100 Nasty questions to ask your friends

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By: Naveen B

You know the drill. You’re sitting around with your friends, enjoying each other’s company or at a party and having a good time. 

If you are looking to spice up the environment and searching for some nasty questions to ask your friends for fun, then look no further.

We’ve all been there, and we all know how much it sucks. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 100 extremely disgusting and nasty questions to ask your friends.

Trust me, you’ll want to ask these dirty questions at all costs. The ones that are bound to make them squirm, or even make them angry.

If you’re looking to create some awkward moments, or just want to get to know your friends a little better, then these are the nasty questions for you!

So have fun with it, and see how uncomfortable you can make them!

100 Nasty questions to ask your friends


The following are some great list of nasty questions to ask your friends:

1. Have you ever farted in an elevator and then inhaled?

There is nothing more nastier and disgusting than farting and then accidentally inhaling the fumes. It’s happened to the best of us, but we never admit it.

Definitely consider this nasty question to ask your friends or best friend to get to know what their nastiest reaction would be.

2. What would you do if you accidentally pooped your pants?

The thought of pooping your pants is pretty gross, but it happens.

Whether you are at a party or out in public, what would you do if you made a mess in your pants?

3. Have you ever burped in someone’s face?

We all have that one disgusting moment that we are embarrassed to tell, but for some reason, we can’t help but share it with our friends.

Whether it is a story of burping on someone’s face or something nasty that happened last week, everyone has an embarrassing story.

So, ask this question to your friends and let them share their nasty experience.

Also read: 100+ Nasty would you rather questions

4. Have you ever smelled and licked your own underarm?

It’s pretty self-explanatory.

The underarms are one of the stinkiest places on the human body, and we all know how bad it smells when we forget to put on deodorant.

So, have you ever been so curious that you had to smell and lick your own underarm?

5. Would you rather drink from a public toilet or drink from a dog bowl?

When in doubt, always go for the dog bowl. It is definitely the lesser of two evils. The thought of drinking from a toilet is just too gross for words. Yaak!

6. Would you drink a cup of your own blood or a cup of your own urine?

This is another gross one. I don’t think anyone would actually drink their own blood or urine, but it’s still a nasty question to ask your friends.

7.  Never have I ever had s#x with someone who had HIV positive?

There is nothing worse than having unprotected s#x with someone who has HIV. It’s a deadly disease that can be easily prevented with the use of condoms.

So, if you know someone who has had unprotected s#x with someone who is HIV positive, this is a nasty question to ask them.

8. Have you ever used someone else’s toothbrush?

Sometimes, we are in a hurry and we forget to bring our own toothbrush. So, we have to resort to using someone else’s toothbrush.

It’s not the most sanitary thing to do, but we’ve all done it at least once.

9.  What if you got caught mast#rbating?

If you got caught mast#rbating, would you be embarrassed or would you be proud of it? 

Either way, it’s a pretty embarrassing thing to get caught doing. So, definitely consider this nasty question to ask your best friend.

10. Have you ever gone a month without showering and brushing teeth?

It’s pretty gross to go a month without showering or brushing your teeth.

But, some people do it. Whether they are too lazy to shower or they just don’t have the time, there are some people who go a month without showering or brushing their teeth.

So, if you know someone who has done this, definitely consider this nasty question to ask them.

Also read: 100 Nasty never have I ever questions (nasty game edition)

Nasty questions to ask your best friend


The following are a few Nasty questions to ask your friend:

1. Do you ever pick your nose and eat it?

2. Do you ever scratch your privates in public?

3. How often do you get wet dreams?

4. What is the most number of times you’ve mast#rbated in one day?

5. How long have you gone without mast#rbating?

6. If you could have s#x with any celebrity, who would it be?

7. What would you choose between a donkey or a dog for smelling their private parts?

8. What if you had to lick somebody’s anus, who would it be?

9.  When you shit, do you enjoy the smell of your own shit?

10. Where is the nastiest place you have ever put your finger?

Also read: 200+ Nasty questions (dirty game edition) ask in any situation

Nasty questions to ask your male friend

These are some Nasty questions to ask a male friend:

1. Do you like to be submissive or dominant in the bedroom?

2. Would you rather lick a public toilet seat or lick the bottom of your shoe?

3. Have you ever forgotten to wash your hands after using the restroom?

4. Do you like to be filmed while you’re having s#x? 

5. Would you rather eat a live worm or a live beetle?

6. Never have I ever picked my nose and eaten it?

7. Have you ever touched yourself in public?

8. Would you rather step on a used needle or step on dog poop?

9. What kind of lingerie do you find the most erotic? 

10. Never have I ever eaten something that I found on the ground?


Nasty questions to ask your female friend

Here is a list of nasty questions to ask your female friend:

1. What is the dirtiest thing you’ve ever done in the bedroom?

2. What is the wildest s#xual fantasy you’ve ever had?

3. Have you ever dreamt of becoming a p#rn star? If so, are you ready for role-playing tonight?

4. What’s your favorite toy that you are obsessed to insert in yourself?

5. Would you rather eat a raw chicken breast or a raw egg?

6. How do you feel about anal s#x? Is it something you’re willing to try?

7. Have you ever vomit in public and ate it?

8. If you could have any p#rn star in the world, who would it be and why?

9. Do you like to watch p#rn? What kind of p#rn do you usually watch?

10. Would you rather stick your hand in a blender or your head in a toilet?

Nasty questions to ask your boyfriend


Have you ever wondered what are some nasty questions to ask your boyfriend? Here is the best list of Nasty questions to ask boyfriend:

1. Can you describe in detail the last time you had diarrhea?

2. Do you like to eat food that’s been dropped on the floor?

3. Does the thought of drinking another person’s urine turn you on?

4. What makes you think that you are more s#xually perverse than the average person?

5. If you had to have to be intimate with an animal, which animal would you choose?

6. Have you ever had s#x with a family member?

7. Would you rather have s#x with a fat person or a person with bad breath?

8. When was the last time you had an erection in public?

9. Will you have s#x with me for $?

10. Can I watch you mast#rbate?

Nasty questions to ask a girlfriend

Here is a list of Nasty questions to ask your girlfriend:

1. Have you ever thought of tasting your own semen/vaginal fluids?

2. Have you ever had a s#xually transmitted infection?

3. What was your most embarrassing s#xual experience?

4. Would you rather insert a stick into your anus or have someone step on your vagina?

5. Would you rather have s#x with a partner who has bad hygiene or who is very hairy?

6. Would you rather give or receive oral s#x?

7. Would you rather have s#x in a public place or in a church?

8. Can you allow me to insert a foreign object into your butt?

9. Would you be willing to engage in bestiality?

10. What makes someone think that they are qualified to have s#x?


Extremely disgusting and Nasty questions to ask friends

These are a few extremely Nasty questions to ask a friend:

1. What is the weirdest place you’ve ever mast#rbated?

2. Do you like to be pooped on?

3. What is the most number of times you’ve had s#x in one day?

4. What is the longest you’ve ever gone without having s#x?

5. What are the smallest boobs you’ve ever seen?

6. What is the largest penis you’ve ever seen?

7. If you had to choose between having s#x with a year old or a year old person, who would you choose?

8. Have you ever had a s#xual encounter with someone who was not human?

9. Would you rather have s#x with a dead person or a live person?

10. What is the most disgusting and nasty thing you have ever done?

Nasty questions to ask a group of friends

The following are some nasty questions to ask a group of friends:

1. Have you ever been aroused by something that is considered to be gross or taboo?

2. Can you think of anything that would make you not want to have s#x with someone?

3. When did you last have an orgasm that lasted more than minute?

4. If you could only have one s#xual partner for the rest of your life, who would it be?

5. If there is no such thing as a “normal” s#xual desire, what do you consider to be your own “abnormal” s#xual desire?

6. What is the most extreme s#xual thing you have ever done or would like to do?

7. What do you think is the most and least important aspect of s#x?

8. If you could have any type of s#x (with any type of person) what would it be?

9. What do you think is the most overrated s#xual act?

10. When it comes to s#x, what are you afraid of?


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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