100+ Questions to ask your boyfriend for fun

By: Naveen B

Relationships are wonderful, fulfilling, and challenging all at the same time.

Whether you’re in a brand new relationship or have been with your partner for a while, it’s important to keep the communication flowing in order to maintain a healthy and happy bond.

One of the best ways to get to know your boyfriend on a deeper level is by asking thoughtful, engaging and sometimes fun questions that cheer you up.

Not only will it help you learn more about your partner, but it can also lead to some fun and exciting conversations.

That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 100+ questions to ask your boyfriend for fun.

From lighthearted inquiries to weird questions, more introspective topics, there’s something that you both can laugh about. So grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn something new about the person you love!


100+ Questions to ask your boyfriend for fun

The following are a list of questions to ask your boyfriend for fun:

1. If you were a fruit, what type of fruit would you be and why?

2. Have you ever tried to walk backwards while singing the national anthem? It’s really hard, you should try it.

3. If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only have one item with you, would you choose a unicorn or a pogo stick?

4. What would be your dream superpower? I’m talking something really practical, like the ability to turn invisible when you sneeze.

5. Have you ever tried to eat a whole pizza in one sitting? Would you be willing to try it now?

6. Do you think aliens are real? If so, do you think they wear pants?

7. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?

8. Have you ever tried to balance a spoon on your nose for more than 30 seconds? It’s harder than it looks.

9. If you were a character in a horror movie, what role would you play? The victim, the killer, or the unlikely hero who saves the day?

10. If you had to pick one celebrity to be your personal assistant, who would it be and why?

11. If you could switch lives with any animal for a day, which animal would you choose?

12. Do you think it’s possible to sneeze with your eyes open? Would you be willing to try it?

13. Have you ever had a dream where you were a superhero? If so, what was your superpower?

14. If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, would you choose pizza or tacos?

15. Have you ever tried to do a handstand while singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”? It’s really hard, but it’s also really funny.

16. If you could be any character from a book, who would you choose and why?

17. Have you ever seen a ghost? If not, would you like to?

18. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

19. Do you think it’s possible to juggle three watermelons at once? Would you be willing to try it?

20. If you were a cartoon character, what would your catchphrase be? Mine would be “Don’t worry, I’m a professional.”

Also read: 100 Questions to ask your boyfriend to get to know him (Deep, cute, romantic, funny, Interesting)


Very hilarious and funny questions to ask your boyfriend for fun when you’re bored

These are a very hilarious and funny questions to ask your boyfriend for fun when your bored:

1. Have you ever accidentally walked into the wrong restroom and had to make a run for it before anyone noticed?

2. Have you ever eaten a whole pizza by yourself and felt like a champion?

3. Have you ever farted in an elevator and then watched as everyone awkwardly avoided eye contact?

4. Have you ever tried to impress someone by doing something completely ridiculous and embarrassing?

5. Have you ever pretended to be sick just to get out of a social event?

6. Have you ever worn your underwear inside out by accident and not realized until the end of the day?

7. Have you ever snuck out of a movie theater to avoid paying for overpriced snacks?

8. Have you ever been caught picking your nose and tried to play it off like you were scratching your face?

9. Have you ever laughed so hard that you accidentally peed your pants a little bit?

10. Have you ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person and immediately regretted it?

11. Have you ever gotten lost in your own hometown and had to ask for directions like a tourist?

12. Have you ever made a bet with a friend that you knew you couldn’t win just for the sake of the challenge?

13. Have you ever tried to impress a crush by pretending to be someone you’re not?

14. Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction in public and had to quickly cover up?

15. Have you ever been caught singing in the shower and tried to play it off like you were just humming?

16. Have you ever accidentally spilled food on someone else’s clothes and had to pretend it wasn’t your fault?

17. Have you ever tripped and fallen in public and then pretended it was part of your dance routine?

18. Have you ever eaten something so spicy that you couldn’t taste anything else for hours afterwards?

19. Have you ever pretended to be an expert in something you knew nothing about just to impress someone?

20. Have you ever gotten lost in a corn maze and had to call for help to find your way out?

Also read: 100 Weird questions to ask your boyfriend


Would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend for fun

Here are some would you rather questions to ask your boyfriend for fun:

1. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or a permanent unibutt?

2. Would you rather have a nose that honks like a clown or a tongue that quacks like a duck every time you speak?

3. Would you rather be able to communicate only through interpretive dance or only through animal sounds?

4. Would you rather have a pet tarantula that sleeps in your bed or a pet snake that always wants to cuddle?

5. Would you rather have to wear a full-body chicken suit every day for the rest of your life or a pair of clown shoes that are three sizes too big?

6. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or a permanent unibutt?

7. Would you rather have a third arm growing out of your forehead or a second head growing out of your neck?

8. Would you rather be able to read people’s thoughts but have a constant high-pitched ringing in your ears or have the ability to talk to animals but always smell like rotten eggs?

9. Would you rather be chased by a giant chicken or a swarm of angry bees every time you leave the house?

10. Would you rather have a magical power that turns everything you touch into cheese or the ability to make your farts smell like roses?

11. Would you rather have a pet dragon that always sets your house on fire or a pet elephant that is constantly eating everything in sight?

12. Would you rather have to wear a tutu everywhere you go or a Viking helmet?

13. Would you rather be able to talk to plants but they are all really mean to you or be able to understand all animal languages but only communicate in interpretive dance?

14. Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or permanent clown makeup?

15. Would you rather have a permanent chipmunk voice or a permanent lisp?

16. Would you rather have to eat a live spider every day for the rest of your life or have to sleep in a coffin every night?

17. Would you rather have a body made of jelly or a head made of cheese?

18. Would you rather have to wear a diaper for the rest of your life or have to hop everywhere you go?

19. Would you rather be able to fly but only for five seconds at a time or be able to teleport but only to places you’ve already been?

20. Would you rather have the ability to talk to ghosts but they are all incredibly boring or the ability to turn invisible but only for one second at a time?

Also read: 200 Random questions to ask your boyfriend from funny to serious; flirty to deep

Good and random Questions to ask your boyfriend for fun

These are a list of good and random questions to ask your boyfriend for fun:

1. If you were a superhero, what would be your lamest superpower?

2. If you could only communicate with animals for the rest of your life, which animal would you choose as your spokesperson?

3. If you had to wear a onesie every day for the rest of your life, what animal or character would be on it?

4. If you were a character in a horror movie, which cliche would you fall victim to first?

5. If you could only eat food that was a shade of blue, what foods would you miss the most?

6. If you were a ghost haunting a house, what harmless but annoying things would you do to scare people?

7. If you had to replace your hands with objects, what objects would they be?

8. If you had to spend a day in a fictional universe, which one would you choose and why?

9. If you were a flavor of ice cream, what toppings would you have?

10. If you could turn any ordinary object into a weapon, what would it be and how would you use it?

Also read: 50 Funny trick questions to ask your boyfriend

Weird and Dirty questions to ask your boyfriend for fun

Here are some weird and dirty questions to ask your boyfriend for fun:

1. Have you ever tried to lick your own elbow?

2. Have you ever eaten a live bug just for a dare?

3. Have you ever worn a dress to a party and danced the night away?

4. Have you ever snuck out of the house at night and gone for a wild ride?

5. Have you ever made out with a stranger in a public place?

6. Have you ever tried to take a selfie with a wild animal?

7. Have you ever stuck your tongue in a jar of peanut butter?

8. Have you ever worn a speedo to the beach and jumped in the ocean?

9. Have you ever tried to do a back flip in the middle of a crowded room?

10. Have you ever tasted your own sweat?

11. Have you ever eaten a banana while hanging upside down?

12. Have you ever tried to climb a tree just for the heck of it?

13. Have you ever done a striptease for a complete stranger?

14. Have you ever tried to juggle three eggs just to see if you could do it?

15. Have you ever ridden a bicycle in the nude?

16. Have you ever gone skinny dipping in a public pool?

17. Have you ever tried to catch a fish with your bare hands?

18. Have you ever done a handstand in a public restroom?

19. Have you ever attempted to do a cartwheel while wearing a tutu?

20. Have you ever tried to pet a porcupine just to see what it feels like?

never have I ever questions to ask your boyfriend for fun 100+ Questions to ask your boyfriend for fun
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Never have I ever questions to ask your boyfriend for fun

Here is a list of never have I ever questions to ask your boyfriend for fun:

1. Never have I ever worn my underwear inside out for a whole day and not noticed until bedtime?

2. Never have I ever eaten a whole jar of pickles in one sitting?

3. Never have I ever laughed so hard that milk came out of my nose?

4. Never have I ever tried to lick my elbow (and failed miserably)?

5. Never have I ever mistaken a stranger for someone I know and hugged them?

6. Never have I ever worn mismatched shoes to work/school without realizing it?

7. Never have I ever accidentally sent a text message to the wrong person (and regretted it)?

8. Never have I ever fallen asleep in public and started snoring loudly?

9. Never have I ever walked into a glass door (and felt like a complete idiot)?

10. Never have I ever tripped and fallen while walking up the stairs (and felt even more like a complete idiot)?

11. Never have I ever worn a shirt inside out all day (and wondered why people were looking at me strangely)?

12. Never have I ever eaten a whole bag of chips and then realized that they were expired?

13. Never have I ever gotten lost in my own neighborhood (and needed to ask for directions)?

14. Never have I ever forgotten my own phone number (and had to ask someone else to remind me)?

15. Never have I ever tried to eat something with a fork that was actually a spoon (and failed miserably)?

16. Never have I ever tried to brush my teeth with soap instead of toothpaste (and immediately regretted it)?

17. Never have I ever worn a Halloween costume to a non-Halloween party (and felt extremely awkward)?

18. Never have I ever walked into the wrong bathroom by accident (and quickly realized my mistake)?

19. Never have I ever accidentally worn my clothes inside out (and wondered why they felt so uncomfortable)?

20. Never have I ever accidentally put salt in my coffee instead of sugar (and then tried to drink it anyway)?


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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