105 Most Disturbing would you rather questions to ask for fun

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By: Kevin Grant

Forget sunshine and rainbows, these 105 Would You Rather questions are a twisted carnival ride for your soul. Prepare to confront your deepest fears, unearth hidden desires, and grapple with ethical dilemmas that will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality. Laughter? Maybe. Unforgettable? Absolutely. Buckle up, because this is one thought-provoking journey you won’t soon forget.


Most disturbing would you rather questions

Some of the most disturbing would you rather questions are here:

1. Would you rather live in a world without pain or empathy?

2. Would you rather possess the ability to read minds but be forced to witness everyone’s darkest thoughts?

3. Would you rather have immortality if it meant witnessing the extinction of humanity?

4. Would you rather sacrifice your own memories to save the lives of countless others or do nothing and be shameful for a lifetime?

5. Would you rather choose a peaceful life knowing it was built on a lie, or face constant hardship for the sake of truth?

6. Would you rather live in a society with unwavering order at the cost of free will, or embrace chaos and individual liberty?

7. Would you rather accept enhanced intelligence if it meant losing your emotional capacity?

8. Would you give up your individuality to become part of a perfect,or unified collective?

9. Would you rather expose the truth about a loved one’s wrongdoing knowing it would shatter their life or read their minds knowing that you will be punished for a month?

10. Would you rather choose to end your own life to spare others from witnessing your inevitable decline or do nothing?

11. Would you rather accept the power to control others’ minds, even if it corrupted your own morality or have a great power of being invisible?

12. Would you rather condemn an innocent person to save your own family, even if it meant living with eternal guilt or do nothing?

13. Would you rather grant someone’s dying wish, even if it meant transgressing your own deepest values or do nothing?

14. Would you rather risk the destruction of your entire world to bring back a single loved one or bear the pain for now?

15. Would you rather accept the chance to be reborn, knowing you might face an even greater suffering in the next life or keep suffering in this life?

Serious Would you rather disturbing questions

These serious would you rather disturbing questions will make you think hard: 

1. Would you rather live a short life filled with incredible experiences, or a long life with mostly mundane ones?

2. Would you rather have the ability to read minds but never be able to speak again, or have perfect physical health but be unable to feel emotions?

3. Would you choose to erase a specific traumatic memory from your past, even if it meant losing some important personal growth?

4. Would you rather be the most intelligent person in the world, but completely alone, or an average person with a loving family and close friends?

5. If you could create a perfect utopia, but it required sacrificing the free will of its inhabitants, would you do it?

6. Would you rather live in a world where everyone always tells the truth, even if it hurts others, or a world where everyone always tells kind lies?

7. If you could guarantee the survival of humanity for the next 100 years, but only by sacrificing the lives of 10 innocent people, would you do it?

8. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather, but only use it for personal gain, or have the power to cure any disease, but only for those who can afford it?

9. If you could become immortal, but only by inhabiting the body of another person who has just died, would you accept the offer?

10. Would you choose to forget everything you learned and start your life over again, knowing you could never regain your lost memories?

11. If you could travel through time, would you go back to prevent a specific historical tragedy, even if it meant changing the course of history and potentially causing unintended consequences?

12. Would you rather have the ability to fly, but only at night, or have the power of teleportation, but only to random locations?

13. If you could communicate with animals, would you choose to learn the secrets of their world, 

even if it meant forever changing your understanding of humanity?

14. Would you rather live in a world without any poverty or inequality, but where everyone is genetically engineered to be identical, or a world with diversity and freedom, even if it means accepting suffering and injustice?

15. If you could choose the exact moment of your death, would you do so, or prefer to live life to the fullest and embrace the uncertainty of the end?


Dangerous Would you rather questions disturbing edition

The following are some dangerous would you rather questions disturbing edition:

1. Knowing the cost of success might be your sanity, would you rather achieve your ultimate dream or live a peaceful, ordinary life?

2. Given the chance to resurrect a loved one, but with the certainty they’ll only live another year, would you rather choose a bittersweet reunion or cherish the memories you have?

3. Confronted with an impossible choice – save the life of a stranger by sacrificing a family member or let them perish – would you rather make the utilitarian decision or prioritize your loved ones?

4. Offered the ability to rewrite a single decision from your past, knowing it could have unforeseen consequences, would you rather  tamper with time or accept the choices you’ve made?

5. With the power to control minds, but at the risk of erasing free will and individuality, would you rather  become a benevolent puppeteer or respect the autonomy of others?

6. Granted immortality, but condemned to witness the end of the world and the extinction of humanity, would you rather endure eternal solitude or embrace the inevitable oblivion?

7. Faced with a society plagued by inequality, given the option to overthrow the oppressors but become the new ruler, would you rather fight for justice or maintain the status quo?

8. Knowing the truth about your existence might shatter your reality, would you rather choose blissful ignorance or confront the potential for a harsher, yet authentic, understanding of the world?

9. Offer the ability to erase a specific negative memory, but with the risk of losing valuable lessons learned, would you rather rewrite your past or embrace the wisdom gained from hardship?

10. Condemned to a life of isolation for harboring a dangerous power, would you rather choose to protect the world from yourself or defy societal norms and embrace your uniqueness?

11. Given the option to live in a simulated reality indistinguishable from our own, but devoid of free will, would you rather trade genuine existence for a perfectly tailored, yet controlled, utopia?

12. Knowing your actions might trigger a butterfly effect leading to unforeseen consequences, would you rather strive to make a positive impact or remain passive for fear of unintended harm?

13. Confronted with an ethical dilemma with no clear right or wrong answer, would you rather prioritize logic and reason or follow your gut instincts and intuition?

14. Given the ability to communicate with the deceased, but at the risk of being consumed by their unresolved issues, would you rather bridge the gap between worlds or let go of the past?

15. Knowing your choices influence the fate of future generations, would you rather shoulder the burden of responsibility or live for the present and leave the consequences to unfold?

Best disturbing would you rather questions

These are the best disturbing would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather inhabit the memories of your worst enemy for a year, reliving their every dark thought and deed, or be forced to forget a cherished loved one completely?

2. Would you rather have the unwavering loyalty of a rabid pack of hyenas, knowing they’d tear anyone who threatened you to shreds, or possess the power to charm any living creature, but with the constant nagging suspicion they’re drawn to you only by manipulation?

3. Would you rather spend eternity trapped in a waking nightmare, reliving your deepest fears over and over, or face the cold, silent void of oblivion for a thousand lifetimes?

4. Would you rather witness the slow, agonizing decline of human civilization, knowing you could intervene but at the cost of unleashing an even greater horror, or remain blissfully ignorant, living your life in a bubble of artificial happiness?

5. Would you rather sacrifice your own sanity, descending into madness to unlock the secrets of the universe, or live a mundane life, forever shrouded in ignorance but blessed with peace of mind?

6. Would you rather become a vessel for an ancient, malevolent entity, wielding immense power at the cost of your own soul, or be consumed by the entity, your essence forever lost in its dark abyss?

7. Would you rather face the judgment of a vengeful god, knowing your every sin will be laid bare and mercilessly punished, or stand before a cosmic court of indifferent, uncaring entities, your very existence deemed insignificant?

8. Would you rather possess the ability to read minds, forever burdened by the cacophony of human thoughts, some mundane, some horrifyingly depraved, or remain blissfully unaware of the inner workings of others, even at the cost of missing out on genuine connection?

9. Would you rather live in a world fueled by fear, your every move controlled by a tyrannical regime, but with the promise of survival, or risk joining the rebellion, knowing the odds of success are slim but offering the possibility of freedom, even if it means facing death?

10. Would you rather face your own mortality head-on, knowing the exact date and time of your demise, or live in blissful ignorance, forever chasing a horizon you’ll never reach?

11. Would you choose to live in a world where pain is eradicated, but all emotions are muted, leaving you an empty shell, or experience the full spectrum of human emotions, even if it means enduring unimaginable suffering?

12. Given the chance to become immortal, but only by absorbing the life force of others, slowly draining everyone you touch, would you rather embrace eternal existence or accept your natural end?

13. Offers the ability to teleport anywhere, but every jump leaves a grotesque copy of yourself at the point of departure, slowly consuming the world with your duplicates. Would you rather enjoy boundless travel or remain rooted in place?

14. Confronted with a society obsessed with physical perfection, where imperfections are brutally excised, would you rather submit to the societal standard and erase your unique flaws, or fight for individuality and risk becoming an outcast?

15. Would you rather possess the ability to resurrect any inanimate object, potentially bringing back loved ones as unfeeling husks, or be granted the power to speak with the dead, knowing their voices could drive you to madness?

Really Disturbing would you rather questions dirty edition

The following are really disturbing would you rather questions dirty edition:

1. Would you rather eat a delicious meal cooked by a friendly ghost, knowing it might make you disappear into the spirit world too, or be stuck in a haunted house forever, hearing creepy noises but always staying safe?

2. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals, but only hear their deepest darkest secrets, or understand every single language humans speak, even if some of them are used for bad things?

3. Would you rather travel to a magical land filled with talking trees and singing mountains, but never be able to come back home, or stay in your own world, even if it feels boring sometimes?

4. Would you rather have a magic mirror that shows you your future every day, even if it’s scary or sad, or be completely surprised by what happens next, even if it’s bad?

5. Would you rather be able to fly through the air like a bird, but only at night when it’s dark and scary, or have super strength, but only be able to use it to help others, even if it’s tiring?

6. Would you rather have a pet dragon that breathes fire and can take you anywhere, but needs to eat a whole sheep every week, or have a tiny talking mouse that knows all the secrets of the world, but can’t leave your pocket?

7. Would you rather be able to rewind time by one hour every day, even if you can’t change anything big, or have the power to stop time for everyone except you, but only for five minutes a day?

8. Would you rather live in a world where everyone always tells the truth, even if it hurts people’s feelings, or live in a world where everyone is always polite, even if they don’t mean it?

9. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible, but only when nobody is looking, or be able to read minds, but only hear what people are thinking about you?

10. Would you rather have a magic lamp that grants you one wish, but the wish can never be for yourself, or have a magic potion that makes you super smart, but also makes you forget all your friends and family?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone is the same age and looks the same, or live in a world where everyone is different and unique, even if it sometimes leads to disagreements?

12. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather, but only be able to use it to make it rain all the time, or have the power to grow plants super fast, but only be able to grow prickly cacti?

13. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere in the world, but only if you close your eyes and jump really hard, or have the ability to talk to plants, but only hear them complain about how thirsty they are?

14. Would you rather have a pet that can grant you one wish every year, but the wish always comes with a funny and unexpected twist, or have a magic compass that always points to the place you’re most afraid of?

15. Would you rather live in a world where everyone has superpowers, but some of them are kind of useless, or live in a world where everyone is just an ordinary person, but everyone is always kind and helpful?


Funny Disturbing would you rather questions

The following are very funny disturbing would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have a pet ghost who leaves booger stains on your ceiling fan, or a talking goldfish who constantly begs for pizza and cookies?

2. Would you rather live in a house where all the furniture giggles at your jokes, even if they’re terrible, or have a talking mailbox that complains about all the junk mail it gets?

3. Would you rather wear socks that automatically smell like stinky cheese every time you get nervous, or shoes that spontaneously sprout tiny flowers whenever you walk through mud?

4. Would you rather have a pet slime monster that loves hugs and leaves glittery trails wherever it goes, or a talking toothbrush that criticizes your flossing technique in a squeaky voice?

5. Would you rather eat rainbow-colored boogers that taste like candy (but grow back the next day), or wear invisible glasses that let you see through walls, but only reveal funny cat videos?

6. Would you rather sleep in a haunted bed that tickles you all night with invisible feathers, or take a magic bath that turns you into a different barnyard animal every time you get in?

7. Would you rather have a pet bat that sings karaoke at night, but only off-key renditions of sea shanties, or a talking hairbrush that predicts your future, but its predictions are always ridiculously silly?

8. Would you rather eat ice cream that changes flavor every bite, from spicy salsa to bubblegum, or wear a magic hat that makes everyone laugh uncontrollably whenever you tell a story, even if it’s boring?

9. Would you rather travel on a magic broom that flies like a rollercoaster, but always gets stuck in traffic jams of flying squirrels, or take a talking boat that tells riddles but gets seasick in puddles?

10. Would you rather have a pet sock puppet that whispers gossip about everyone you meet, but the gossip is always fake and hilarious, or wear a magic shirt that changes color depending on your mood, but always turns neon pink when you’re hungry?

11. Would you rather eat delicious snacks that taste even better the uglier they look, or drink magic potions that grant wishes, but the wishes always rhyme awkwardly (like wishing for a bike might get you a tricycle instead)?

12. Would you rather have a pet dust bunny that sings disco hits and cleans your room in a sparkly tornado, or wear a magic cape that makes you invisible, but only when you’re dancing the chicken dance?

13. Would you rather eat jellybeans that tell the future when you bite them, but the future is always about someone else (like your grandma’s pet goldfish winning a pie-eating contest), or wear pants that automatically adjust to fit your mood, but they get polka-dotted when you’re grumpy?

14. Would you rather sleep in a haunted hammock that swings all night long, but always stops just before you fall out, or wear a magic helmet that lets you understand animal languages, but the animals only talk about their embarrassing bathroom habits?

15. Would you rather have a pet talking cactus that dispenses wise advice in funny rhymes, but only about how to care for other cacti, or wear a magic ring that grants wishes, but the wishes

always come with a silly catch, like getting a new puppy with three ears?

Very Nasty disturbing would you rather questions

The following are some very nasty disturbing would you rather questions:

1.Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells the truth, even if it’s hurtful, or live in a world where everyone is polite, even if they’re lying?

2. Would you rather have the ability to rewind time by one day, even if you can’t change anything major, or have the power to stop time for everyone except you, but only for five minutes a day?

3. Would you rather live in a world where everyone is the same age and looks the same, or live in a world where everyone is unique and special, even if it sometimes leads to disagreements?

4. Would you rather have a magic lamp that grants you one wish, but the wish can never be for yourself, or have a magic potion that makes you super smart, but also makes you forget all your friends and family?

5. Would you rather be able to talk to animals, but only hear their deepest darkest secrets, or understand every single language humans speak, even if some of them are used for bad things?

6. Would you rather travel to a magical land filled with talking trees and singing mountains, but never be able to come back home, or stay in your own world, even if it feels boring sometimes?

7. Would you rather have a magic mirror that shows you your future every day, even if it’s scary or sad, or be completely surprised by what happens next, even if it’s bad?

8. Would you rather eat a delicious meal cooked by a friendly ghost, knowing it might make you disappear into the spirit world too, or be stuck in a haunted house forever, hearing creepy noises but always staying safe?

9. Would you rather have a pet dragon that breathes fire and can take you anywhere, but needs to eat a whole sheep every week, or have a tiny talking mouse that knows all the secrets of the world, but can’t leave your pocket?

10. Would you rather be able to fly through the air like a bird, but only at night when it’s dark and scary, or have super strength, but only be able to use it to help others, even if it’s tiring?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone has superpowers, but some of them are kind of useless, or live in a world where everyone is just an ordinary person, but everyone is always kind and helpful?

12. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather, but only be able to use it to make it rain all the time, or have the power to grow plants super fast, but only be able to grow prickly cacti?

13. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere in the world, but only if you close your eyes and jump really hard, or have the ability to talk to plants, but only hear them complain about how thirsty they are?

14. Would you rather have a pet that can grant you one wish every year, but the wish always comes with a funny and unexpected twist, or have a magic compass that always points to the place you’re most afraid of?

15. Would you rather have a magic potion that makes you invisible, but only when nobody’s looking, or be able to read minds, but only hear what people are thinking about you?

In A Nutshell:

So, you’ve wrestled with mind-bending scenarios, unearthed unexpected desires, and maybe even laughed a little nervously as you navigated the moral minefield of these 105 Would You Rathers. Now, the question remains: are you braver? Share your most disturbing (or hilariously twisted) choice in the comments below! Let’s see if anyone dares to venture deeper into the rabbit hole, or if sanity prevails… for now. Remember, there’s no wrong answer, just the thrill of facing the unflinching mirror of your own imagination. So, step forward, brave souls, and let the philosophical games begin! Also don’t forget to check out our other blog posts.



  • Kevin Grant

    I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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