20 Signs she wants to be friends with benefits

By: Naveen B

Friends with benefits relationships can be a bit of a gray area, leaving many people unsure about whether the person they’re seeing is interested in something casual or something more serious. 

If you’re feeling confused about the status of your relationship, it can be helpful to know the signs that a woman wants to be friends with benefits.

While some signs may be more obvious than others, it’s important to look for a combination of these signs to get a clearer picture of what she’s looking for.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 subtle and hidden signs she wants to be friends with benefits. But, what sets this post apart is that we’ll not only provide you with the signs, but also provide you unique perspectives to understand your situation better.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of the signs to look out for, and the confidence to approach the situation with clarity and communication. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the 20 signs she only wants to be friends with benefits.


20 Signs she wants to be friends with benefits

The following are some of the subtle signs she wants to be friends with benefits relationship with you:

1. She frequently initiates physical contact.

One of the most significant signs she wants to be friends with benefits is when she frequently initiates physical contact.

This behavior can range from light touching, playful nudges, or hugs to more intimate forms of physical contact.

When a woman is interested in a sexual relationship, she will often use physical touch as a means of signaling her interest in you.

For example:

If you are sitting next to each other on the couch and she leans into you or rests her head on your shoulder, this is a clear sign that she wants to be more than just friends. 

Similarly, if she frequently touches your arm or hand when talking to you, this could be a sign that she wants to take things to the next level.

Other examples of frequent physical contact include sitting close to each other, holding hands, or playfully wrestling with each other.

These behaviors all signal that she is interested in being intimate with you and wants to explore a physical relationship.

Also read: 25 Hidden signs your fwb is catching feelings for you

2. She talks about sex and sexual experiences openly.

Another one of the signs she wants to be your fwb is when she talks about sex and sexual experiences openly.

This behavior can include discussing her own sexual experiences, asking you about your sexual preferences, or even suggesting new sexual experiences to try together.

For example:

If she mentions that she enjoys trying new positions or exploring different types of foreplay, this is a clear sign that she is interested in a sexual relationship with you.

Similarly, if she asks you about your sexual fantasies or desires, this is a clear sign that she wants to explore a more intimate relationship with you.

Other examples of talking about sex and sexual experiences openly include making suggestive comments or jokes, discussing sexual health, or sharing articles or videos about sex or sexual techniques.

These behaviors all signal that she is interested in being intimate with you and wants to explore a physical relationship.

3. She flirts with you often.

One of the most obvious signs she wants to be friends with benefits is when she flirts with you often.

This behavior can include playful teasing, making suggestive comments or gestures, or even sending flirty texts or messages.

For example:

If she compliments your appearance, jokes about sexual situations, or playfully touches you, these are all clear signs that she is interested in a sexual relationship with you.

Similarly, if she sends you flirty texts or messages late at night, this is a clear sign that she wants to explore a more intimate relationship with you.

Other examples of flirting behaviors include making eye contact, using sexual innuendo, or finding excuses to be alone with you.

These behaviors all signal that she is interested in being intimate with you and wants to explore a physical relationship.

4. She sends you suggestive texts or pictures.

Another sign that she wants to be friends with benefits is when she sends you suggestive texts or pictures.

This behavior can include sending flirty or suggestive messages, sharing intimate photos, or even sending explicit content.

For example:

If she sends you a text message that says “I can’t stop thinking about you,” or “I miss your touch,” this is a clear sign that she is interested in being intimate with you.

Similarly, if she sends you a suggestive photo of herself, this is a clear sign that she wants to explore a more intimate relationship with you.

Other examples of suggestive texts or pictures include sending flirty emojis, sharing sexual memes or jokes, or even sexting.

These behaviors all signal that she is interested in being intimate with you and wants to explore a physical relationship.

5. She invites you over to her place regularly.

One of the most significant signs that she wants to be friends with benefits is when she invites you over to her place regularly.

When a woman invites you over to her place regularly, it can be a sign that she is interested in being intimate with you.

This behavior is a clear indication that she wants to spend more time with you in a private setting, away from the distractions of the outside world.

When a woman invites you into her personal space, it can be a sign that she feels comfortable with you and wants to explore a deeper connection.

For example:

 If she regularly invites you over to watch movies, cook dinner together, or even just hang out on the couch, these behaviors all signal that she wants to establish a more intimate connection with you.

Similarly, if she invites you to spend the night at her place, this can be a clear sign that she is interested in exploring a physical relationship with you.

6. She doesn’t introduce you as her significant other.

When a woman does not introduce you as her significant other, it can be a sign that she is not interested in a committed relationship.

This behavior can indicate that she wants to keep things casual and explore a more physical relationship without the expectations that come with being in a committed relationship.

When a woman introduces someone as her significant other, it can be a sign of emotional investment and vulnerability.

By not introducing you as her significant other, she is signaling that she is not ready or willing to invest in a committed relationship.

For example:

If she introduces you to her friends or family as “just a friend” or “someone I’m hanging out with,” this can be a clear sign that she is not interested in a committed relationship.

Similarly, if she avoids introducing you to certain people in her life altogether, this can be a clear sign that she wants to keep things casual and explore a more physical relationship.

Other examples of not introducing you as her significant other include avoiding labels such as “boyfriend” or “girlfriend,” not wanting to post photos of you together on social media, or not wanting to attend events or gatherings as a couple.

These behaviors all signal that she is interested in being intimate with you but is not interested in a committed relationship.

7. She avoids discussing feelings or emotions with you.

When a woman avoids discussing feelings or emotions with you, it can be a sign that she is not interested in a committed relationship.

This behavior can indicate that she wants to keep things casual and explore a more physical relationship without the emotional investment that comes with being in a committed relationship.

When a woman opens up about her feelings and emotions, it can be a sign of vulnerability and emotional investment.

By avoiding these conversations, she is signaling that she is not ready or willing to invest emotionally in a committed relationship.

For example:

If she avoids discussing past relationships or sharing personal stories with you, this can be a clear sign that she is not interested in a committed relationship. 

Similarly, if she avoids talking about her own feelings or asking about yours, this can be a clear sign that she wants to keep things casual and explore a more physical relationship.

8. She doesn’t make plans with you far in advance.

When a woman doesn’t make plans with you far in advance, it can be a sign that she is not interested in a committed relationship.

This behavior can indicate that she wants to keep things casual and spontaneous, without the pressure of planning for a future together.

When a woman makes plans with someone far in advance, it can be a sign of emotional investment and commitment.

By not making plans in advance, she is signaling that she is not ready or willing to invest in a committed relationship.

For example:

If she only wants to make plans with you a day or two in advance, this can be a clear sign that she is not interested in a committed relationship.

Similarly, if she avoids planning trips or vacations together, this can be a clear sign that she wants to keep things casual and explore a more physical relationship.

9. She doesn’t get jealous when you talk about other women.

One subtle sign that she wants to be friends with benefits is that she doesn’t get jealous when you talk about other women.

This is because she understands that the relationship between you is not exclusive and that you are both free to see other people.

In fact, she may even encourage you to see other women as she doesn’t want to be tied down to a monogamous relationship. This is a sign of maturity and open-mindedness in a friends with benefits relationship. 

Examples of this sign include her not reacting negatively when you mention other women you’re seeing, or even asking about them out of curiosity.

10. She only contacts you late at night.

Another sign that she wants to be friends with benefits is that she only contacts you late at night.

This could mean that she’s looking for a physical connection rather than an emotional one. When someone reaches out to you during the late hours, it can indicate that they are feeling lonely or in need of some physical intimacy.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as both parties are aware of the situation and have discussed their expectations from the relationship.

Examples of this sign include her texting or calling you after midnight, or asking to come over to your place late at night.


11. She uses sexual innuendos in conversation.

This is a way of testing the waters and seeing if you’re open to the idea of a physical relationship.

By making suggestive comments or jokes, she is able to gauge your reaction and see if you’re on the same page.

It’s important to note that not all sexual innuendos are a sign of a friends with benefits relationship, so it’s important to look for other signs as well.

Examples of this sign include her making comments about your physical appearance, or making suggestive comments about what she wants to do with you.

12. She often mentions how busy she is with work or other commitments.

This could mean that she’s not looking for a serious relationship at the moment, but still wants to enjoy physical intimacy.

By mentioning her busy schedule, she’s able to set expectations about how often she can see you, and also give you an idea of what she’s looking for in the relationship.

Examples of this sign include her canceling plans often due to work or other commitments, or mentioning that she’s too busy for a serious relationship right now.

13. She doesn’t show interest in meeting your family or friends.

This is because she’s not looking for a serious relationship, and doesn’t want to get involved in your personal life.

It’s important to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean that she doesn’t care about you, but rather that she’s not looking for anything long-term.

Examples of this sign include her not asking about your family or friends, or declining invitations to events where she would meet them.

14. She doesn’t want to label your relationship.

Another one of the sure signs she wants to be friends with benefits is that she doesn’t want to label your relationship.

This is because she’s not looking for anything serious, and doesn’t want to feel tied down to a specific title.

By not putting a label on your relationship, she’s able to keep things casual and avoid any potential drama or expectations.

Examples of this sign include her avoiding discussions about the future of your relationship, or being uncomfortable with titles such as “boyfriend” or “girlfriend.”

15. She’s comfortable being naked around you.

This is another one of the obvious signs she wants to be friends with benefits is that she’s comfortable being naked around you.

This is because physical intimacy is a key component of a friends with benefits relationship, and being comfortable with each other’s bodies is important.

If she’s willing to get undressed around you without feeling self-conscious or shy, it indicates that she trusts you and feels a level of comfort with you.

It’s important to note that this sign alone doesn’t necessarily mean that she wants to be friends with benefits, but it can be a good indicator when combined with other signs.

Examples of this sign include her undressing in front of you without hesitation, or not feeling the need to cover up after being intimate.

16. She doesn’t expect you to spend a lot of money on her.

This is because she’s not looking for a traditional dating experience, and doesn’t want to feel indebted to you in any way.

By not expecting expensive gifts or dates, she’s able to keep the relationship casual and avoid any potential misunderstandings.

Examples of this sign include her being content with simple dates such as watching a movie at home, or not expecting gifts on special occasions.

17. She’s not interested in going on traditional dates.

This is because she’s not looking for a romantic relationship, and doesn’t want to create any false expectations.

By avoiding traditional dating experiences, she’s able to keep things casual and avoid any potential misunderstandings.

Examples of this sign include her suggesting activities that are not traditionally considered “date” activities, such as going for a hike or grabbing a casual meal.

18. She doesn’t express romantic feelings towards you.

Another sign that she wants to be friends with benefits is that she doesn’t express romantic feelings towards you.

This indicates she’s not looking for a serious relationship, and doesn’t want to create any false expectations.

By avoiding romantic gestures or expressions of love, she’s able to keep things casual and avoid any potential misunderstandings.

Examples of this sign include her not using pet names or expressing her love for you, or avoiding any gestures that are typically associated with romantic relationships.

19. She’s not interested in being exclusive.

This shows she’s not looking for a serious relationship, and wants to keep her options open.

By not committing to an exclusive relationship, she’s able to keep things casual and avoid any potential drama or expectations.

Examples of this sign include her mentioning that she’s seeing other people, or not wanting to discuss the topic of exclusivity.

20. She doesn’t ask about your day-to-day life or personal interests.

It clearly shows she’s not looking for an emotional connection, and wants to keep the relationship purely physical.

By avoiding discussions about your personal life, she’s able to keep things casual and avoid any potential misunderstandings or expectations.

Examples of this sign include her not asking about your hobbies or interests, or not wanting to discuss personal issues or problems.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, understanding the signs that a woman wants to be friends with benefits can help avoid confusion and potential hurt feelings.

It’s important to remember that not every woman will exhibit all of these signs, and that communication is key in any type of relationship.

If you’re unsure about the status of your relationship with a woman, it’s always best to ask and clarify your expectations.

By doing so, you can ensure that both parties are on the same page and are able to enjoy a mutually beneficial and respectful relationship.

Remember to always be honest, respectful, and communicate openly and clearly with your partner.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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