100 Flirty questions to ask your boyfriend

By: Naveen B

As humans, we are wired for connection, and one of the ways we establish a connection is through communication.

In a romantic relationship, communication plays a crucial role in building and sustaining intimacy.

Sometimes, however, it can be challenging to find the right questions to ask your significant other, especially when you are trying to be romantic and want to flirt with your boyfriend for fun.

Fear not, because we have got you covered with our curated list of 100 flirty questions to ask your boyfriend. These questions are designed to help you deepen your connection, discover new things about each other, and most importantly, have fun while doing it.

So, let’s dive in and explore some of the best questions to ask your boyfriend to ignite the flames of passion and keep the conversation flowing.


100 Flirty questions to ask your boyfriend 

The following is a list of flirty questions to ask your boyfriend:

1. Are you ready to feel the fire of my passion?

2. Is it true that you can’t resist my touch?

3. How about if I give you a lap dance to get your motor running?

4. Is it true that your heart races when I’m around?

5. Would you like to explore the depths of my desires?

6. Are you ready to experience the hottest night of your life?

7. Do you think it would be fun to role play with me?

8. Is it true that you love my naughty side?

9. Would you like me to surprise you with something naughty?

10. What would you do if I challenged you to a pillow fight?

11. Is it true that you can’t keep your hands off me?

12. Would you like to go skinny dipping with me?

13. Do you think I’m sexy enough to make you blush?

14. Do you think it’s a good idea if I blindfold you?

15. Would you like to try out my new lingerie?

16. If I give you a passionate kiss, will you surrender to me?

17. Can I have your number so I can prove that chivalry isn’t dead?

18. Do you think I’m pretty enough to make you weak in the knees?

19. How can I make you feel special tonight?

20. What would you do if I asked you to be mine?

Also read: 300+ Questions to ask your boyfriend from funny to deep; cute to juicy (the only list you need)


Cute flirty questions to ask your boyfriend

Here are some cute flirty questions to ask your boyfriend:

1. Have you ever fantasized about kissing me in the rain?

2. Do you think you could resist me if I came over in my sexiest lingerie?

3. What’s the sexiest thing a girl has ever done to you?

4. If we were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you want to have with you?

5. Do you prefer making love or having a wild, passionate night of sex?

6. Have you ever had a crush on one of my friends?

7. Can I show you a little dance I’ve been practicing for you?

8. Do you like it when I wear tight clothing that shows off my curves?

9. Can you give me a massage? I promise I’ll return the favor.

10. Have you ever had a dream about me? If so, what happened in it?

11. Do you like it when I whisper naughty things in your ear?

12. Can you tell me a secret that you’ve never told anyone before?

13. What’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?

14. Do you like it when I tease you by running my hands over your body?

15. Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with me?

16. Do you like it when I take charge in the bedroom?

17. Can I show you a little trick I learned that will drive you wild?

18. Have you ever been so turned on that you couldn’t control yourself around me?

19. Do you like it when I give you surprises or gifts for no reason?

20. Can you think of anything you’d rather be doing right now than talking to me?


Flirty questions to ask your boyfriend over text

Here is a list of flirty questions to ask your boyfriend over text:

1. Do you find me irresistible?

2. What would you do if I asked you to come over tonight?

3. If I were with you right now, what would we be doing?

4. Do you ever think about how amazing it would be to be together?

5. What do you find most attractive about me?

6. What would you do if I kissed you right now?

7. What kind of naughty things do you want to do with me?

8. Are you thinking about me right now?

9. Are you ready to take our relationship to the next level?

10. What do you think would be the most romantic thing I could do for you?

11. Do you think I’m sexy?

12. How would you feel if I asked you to be my one and only?

13. When was the last time you thought about me?

14. What would you do if I told you I was dreaming about you?

15. Do you have any fantasies that you’d like to share with me?

16. Do you want me to be yours forever?

17. How can I make you feel special tonight?

18. What would you do if I showed up at your door right now?

19. Do you want to be my knight in shining armor?

20. What would you do if I asked you to be mine?

Also read: 100 Romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh

Fun flirty questions to ask your boyfriend

These are few more fun flirty questions to ask your boyfriend:

1. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

2. What’s the funniest joke you know?

3. What would you do if I challenged you to a dance battle?

4. Can you make me laugh in three words?

5. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done on a dare?

6. If you could be the opposite sex for a day, what would you do?

7. What funny nicknames can you think of for me?

8. What’s your most embarrassing dating story?

9. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

10. What would you do if I threw a water balloon at you?

11. What’s the silliest thing you’ve ever done in a group?

12. What’s the funniest prank you’ve ever seen?

13. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done for love?

14. What would you do if I asked you to do a silly dance?

15. What would you do if I tickled you?

16. What’s the most outrageous lie you’ve ever told?

17. What’s the funniest pickup line you’ve ever heard?

18. If you could star in a funny movie, what role would you play?

19. What would you do if I made you laugh uncontrollably?

20. What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done to impress someone?

Flirty romantic questions to ask your boyfriend

Here are some more flirty romantic questions to ask your boyfriend:

1. How would you feel if I told you I’m falling for you?

2. What would you do if I asked you to come over tonight?

3. What do you think would be the most romantic thing I could do for you?

4. What are you most looking forward to about being in a relationship with me?

5. What would you do if I kissed you right now?

6. If I had the chance to make a wish, what would it be about us?

7. What do you like most about me?

8. If I could take you anywhere right now, where would you like to go?

9. Do you think I’m beautiful?

10. What do you find most attractive about me?

11. What would you do if I told you I was dreaming about you?

12. Do you have any fantasies that you’d like to share with me?

13. Do you ever think about how amazing it would be to be together?

14. Are you ready to take our relationship to the next level?

15. Do you want to be my knight in shining armor?

16. Are you thinking about me right now?

17. What would you do if I showed up at your door right now?

18. Do you want me to be yours forever?

19.  How can I make you feel special tonight?

20. What would you do if I asked you to be mine?


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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