225 Really weird would you rather questions to ask people from clean to adult edition

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By: Kevin Grant

Bored of Normal “Would You Rather”? Buckle Up for the Bizarre!

Forget ketchup on ice cream. Imagine a talking parrot narrating your life in a pirate voice, or having permanent hiccups that play the national anthem. Ready to explore the truly peculiar corners of your mind (and your friends’)? Dive into 225 insanely weird “Would You Rather” questions that range from playfully strange to hilariously adult.

This ain’t your grandma’s game. This is a mind-bending journey into the absurd, where laughter and awkward silences collide. Unleash the weirdness, discover hidden depths (or questionable preferences), and remember: we warned you about the existential meltdowns. Scroll down, brave adventurers, and prepare to have your reality warped in the best way possible!


Weird would you rather questions

These are very weird would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have the ability to speak every language, but only in the voice of a squeaky balloon animal, or understand every animal noise, but only when they’re complaining about your messy room?

2. Would you rather live in a world where everyone has to wear mismatched socks every day, or a world where all clocks run backwards, constantly creating confusing time loops?

3. Would you rather possess the power to teleport, but only into awkward family reunions, or have the ability to control the weather, but only conjure up sudden blizzards in your living room?

4. Would you rather eat all your meals through a straw for a year, or have your laughter permanently replaced by a loud car horn honk?

5. Would you rather constantly smell like freshly baked cookies, but attract squirrels who try to nibble on your ears, or possess the power to talk to plants, but they only offer unsolicited gardening advice?

6. Would you rather live in a world where everyone speaks in rhymes, but all the rhymes are terrible, or a world where everyone has a personal theme song that plays on repeat whenever

they enter a room?

7. Would you rather have the ability to fly, but only while wearing a giant inflatable banana costume, or be able to breathe underwater, but only if you constantly sing show tunes while doing so?

8. Would you rather have a pet rock that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve embarrassing haircuts, or be able to travel through time, but only to witness historical fashion disasters firsthand?

9. Would you rather always sneeze confetti every time you get excited, or have your dreams be broadcasted live on every billboard in the city?

10. Would you rather possess the power to rewind time, but only for five minutes and only to repeat embarrassing moments, or have the ability to read minds, but only hear everyone’s grocery lists and mundane observations about the weather?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s hair changes color based on their mood, or a world where furniture randomly teleports every time you blink?

12. Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible, but only when you’re naked, or possess the power to teleport, but only into public bathrooms right before someone else walks in?

13. Would you rather constantly have glitter sticking to your clothes, or have your every sigh spontaneously turn into a jazz riff?

14. Would you rather live in a world where everyone whispers their thoughts instead of speaking out loud, or a world where all dogs can fly, but only while wearing tiny superhero capes?

15. Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells terrible jokes constantly, or a world where all traffic lights blink like disco balls, causing perpetual chaotic commutes?

Funny Would you rather questions weird

The following are some funny would you rather questions weird:

1. Would you rather have teeth made of popcorn kernels that explode with buttery flavor every time you bite into something hard, or a nose that plays a tiny kazoo melody every time you smell something delicious?

2. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s shadow dances the Macarena whenever they walk in the sun, or a world where furniture randomly breaks into spontaneous furniture breakdances?

3. Would you rather possess the power to turn any object into a banana for 24 hours, but only be able to turn it back by singing karaoke off-key, or have the ability to talk to cats, but they only respond in hilarious puns and limericks?

4. Would you rather have a pet goldfish that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve wearing the most outrageous hats for a week, or have the ability to teleport, but only into awkward first dates gone wrong?

5. Would you rather have hair that changes color according to your mood, but constantly clash with your outfit choices, or be able to smell every emotion, but be bombarded with the overwhelming aroma of everyone’s fear of public speaking?

6. Would you rather be stuck in a world where everyone speaks in limericks, but they’re all terrible and grammatically incorrect, or a world where every time you tell a lie, your clothes spontaneously change into clown costumes?

7. Would you rather have a magic mirror that tells the future, but only in emoji riddles, or be able to fly, but only while propelling yourself with your armpit farts?

8. Would you rather be able to pause time, but only when you’re stuck in an embarrassing situation, or possess the power to speak every language, but only in the voice of a grumpy cartoon penguin?

9. Would you rather be able to control the weather with your burps, but only summon bizarre phenomena like glitter rain and marshmallow snowstorms, or have the ability to read minds, but only hear everyone’s embarrassing childhood memories?

10. Would you rather have a pet that sings show tunes in opera style, but sheds glitter and feathers everywhere, or be able to grow any plant by singing to it, but only if the plants are carnivorous and sing back in falsetto?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s house spontaneously redecorates itself every Friday night, resulting in endless disco-themed living rooms and neon bathrooms, or a world where all pets wear tiny hats that change depending on their mood?

12. Would you rather have the ability to teleport, but only land inside washing machines that are about to start their spin cycle, or possess the power to rewind time, but only by reliving embarrassing moments in reverse for everyone to witness?

13. Would you rather have a pet gerbil that predicts the lottery numbers, but only by digging cryptic tunnels in your backyard, or be able to write music with your sneezes, but only if they sound like bagpipes on fire?

14. Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays on repeat whenever you walk into a room, but it’s always an incredibly embarrassing karaoke rendition of a cheesy pop song, or have the ability to understand every animal noise, but they only gossip about each other’s hygiene habits?

15. Would you rather have your laughter permanently replaced by a loud donkey bray, or be able to see the future, but only through interpretive dance routines performed by squirrels wearing tutus?

Best Would you rather weird questions

The following are some of the best would you rather weird questions:

1. Would you rather have a pet unicorn that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve wearing silly costumes for a month, or possess the power to speak to inanimate objects, but they only gossip about you behind your back?

2. Would you rather live in a world where everyone speaks in rhymes, but the rhymes are nonsensical and nonsensical and cause chaotic misunderstandings, or a world where every color of clothing has a distinct personality that clashes with your mood?

3. Would you rather have the ability to rewind time, but only by reenacting embarrassing moments in public with perfect accuracy, or be able to teleport, but only into awkward family reunions with estranged relatives you haven’t seen in decades?

4. Would you rather constantly smell like freshly baked cookies, but attract pigeons who try to nest in your hair, or have your dreams be broadcasted live on every billboard in the city, showcasing your deepest fears and bizarre fantasies?

5. Would you rather possess the power to turn any object into a banana for 24 hours, but only be able to turn it back by singing opera off-key at the top of your lungs, or have the ability to talk to cats, but they only respond in existential riddles that leave you questioning the meaning of life?

6. Would you rather live in a world where everyone spontaneously breaks into dance routines every time they hear music, but the dances are all interpretive and incredibly awkward, or a world where furniture randomly rearranges itself every night, resulting in unexpected living room obstacles and bedroom surprises?

7. Would you rather have a personal theme song that plays on repeat whenever you enter a room, but it’s a mash-up of all the most annoying ringtones and elevator music, or have the ability to see the future, but only through cryptic cave paintings drawn by grumpy owls?

8. Would you rather be able to fly, but only while wearing a giant inflatable avocado costume, or possess the power to control the weather, but only summon bizarre phenomena like rainbow blizzards and confetti hurricanes?

9. Would you rather have teeth made of popcorn kernels that explode with buttery flavor every time you bite into something hard, but constantly leave buttery residue on your face, or a nose that plays a tiny polka melody every time you sniff a flower?

10. Would you rather be stuck in a world where everyone whispers their thoughts instead of speaking out loud, but the whispers are all incredibly loud and dramatic, or a world where all dogs can fly, but only while dressed in miniature superhero costumes that constantly 


11. Would you rather be able to pause time, but only when you’re on the verge of winning a competition, ensuring you win but leaving everyone else frozen in mid-dejection, or have the ability to read minds, but only hear everyone’s internal to-do lists and grocery shopping plans?

12. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s hair changes color according to their mood, but constantly clashes with their outfit choices, or a world where all traffic lights blink like disco balls, causing perpetual chaotic commutes?

13. Would you rather have a pet rock that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve wearing mismatched socks for a year, or be able to travel through time, but only to witness historical fashion disasters firsthand, like bad toga choices and questionable medieval hats?

14. Would you rather constantly sneeze confetti every time you get excited, but only in embarrassing situations like job interviews or first dates, or have your laughter permanently replaced by a loud car horn honk, interrupting conversations and potentially triggering car alarms?

15. Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells terrible jokes constantly, but the jokes are so bad they’re ironically hilarious, or a world where all furniture randomly teleports every time you blink, forcing you to live in a perpetual game of musical chairs with your possessions?

Really Weird would you rather questions for adults

The following are some really weird would you rather questions for adults:

1. Would you rather have a sentient cactus for a roommate who throws witty barbs but secretly admires your socks, or a pet blob of living glitter that follows you everywhere, leaving a sparkly trail of chaos and existential questions?

2. Would you rather possess the ability to teleport, but only into dreams of random strangers, experiencing their deepest fears and wildest fantasies firsthand, or control the weather with your emotions, unleashing rain showers of tears and thunderous tantrums upon the unsuspecting world?

3. Would you rather develop a sudden allergy to sleep, forcing you to explore the world’s hidden delights under the moon’s silver gaze, or gain the power to talk to plants, but they only share gossip about the juiciest bugs they’ve devoured and the shady deeds witnessed from their rooted vantage point?

4. Would you rather have your laughter permanently replaced by the sound of a kazoo solo gone wrong, drawing startled stares and bewildered giggles wherever you go, or develop a keen sense of smell for emotions, forever bombarded by the pungent aroma of everyone’s anxieties and hidden desires?

5. Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells the truth, brutally and unfiltered, even the most awkward and uncomfortable truths, or a world where everyone speaks in limericks, but they’re all terrible, grammatically incorrect, and hilariously nonsensical?

6. Would you rather possess the power to turn any object into a banana for 24 hours, but only be able to reverse it by singing show tunes in a language you don’t know, or have the ability to rewind time, but only by reliving embarrassing moments on repeat, complete with audience reactions and your own cringe-worthy inner monologue?

7. Would you rather constantly smell like freshly baked cookies, but attract squirrels who try to nest in your hair and gnaw on your buttons, or have your dreams play out in real-time on movie screens around the world, exposing your deepest desires and wildest nightmares to all?

8. Would you rather live in a world where furniture randomly swaps places every night, keeping you on your toes and forcing creative bedroom layouts, or a world where shadows come alive, mimicking your movements and engaging in sassy social commentary on your every step?

9. Would you rather have the ability to pause time, but only for five minutes and only to repeat embarrassing moments, ensuring maximum awkwardness for yourself and everyone else, or possess the power to instantly learn any language, but only by absorbing it from the brains of unsuspecting pigeons?

10. Would you rather be able to fly, but only while wearing a giant inflatable bubblegum shrimp costume, constantly attracting hungry seagulls and confused stares, or be able to teleport, but only into awkward family reunions with estranged relatives you haven’t seen in decades, complete with obligatory casserole and forced small talk?

11. Would you rather have a pet unicorn that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve questionable fashion choices like neon tutus and rainbow mohawks, or be able to control the weather with your burps, summoning everything from salsa rain to glitter blizzards upon the unsuspecting populace?

12. Would you rather be able to see the future, but only through interpretive dance routines performed by synchronized hamsters in tutus, or be able to talk to inanimate objects, but they only complain about their existential angst and yearn for the sweet release of being repurposed into something useful?

13. Would you rather constantly hum nonsensical sea shanties under your breath, driving everyone you meet slightly mad, or develop a sudden aversion to gravity, perpetually hovering a few inches above the ground and causing mass confusion about your footwear choices?

14. Would you rather live in a world where everyone spontaneously breaks into interpretive dance routines every time they hear music, but the dances are all incredibly awkward and leave everyone tripping over their own feet, or a world where every inanimate object has a distinct personality that clashes with yours, leading to perpetual arguments with your toaster and passive-aggressive notes from your couch?

15. Would you rather have your life narrated by a sarcastic parrot who constantly judges your choices and mocks your failures, or develop the ability to speak every language fluently, but only in the voice of a grumpy cartoon villain, forever sounding like you’re about to plot world domination?

Weird would you rather questions for couples

The following are some weird would you rather questions for couples:

1. Would you rather dream swap every night, but always have nightmares, or share a brain, but get each other’s earworms?

2. Would you rather always smell like your partner’s favorite food, but attract food fights, or turn invisible together, but only in awkward moments?

3. Would you rather have a pet dragon that judges your arguments, or sing a love ballad duet, but only in animal noises?

4. Would you rather win every argument through mind control, but turn purple for a day, or predict the future, but only through interpretive dance?

5. Would you rather speak in rhymes all day, but they’re terrible limericks, or teleport to random vacations, but always in costume?

6. Would you rather read each other’s minds, but only hear embarrassing memories, or fly together, but on a giant inflatable pizza slice?

7. Would you rather always laugh in unison, but at everyone else’s jokes, or sneeze glitter 

showers, but trigger confetti cannons at weddings?

8. Would you rather turn everything you touch into flowers, but permanently wear gardening gloves, or live in a world of synchronized furniture dancing, but with your furniture?

9. Would you rather talk to plants, but they only gossip about your neighbors, or have pet rocks that grant wishes, but only for mismatched outfits?

10. Would you rather wake up with random matching tattoos every morning, or control the weather with your emotions, but unleash emotional blizzards?

11. Would you rather develop a shared superpower of spontaneous karaoke bursts, or become human magnets, forever stuck together (but stylishly)?

12. Would you rather communicate through interpretive dance, but always trip over each other’s moves, or travel through time, but only to witness historical fashion disasters together?

13. Would you rather live in a world where everyone whispers their feelings, but you’re the only ones who shout, or share a personal theme song, but it’s a hilarious mashup of your worst singing?

14. Would you rather have premonitions of upcoming fights, but only through cryptic fortune cookie messages, or see the future, but only through the eyes of squirrels wearing tiny tutus?

15. Would you rather become human piñatas on your anniversary, full of candy and surprises, or have your love story tattooed on a talking parrot who narrates your every move?


Weird would you rather questions gross edition

The following are some weird would you rather questions gross edition:

1. Would you rather constantly smell like your partner’s feet or burp up rainbow glitter every time you laugh?

2. Would you rather have a pet slug that tells dirty jokes or a talking hairball that dispenses relationship advice, but only through interpretive dance?

3. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s sweat smells like delicious pastries or where furniture reproduces like dust bunnies?

4. Would you rather develop the ability to teleport, but only into public bathrooms right before 

someone else walks in, or gain the power to understand animal noises, but they only gossip about each other’s digestive habits?

5. Would you rather have your laughter permanently replaced by the sound of a kazoo solo gone wrong or constantly sneezing confetti, but only in awkward moments like job interviews or first dates?

6. Would you rather always have a booger stuck in your nose, but nobody notices, or develop X-ray vision, but only for other people’s dirty laundry?

7. Would you rather wake up every morning with a random food item stuck to your forehead or constantly have hiccups that sound like frog croaks?

8. Would you rather live in a world where everyone speaks in burps and farts or where furniture randomly swaps places every night, forcing you to navigate obstacle courses in your PJs?

9. Would you rather develop a sudden allergy to sleep, forcing you to explore the night under the moon’s silver gaze, but in your sleepwear covered in drool, or gain the power to control the weather with your emotions, but unleashing slimy rain showers of mucus and thunderous burps of disapproval?

10. Would you rather have a pet rock that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve wearing mismatched socks and questionable underwear combinations for a week, or be able to travel through time, but only to witness historical fashion disasters firsthand, like bad toga choices and questionable medieval nose-picking techniques?

11. Would you rather live in a world where everyone tells the truth, brutally and unfiltered, even the most awkward and uncomfortable truths about your hygiene habits, or a world where everyone speaks in limericks, but they’re all terrible, grammatically incorrect, and hilariously inappropriate, focusing on bodily functions?

12. Would you rather constantly hum nonsensical sea shanties under your breath, driving everyone you meet slightly mad, or develop a sudden aversion to gravity, perpetually hovering a few inches above the ground and causing mass confusion about your footwear choices, especially when wearing flip-flops?

13. Would you rather live in a world where everyone spontaneously breaks into interpretive dance routines every time they smell something pungent, but the dances are all incredibly awkward and leave everyone tripping over their own feet, or a world where every inanimate object has a distinct personality that clashes with yours, leading to perpetual arguments with your refrigerator and passive-aggressive notes from your toilet brush?

14. Would you rather have your life narrated by a sarcastic parrot who constantly judges your hygiene and mocks your bathroom habits, or develop the ability to speak every language fluently, but only in the voice of a grumpy cartoon villain, forever sounding like you’re about to plot world domination, starting with conquering the world of personal hygiene?

15. Would you rather have your dreams play out live on every billboard in the city, exposing your deepest desires and wildest fantasies to all, including your in-laws, or be able to see the future, but only through cryptic cave paintings drawn by grumpy owls, requiring an entire semester of decoding bodily fluid analysis to decipher what awaits your relationship’s destiny?

Weird would you rather questions to ask your friends

The following are some weird would you rather questions to ask your friends:

1. Would you rather live in a world where everyone’s hair changes color with their mood, turning public transit into a psychedelic rainbow, or develop instant teleportation, but only to random historical fashion shows (think bad togas and questionable medieval hats)?

2. Would you rather possess the ability to talk to pigeons, but they only offer unsolicited dating advice based on your crumbs and questionable fashion choices, or gain the power to control squirrels, but they only obey in interpretive dance routines that leave everyone confused and mildly terrified?

3. Would you rather have dreams play out live on giant billboards across the city, exposing your deepest desires and wildest nightmares to everyone (including your dentist), or develop a personal theme song that plays on repeat wherever you go, but it’s a mash-up of your worst singing performances and embarrassing childhood lullabies?

4. Would you rather wake up every morning with a random animal glued to your head (think cuddly bunny or grumpy hedgehog), but nobody notices, or develop the ability to see the future, but only through cryptic fortune cookie messages that rhyme (and rhyme horribly)?

5. Would you rather develop a sudden allergy to gravity, perpetually hovering a few inches above the ground and causing mass confusion about your footwear choices, or gain the power to understand every language, but only by absorbing it from unsuspecting houseplants (imagine whispering gossip through photosynthesis)?

6. Would you rather live in a world where all furniture randomly comes to life at night, throwing wild parties and engaging in existential debates, or a world where all shadows mimic your movements, exaggerating your every awkward gesture and revealing your deepest self-doubts in silhouette?

7. Would you rather possess the power to turn any object into a banana for 24 hours, but only be able to reverse it by singing show tunes off-key at the top of your lungs in public places, or have a pet rock that grants wishes, but only if the wishes involve wearing mismatched socks and questionable underwear combinations for a week?

8. Would you rather speak in nonsensical rhymes all day, but the rhymes tell the hilarious truth about your relationships and hidden desires, or live in a world where everyone whispers their thoughts instead of speaking out loud, but the whispers are all incredibly loud and dramatic, like Shakespearean soap operas on repeat?

9. Would you rather constantly sneeze confetti, turning every party into a sparkly mess, or have your laughter permanently replaced by the sound of a kazoo solo gone wrong, making social gatherings incredibly awkward, but strangely mesmerizing?

10. Would you rather be able to pause time, but only for five minutes and only to repeat embarrassing moments, ensuring maximum awkwardness for everyone nearby, or possess the power to instantly learn any language, but only by absorbing it from the brains of unsuspecting pigeons (imagine the existential angst)?

11. Would you rather develop a sudden aversion to sleep, forcing you to explore the city’s hidden delights under the moon’s silver gaze, but always encounter bizarre urban legends and cryptids on your adventures, or gain the power to control the weather with your emotions, unleashing everything from sunshine showers of joy to glitter blizzards of jealousy upon the unsuspecting city?

12. Would you rather win every argument, even if you’re objectively wrong, by spontaneously sprouting glowing wings and speaking in a booming voice, or develop the ability to see the future, but only through cryptic cave paintings drawn by grumpy owls wearing tutus (imagine deciphering fashion choices and existential owl stares)?

13. Would you rather live in a world where all cats can fly, but only while dressed in miniature superhero costumes that constantly malfunction, or a world where all traffic lights blink like disco balls, causing perpetual chaotic commutes and impromptu dance parties?

14. Would you rather have a life narrated by a sarcastic parrot who constantly critiques your decisions and mocks your failures, or develop the ability to make everyone laugh uncontrollably, but the laughter is always at your expense (imagine being the eternal clown)?

15. Would you rather be able to rewind time, but only by reliving embarrassing moments in public with perfect accuracy, or teleport anywhere instantly, but always arrive in someone else’s awkward family reunion (picture grandma’s surprise and your misplaced socks)?

Weird would you rather questions to ask a girl or a guy

The following are some weird would you rather questions to ask a girl or a guy:

1. Would you rather have the ability to teleport to any restaurant in the world, but only order dessert, or be able to taste every single food you see in a picture?

2. Would you rather be able to speak fluent animal language, but only understand squirrels, or have the power to control pigeons with your mind?

3. Would you rather be able to pause time for five minutes once a day, or relive the same perfect day over and over again, but never experience anything new?

4. Would you rather have a pet dragon the size of a housecat, but it breathes glitter instead of fire, or a pet rock that can predict the future, but only in limericks?

5. Would you rather have one superpower that changes every day, but you never know what it will be until you use it, or have the ability to fly, but only when wearing mismatched socks?

6. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any musical instrument, but only play underwater, or be able to sing like an angel, but only in the shower?

7. Would you rather have a never-ending supply of bubblegum that magically changes flavor every time you blow a bubble, or a talking hairbrush that gives you life advice, but only in celebrity gossip?

8. Would you rather be able to travel back in time, but only to the year you were born, or see the future, but only in the form of emoji?

9. Would you rather have a laugh that sounds like a flock of geese, but always makes people laugh along with you, or a smile that’s so contagious it makes everyone around you smile, but you can’t control it?

10. Would you rather be able to turn invisible at will, but only when wearing a banana costume, or have the ability to walk through walls, but only when singing show tunes?

11. Would you rather have a jetpack that runs on laughter, but only works when you’re telling jokes, or a time machine that can only take you to historical events involving cheese?

12. Would you rather have a pet unicorn that grants wishes, but only in riddles, or a talking cactus that gives you fashion advice, but only in haiku?

13. Would you rather be able to smell any scent you imagine, but only smell like burnt toast for a week after using it, or have the ability to see through walls, but only when wearing 3D glasses?

14. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any language, but only speak in movie quotes, or have the ability to read minds, but only hear the thoughts of pigeons?

15. Would you rather have a robot butler that can do anything you ask, but only speaks in limericks, or a talking toaster that dispenses endless wisdom, but only in the form of fortune cookie messages?

Weird would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend

The following are some weird would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend:

1. Would you rather have a personal karaoke machine that only plays sea shanties or a life-sized cardboard cutout of your celebrity crush that follows you everywhere?

2. Would you rather wear pajamas all day for a year, but your hair always flawlessly styles itself, or speak every language fluently, but only in limericks?

3. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather with your mood, but sunshine makes you irritable and rain makes you sing show tunes, or be able to teleport anywhere, but only when wearing mismatched socks?

4. Would you rather have a pet sloth that dispenses relationship advice in haiku or a talking cactus that judges your outfit choices in dad jokes?

5. Would you rather be able to see the future, but only through your pet’s eyes, or relive the first time we met, but with amnesia, so it’s like falling in love all over again?

6. Would you rather have a superpower that changes every day but makes you crave bizarre foods like toenail soup or pizza with pineapple and anchovies, or be able to fly, but only when dancing a jig?

7. Would you rather win the lottery, but instantly become allergic to chocolate and puppies, or have the ability to read minds, but only hear people’s internal monologues about you?

8. Would you rather be able to teleport to any restaurant in the world, but only order dessert, or have a never-ending supply of bubblegum that changes flavor with your emotions, but turns bright green when you’re stressed?

9. Would you rather have a personal chef who only cooks dishes named after our inside jokes, or a talking mirror that gives you fashion advice, but only in emoji?

10. Would you rather be able to rewind time for ten minutes once a day, but always rewind to an awkward moment, or have the ability to pause time for five minutes, but only when holding hands?

11. Would you rather have a laugh that sounds like a flock of geese, but always makes everyone laugh along with you, or have a smile that’s so contagious it makes everyone around you smile, but you can’t control it?

12. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any language, but only speak in movie quotes, or be able to see through walls, but only when wearing rose-colored glasses?

13. Would you rather have a pet dragon the size of a hamster, but it breathes glitter instead of fire, or a talking hairbrush that gives you life advice, but only through puns?

14. Would you rather have a jetpack that runs on compliments, but only works when you’re being sincere, or a time machine that can only take you to our future first date, but you can’t change anything?

15. Would you rather have a robot butler that can do anything you ask, but only speaks in riddles, or a talking toaster that dispenses endless wisdom, but only in the form of fortune cookie messages that apply to your relationship?

Weird dirty would you rather questions

The following are some weird dirty would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have taste buds so sensitive you can tell the difference between brands of air, or be able to smell any color you imagine?

2. Would you rather have a pet rock that predicts the future, but only through interpretive dance, or a talking cactus that judges your outfit choices, but only in haiku?

3. Would you rather have the ability to pause time for five minutes once a day, but always rewind to an awkward moment, or relive the same perfect day over and over again, but never experience anything new?

4. Would you rather win the lottery, but instantly become allergic to chocolate and puppies, or have the ability to read minds, but only hear people’s internal monologues about their lunch?

5. Would you rather have a laugh that sounds like a flock of geese, but always makes everyone laugh along with you, or a smile that’s so contagious it makes everyone around you smile, but you can’t control it?

6. Would you rather be able to teleport to any restaurant in the world, but only order dessert, or have a never-ending supply of bubblegum that changes flavor with your emotions, but turns bright green when you’re stressed?

7. Would you rather have a personal chef who only cooks dishes named after your inside jokes, or a talking mirror that gives you fashion advice, but only in emoji?

8. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any language, but only speak in movie quotes, or be able to see through walls, but only when wearing rose-colored glasses?

9. Would you rather have a pet dragon the size of a hamster, but it breathes glitter instead of fire, or a talking hairbrush that gives you life advice, but only through puns?

10. Would you rather have a jetpack that runs on compliments, but only works when you’re being sincere, or a time machine that can only take you to your future first date, but you can’t change anything?

11. Would you rather have a robot butler that can do anything you ask, but only speaks in riddles, or a talking toaster that dispenses endless wisdom, but only in the form of fortune cookie messages that apply to your life goals?

12. Would you rather have a laugh that’s so contagious it makes everyone around you laugh uncontrollably, but leaves you with hiccups for a week, or a smile that’s so radiant it lights up a room, but makes you sneeze glitter?

13. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere, but only when wearing mismatched socks, or have the power to control squirrels with your mind, but they only understand Shakespearean insults?

14. Would you rather be able to see the future, but only through your pet goldfish’s eyes, or relive the past, but only in the form of your childhood finger paintings?

15. Would you rather have a talking cactus that judges your taste in music, but only through interpretive interpretive dance, or a pet rock that predicts the weather, but only in limericks?

Weird kinky would you rather questions

The following are some weird kinky would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather have taste buds so sensitive you can tell the difference between brands of rain, or be able to smell any shade of blue you imagine?

2. Would you rather have a pet rock that predicts the lottery numbers, but only through interpretive tap dance, or a talking cactus that judges your furniture choices, but only in haikus?

3. Would you rather have the ability to rewind time for ten minutes once a day, but always rewind to a hilarious blooper, or relive the same perfect first date over and over again, but with amnesia so it’s like falling in love all over again?

4. Would you rather have a personal karaoke machine that only plays sea shanties or yodeling tunes, but your voice magically sounds like an angel whenever you sing?

5. Would you rather have a laugh that sounds like a symphony of exotic birds, but always makes everyone laugh along with you, or a smile that’s so captivating it inspires instant trust in 

everyone you meet?

6. Would you rather be able to teleport to any library in the world, but only read books written in invisible ink, or have a never-ending supply of popcorn that changes flavor with your moods, but turns bright pink when you’re feeling jealous?

7. Would you rather have a personal chef who only cooks dishes named after your childhood dreams, or a talking mirror that gives you life advice, but only through riddles?

8. Would you rather be able to instantly learn any musical instrument, but only play underwater, or be able to sing like an opera star, but only when wearing mismatched socks?

9. Would you rather have a pet unicorn that grants wishes, but only in limericks, or a talking hairbrush that gives you fashion advice, but only in emoji?

10. Would you rather have a jetpack that runs on laughter, but only works when you’re telling 

jokes about bad puns, or a time machine that can only take you to your future self on a random Tuesday, but you can’t change anything?

11. Would you rather have a robot butler that can do anything you ask, but only speaks in limericks, or a talking toaster that dispenses endless wisdom, but only in the form of fortune cookie messages that apply to your sock drawer?

12. Would you rather have the ability to pause time for five minutes once a day, but always rewind to a moment of extreme deja vu, or relive the same perfect vacation over and over again, but never experience anything new?

13. Would you rather have a laugh that’s so contagious it makes everyone around you laugh uncontrollably, but leaves you with hiccups for a week, or a smile that’s so radiant it lights up a room, but makes you sneeze glitter?

14. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere, but only when wearing mismatched hats, or have the power to control pigeons with your mind, but they only understand knock-knock jokes?

15. Would you rather be able to see the future, but only through your pet goldfish’s eyes, or relive the past, but only in the form of your childhood crayon drawings?

Weird nsfw would you rather questions

The following are some weird nsfw would you rather questions:

1. Would you rather explore a new adventurous fantasy or stick to familiar experiences?

2. Would you prefer to keep your intimate encounters private or openly discuss your past with others?

3. Would you choose an unconventional location for intimacy or stick to traditional settings?

4. If you had to pick, would you rather appreciate someone’s personality or focus on a specific physical feature?

5. In the realm of experimentation, would you rather explore different activities or maintain a more conservative approach?

6. If you had the power to decide, would you rather choose an outfit for your partner or let them decide for themselves?

7. When it comes to physical connection, would you rather be touched in a specific area or enjoy a more overall experience?

8. In the world of dreams, would you rather have more innocent or more risqué dreams?

9. If you could select any place globally, would you rather have an intimate encounter on a beautiful beach or in a luxurious city hotel?

10. Would you rather share the details of your first time or keep it a private memory?

11. Reflecting on past experiences, would you rather remember the most passionate encounter or the most emotionally fulfilling one?

12. In the realm of physical intimacy, would you rather stick to a favorite position or explore various ones?

13. When it comes to privacy, would you rather keep your intimate moments discreet or risk being caught?

14. In the world of visual stimulation, would you rather watch movies or engage in more interactive forms of entertainment?

15. When it comes to preferences, would you rather explore different genres of adult content or stick to a specific category?

Weird sexual would you rather questions

The following are some weird sexual would you rather questions:

1. Regarding personal time, would you rather have a regular or infrequent self-care routine?

2. If given the opportunity, would you rather experiment with a new position or stick to the familiar?

3. In the dynamics of give and take, would you rather be the provider or the recipient?

4. When recalling moments of pleasure, would you rather cherish your best overall experience or the one with the most intense climax?

5. In the realm of adventure, would you rather skinny dip in a secluded lake or stick to traditional swimming locations?

6. Considering workplace dynamics, would you rather avoid romantic involvement with colleagues or explore connections within the workplace?

7. If faced with a spontaneous proposition during dinner, would you rather continue with the meal or explore the intimate request?

8. In the digital age, would you rather keep your private moments private or be open to sharing intimate images?

9. If given the chance, would you rather have an encounter with a celebrity crush or stick to real-life connections?

10. When it comes to group dynamics, would you rather stick to one-on-one connections or explore group intimacy?

11. In terms of frequency, would you rather have multiple shorter encounters or one longer session in a day?

12. Regarding vocal expression, would you rather be discreet or express yourself more openly during intimate moments?

13. When it comes to foreplay, would you rather explore traditional methods or experiment with the use of food?

14. Considering the digital age, would you rather keep your intimate moments private or experiment with creating a personal tape?

15. In terms of initial attraction, would you rather be drawn to someone’s physical appearance or their personality?


Weird would you rather questions for students

The following are some weird would you rather questions for students:

1. Would you rather have your textbooks whisper the answers during exams or be able to time travel back to fix one embarrassing school moment?

2. Would you rather have a permanent hall pass that makes teachers spontaneously burst into song or a lunchbox that dispenses gourmet meals from any culture you imagine?

3. Would you rather be able to control the thermostat with your mind but only by thinking in limericks or have every pop quiz magically turn into a fun trivia game?

4. Would you rather endure one year of wearing only mismatched socks or speak every language perfectly, but only in the accent of a historical figure?

5. Would you rather have a calculator that solves your deepest existential questions or a locker that teleports you to a random library in the world every Friday?

6. Would you rather spend a year writing with invisible ink only you can see or understand every hidden meaning in your classmates’ doodles?

7. Would you rather have a backpack that doubles as a mini-jetpack with questionable fuel efficiency or a pen that automatically writes your homework in perfect calligraphy (but never proofreads)?

8. Would you rather possess the knowledge of every textbook ever written but struggle to remember your own name or be able to ace every test by absorbing information through skin contact, but only from textbooks printed on recycled paper?

9. Would you rather have a classroom pet that predicts the next day’s homework topics or a school bus that plays your favorite music, but only if you answer trivia questions about historical revolutions?

10. Would you rather have a teacher who assigns pop quizzes in the form of riddles or a lunch lady who can cook any dish you crave, but only if you can identify the mystery ingredients?

11. Would you rather be able to teleport between classes but leave behind a small cloud of glitter each time or have the ability to whisper to plants and learn their secrets about the schoolyard?

12. Would you rather have a detention that transports you to a virtual reality learning adventure or a school dance where everyone spontaneously breaks into synchronized dance routines from classic musicals?

13. Would you rather wear a uniform that changes color based on your mood or have a desk that doubles as a portal to hidden study spaces around the world (accessible only during full moons)?

14. Would you rather have a lunch box that doubles as a time machine to experience specific historical events or a notebook that predicts your future grades, but only if you write detailed study plans in advance?

15. Would you rather be able to understand your teacher’s lectures in animal languages or have your school library house portals to fictional worlds, but only if you can correctly answer a librarian’s riddles to enter?

Weird would you rather questions for kids

The following are some weird would you rather questions for kids:

1. Would you rather burp rainbows every time you laugh or sneeze sparkly confetti every time you yawn?

2. Would you rather have a pet that paints with its tail or a house that whispers secrets at night?

3. Would you rather wear a hat that makes everyone think you’re a talking frog or shoes that teleport you to a random playground every hour?

4. Would you rather travel through time using a slingshot powered by giggles or a hot air balloon fueled by dreams?

5. Would you rather write stories with your hiccups or solve mysteries by sniffing clues like a super-powered bloodhound?

6. Would you rather have a toothbrush that sings karaoke every time you brush or a pillow that shows you funny cartoons about your dreams?

7. Would you rather eat clouds that taste like cotton candy or wear a raincoat that catches raindrops and turns them into tiny jewels?

8. Would you rather learn the secret language of squirrels or be able to understand the chirps of birds like a feathered translator?

9. Would you rather build a fort out of living butterflies or have a pet snail that leaves trails of glitter and tells fortunes?

10. Would you rather have a best friend who’s a mischievous talking mushroom or a pet robot that builds you amazing inventions from scrap metal?

11. Would you rather have a swing set that flies you to different countries or a bathtub that fills with fizzy soda instead of water?

12. Would you rather be able to shrink yourself small enough to ride on a ladybug or grow tall enough to high-five the clouds?

13. Would you rather be able to make invisible bubbles that trap funny sounds or sing with a voice so beautiful it makes flowers bloom?

14. Would you rather wear a necklace that lets you talk to ghosts or a pair of sneakers that take you on magical adventures when you run?

15. Would you rather have a backyard that turns into a pirate ship at night or a pet caterpillar that spins tapestries that tell amazing stories?

In A Nutshell:

So, you’ve braved the bizarre, explored the strange, and emerged (mostly) unscathed from the world of weird “Would You Rather” questions. Your brain cells may be protesting, and your friends may be looking at you sideways, but hey, at least you had fun (right?)

But the fun doesn’t have to stop here! Share your most outrageous answers with your friends, challenge them to their own weirdness test, and see where the rabbit hole leads you next. Remember, the more absurd, the better!

And hey, if you’re still craving some mind-bending mayhem, we’ve got just the thing for you. Check out these other articles for more conversation starters.



  • Kevin Grant

    I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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I am a relationship expert passionate about helping people forge deeper connections. I believe strong communication is the foundation of any relationship. Through open conversations, I guide individuals and couples in building trust and understanding. My goal is to equip you with the tools to navigate conflict, strengthen bonds, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

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