50 Friends with benefits boundaries (Importance and tips to set healthy fwb boundaries)

By: Naveen B

Friends with benefits (FWB) relationships can be exciting and enjoyable.

They provide a casual and non-committal way to explore one’s sexuality and build a connection with another person.

However, without clear boundaries, these relationships can quickly become complicated and hurtful.

In this blog post, we will discuss why boundaries are necessary in FWB relationships and the importance of setting them.

We will also provide practical tips on how to establish Friends with benefits boundaries effortlessly, so you can enjoy your FWB relationship while feeling safe and respected.

Whether you are new to FWB relationships or have been in one for some time, this post will provide valuable insights on how to maintain a healthy and satisfying FWB relationship.

Importance of friends with benefits boundaries

One of the main reasons why boundaries are crucial in FWB relationships is because they help both parties understand their roles and expectations.

When there are no clear boundaries, it can be challenging to know what is and isn’t acceptable in the relationship, leading to confusion and misunderstandings. This can cause hurt feelings and resentment, ultimately resulting in the end of the relationship or friendship.

Establishing boundaries can also help prevent the development of romantic feelings.

While some people may enter into an FWB relationship with the intention of keeping it purely physical, it’s not uncommon for one or both parties to develop feelings of attachment.

By setting clear boundaries, such as not spending too much time together or not engaging in intimate conversations, it can help prevent these romantic feelings from developing.

Furthermore, establishing boundaries can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

In FWB relationships, it’s important to have open and honest communication about sexual health and practices. By setting boundaries around condom use and regular STI testing, both parties can protect themselves and each other from the spread of infections.

Lastly, setting boundaries in FWB relationships can help both parties maintain their autonomy and independence.

Without boundaries, it can be easy to become overly dependent on each other for emotional and physical needs. This can lead to a loss of personal identity and can be detrimental to overall well-being.

Also read: 30 Friends with benefits rules


How to set boundaries with friends with benefits?

Setting boundaries for friends with benefits (FWB) relationship can be challenging, but it’s important to establish them to ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the relationship remains healthy and respectful.

Here are some steps you can take to set healthy boundaries in an FWB relationship:

1. Have an open and honest conversation:

Communication is key in any relationship, including FWB relationships.

Sit down with your partner and have an honest conversation about what you both expect from the relationship and what your boundaries are.

Make sure you’re both on the same page and that you understand each other’s needs and desires.

2. Be clear and specific:

When setting boundaries, it’s important to be clear and specific about what is and isn’t acceptable in the relationship.

For example, you might set boundaries around the frequency of your encounters, whether you’ll spend time together outside of your sexual encounters, and whether you’ll be seeing other people.

3. Respect each other’s boundaries:

Once you’ve established boundaries, it’s important to respect them.

If your partner has asked for something specific, such as not texting late at night, make sure you honor their request. This will help build trust and respect in the relationship.

4. Revisit your boundaries regularly:

As your relationship evolves, it’s important to regularly revisit your boundaries and make adjustments as needed.

This will help ensure that your relationship remains healthy and respectful for both parties.

5. Don’t be afraid to end the relationship:

If you find that your boundaries are being consistently ignored or violated, don’t be afraid to end the FWB relationship.

It’s important to prioritize your own needs and well-being, and if the relationship is no longer serving you, it may be time to move on.

Remember, setting boundaries in an FWB relationship can be challenging, but it’s essential to ensure that both parties are on the same page and that the relationship remains healthy and respectful.


50 Friends with benefits boundaries

The following are some of the very important friends with benefits boundaries you must follow:

1. Clear communication of expectations:

Clear communication is a crucial aspect of any relationship, and this is especially true in a friends-with-benefits situation.

Both parties need to be clear about what they expect from the relationship to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

For example, if one person is only interested in a physical relationship and the other is hoping for something more, it’s important to discuss these expectations to ensure that both parties are on the same page.

Another example could be discussing the frequency of meetups to ensure that neither party feels neglected or smothered.

2. Establish mutual respect and trust:

Establishing mutual respect and trust is essential in any relationship, and friends-with-benefits arrangements are no exception.

Both parties should feel respected and valued, and trust should be built up over time.

For example, being honest about other partners and avoiding possessive behavior shows respect and builds trust.

Another example could be respecting each other’s personal space and privacy, which helps to establish boundaries and trust.

3. Set boundaries around feelings:

One of the biggest challenges in a friends-with-benefits relationship is managing feelings.

It’s important to set boundaries around feelings to avoid hurt and misunderstandings.

For example, both parties could agree to not express romantic feelings, or to not engage in activities that could lead to emotional attachment.

Another example could be discussing what would happen if one person develops feelings for the other, and setting boundaries around that situation.

4. Agree on level of exclusivity:

Friends-with-benefits relationships can be exclusive or non-exclusive, depending on what both parties agree to.

It’s important to discuss and agree on the level of exclusivity to avoid hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

For example, both parties could agree to only see each other, or they could agree to see other people as well.

Another example could be discussing what would happen if one person wants to become exclusive, and setting boundaries around that situation.

5. Define acceptable behaviors:

Friends-with-benefits relationships can involve a wide range of behaviors, and it’s important to define what is and isn’t acceptable to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

For example, both of you could agree to not engage in sexual activities with other people, or to not engage in certain sexual acts.

Another example could be discussing what types of communication are acceptable outside of meetups, such as texting or social media interactions.

6. Discuss safer sex practices:

Practicing safe sex is important in any sexual relationship, and it’s especially important in a friends-with-benefits situation where there may be multiple partners involved.

You both should be open and honest about their sexual history and use protection to avoid the spread of STIs.

For example, discussing when and how to use protection and getting tested regularly.

7. Don’t make it a secret between each other:

Friends-with-benefits relationships should be transparent and honest, and it’s important to not keep the relationship a secret.

Hiding the relationship can cause hurt feelings and misunderstandings, and can make the situation more complicated than it needs to be.

For example, being open with friends about the relationship and not hiding meetups or communications.

8. Avoid public displays of affection:

Public displays of affection can blur the lines of a friends-with-benefits relationship and make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Both should agree to avoid PDA to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings. For example, not holding hands or kissing in public.

9. Don’t introduce to friends/family:

Introducing a friends-with-benefits partner to friends or family can complicate the relationship and create unrealistic expectations.

You should agree to not introduce each other to friends or family to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

For example, keeping the relationship between just the two of them and not bringing the other person to family events or social gatherings.

10. Keep emotional distance:

Friends-with-benefits relationships should prioritize physical intimacy over emotional intimacy. 

You must be mindful of not getting too emotionally attached, which can complicate the relationship and cause hurt feelings.

For example, not engaging in long, emotional conversations or spending too much time together outside of physical intimacy.

11. Don’t get jealous:

Jealousy can be a common issue in friends-with-benefits relationships, especially if one person starts seeing other people.

It’s important to avoid getting jealous and to remember that the relationship is primarily physical. 

For example, not questioning or getting upset if the other person goes on dates with other people.

12. Don’t expect future commitment:

Friends-with-benefits relationships are typically short-term and are not intended to lead to a committed romantic relationship.

You must be aware that the relationship may not last and not have unrealistic expectations for the future.

For example, not expecting the other person to become a long-term partner or expecting exclusivity beyond the agreed-upon boundaries.


13. Keep it casual:

Keeping the relationship casual can help avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Both parties should prioritize physical intimacy over emotional intimacy and keep the relationship low-pressure.

For example, not expecting constant communication or planning dates in advance.

14. Respect personal space:

Respecting personal space is important in any relationship, and it’s especially important in a friends-with-benefits relationship to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Both of you should be respectful of each other’s boundaries and not intrude on personal space. 

For example, not showing up unannounced or contacting the other person outside of agreed-upon times.

15. Don’t invade privacy:

Respecting privacy is important in any relationship, and it’s especially important in a friends-with-benefits relationship to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

You both should be respectful of each other’s privacy and not invade personal space or belongings.

For example, not going through the other person’s phone or personal belongings without permission.

16. Don’t stalk or obsess:

Stalking or obsessing over a friends-with-benefits partner is not acceptable behavior and can be a sign of a deeper emotional attachment.

Be mindful of not crossing boundaries and respecting each other’s privacy. For example, not constantly checking in on the other person or showing up unannounced.

17. Avoid possessive behavior:

Possessive behavior can be a sign of deeper emotional attachment and can lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

Be mindful of not crossing boundaries and respecting each other’s autonomy. For example, not getting upset if the other person sees other people or trying to control their actions.

18. Don’t interfere with work:

Interfering with work or other aspects of life can create unnecessary stress and strain in a friends-with-benefits relationship.

It’s important that both parties respect each other’s work and other obligations. 

For example, not expecting constant communication during work hours or showing up at the other person’s workplace unannounced.

19. Don’t be overly dependent:

Being overly dependent on a friends-with-benefits partner can create unrealistic expectations and lead to hurt feelings.

You should not be relying too heavily on the other person for emotional support or companionship.

For example, not expecting the other person to always be available or canceling other plans to be with them.

20. Don’t expect constant attention:

Friends-with-benefits relationships should be low-pressure and not require constant attention or communication.

Don’t overwhelm each other with constant messages or demands for attention.

For example, not expecting immediate responses to messages or expecting the other person to be available for spontaneous hangouts or hookups.

21. Be honest about your feelings:

Open and honest communication is important in any relationship, including a friends-with-benefits relationship.

Be honest about their feelings and intentions to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

For example, discussing if one person starts to develop deeper feelings and being honest about whether the relationship is still working for both parties.

22. Be mindful of power dynamics:

Friends-with-benefits relationships can involve power dynamics, especially if one person is more emotionally invested or has more experience.

Both parties should be careful of not abusing their power or taking advantage of the other person.

For example, not pressuring the other person into doing something they’re uncomfortable with or using the relationship to manipulate the other person.

23. Set boundaries around sexual health:

Sexual health is an important consideration in any sexual relationship, including a friends-with-benefits relationship.

Each of you must be honest and transparent about their sexual health and set boundaries around safe sex practices. For example, agreeing to use protection or getting tested regularly.

24. Don’t use each other as a rebound:

Using a friends-with-benefits relationship as a rebound after a break-up can lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

You should be aware of not using the other person to fill a void or distract from emotional pain. 

For example, not expecting the other person to provide emotional support after a break-up or using the relationship to make an ex-partner jealous.

25. Be respectful when ending the relationship:

Ending a friends-with-benefits relationship can be challenging, but it’s important to do so with respect and kindness.

Both parties should be mindful of not causing unnecessary hurt or being disrespectful when ending the relationship.

For example, having an honest conversation about why the relationship is ending and being respectful of the other person’s feelings.


Good FWB boundaries

Here are some good friends with benefits boundaries:

26. No sleepovers when you need emotional support.

27. No public displays of affection

28. No intimate conversations

29. No meeting each other’s families or friends

30. No texting or calling outside of sexual encounters

31. No romantic feelings allowed

32. No jealousy or possessiveness

33. No obligation to spend time together outside of sexual encounters

34. No discussing each other’s personal lives

35. No expectations for exclusivity

36. No stalking or following on social media

37. No criticizing or judging each other’s sexual preferences

38. No discussing past relationships or hookups

39. No sharing personal information

Strict Boundaries for friends with benefits

Here are some more boundaries for friends with benefits:

40. No pressure to continue the relationship if one party wants to end it

41. No efforts to keep the fwb relationship

42. No sharing personal problems or emotional baggage

43. No discussing future plans or expectations for the relationship

44. No buying gifts or providing financial support

45. No pressure to be available for sexual encounters at all times

46. No discussing the FWB relationship with mutual friends

47. No stalking or following each other on social media

48. No excessive texting or calling

49. No criticizing or belittling each other

50. No expectations for the relationship to develop into something more serious

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, establishing boundaries is essential in FWB relationships. Boundaries help both parties understand their roles and expectations, prevent the development of romantic feelings, prevent the spread of STIs, and maintain personal autonomy.

Without boundaries, FWB relationships can quickly become complicated and potentially ruin the friendship.

Therefore, Both parties should prioritize physical intimacy over emotional intimacy and be respectful of each other’s boundaries and autonomy.

By following these guidelines, friends-with-benefits relationships can be a positive and healthy experience for all involved.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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