downs?

6. Would you rather know life’s meaning changing each time or find purpose in a seemingly meaningless universe?

7. Would you rather have free will with no impact or live in a predetermined reality?

8. Would you rather be universally loved or live anonymously, observing from the shadows?

9. Would you rather exist as infinite consciousness or a finite being with power to leave a mark?

10. Would you rather communicate through emotions or speak with perfect clarity?

11. Would you rather control inconvenient weather or embrace unpredictable beauty?

12. Would you rather teleport by swapping places or travel conventionally, embracing connections?

13. Would you rather move objects hilariously with telekinesis or struggle with superhuman strength?

14. Would you rather hear mundane thoughts or enjoy human interaction’s mystery and surprise?

15. Would you rather speak every language, share embarrassing stories, or cherish your native tongue’s expressiveness?

In A Nutshell:

So, there you have it! 190+ impossible “Would You Rather” questions to twist your brain, tickle your funny bone, and spark conversations that last through the coffee shop and beyond. Whether you’re Team Mind-Blown or Team Hilariously Torn, one thing’s for sure: these scenarios are guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

But the rabbit hole of mind-bending fun doesn’t end here! We have a treasure trove of articles overflowing with thought-provoking prompts, unexpected quizzes, and fascinating facts waiting to be unearthed. 

So, go forth, brave adventurer! Explore the depths of our ever-expanding library, let your curiosity run wild, and discover the unexpected joy of challenging your mind. You never know what hidden gems you might find just around the next corner of the internet!

Ready to embark on your next intellectual adventure? Click here to delve into our world of mind-bending fun!

Ready to embark on your next intellectual adventure? Click here to delve into our world of mind-bending fun!



  • Kevin Grant

    I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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