5 Psychological Reasons For Not Showering (According to psychology)

By: Sarah Grace

Psychological reasons for not showering can vary. People escape from showers because of depression, trauma, schizophrenia, etc. 

Imagine a person who is always in a messy condition, with uncombed hair, an unwashed face, and filthy attire. Nobody will ever want to develop relationships with such people. Everyone should prioritize maintaining personal hygiene.

Everyone appreciates a groomed and polished person. On the other hand, nobody loves dirty and unhygienic people. Neglecting bathing and self-care can harm our personality and reputation in social situations. 

Is not showering a sign of a mental disorder?

Not showering for a long time can be linked with disorders of mental health. Ablutophobeia refers to the intense fear of bathing, showering, or cleaning himself. These people have a phobia associated with washing. 

They experience extreme anxiety or panic attacks because of the idea of maintaining personal hygiene. There’s a distinction between disliking showers and experiencing an intense aversion to bathing. The people affected by ablutophobia are deeply distressed.

Psychological reasons for not showering

Do you wonder about the importance of taking a shower? However, some people avoid taking baths at all. Taking care of personal hygiene is the most crucial task for everyone. Many take it for granted, for some, it becomes a mundane task. 

Upon close observation, researchers have identified numerous psychological reasons for avoiding showering. A variety of factors contribute to escapism from showering. In the following section, we’ll talk about the scientific insights on avoiding showering.

1. Executive dysfunction

Executive dysfunction involves difficulties in managing and organizing tasks. It often happens in conditions like ADHD or autism.  It is difficult for people with executive dysfunction to schedule, initiate, and complete tasks. It impacts their daily activities, like getting dressed and showering.

The brain’s executive functions handle tasks like organization and memory. For those with executive dysfunction, these functions may not work smoothly, leading to forgetfulness. Additionally, lacking motivation may hinder starting and completing personal care routines.

2. Depression

Depression means persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It involves disturbances in neurotransmitters like serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. These imbalances affect mood regulation, contributing to symptoms of depression.

People feel a lack of interest in daily life activities. These feelings extend to maintaining hygiene, like showering or brushing your teeth. Depression brings a lack of motivation and energy for performing daily life tasks. 

Researchers have shown that depression impacts daily life functioning and leads to decreased interest in self-care activities. People who are depressed experience physical weakness in addition to mental exhaustion. Ultimately, the effort required for showering feels like a burden for them. 

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3. Post-traumatic stress disorders

People who have recently gone through any trauma may have post-traumatic stress disorder. They experience flashbacks, anxiety attacks, and severe emotional distress. The symptoms are particularly common when people are exposed to situations similar to trauma. 

So past experiences like flooding and drowning may cause you to not shower. People with PTSD have an intense fear of water. Water put them back in a dreadful situation. This avoidance behavior is one of the major reasons for not taking care of personal hygiene.

4. Procrastination

Procrastination is the habit of delaying tasks and can be one of the psychological reasons for not showering. When people procrastinate, they delay even essential for one. This can also be seen in maintaining personal care activities like brushing your hair, washing your face, etc. 

Procrastinators struggle to initiate tasks, including showering and bathing. They used to postpone tasks related to hygiene. It can create a cycle where delaying tasks creates a cycle of stress. Everyone knows that showering is beneficial for them. But they don’t have the motivation to start it.

5. Schizophrenia 

Schizophrenia is a mental health disorder characterized by disruptions in thinking, emotions, and perception. Hallucinations (false perceptions), delusions (false beliefs), disorganized thinking, and disturbed social interactions are common symptoms. 

People with this illness may struggle to maintain personal hygiene. Self-care and many other daily life activities are affected by disorganized thinking patterns. They tend to isolate themselves, leading to neglect of activities such as washing, brushing teeth, hair care, nail cutting, and bathing. 

Sometimes these people also fear the loneliness required for showering. They feel anxiety because of their false beliefs. Various other reasons, like temperature issues, any physical illness, and laziness, also contribute to not showering.

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Consequences of not showering

If we don’t pay attention to our bathing routines, it can lead to some serious issues. Not taking care of personal hygiene can cause: 

  • Skin problems like acne, dermatitis, bacterial and fungal infections, and dead skin.
  • Bad odour can result from the accumulation of sweat and bacteria.
  • Social interactions are affected due to the lack of bathing. Everyone likes well-dressed and well-maintained people. As the saying goes, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”
  • Many diseases causing germs and infections can attack a person due to poor hygiene. Which ultimately impacts a person’s overall well-being.
  • Low self-esteem is one of the consequences of not showering. People with low hygiene and self-care may face criticism from society. As a result, self-esteem and self-worth are affected.

What are the benefits of being well-dressed?

A person is recognized/remembered by his behavior and looks. If you want to get a good reputation among your friends and family, pay close attention to your physical appearance. Buying expensive clothes will not resolve this issue. 

Rather, you should shower twice or three times a week. Always wear neat, clean, and elegant dresses. Your hair should be well set, your shoes should be well polished, and your teeth should be clean. A decent look boosts your confidence and adds charm to your personality.

How to deal with not showering?

Here are a few practical suggestions for keeping personal cleanliness.

a. Routine

Create a daily routine for personal care activities, including showering, brushing teeth, and washing hands. Consistency helps make these habits automatic. You can also use reminders, or alarms, to remind yourself.

b. Smaller steps

If taking a shower sounds stressful, divide the task into smaller, more doable chunks. Concentrate on a single step at a specific time. 

c. Reward yourself

After finishing your hygiene routine, treat yourself with something you love, like a delicious meal or some quiet time.

d. Seek Support

Let friends or family members know about your personal hygiene goals. Having a network of support always offers encouragement and promotes accountability.

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Is there any opposite to not showering?

Yes, the opposite condition of not showering can be possible. Some people can become too obsessed with hygiene and bathing. This may be because of obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with OCD wash themselves again and again.

They have feelings of being contaminated after every few minutes. They involve themselves in excessive showering and washing. As a result, they’re involved in compulsive habits of cleaning themselves.

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Psychological reasons for not showering can vary. People escape from showers because of depression, trauma, schizophrenia, etc. It is important to recognize the causes behind poor hygiene to deal with it. In that article, we covered all aspects related to hygiene. I hope it was helpful for you.


  • Sarah Grace

    I'm a researcher with a deep passion for understanding the complexities of the mind. My background in psychology and years spent analyzing research have equipped me with the knowledge to translate complex concepts into practical tools for self-help and mental well-being. I'm driven by a desire to empower individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate emotional health.

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I'm a researcher with a deep passion for understanding the complexities of the mind. My background in psychology and years spent analyzing research have equipped me with the knowledge to translate complex concepts into practical tools for self-help and mental well-being. I'm driven by a desire to empower individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate emotional health.

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