We all know how complicated relationships can be, but things get even trickier when it comes to friends with benefits (FWB) arrangements.
On one hand, you get to enjoy the physical intimacy without the emotional commitment of a traditional relationship.
On the other hand, there’s always the possibility that one person may develop feelings for the other, leading to jealousy and heartbreak.
If you’re in an FWB relationship, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your partner may be getting jealous.
After all, jealousy can be a powerful and destructive force that can quickly sour even the most casual of relationships.
In this post, we’ve compiled a list of 50 Hidden and confusing signs your FWB is jealous. These signs can range from subtle to obvious, but each one can provide valuable insight into your partner’s emotions and intentions.
By recognizing these Fwb jealous signs and having an open and honest conversation with your FWB, you can work together to maintain a healthy and fulfilling arrangement that works for both of you.
So, whether you’re just starting out in an FWB relationship or have been in one for a while, read on to discover the 50 signs your FWB may be jealous and what they could mean for your arrangement.

50 Signs your fwb is jealous
The following are some of the subtle, hidden and confusing signs your fwb is jealous:
1. They become quiet or withdrawn around other people you are interacting with, particularly if they are of the opposite sex.
When your FWB becomes quiet or withdrawn around people of the opposite sex, it may be a sign of jealousy.
This behavior can manifest in a variety of ways, such as not engaging in conversation with your friends, avoiding eye contact, or even leaving the room altogether.
This is a clear indication that your FWB is feeling threatened or uncomfortable in the presence of potential romantic rivals.
For example:
Let’s say you’re at a party and your FWB notices you chatting with an attractive member of the opposite sex.
Suddenly, they start checking their phone, fidgeting, and avoiding eye contact with you or the other person.
This behavior is a clear sign that they’re feeling jealous and threatened by the other person’s presence.
Other examples of this behavior might include your FWB becoming quiet or withdrawn when you’re out with mutual friends, or avoiding events where they know you’ll be interacting with potential romantic partners.
This is a clear sign that your FWB is struggling with jealousy and insecurity in your relationship.
2. They ask a lot of questions about your dating life or romantic interests outside of your FWB arrangement.
If your FWB is asking a lot of questions about your dating life or romantic interests outside of your fwb agreement, it may be a sign that they’re feeling jealous or threatened.
This behavior may take the form of casual questioning about your weekend plans or more direct inquiries about who you’re seeing or talking to.
For example:
Let’s say you mention to your FWB that you’re going on a date with someone else. They might respond with a series of questions about the person, such as their age, occupation, and interests.
This behavior can be an indication that your FWB is struggling to come to terms with the fact that you’re seeing other people.
Other examples of this behavior might include your FWB asking you to stop seeing other people or becoming possessive over your time and attention.
3. They get defensive or irritated when you mention someone else you’re interested in.
When your FWB becomes defensive or irritated when you mention someone else you’re interested in, it may be a sign that they’re feeling jealous or threatened.
This behavior may take the form of dismissive comments about the other person, passive-aggressive behavior, or even outright anger.
For example:
Let’s say you mention to your FWB that you’re thinking about going out with someone else. They might respond with comments like, “Why would you want to go out with them?” or “They’re not even that attractive.”
This behavior is a clear indication that your FWB is struggling with jealousy and insecurity in your relationship.
Other examples of this behavior might include your FWB getting angry or upset when you mention other potential romantic partners or becoming possessive over your time and attention.
4. They start to make negative comments about people you are dating or considering dating.
When your FWB starts to make negative comments about people you’re dating or considering dating, it may be a sign that they’re feeling jealous or threatened.
This behavior may take the form of dismissive comments about the other person’s personality, appearance, or interests.
For example, let’s say you mention to your FWB that you’re going on a date with someone new. They might respond with comments like, “I don’t see what you see in them” or “They’re not good enough for you.”
Other examples of this behavior might include your FWB trying to sabotage your other relationships or becoming possessive over your time and attention.
5. They become possessive over your time or attention, expecting you to prioritize them over other social or romantic obligations.
When your FWB becomes possessive over your time or attention, expecting you to prioritize them over other social or romantic obligations, it may be a sign that they’re feeling jealous or threatened.
This behavior can take many forms, such as insisting that you cancel plans with friends or other potential romantic partners, becoming upset when you’re not available to hang out, or demanding more of your time and attention than you’re willing to give.
For example:
Let’s say you’ve made plans to go out with friends on a Saturday night. Your FWB might insist that you cancel your plans and spend the evening with them instead.
They might say things like, “Why would you want to go out with them when you could be with me?” or “I thought we were supposed to spend the weekend together.”
This behavior is a clear indication that your FWB is struggling with jealousy and insecurity in your relationship.
Other examples of this behavior might include your FWB getting upset when you don’t respond to their texts or calls immediately, or trying to monopolize your time and attention when you’re together.Â
Also read: 25 Hidden signs your fwb is catching feelings for you
6. Increased Physical Affection:
When your FWB becomes jealous, they may try to increase physical affection in an attempt to create a deeper emotional connection with you.
This can include initiating more cuddling, holding hands, or simply touching you more frequently.
This behavior can be seen as an attempt to make you feel more comfortable and secure with them, while also trying to assert their dominance over any other potential suitors.
For example:
Your FWB may start to hold your hand more often, even when walking in public.
They may also cuddle with you for longer periods of time than before, trying to create a more intimate connection.
Another example could be them initiating physical contact in public, such as placing their arm around you or holding your waist.
7. Sexual Advances:
Jealousy can also manifest in your FWB trying to push sexual boundaries in the bedroom.
This can include trying new things or becoming more aggressive, in an attempt to create a more intimate and emotional connection with you.
They may try to make you feel more attached to them through sex, hoping that it will lead to a more exclusive relationship.
For example:
Your FWB may suggest trying new sexual positions or introducing new toys into the bedroom.
They may also become more dominant during sex, trying to assert their dominance over any other potential suitors.
Another example could be them trying to make sex more romantic or emotional, such as making prolonged eye contact or whispering sweet nothings.
8. Talks of a Relationship:
When your FWB becomes jealous, they may start to hint at the possibility of a more exclusive relationship with you.
They may bring up the topic of becoming more than just friends with benefits, hoping to gauge your interest in a deeper relationship.
For example:
Your FWB may ask you if you are seeing anyone else or if you are interested in being exclusive.
They may also talk about the future, such as making plans for holidays or vacations together.
Another example could be them asking you more personal questions, such as your thoughts on relationships or your ideal partner.
9. Different Behavior:
When your FWB becomes jealous, they may start to act differently around you.
This can be seen as an attempt to create a stronger emotional connection with you, while also trying to ensure that they are the only person in your life.
For example:
Your FWB may start to text you more frequently, wanting to know what you are doing at all times.
They may also become more possessive, becoming upset if they see you talking to other people.
Another example could be them becoming more attentive, such as bringing you small gifts or surprises.
10. Clingy or Needy Behavior:
When your FWB becomes jealous, they may become more clingy or needy.
They may constantly want to text or see you, becoming upset if you don’t respond quickly enough.
For example:
Your FWB may start to text you multiple times a day, even if you don’t respond right away.
They may also become upset if you don’t have time to see them as often as they would like.
Another example could be them becoming more needy, such as constantly seeking your attention or validation.
11. More Possessive of Your Belongings or Personal Space:
One of the clear signs your fwb is jealous is when they become possessive of your belongings or personal space.
They may leave their items around your place or become upset if you spend time with others in your shared spaces.
This possessive behavior can be a sign of insecurity and fear of losing you to someone else.
For example:
Your FWB may become upset if you start bringing your friends over to your apartment more often.
They may start leaving their things around your apartment to mark their territory and to discourage other people from coming over.
This behavior can be a sign that they feel threatened by the possibility of losing you.
12. More Protective of You in Social Situations:
Another sign that your FWB is jealous is when they become more protective of you in social situations.
They may try to intervene if they feel someone is treating you poorly or unfairly.
This protective behavior can be a sign that they are starting to see you as more than just a casual hookup and are becoming more invested in your relationship.
For example:
Your FWB may step in if they see someone being rude to you at a party or if they feel like you are being disrespected in some way.
They may also become more vocal in their defense of you if they feel like someone is trying to take advantage of you in any way.
13. More Territorial:
Another sign that your FWB is jealous is when they become more territorial.
They may try to mark their “territory” by leaving their belongings around your apartment or making sure others know that you are together.
This territorial behavior can be a sign that they are trying to establish a deeper connection with you and are feeling threatened by the possibility of you seeing other people.
For example:
Your FWB may start leaving their toothbrush or other personal items around your apartment.
They may also make a point of holding your hand or putting their arm around you in public to make it clear to others that you are taken.
14. Jealous of Other People in Your Life:
Another one of the obvious signs your FWB is jealous is when they start to become jealous of other people in your life.
They may feel threatened by your other friends or romantic partners and may start to act out or become distant when you spend time with these people.
This behavior can be a sign that they are starting to develop stronger feelings for you and are worried about losing you to someone else.
For example:
Your FWB may become jealous if they see you hanging out with your ex or with someone they perceive as a romantic rival.
They may start acting out or becoming distant when you spend time with these people, or they may try to discourage you from seeing them altogether.
15. More Competitive with Other People in Your Life:
Another sign that your FWB is jealous is when they become more competitive with other people in your life.
They may try to prove that they are better suited for you than anyone else and may become upset or defensive if they feel like they are being compared to other people.
This behavior can be a sign that they are starting to see you as more than just a casual hookup and are becoming more invested in your relationship.
For example:
Your FWB may become upset if they see you flirting with someone else or if they feel like you are showing more interest in someone else.
They may try to prove their worth by being extra attentive or by going out of their way to do things for you.

Subtle Signs fwb is jealous
Here are some subtle signs fwb is jealous:
16. They start to monitor your social media more closely, perhaps commenting on or reacting to posts that involve other people you are dating or interested in.
17. They start to become more critical of your choices or behavior, perhaps trying to shape you into the person they want you to be.
18. They become more suspicious of your intentions or motives, perhaps thinking that you are trying to hurt them or cheat on them.
19. They become more emotional or volatile, perhaps crying or lashing out when they feel threatened or jealous.
20. They get angry or frustrated if you don’t respond to their messages right away.
21. They try to control who you spend time with, perhaps discouraging you from hanging out with certain friends or acquaintances.
22. They become overly attentive to your needs and wants, trying to fulfill every request you make.
23. They make it known to others that you are their FWB and discourage any potential suitors.
24. They become more possessive of your physical appearance, perhaps commenting on your outfit choices or getting upset if you change your hair.
25. They start to become more secretive about their own personal life, perhaps not wanting to share details about their dating or social life outside of your FWB arrangement.
26. They start to show up unexpectedly or uninvited, perhaps trying to catch you in the act with someone else.
27. They become more territorial over you in public, perhaps becoming more touchy or affectionate when other people are around.
28. They start to compare themselves to other people you are dating or interested in, perhaps feeling insecure about their own position in your life.
29. They start to withdraw emotionally from the arrangement, perhaps feeling hurt or rejected by your actions.
30. They try to make you jealous by mentioning other potential partners or romantic interests they have.

Hidden signs your friends with benefits is jealous
Here are some more hidden signs your friends with benefits is jealous:
31. They become increasingly critical of your interactions with other people, including friends and family members.
32. They become more possessive over your belongings, perhaps taking your things without asking or getting upset when you use something of theirs.
33. They start to become more possessive over your time, perhaps getting upset when you have other obligations or spend time with other people.
34. They become more controlling in the bedroom, perhaps insisting on certain sexual acts or becoming upset if you don’t comply with their desires.
35. They start to become more needy and dependent on you, perhaps expecting you to provide emotional support at all times.
36. They start to become more jealous of your successes and accomplishments, feeling threatened by your confidence and independence.
37. They become more critical of your physical appearance, perhaps making negative comments about your weight or style.
38. They become more controlling of your social media accounts, perhaps insisting on monitoring your interactions or limiting your access.
39. They become more emotionally manipulative, using guilt or fear to keep you in the arrangement.
40. They become more possessive over your body, perhaps trying to control what you wear or how you present yourself physically.
41. They start to become more secretive and elusive, perhaps not answering your calls or texts for extended periods of time.
42. They start to become more distant and unresponsive, perhaps withdrawing from physical or emotional intimacy altogether.
43. They become more paranoid and suspicious, perhaps accusing you of cheating or lying without any evidence.
44. They become more possessive of your social circle, perhaps trying to control who you spend time with or discouraging you from making new friends.
45. They start to become more controlling of your finances, perhaps insisting on paying for everything or getting upset when you spend money without their approval.
46. They become more obsessive, perhaps stalking you or constantly checking in on your whereabouts.
47. They start to become more possessive of your personal space, perhaps insisting on being around you all the time or getting upset when you spend time alone.
48. They become more competitive in social situations, perhaps trying to one-up you or prove their superiority to others.
49. They start to become more possessive of your professional life, perhaps trying to control your career choices or getting upset when you work with certain people.
50. They become more manipulative and deceitful, perhaps lying or manipulating situations in order to get their way.
Final thoughts:
It’s important to remember that jealousy and insecurity can be common in FWB relationships, as there are often blurred boundaries and a lack of commitment.
However, it’s also important to recognize these signs and address them openly and honestly with your partner.
By communicating openly and setting clear boundaries, you can help ensure that your relationship remains healthy and fulfilling for both of you.