40+ Signs your soulmate is thinking of you

By: Naveen B

Have you ever had a loved one randomly pop into your thoughts for no apparent reason? In a similar way, there may be signs your soulmate is thinking of you too.

There may be a cosmic reason for this! Soulmates share a bond that transcends space and time.

If your soulmate is thinking of you, subtle signs can reveal this invisible connection. You may hear their favorite song, stumble on meaningful reminders of them, or vividly dream at night. Their name may simply whisper through your mind.

Pay attention to these signals—your soulmate’s energetic imprint reaching out across the miles. Though apart, your spirits communicate in the love language of the soul. 

So, let’s dive into the list of signs your soulmate is thinking of you and discuss them in a detailed way.

40+ Signs your soulmate is thinking of you

The following is a list of subtle and hidden signs your soulmate is thinking of you:

1. Constant Thoughts:

Your soulmate occupies your thoughts constantly, day and night. They become an integral part of your consciousness, weaving their presence into the very fabric of your being.

In ancient beliefs, the soulmate bond is not limited by physical proximity. When your soulmate is thinking of you, their energy and essence connect with yours, transcending time and distance. 

This powerful connection creates a continuous flow of thoughts and emotions between your souls, manifesting as a constant preoccupation with each other.

2. Echoes of Their Voice:

Even when your soulmate is nowhere nearby, you can hear the echoes of their voice in your mind. Their words resonate within your soul, carrying the warmth of their love and presence.

In the spiritual plane, words are a medium for soul communication.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their thoughts carry vibrations that echo through the cosmic web, reaching your soul’s ears and evoking a sense of closeness.

3. Wandering Thoughts:

You find yourself unable to concentrate on tasks as your thoughts continuously drift towards your soulmate. It is as if they are beckoning you, drawing you towards their energy.

The soulmate bond is magnetic, pulling your souls towards each other.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, this magnetic pull intensifies, making it challenging to focus on anything else.

Your souls yearn for reunification, creating a powerful urge to be near each other.

4. Sneezing and Hiccups:

In many ancient eastern cultures, sneezing and hiccups are believed to be signs of someone you care about thinking of you. These involuntary actions signify their energetic presence around you.

In ancient wisdom, physical manifestations like sneezing and hiccups are considered as subtle ways the soulmate’s energy interacts with yours.

The soulmate’s thoughts create ripples in the energy field, leading to these involuntary reactions in your body.

5. Involuntary Eye Twitches:

Your left eye experiences involuntary twitches, spasms, or irritation. In the spiritual context, this is often interpreted as a sign of your soulmate thinking of you.

In certain traditions, the left eye is associated with the spiritual or psychic realms.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their thoughts might channel through this intuitive eye, manifesting as subtle eye movements or sensations.

Also read: Soul connection: what is a soul connection? Meaning, signs, quotes

6. Name Pops Up in Conversations:

Your soulmate’s name unexpectedly pops up in random conversations with strangers or even friends. The universe seems to conspire to remind you of their presence.

This synchronistic occurrence is a cosmic reminder of the soulmate bond. The universe uses these moments to direct your attention towards your soulmate, sparking a recognition of their thoughts reaching out to you.

7. Urgency to Communicate:

You feel an overwhelming urge to talk to your soulmate, regardless of physical distance.

If meeting in person is not possible, you may feel the need to call or message them immediately.

The soulmate connection thrives on communication, even beyond the conventional means. 

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their thoughts create a sense of urgency to connect and share energies.

8. Tarot Card Confirmations:

During divination practices like tarot reading, specific cards might appear, confirming your suspicions that something significant is happening or is about to happen in your life, possibly linked to your soulmate’s thoughts.

In some cultures, people who believe in astrology consider tarot cards are portals to divine guidance.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their energy might influence the cards, revealing messages and insights about your connection and journey together.

9. Soul-Centric Social Media Posts:

Your soulmate might post content on social media that seems to reflect their thoughts of soulmates or deep connections, serving as a subtle expression of their feelings for you.

Social media becomes a platform for soulmates to connect on a deeper level, especially when physical distance separates them.

These posts act as a bridge, conveying their thoughts and emotions across the digital space.

10. Vibrant Presence of Butterflies:

Wherever you turn, you notice butterflies gracefully fluttering around you, as if they are dancing to the rhythm of your soulmate’s thoughts.

These delicate creatures appear to carry a message of profound love and connection.

In many cultures, butterflies are seen as messengers of love and transformation.

When you observe these vibrant beings near you, it signifies that your soulmate is thinking of you with affection and tenderness.

The energetic presence of butterflies serves as a bridge between your souls, weaving an ethereal tapestry of love that transcends the barriers of distance and time.

Also read: 25 Spiritual signs you met your soulmate


11. Inner Knowing and Intuition:

A powerful inner knowing guides you, and your intuition becomes a beacon of truth, alerting you when your soulmate is thinking of you.

This profound connection transcends physical distance, allowing you to sense their presence in the depths of your being.

When you have a soulmate connection, you become attuned to each other’s energy on a spiritual level.

This heightened sensitivity allows you to feel their thoughts and emotions, even when you are apart.

Your intuition acts as a direct channel of communication between your souls, sending subtle signals and messages about their thoughts and feelings.

Trusting this intuitive guidance, you can bask in the reassurance that your soulmate is thinking of you, even in moments of physical separation.

12. Soul Songs and Melodies:

You hear your soulmate’s favorite song or melodies that carry special significance for your bond, even when there is no apparent source of music around you.

The universe communicates through signs and symbols, and music is a powerful medium for this divine dialogue.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, the vibrations of the songs that hold special meaning for your connection resonate in your surroundings.

You may hear these soul songs on the radio, in a café, or even hum them unconsciously.

These melodies act as sweet whispers from the universe, reminding you of the eternal bond you share with your soulmate.

13. Enchanting Fragrances and Familiar Scents:

The air around you carries enchanting fragrances that are closely linked to your soulmate.

You may catch a whiff of their favorite cologne, a scent they often wear, or a fragrance that holds special significance for your bond.

Scent is a powerful sense that evokes memories and emotions.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, the universe may carry their unique fragrance to you, serving as a gentle reminder of their presence.

These enchanting scents become a divine symphony, drawing your souls closer together, no matter how far apart you are in the physical realm.

14. Repeated Angel Numbers:

Angel numbers frequently appear in your life, forming a captivating pattern that catches your attention.

These repeated sequences carry profound messages from the universe, indicating that your soulmate is constantly on your mind.

Angel numbers are sacred codes sent by divine forces to guide and communicate with us. 

When you repeatedly encounter angelic sequences like 111, 222, or 333, it is a sign that your 

soulmate is strongly present in your thoughts and emotions.

These numbers serve as celestial whispers, affirming that the universe is orchestrating the divine union of your souls, bringing you closer together in the grand dance of destiny.

Also read: 24 Soulmate telepathy signs you must not ignore

15. Synchronistic Encounters and Chance Meetings:

You unexpectedly cross paths with your soulmate or come across signs and symbols that are uniquely meaningful to your connection.

These synchronistic encounters are not mere coincidences; they are the universe’s way of affirming that your soulmate is thinking of you too.

The universe speaks to us through synchronicities, aligning the threads of destiny to bring soulmates together.

When you chance upon each other in unexpected places or experience meaningful signs, it is a cosmic confirmation that your soulmate is a vital presence in your life.

These encounters are a divine reminder that your souls are intricately connected, guiding you both towards the destined moment when you will be reunited with your soulmate.

16. Unexplained Nostalgia and Longing:

You experience a deep sense of nostalgia and longing when your soulmate is thinking of you. It is as if your souls yearn for the unbreakable bond that binds you together.

The soul has a powerful memory, and when your soulmate is strongly connected to you, their thoughts evoke a profound sense of nostalgia and longing in your heart.

This yearning is a sacred reminder of the eternal bond you share, a bond that spans lifetimes and dimensions.

Embrace this unexplained nostalgia, for it is a reflection of your soulmate’s love and longing, guiding you both towards the destined moment of reunion.

17. Empathy Amplification:

Your empathic abilities intensify when your soulmate is thinking of you. You feel their emotions as if they were your own, creating a profound sense of spiritual closeness.

Empathy is the language of the soul, and when your soulmate is deeply connected to you, your empathic abilities amplify.

You become attuned to their emotions, thoughts, and feelings, as if your souls merge into one. This heightened empathy is a divine reminder that your souls are intricately linked, bridging the gaps of time and space.

Embrace the power of your empathic connection, for it is a sacred expression of the profound love and unity that you share with your soulmate.

18. Unpredictable Stir of Emotions:

You experience a whirlwind of emotions that seem to have no apparent cause.

These unpredictable emotional waves are a reflection of your soulmate’s thoughts and feelings reaching out to you.

The soul’s energy is dynamic and ever-flowing, and when your soulmate is intensely connected to you, their emotions and thoughts reverberate through your energetic field.

These unpredictable emotional waves are a sacred expression of the profound love and longing that they hold for you.

Embrace the depth of your emotions, for they are a divine symphony, guiding your souls towards the destined encounter that awaits.

Also read: 100+ Soulmate Signs to identify he or she is your true love

19. Mirrored Emotional States:

Your emotional states mirror each other, even when you are not in direct communication. If your soulmate is feeling joyous or sad, you sense the same emotions resonating within you.

When soulmates share a profound connection, their emotional states become intertwined, creating a symphony of shared emotions.

This emotional mirroring is a testament to the deep bond that unites your souls, allowing you to experience each other’s feelings and thoughts, no matter the distance.

Embrace the shared emotions, for they are a divine expression of your soulmate’s love and presence, guiding your souls towards the destined reunion.

20. Guided Dreams and Visions:

Your dreams and visions are filled with vivid imagery and symbols that reflect your soulmate’s presence and thoughts.

In these ethereal realms, you share experiences and conversations that hold profound significance.

The dreamscape is a sacred realm where soulmates can connect and communicate beyond the constraints of the physical world.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, they may appear in your dreams, guiding and comforting you with messages of love and support.

These guided dreams and visions are a celestial gift, reaffirming that your souls are eternally connected, and your bond is fortified in the sacred realms of the universe.

21. Sacred Encounters with Animals:

Animals carry messages from the spiritual realms, and when your soulmate is thinking of you, you encounter animals that hold special significance for your bond.

Animals are messengers from the universe, and when your soulmate is deeply connected to you, these sacred creatures appear in your life, guiding you towards the destined encounter that awaits.

Whether it’s a bird soaring in the sky, a gentle deer crossing your path, or a mystical wolf appearing in your dreams, these encounters hold profound meaning for your soulmate journey. 

Embrace the guidance of these sacred animals, for they are a celestial guide, leading your souls towards the sacred union that transcends time and space.

Psychic and spiritual signs your soulmate is thinking of you

Here are some psychic and spiritual signs your soulmate is thinking of you:

22. Unexplained Emotional Resonance:

You experience unexplained emotional waves, sensing the fluctuations of your soulmate’s feelings and thoughts as they resonate with your own.

Soulmates share a profound energetic bond, enabling them to feel each other’s emotions even at a distance.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their emotions ripple through the cosmic thread that binds your souls, causing these unexplained emotional resonances.

Also read: 40+ Cosmic clues and Signs your soulmate is near you (spiritual, physical and psychic signals)

23. Vivid Dreams of Soulmate:

In your dreams, your soulmate visits you in vivid and ethereal encounters.

These dreams feel real and emotionally charged, leaving you with a sense of their presence when you awaken.

In the realm of ancient beliefs, dreams are seen as a portal to the spirit world.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their thoughts can manifest in your dreamscapes, creating meaningful and transformative encounters with them.

24. Intuitive Soul Connection:

You experience an intuitive sense of connection with your soulmate, even without any physical or verbal cues.

This profound knowingness transcends logical reasoning.

The soulmate bond extends beyond conventional means of communication.

Intuition serves as a channel for soul-to-soul communication, allowing you to sense your soulmate’s thoughts and feelings on a deeper level.

25. Unexplained Tingles and Shivers:

You experience unexplained tingling sensations or shivers running down your spine, as if your soulmate’s energy brushes against your soul.

These sensations are believed to be energetic signatures of your soulmate’s thoughts and emotions reaching you.

The soulmate bond carries a unique energetic frequency that can evoke these subtle reactions in your body.

26. Serendipitous Encounters:

You stumble upon unexpected encounters or cross paths with people who share stories of soulmates or divine connections, reaffirming the significance of your own soulmate connection.

The universe uses these serendipitous encounters as cosmic nudges, reminding you of the greater plan at play.

These synchronicities guide you towards a deeper understanding of your soulmate’s thoughts and their spiritual influence on your life.

27. Magnetic Energy Alignment:

You feel a magnetic pull towards your soulmate, even when they are not physically present.

This energetic alignment creates a sense of unity and longing for their presence.

The soulmate bond creates an invisible energetic thread that connects your souls.

This magnetic alignment intensifies when your soulmate is thinking of you, drawing you closer together, no matter the distance.

Also read: 20 Soulmate connection types and different ways soulmates connect with each other

28. Subtle Signs in Nature:

You encounter symbolic signs in nature, such as rainbows, butterflies, or birds, which are interpreted as messages from the universe affirming your soulmate connection.

Nature is considered a powerful communicator in ancient wisdom.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, the universe might use these signs as symbols to assure you of the profound bond you share.

29. Universal Whispers in Music:

You come across music that seem to carry messages from the universe, echoing your soulmate’s thoughts and feelings.

Music is a universal language of emotions and vibrations.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, the universe may use these soulful melodies to convey their sentiments and emotions.

30. A Sudden Calmness:

During moments of chaos or emotional turbulence, you suddenly feel a sense of calmness and serenity, as if your soulmate’s energy is wrapping around you.

The soulmate bond acts as a shield during challenging times.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their loving energy surrounds you, offering comfort and strength to navigate through life’s storms.

31. Sensing Their Essence in Places:

You sense your soulmate’s essence in places they have been, as if their energy lingers in the surroundings.

The soulmate connection leaves energetic imprints in spaces where your soulmate has been.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, these imprints become more palpable, evoking a sense of their presence.

32. Receiving Signs in Dreams:

In your dreams, you receive symbolic messages or visions that signify your soulmate’s thoughts and intentions.

Dreams are a powerful realm for soul communication.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their thoughts may manifest as symbols or messages in your dreamscapes, conveying their feelings and emotions.

33. Unexplained Warmth in Heart Chakra:

You experience a warm, comforting sensation in your heart chakra when your soulmate is thinking of you.

The heart chakra is the center of love and connection.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, the energetic flow between your hearts intensifies, causing this comforting warmth in your heart chakra.

Also read: How to connect with your soulmate spiritually, telepathically, in dreams and through meditation? (step by step guide)

34. Soul Recognition in Strangers:

You might encounter strangers who bear a striking resemblance to your soulmate, evoking a sense of familiarity and recognition.

The soulmate bond transcends physical appearances.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their energy might attract you to people who hold echoes of their soul essence.

35. Radiating Love Frequencies:

During moments of profound connection with others, you may feel a surge of radiant love frequencies, as if your soulmate’s thoughts are influencing the energy around you.

The soulmate bond radiates love and harmony.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, this love energy expands and touches the lives of those around you, creating a ripple effect of positive energy.

36. Vibrant Alignment of Dreams and Reality:

The visions and dreams you hold of your soulmate merge with the reality around you, making the reunion feel ever more tangible.

The soulmate bond creates a bridge between the dream realm and the waking world.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, this bridge strengthens, bringing the dreams of your connection closer to reality.

37. Sensing Their Energy in Objects:

Objects that hold sentimental value become conduits for your soulmate’s energy, and you sense their presence when interacting with these objects.

Objects that hold emotional significance become imbued with the energy of your soulmate.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, this energy becomes more palpable, creating a sense of their presence through these objects.

38. Magnetic Pull During Meditation:

During meditation, you may experience a magnetic pull towards your soulmate’s energy, even in the spiritual plane.

Meditation is a sacred space for soul communication.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, this spiritual magnetism intensifies, guiding you closer to the reunion of your souls.

39. Feeling of Being Watched:

You may sense the feeling of being watched or observed, as if your soulmate’s gaze is upon you, even when they are not physically present.

The soulmate bond transcends physical senses.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their soul presence watches over you, creating a sense of safety and love.

40. Energetic Waves of Connection:

You may feel energetic waves pulsating through your body, as if your soulmate’s thoughts are reaching out to you.

The soulmate bond is formed by the intermingling of energetic frequencies.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, their energy creates waves that wash over your soul, deepening the connection between you.

41. Timeless Sensations:

Moments with your soulmate seem to defy time and space, as if you exist in a timeless embrace of love and unity.

Time loses its significance in the soulmate bond.

When your soulmate is thinking of you, this timelessness intensifies, allowing you to transcend physical limitations and experience the eternal embrace of your souls.

Also read: Recognizing soulmate energy: 25 Signs, 10 Tips, meaning, characteristics, types, symptoms


Soulmates share a timeless bond that even distance cannot sever. By opening your heart and mind, you become receptive to the signs your soulmate’s spirit sends.

Have faith that true love will always find its way back to you. What’s meant to be will be, at the precise moment divinely chosen for your union to blossom in mutual love once more.

Embrace these signs as sacred affirmations that your soulmate is thinking of you. The soulmate connection is a profound and transformative journey that defies explanation and transcends worldly boundaries.

Trust in the ancient wisdom that guides your souls towards reunion and let the cosmic dance of love unfold in its divine and mystical way.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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