120 Grateful Month November would you rather questions for kids and students of all ages game edition

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By: Kevin Grant

As November rolls around and we begin to count our blessings, what better way to embrace the spirit of gratitude than with a game of november would you rather questions? With over 120 thought-provoking questions designed specifically for kids and students of all ages, this game edition is sure to inspire laughter, thoughtful discussion, and a deeper appreciation for the joys in life.

 From whimsical scenarios to heartwarming dilemmas, each question invites players to reflect on what they’re thankful for and celebrate the magic of the season. So gather your loved ones, grab a cozy blanket, and let the gratitude-filled fun begin!


Get to know you November would you rather questions

The following are some get to know you november would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather spend a November evening stargazing or watching the sunset?

2. Would you rather go on a road trip to explore a new city or relax at a secluded beach for a weekend getaway in November?

3. Would you rather spend November reading a new book every week or binge-watching a new TV series?

4. Would you rather have a bonfire with friends or enjoy a movie night with popcorn and blankets on a chilly November evening?

5. Would you rather start a new fitness routine in November or join a cooking class to learn new recipes?

6. Would you rather spend November trying out different coffee shops or experimenting with homemade coffee recipes?

7. Would you rather go for a bike ride through the countryside or take a leisurely stroll through a botanical garden in November?

8. Would you rather spend November attending live music concerts or visiting art galleries and museums?

9. Would you rather spend November practicing mindfulness and meditation or engaging in outdoor activities like hiking and camping?

10. Would you rather start a DIY home improvement project in November or focus on decluttering and organizing your living space?

11. Would you rather spend November learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument?

12. Would you rather spend November volunteering at an animal shelter or participating in environmental conservation efforts?

13. Would you rather spend November exploring local farmer’s markets or trying out new recipes with seasonal produce?

14. Would you rather spend November reconnecting with old friends or making new connections through social events and networking?

15. Would you rather spend November attending workshops and seminars to expand your knowledge or taking up a creative hobby like painting or photography?

Insanely Funny Would you rather november questions

The following are some insanely funny would you rather november questions:

1. Would you rather have to wear a pumpkin on your head for the entire month of November or dress up as a turkey every time you leave the house?

2. Would you rather have a turkey gobble every time you speak or break out into a spontaneous turkey dance every time you hear someone say “November”?

3. Would you rather have to wear mittens on your feet and socks on your hands for November or have to speak in rhymes for the entire month?

4. Would you rather have to eat an entire raw cranberry every time you hear a bell ring or wear a turkey costume to bed every night in November?

5. Would you rather have to carve your Thanksgiving turkey blindfolded or eat your Thanksgiving meal with your hands tied behind your back?

6. Would you rather have to write a love letter to a sweet potato or compose a romantic poem for a cranberry?

7. Would you rather have mashed potatoes for brains or gravy for blood for the month of November?

8. Would you rather have to recite the entire menu of a Thanksgiving feast every time you meet someone new or have to impersonate a turkey whenever you see someone you know?

9. Would you rather have to eat stuffing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the entire month or have to communicate only by using turkey calls?

10. Would you rather have to eat pumpkin pie with ketchup instead of whipped cream for the entire month or have to wear a cornucopia as a hat everywhere you go?

11. Would you rather have to do the turkey trot dance every time you hear the word “November” or have to perform a one-person Thanksgiving parade down your street every morning?

12. Would you rather have to wear a shirt that says “I Love Brussels Sprouts” or have to wear a necklace made entirely of cranberries for November?

13. Would you rather have to speak in a thick Southern accent for the entire month or have to wear a turkey costume to work every day?

14. Would you rather have to eat your Thanksgiving meal while doing the chicken dance or have to wear a turkey costume to your family’s Thanksgiving dinner?

15. Would you rather have to write a love letter to a pumpkin or serenade a turkey with your favorite song every day in November?

Activities related to November would you rather questions for kids

The following are some activities related to november would you rather questions for kids:

1. Would you rather jump into a pile of crunchy autumn leaves or splash in a giant puddle after a November rainstorm?

2. Would you rather spend an afternoon making Thanksgiving crafts or baking fall-themed cookies?

3. Would you rather go on a nature scavenger hunt to find acorns and pinecones or build a fort out of blankets and pillows indoors?

4. Would you rather have a picnic in the park surrounded by colorful fall foliage or have a movie marathon with your favorite cozy blankets at home?

5. Would you rather have a hot cocoa stand and sell drinks to your neighbors or set up a mini pumpkin patch in your backyard?

6. Would you rather have a family game night with board games or have a dance party to your favorite songs?

7. Would you rather have a camping adventure in your backyard or go on a hike to explore the changing scenery of November?

8. Would you rather have a pumpkin decorating contest with your friends or host a talent show showcasing your unique skills?

9. Would you rather have a pajama day and watch cartoons all morning or spend the day creating a storybook filled with your own illustrations?

10. Would you rather have a DIY science experiment day or create your own mini-garden with fall plants and flowers?

11. Would you rather have a day dedicated to making homemade pizzas or a day dedicated to baking and decorating cupcakes?

12. Would you rather have a family bike ride through the neighborhood or a family walk to collect colorful leaves for a craft project?

13. Would you rather have a backyard campfire with s’mores and storytelling or a backyard movie night with a projector and popcorn?

14. Would you rather have a day dedicated to building and flying kites or a day dedicated to building and racing homemade cars?

15. Would you rather have a day dedicated to exploring a nearby farm or a day dedicated to visiting a local museum or zoo?


Educational themed November would you rather questions for students

The following are some educational themed november would you rather questions for students:

1. Would you rather spend an afternoon conducting science experiments or writing a creative story inspired by the changing season?

2. Would you rather learn about the history of Thanksgiving through a virtual museum tour or through a series of interactive online quizzes?

3. Would you rather participate in a math challenge solving autumn-themed word problems or learn about geometry by creating origami autumn leaves?

4. Would you rather have a debate about the importance of environmental conservation in November or analyze the ecological impact of seasonal changes on local ecosystems?

5. Would you rather learn about the migration patterns of birds in the fall or study the life cycle of a pumpkin from seed to harvest?

6. Would you rather explore the cultural significance of harvest festivals around the world or research the origins of Thanksgiving traditions in different countries?

7. Would you rather practice your language skills by writing a letter of gratitude to someone special or by translating autumn-themed poems into a foreign language?

8. Would you rather study the science behind fall foliage and leaf color changes or investigate the effects of temperature changes on plant growth and development?

9. Would you rather analyze data collected from weather stations to track seasonal temperature patterns or create graphs and charts to represent changes in daylight hours during November?

10. Would you rather learn about the significance of Native American culture and history in November or study the contributions of indigenous peoples to agriculture and farming practices?

11. Would you rather explore the symbolism of autumn in literature and poetry or analyze historical documents related to the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving?

12. Would you rather learn about the role of renewable energy sources in combating climate change or study the impact of human activity on natural habitats during the fall season?

13. Would you rather conduct research on the nutritional benefits of seasonal fruits and vegetables or learn about the importance of sustainable farming practices in November?

14. Would you rather participate in a virtual field trip to a pumpkin farm or a live stream session with a botanist discussing plant adaptations in the fall?

15. Would you rather engage in a debate about the pros and cons of daylight saving time or analyze historical photographs depicting autumn scenes from different time periods?

Engaging November would you rather questions kindergarten

The following are some engaging november would you rather questions kindergarten:

1. Would you rather build a scarecrow out of leaves or a snowman out of cotton balls?

2. Would you rather go on a nature walk to collect colorful leaves or to find shiny acorns?

3. Would you rather have a picnic with friendly turkeys or a tea party with squirrels?

4. Would you rather paint with fall colors or create crafts with Thanksgiving shapes?

5. Would you rather dress up as a superhero or a woodland creature for a November parade?

6. Would you rather sing songs about autumn or dance like falling leaves in the wind?

7. Would you rather have a story time about harvest season or about animals preparing for winter?

8. Would you rather pretend to be a busy bee collecting honey or a squirrel gathering nuts?

9. Would you rather play with playdough to make pumpkin pies or create animals out of clay for a November zoo?

10. Would you rather have a snack of apple slices or carrot sticks with dip?

11. Would you rather pretend to be a turkey or a friendly scarecrow guarding the fields?

12. Would you rather have a puppet show with forest animals or with characters from Thanksgiving stories?

13. Would you rather go on a field trip to a pumpkin patch or to a farm to see animals?

14. Would you rather jump in a pile of leaves or hop like bunnies around the yard?

15. Would you rather have a magic wand to turn leaves into colorful butterflies or to make apples fall from the trees?

Grateful and Gratitude related Would you rather november questions for students

The following are some grateful and gratitude related  would you rather questions for students:

1. Would you rather write a thank-you letter to someone who has helped you or make a gratitude jar filled with notes about things you’re thankful for?

2. Would you rather spend time volunteering at a local shelter or organizing a fundraiser for a cause you care about?

3. Would you rather spend a day expressing gratitude to your teachers or to your classmates for their kindness and support?

4. Would you rather start a gratitude journal and write down three things you’re thankful for 

every day or create a gratitude collage with pictures and words that represent what you appreciate in life?

5. Would you rather spend an afternoon helping your family with chores around the house or preparing a special meal to show your appreciation for them?

6. Would you rather participate in a gratitude circle where everyone shares something they’re 

thankful for or create a gratitude tree with leaves containing messages of thanks from your classmates?

7. Would you rather spend time reflecting on past challenges and how they’ve helped you grow or focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things in life?

8. Would you rather practice mindfulness and gratitude through guided meditation or through a nature walk where you observe and appreciate the beauty around you?

9. Would you rather write a poem expressing gratitude for the changing seasons or create a piece of artwork that represents what you’re thankful for in November?

10. Would you rather spend time with elderly residents at a nursing home, listening to their stories and sharing moments of joy, or send handmade cards with messages of gratitude to brighten their day?

11. Would you rather have a discussion with your classmates about the importance of gratitude 

in building positive relationships or participate in a group activity where you work together to create a gratitude collage or poster?

12. Would you rather spend time with your family discussing what you’re thankful for over a 

shared meal or participate in a gratitude-themed game night where you express appreciation for each other’s unique qualities?

13. Would you rather volunteer to help clean up a local park or participate in a community garden project where you cultivate plants and share the harvest with others?

14. Would you rather start a gratitude challenge with your friends where you encourage each other to perform random acts of kindness or organize a gratitude-themed event at school where students can express their appreciation for teachers and staff?

15. Would you rather spend time reflecting on the privileges and opportunities you have in life or take action to support those who may be less fortunate by donating food, clothing, or toys to those in need?


Thanksgiving related Would you rather questions for november month

The following are some thanksgiving would you rather questions for november month:

1. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving weekend hiking in a scenic national park or exploring historic sites in a charming small town?

2. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving day watching football games with friends or 

participating in a local turkey bowl tournament?

3. Would you rather start a new Thanksgiving tradition of writing thank-you letters to people who 

have made a difference in your life or started a gratitude journal to reflect on what you’re thankful for each day?

4. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving volunteering at a soup kitchen to serve meals to the homeless or organizing a donation drive for those in need in your community?

5. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving evening stargazing under a clear night sky or cozying up by the fireplace with a good book?

6. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving learning to cook a traditional dish from a different culture or teaching someone else your family’s secret recipe?

7. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving weekend taking a road trip to visit family and friends or hosting a gathering for loved ones at your home?

8. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving morning participating in a charity run to raise money for a cause you care about or attending a community Thanksgiving parade?

9. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving learning to make handmade crafts for holiday decorations or baking homemade treats to share with friends and family?

10. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving afternoon playing board games with family members or going for a leisurely bike ride through scenic countryside?

11. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving attending a traditional religious service to give thanks or participating in a meditation retreat focused on gratitude and mindfulness?

12. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving weekend unplugged from technology, enjoying nature and outdoor activities, or catching up on your favorite TV shows and movies?

13. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving afternoon volunteering at an animal shelter or visiting a local nursing home to spend time with elderly residents?

14. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving weekend attending a community harvest festival with carnival games and rides or exploring a local farmers’ market and sampling seasonal produce?

15. Would you rather spend Thanksgiving evening participating in a community talent show showcasing local talent or attending a live performance of a classic holiday play or musical?

Deep Would you rather november questions for kids

The following are some deep would you rather november questions for kids:

1. Would you rather be able to magically summon a pile of leaves to jump in whenever you want 

or have the ability to make it snow on command?

2. Would you rather have a pet turkey that can talk or a pet squirrel that can fly?

3. Would you rather spend a day playing in a pile of colorful autumn leaves or building a snowman in winter?

4. Would you rather have Thanksgiving dinner every day for a week or have a week of snow days off from school?

5. Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals and understand their language or be able to understand any language spoken by humans?

6. Would you rather be able to turn into a scarecrow and protect a pumpkin patch or turn into a reindeer and help Santa deliver presents?

7. Would you rather have a magical pumpkin that never rots and can turn into any food you desire or a magical cornucopia that always fills with your favorite treats?

8. Would you rather be able to travel back in time to the first Thanksgiving or forward in time to see what Thanksgiving will be like in 100 years?

9. Would you rather spend a day exploring a haunted house filled with friendly ghosts or a day exploring a mysterious forest filled with enchanted creatures?

10. Would you rather have the ability to control the wind and fly like a kite or control the rain and make it stop whenever you want?

11. Would you rather spend a weekend camping in the woods during autumn or camping on a snowy mountain during winter?

12. Would you rather have a pet owl that can deliver messages for you or a pet fox that can help you find hidden treasures?

13. Would you rather be able to create any dessert you want with a wave of your hand or have the ability to make any toy come to life and play with you?

14. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of candy corn or a never-ending supply of hot cocoa?

15. Would you rather spend a day baking pies with your family or a day crafting handmade gifts for your friends?

In A Nutshell:

As you wrap up your game of would you rather and bask in the warmth of gratitude this November, we hope these questions have sparked meaningful conversations and brought joy to your gatherings. But why stop here? 

Our collection of articles is brimming with more games, activities, and inspiration to make every moment with your loved ones unforgettable. Whether you’re looking for holiday crafts, educational resources, or family-friendly adventures, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Click the link to explore more of our engaging content and continue creating cherished memories together. Happy November, and may your days be filled with gratitude and love!



  • Kevin Grant

    I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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