100 Chinese new year sayings for happiness, health, good luck and peace – 2024 edition

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By: Naveen B

As the world eagerly awaits the start of the new lunar year, people all over the globe are preparing to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

From the decorations to the traditional foods, the New Year is a time of celebration and joy.

But one of the most important aspects of the New Year celebration is the Chinese New Year sayings. These sayings, which are filled with hope, optimism, and good fortune, are integral to the Chinese New Year experience.

Whether it’s a saying to welcome the New Year, a wish for luck and fortune, or a blessing for health and happiness; these Chinese New Year sayings will help make the celebration even more special. 

So, as you prepare for the start of the new year, read on to find some of the most popular Chinese New Year sayings to share with your family and friends.


100 Chinese new year sayings

The following is a list of chinese new year sayings:

1. Inundated with fortune and peace, may this Chinese New Year be a prosperous one. 

2. Abundant blessings for a beautiful New Year.

3. Radiate happiness and harmony for a joyous Chinese New Year. 

4. Auspicious greetings for a prosperous start of the year. 

5. May fortune be the company of your days in the coming year. 

6. Let the spirit of joy and celebration be with you throughout the New Year. 

7. With wishes of contentment and success, have a wonderful Chinese New Year. 

8. May the sparkles of happiness and good luck follow you throughout the New Year. 

9. Filled with joyous moments and jubilant cheers, have a wonderful Chinese New Year. 

10. Sending lots of good wishes and luck your way for the New Year. 

11. May the hope of a joyous future be with you during the New Year. 

12. May all your dreams come true in the New Year. 

13. Bestowing cheer and harmony for a blessed Chinese New Year. 

14. Have a magnificent and memorable Chinese New Year. 

15. May you be blessed with success, joy and good health in the New Year. 

16. May the light of the New Year bring you hope and optimism. 

17. Wish you a prosperous and joyous Chinese New Year. 

18. Glowing with success and happiness for the coming year. 

19. A season of abundance and joy for a blissful New Year. 

20. Have a harmonious and prosperous Chinese New Year.

Also read: 150 Chinese new year messages to family, friends, colleagues, staff, business clients, kids and everyone


Chinese New Year sayings cantonese

Here are some Chinese New Year sayings in Cantonese:

1. 呈現新春活力,讓節慶氣息芬芳 (Chéngxiàn xīnchūn huólì, ràng jiéqìng qìxí fēnfāng)- Present the vitality of the new spring, let the festive atmosphere be fragrant.

2. 春節慶賀滿懷喜悅,福氣滿溢繽紛紛 (Chūnjié qìnghè mǎnhuái xǐ yuè, fúqì mǎnyì bīnfēnfēn)- Celebrate the Spring Festival with joy and overflowing blessings.

3. 年年新春祈福禱神,祝福萬家萬般春 (Niánnián xīnchūn qífú dǎoshén, zhùfú wànjiā wànbānchūn)- Pray for blessings and worship gods every new year, bless all families in various ways.

4. 新年福氣縱橫走,同樂促進和諧愉 (Xīnnián fúqì zòng héng zǒu, tóng lè cùjìn héxié yú)- The blessing of the new year goes in all directions, and the same joy promotes harmony and joy.

5. 喜歡紛飛春風里,美夢成真繽紛滿 (Xǐhuān fēnfēi chūnfēng lǐ, měimèng chéngzhēn bīnfēn mǎn)- Like a flying spring breeze, the beautiful dream comes true and is full of color.

6. 春暖花開福祿增,新春禮贊豐足安 (Chūnnuǎn huākāi fúlù zēng, xīnchūn lǐzàn fēngzú ān)- The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the new year brings more blessings, full of courtesy and peace.

7. 春慶賀禮福滿屋,家庭和樂海洋深 (Chūnqìnghè lǐfú mǎn wū, jiātíng hélè hǎiyáng shēn)- The celebration of the Spring Festival brings blessings to the house, and the family is full of happiness and the ocean is deep.

8. 新春快樂歡笑聲,祝福滿天繽紛明 (Xīnchūn kuàilè huānxiào shēng, zhùfú mǎntiān bīnfēn míng)- The laughter of joy in the new year, the blessing is colorful and bright in the sky.

9. 春慶祝福圍繞身,新春福氣照滿家 (Chūnqìng zhùfú wéirǎo shēn, xīnchūn fúqì zhào mǎn jiā)- The blessing of the Spring Festival surrounds me, and the blessing of the new year lights up the whole family.

10. 新春賀禧祝福滿,家家戶戶萬般春 (Xīnchūn hèxǐ zhùfú mǎn, jiājiāhùhù wànbānchūn)- The celebration of the new year is full of blessings, and every family is full of spring.

11. 春風得意花漸開,新春喜悅家家春 (Chūnfēng déyì huā jiàn kāi, xīnchūn xǐyuè jiājiāchūn)- The spring breeze is happy and the flowers are blooming, and the new year is joyful and spring is coming to every family.

12. 春慶歡聚家家團,新春祝福滿天繁 (Chūnqìng huānjù jiājiātuán, xīnchūn zhùfú mǎntiānfán)- Celebrating the Spring Festival in family gatherings, the blessing of the new year is full of stars.

13. 春慶賀禮福滿屋,新春喜悅家家春 (Chūnqìng hèlǐ fú mǎn wū, xīnchūn xǐyuè jiājiāchūn)- Celebrate the Spring Festival with blessings in the house, and the new year is joyful and spring is coming to every family.

14. 春慶祝福滿天繁,新春歡笑家家春 (Chūnqìng zhùfú mǎntiānfán, xīnchūn huānxiào jiājiāchūn)- The blessing of the Spring Festival is full of stars, and the laughter of the new year is springing up in every family.

15. 春慶歡笑聲歡聚,新春祝福滿家春 (Chūnqìng huānxiào shēng huānjù, xīnchūn zhùfú mǎnjiāchūn)- The laughter of the Spring Festival is joyful, and the blessing of the new year is full of spring in the family.

Also read: 350 Chinese new year greetings (lunar and spring festival 2024 edition)


Chinese new year sayings mandarin

These are a few Chinese sayings for chinese new year in mandarin (Cny sayings):

1. 祝你的新年以欢乐开始,以美好结束 ( Zhù nǐ de xīnnián yǐ huānlè kāishǐ, yǐ měihǎo jiéshù) – May your new year begin with joy and end in beauty

2. 恭喜发财,财源滚滚来 ( Gōngxǐ fācái, cáiyuán gǔngǔnlái) – Best wishes for wealth and abundance

3. 新春快乐,福气多多 ( Xīnchūn kuàilè, fúqì duōduō) – Happy New Year with lots of luck

4. 春节愉悦,家庭团圆 ( Chūnjié yúyuè, jiātíng tuányuán) – Enjoy the Spring Festival and reunite the family

5. 开开心心迎新春,祝福满满拥新年 (Kāi kāixīn yíng xīnchūn, zhùfú mǎnmǎn yōng xīnnián) – Welcome the New Year with a cheerful heart and blessings for the New Year

6. 新年福祉,万事如意 ( Xīnnián fúzhǐ, wànshì rúyì) – May all your wishes be fulfilled in the New Year

7. 春风满满,福满人间 ( Chūnfēng mǎnmǎn, fúmǎnrénjiān) – May the spring wind fill your life with abundance and happiness

8. 新的一年,美满满满 ( Xīn de yìnián, měimǎnmǎnmǎn) – A new year filled with beauty and abundance

9. 春意盎然,吉祥如意 (Chūnyì āngrán, jíxiáng rúyì) – May the spring bring you good luck and good fortune

10. 新的季节,新的气息 ( Xīn de jìjié, xīn de qìxī) – A new season with a new breath

11. 春节喜庆,欢乐满家 ( Chūnjié xǐqìng, huānlè mǎnjiā) – A joyous Spring Festival that fills the home with happiness

12. 新春快乐,幸福满满 ( Xīnchūn kuàilè, xìngfú mǎnmǎn) – Happy New Year with abundance of happiness

13. 春雨如意,吉祥满满 ( Chūnyǔ rúyì, jíxiáng mǎnmǎn) – May the spring rains bring good luck and abundance

14. 新的开始,美满满满 ( Xīn de kāishǐ, měimǎnmǎnmǎn) – A new beginning filled with beauty and abundance

15. 春光欢乐,福气多多 ( Chūnguāng huānlè, fúqì duōduō) – Joyous spring sunshine and lots of luck

Also read: 300 Chinese new year wishes, greetings for this lunar and spring festival


Happy lunar new year sayings

Here are some happy Lunar new year sayings:

1. Magnificent wishes for a year of endless blessings.

2. Joyous tidings for a new season of hope.

3. Glittering fortune for a year of joyousness.

4. Harmonious celebrations for a year of abundance.

5. Radiant cheer for a festive start.

6. Majestic good luck for a year of success.

7. Delightful health for a new beginning.

8. Marvelous harmony for a time of growth.

9. Grandeur fortune for a special day of celebration.

10. Boisterous blessings for a year of good luck.

Also read: 50+ Chinese new year traditions (Lunar new year & Spring festival 2024 edition)

Chinese New Year Good Luck sayings

These are some of the best Chinese New Year good luck sayings:

1. Good luck and new year is here!

2. Year goods are here, happiness overflowing!

3. Wealth rolling in, happiness and prosperity abound!

4. Good luck blessing, all wishes come true!

5. Happy New Year, may luck be as boundless as the East Sea!

6. Joyful atmosphere, new year’s here!

7. Luck and prosperity at the door, all goes well!

8. The door to happiness, New Year is opening!

9. New Year blessing, great luck and great benefit!

10. New Year great luck, all goes well!

11. Blessings abound, new year is here!

12. Climbing higher, new year is here!

13. Good luck and wishes come true, new year is here!

14. Good luck to all, new year is here!

15. New calendar, new season, blessings for you and your loved ones.

Also read: 100+ Chinese and Lunar New Year captions, puns for social media posts and pictures

Chinese New Year congratulations sayings

Here is a list of Chinese New Year congratulations sayings to send as greetings or wishes:

1. Congratulations! Abundant Blessings and Prosperity for the New Year!

2. Cherish the Moment and Welcome the New Year!

3. New Beginnings and Joyous Celebrations!

4. An Abundance of Good Fortune Throughout the Year!

5. Joyous Greetings of Harmony and Unity!

6. A Year of Endless Possibilities and Opportunities!

7. An Abundance of Joy and Prosperity in the Year Ahead!

8. Renewed Hope and Renewed Energy for the Year Ahead!

9. Renewed Strength and Resolve for the New Year!

10. A Year of Good Health and Good Fortune!

11. An Abundance of Success and Successful Endeavors!

12. Good Fortune and Bright New Horizons for the Year Ahead!

13. An Abundance of Happiness and Joy for the New Year!

14. An Abundance of Growth and Fulfillment in the Year Ahead!

15. An Abundance of Peace and Tranquility in the Year Ahead!

16. May the Coming Year Bring Much Happiness and Contentment!

17. A Year of Abundance and Prosperity Ahead!

18. A Year of Good Fortune and New Adventures!

19. An Abundance of Health and Wealth in the Year Ahead!

20. May the New Year Bring with it a Fresh Start and New Opportunities!


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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