10 Psychological reasons for overeating and tips to stop overeating

By: Sarah Grace

Psychological reasons for overeating are stress, hormonal changes, emotional eating, reward system, etc. 

Are you struggling with overeating? Do you crave food after every hour? Well, this habit is common among all of us. But the psychology of eating is not more complicated. 

There are various psychological reasons for overeating. In today’s articles, we will discuss these reasons and how to deal with overeating.

What is overeating?

You might have heard, “Eat, live, and marry.” And that is what most of the humans are doing on this land. There’s nothing bad in taking a meal, as it is the instinct of humans. But overeating is when the eating desire of a person increases.

Bingeing is an eating disorder in which a person has an uncomfortable desire to eat within a certain amount of time. In two hours, a person with an eating disorder will eat more than a normal person.

What are the consequences of bingeing? 

Overeating destroys the whole personality of a person. People will become obese because of overeating. A high level of appetite can lead to other physical diseases. 

What are the psychological reasons for overeating?

Psychological reasons for overeating are stress, hormonal changes, emotional eating, reward system, etc. 


10 Psychological reasons for overeating

1. Overeating because of stress and depression 

People overeat because of stress. In stress, the body responds differently than in a normal state. The hormonal changes occur as a response to depression.

The adrenal glands resting at the top of the kidneys release the hormone cortisol. As a result, major body functions such as the circulatory system, respiratory system, and digestive system start working at high speed. 

An increase in the digestive system causes a rise in insulin hormones. This lowers the blood sugar level, which leads to overeating. The level of ghrelin increases and leptin decreases. 

This leads to the urge to eat again and again.  Regulation of the digestive system also increases digestion, resulting in overeating.

2. Eating for reward or pleasure

The enticing smell of food fascinates everyone. The mouth-watering food looks so good that our minds desire to have it. It is observed that foods high in fats and carbs increase the dopamine level.

When someone eats this food, his mind perceives it as a reward. The reward system of our brains is associated with a certain neurotransmitter, dopamine. This chemical is released as a result of a pleasurable task. 

The interesting thing about this chemical is that if someone is satisfied with one snack once, then next time he has to eat two snacks for the same amount of satisfaction. 

Do you know?

Food that is rich in carbohydrates or fats raises dopamine levels. 

This cycle will continue up to twice, thrice, or so on. Eventually, they will end up binge-eating. This eating is called hedonic eating, in which one eats for pleasure. 

These types of people can be referred to as food addicts. This is because the same chemical is responsible for all other types of addictions, e.g., social media addiction and drug addiction. 

3. Emotional eating and physical eating 

People confuse emotional eating with physical eating. Emotional hunger and physical hunger are far different from each other. 

Emotional eating: It is because of emotions, whether negative or positive. People always crave a specific food and are satisfied with it. 

Physical eating: It is because of the physical needs of human beings. It is natural for everyone, and they will be satisfied with any food. 

Physical hunger, or eating, is everyone’s need to survive. There’s nothing bad in it. On the other hand, emotional eating is not the same. It can be characterized as an eating disorder.

People use food as a coping strategy to deal with negative vibes. For example, people will gravitate towards food if there’s a lot of work on their workspace. 

I, as a student, use chocolates during exam anxiety. Some of my friends use it to deal with mood swings. 

4. Bulimia nervosa

People overeat because they might be suffering from eating disorders. An individual with bulimia nervosa eats a lot of food and then vomits after eating.

After eating a large amount of food, he fears gaining weight, so he uses laxatives or uritics to purge that food.

5. Society’s Norms and traditions

On the planet where we are living, there are various kinds of tribes and races. And each country possesses its own unique traditions and rituals. Food is the foremost need of every culture.

While recipes vary, the act of eating is a universal aspect shared across different cultures. Whether it’s New Year’s Eve, Diwali, Christmas, Eid, or a birthday party, food holds paramount significance in every celebration.

These social norms play a role in overeating. The cuisine menu is so attractive that no one can resist the urge to have everything.

Moreover, foodie people like me want to taste all the dishes, whether they have space in their stomachs or not. 

Also read: 10 Psychological Reasons For Betrayal In Every Relationship

6. Advertisements of food in the media

The media plays an important role in forming any society. Food companies and restaurant owners advertise themselves on social media. They use schemes and tactics to attract more customers.

Meanwhile, social media’s algorithm is designed to show you more of the same type of content once you tap on an ad. 

If you order from any food company once, next time you will watch more such posts and videos on your feed. This content will act like a cherry on top of your eating habits.

7. People overeat because of genetics

Have you ever noticed any family in which all members are involved in overeating? If yes, then this might sound familiar to you. The habit of overeating is in the genes of some of us.

If your family members are binge eaters, then you can also be a binge eater. However, this habit is learned, genetics still plays some part in it. 

8. Fear of wasting food

As far as I’m concerned, I’m the one who loves to eat to the bitter end. I always prefer to clean my plate. This is good manners as well as saving food. 

But sometimes the situation can get worse. If the food doesn’t taste good or I don’t want to eat more, then I have to overeat. So I can show myself as a well-mannered person. 

The same scenario can happen at functions where people don’t want to waste food, so they eat beyond their capacity.

Be careful with that, because this might save the food. But if you get food poisoning, you’ve got to spend the next few hours in the hospital or bathroom.

9. Eating too fast

Taking a meal unconsciously or eating too fast is one of the psychological reasons for overeating. People who tend to eat fat more than others have higher rates of appetite than others. 

After a certain period of time, these people will crave food again. This eventually leads them to overeat. 

10. Family and external reasons

There are two types of people: those who want to gain weight, and those who want to lose weight. The first group follows diet plans, and the second group takes extra meals. Both of these types can fall prey to overeating.

Sounds intriguing, nah? Let me explain this. Dieting is a common technique for weight loss. Obese people want to burn calories to look slim. Those who follow a diet tend to crave food more than others.

They do take diet meals for a specific period, and when they decide to take some snacks,. In most cases, they usually end up bingeing. 

However, those who are bullied for their bony appearance want to gain weight. They think everything will be perfect once they gain some extra pounds. As a result, they eat a lot of food with the intent of gaining weight.

Also read: 10 Psychological reasons for lying in relationships, in personal and professional life

How to stop overeating?

Dealing with bingeing is not a difficult task. Here are certain ways to overcome overeating. By following these practical tips you can stop overeating. 

  1. Mindful eating

Today’s generation eats while watching movies or using social media. There’s no gain in this. Mindful eating has a lot of health benefits. Follow these steps for mindful eating.

Keep your phones away while eating. Keep your family and friends at a distance. Pay attention to what you’re eating. Eat slowly and calmly. Let your taste buds feel every bite of food.

  1. Balanced lifestyle 

Routine your days, weeks, and months. Avoid bad or harmful habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or using drugs can ruin your health. Replace junk or unhealthy food with a healthy one. Doing exercise will also help you.

  1. Society support

Seeking support from your social circle, including family and friends, can be advantageous. Ask them to keep checking on your food intake. Limit your screen time and scrolling. Instead, keep yourself busy with any hobby. 



So in today’s articles, we have discussed the psychological reasons for overeating and how to stop overeating. Knowing about the causes of overeating can help you deal with this issue. 

This article is only for educational purposes. If you’re having an eating disorder, then consult with a specialist for better advice. 

Photo of author
I'm a researcher with a deep passion for understanding the complexities of the mind. My background in psychology and years spent analyzing research have equipped me with the knowledge to translate complex concepts into practical tools for self-help and mental well-being. I'm driven by a desire to empower individuals to navigate life's challenges and cultivate emotional health.

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