How to ask a guy to be friends with benefits? (step by step guide with examples)

By: Naveen B

When it comes to considering how to ask a guy to be friends with benefits arrangement is not always an easy conversation to have.

Many people feel nervous, embarrassed, or unsure about how to approach the topic without being too direct or risking rejection.

However, with the right tips, strategies, and step-by-step guide, it’s possible to navigate this conversation in a way that is both emotionally and reasonably sound.

One key aspect of asking a guy to be friends with benefits is to understand the psychological factors at play.

This includes considering his individual personality, communication style, and emotional needs. 

By approaching the conversation with empathy and respect for his feelings, you can increase the chances of a positive outcome.

In addition, it’s important to use logical strategies when discussing a friends with benefits arrangement.

This may involve highlighting the benefits of this type of relationship, setting clear boundaries and expectations, and keeping communication open and honest throughout the arrangement.

In this blog post, we’ll explore these and other tips in more detail, providing a step-by-step guide to asking a guy to be friends with benefits without feeling embarrassed or being too direct. 

Whether you’re looking to explore your sexual chemistry with a close friend or simply curious about this type of relationship, we hope this guide will help you approach the conversation with confidence and clarity.

How to ask a guy to be friends with benefits?

How to ask a guy to be friends with benefits effortlessly without being direct and not feeling awkward? First, you should start with building a connection and friendship. Make sure he knows that you’re interested in getting to know him better.

You can start by making casual conversation, sending playful texts, and setting up plans to hang out one-on-one.

Invite him to do something you both enjoy such as playing a sport or seeing a movie. During your time together, make sure to keep the conversation light and fun.

Once you’ve built a strong connection, it’s time to slowly start to get physical.

You can start by giving him a hug when you first see him or touch his arm when you’re talking. Touch him in a way that’s not too suggestive, but still hints that you’re interested.

Once you’ve gotten more comfortable with physical contact, you can start to make more suggestive moves.

For example, you can lightly brush your fingers across his arm and look at him suggestively. You can also lean in closer when you’re talking, as if you’re about to kiss him.

Once you’ve established that physical connection, it’s time to make it more obvious that you’re interested in a friends with benefits relationship.

You can do this by making more suggestive comments and jokes, or by asking if he’d like to come back to your place.

If he says yes, then you can take it as a sign that he’s interested in a friends with benefits relationship as well. 

No matter what, make sure you keep the conversation light and have fun. This is the best way to make sure that you both have a good time and that the relationship progresses in a natural way.

Also read: 20 Signs he only wants to be friends with benefits


Step by step guide to ask a guy to be friends with benefits relationship with you

Here is a step by step guide and tips to ask a guy to be friends with benefits with examples:

1. Start with casual conversation

Before asking a guy to be friends with benefits, it’s important to establish a comfortable rapport with him.

Start by engaging in casual conversation, which can be about anything from your shared interests to your thoughts on current events.

This can help establish a connection between the two of you that can later lead to a more intimate relationship.


“Hey, I noticed we both like hiking. Do you have any favorite trails around here?”

“What did you think of that new movie that came out? I heard mixed reviews.”

“Have you traveled anywhere recently? I’m looking for some new vacation ideas.”

Example dialogue:

You: “Hey, do you have any plans this weekend?”

Guy: “Not really, why do you ask?”

You: “I was thinking of going hiking on Saturday. Do you want to join me?”

Guy: “Sure, I’d love to. Where were you thinking of going?”

You: “There’s a great trail about an hour away that I’ve been wanting to check out. I can send you the details.”

Also read: How to text friends with benefits? (20 tips and 50+ fwb text messages with examples)

2. Gauge his interest

Before proceeding, it’s important to gauge the guy’s interest in you.

Look for subtle signs of attraction, such as prolonged eye contact, flirtatious behavior, or frequent compliments.

If you’re unsure, you can also try dropping hints about your own interest in casual relationships to see how he responds.


Give compliments about his appearance or personality frequently.

Initiate physical contact, such as touching your arm or shoulder.

Tease or flirt with hi in a playful way.

Show interest in him by spending time with him one-on-one outside of group settings.

Example dialogue:

You: “I heard about this new bar that just opened up. Do you want to check it out with me sometime?”

Guy: “Yeah, that sounds fun. Just you and me?”

You: “Yeah, just a casual hangout. Unless you’re interested in something more?”

Guy: “What do you mean?”

You: “I’m not looking for anything serious, but I’m open to exploring a more casual relationship. What do you think?”

Also read: How to find friends with benefits and make it work effortlessly (complete guide to online and offline FWB relationship)

3. Be clear about your intentions

When you do decide to broach the subject of a friends with benefits arrangement, it’s important to be clear about your intentions.

Let the guy know that you’re not looking for a serious relationship, but you’re interested in exploring a more casual arrangement.

This can help avoid any confusion or miscommunication down the line.


“I’m not really looking for anything serious right now, but I do enjoy spending time with you.”

“I think we have a great connection, but I’m not ready for a committed relationship at the moment.”

“I’m open to exploring a more casual relationship, if you’re interested.”

Example dialogue:

You: “I wanted to talk to you about something. I’m not really looking for a serious relationship right now, but I enjoy spending time with you. Would you be interested in exploring a more casual arrangement?”

Guy: “What do you mean by ‘casual arrangement’?”

You: “Something without the pressure of a traditional relationship. Just two friends enjoying each other’s company and maybe some physical intimacy, if we’re both interested.”

Guy: “Yeah, I think I could be into that. Let’s talk more about it.”

Also read: The ultimate list of 250+ friends with benefits quotes

4. Be confident and direct

While it can be tempting to beat around the bush or try to soften the blow, it’s ultimately best to be direct when asking a guy to be friends with benefits.

Be confident and straightforward in your approach, letting him know exactly what you’re looking for and what you’re hoping to get out of the arrangement.


“I think we have great chemistry and I’m interested in exploring a more physical relationship with you. Are you open to that?”

“I don’t want to lead you on, but I am interested in something more casual between us. Would you be open to that?”

“I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and I think we could have a lot of fun together. Are you open to exploring a more intimate relationship?”

Example dialogue:

You: “I don’t want to beat around the bush, so I’ll just come out and say it. I’m interested in exploring a more physical relationship with you, without any strings attached. Would you be open to that?”

Guy: “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. I think I could be into it, but let’s talk more about what that would look like.”

You: “Of course, I want to make sure we’re both on the same page and comfortable with everything. Let’s talk about it over drinks this weekend?”

5. Emphasize the benefits of friends with benefits

When discussing a friends with benefits arrangement, it’s important to focus on the benefits of this type of relationship.

Highlight the freedom and flexibility that comes with casual sex, as well as the lack of commitment or pressure to conform to traditional relationship norms. 


“With a friends with benefits arrangement, we can have all the fun without any of the stress or pressure of a traditional relationship.”

“This type of relationship allows us to explore our sexual chemistry without any expectations or obligations.”

“We can both enjoy the physical intimacy and pleasure without worrying about the emotional baggage that can come with a serious relationship.”

Example dialogue:

You: “I think a friends with benefits arrangement could be really great for us. We can explore our chemistry without the pressure of a serious relationship.”

Guy: “I’m not sure if I’m ready for that kind of arrangement.”

You: “That’s okay, I understand. But think about it – we could have all the fun without any of the stress or commitment. Plus, we both seem to enjoy spending time together. Why not take it to the next level?”

6. Be prepared for different expectations

Even if you and the guy agree to a friends with benefits arrangement, it’s important to be prepared for the possibility of different expectations or needs.

Make sure to communicate openly and regularly about what you’re both looking for and what you’re comfortable with, to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.


You may be looking for a more casual arrangement, while he may be hoping for something more serious down the line.

You may be comfortable with seeing other people, while he may want exclusivity.

You may have different boundaries or preferences when it comes to physical intimacy.

Example dialogue:

You: “Just to clarify, what are you looking for in a casual relationship like this?”

Guy: “Honestly, I’m not sure. I’m open to seeing where things go, but I don’t want anything too serious right now.”

You: “That makes sense. I’m on the same page. Just so you know, I’m not looking for anything exclusive and I’m open to seeing other people. What about you?”

Guy: “Yeah, I think I’m okay with that. I just want to make sure we’re both on the same page and comfortable with everything.”

7. Set boundaries and stick to them

In any type of relationship, it’s important to set boundaries and respect each other’s limits.

Make sure to communicate your own boundaries and preferences when it comes to physical intimacy and make sure to listen to his as well.

It’s important to stick to these boundaries to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship.


“I’m okay with occasional hookups, but I don’t want to see other people while we’re involved.”

“I’m not interested in any kind of emotional commitment or exclusivity.”

“Let’s make sure we communicate openly and honestly about our feelings and intentions throughout this arrangement.”

“I’m not comfortable with having sex without protection, so I want to make sure we’re always using condoms.”

“I’m not interested in trying certain sexual acts, so I want to establish those boundaries upfront.”

“I’m only available to see each other once a week, so I want to make sure we’re on the same page with our schedules.”

Example dialogue:

You: “So if we do decide to pursue a friends with benefits arrangement, what are your boundaries and expectations?”

Guy: “I’m okay with casual sex, but I don’t want to feel like I’m exclusive to you.”

You: “That makes sense. I feel the same way. But just to be clear, I don’t want to see other people while we’re involved. Is that something you’re comfortable with?”

Guy: “Yeah, I can agree to that. Let’s also make sure we communicate openly and honestly about our feelings throughout this arrangement.”

You: “Just to clarify, I have some boundaries when it comes to physical intimacy. Are there any boundaries or preferences you have that you want to establish upfront?”

Guy: “Yeah, I’m not interested in trying certain things, and I want to make sure we’re always using protection.”

You: “That’s totally understandable. For me, I’m only available to see each other once a week. Is that something that works for you?”

Guy: “Yeah, that works for me. Let’s make sure we stick to these boundaries and communicate openly if anything changes.”

8. Keep communication open and honest

Communication is key in any relationship, but especially in a friends with benefits arrangement. 

Make sure to regularly check in with each other about how you’re feeling and if your needs or boundaries have changed.

This will help prevent any misunderstandings or hurt feelings down the line.


“How are you feeling about our arrangement so far? Is there anything you want to talk about?”

“I know we established some boundaries upfront, but I wanted to check in and see if there’s anything you’re no longer comfortable with.”

“I’m starting to feel like I want something more serious. Can we talk about what that could look like?”

Example dialogue:

You: “I just wanted to check in and see how you’re feeling about everything so far.”

Guy: “Honestly, I’m still enjoying our arrangement. How about you?”

You: “Yeah, I’m enjoying it too. But I also wanted to make sure we’re still on the same page with our boundaries and expectations.”

Guy: “That’s a good point. I’m still okay with everything we established, but let’s keep communicating if anything changes.”

9. Respect each other’s privacy

It’s important to respect each other’s privacy and not share any personal information or details about your arrangement with others without consent.

This will help maintain trust and prevent any unnecessary drama or gossip.


“I’m not comfortable with anyone else knowing about our arrangement. Can we keep this between us?”

“I want to make sure we’re both comfortable with how public we are about our relationship. How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t want to discuss details about our sex life with anyone else. Is that something you’re okay with?”

Example dialogue:

You: “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page with privacy. I’m not comfortable with anyone else knowing about our arrangement. Is that okay with you?”

Guy: “Yeah, I’m on the same page. I don’t want anyone else knowing about this either.”

You: “Okay, good to know. Let’s make sure we communicate if anything changes, but otherwise, let’s keep this between us.”

10. Be prepared for the possibility of feelings

Even if you both agreed to a friends with benefits arrangement, there’s always the possibility of developing feelings for each other.

It’s important to be prepared for this possibility and to communicate openly if and when it happens.


“I’m starting to feel like I want something more serious. Can we talk about what that could look like?”

“I’m starting to develop feelings for you, but I don’t want to pressure you into anything. How do you feel about that?”

“I want to make sure we’re both aware that there’s always the possibility of developing feelings in this type of arrangement.”

Example dialogue:

You: “I just want to make sure we’re both aware that there’s always the possibility of developing feelings in this type of arrangement. How would you want to handle that if it happens?”

Guy: “I understand that, and I think we should be open and honest about our feelings if they develop.”

You: “That’s a good idea. I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page so we can navigate any potential feelings together.”

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, asking a guy to be friends with benefits can be a challenging conversation to have. 

However, by following the above  tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can approach the conversation in a way that is emotionally and reasonably sound.

It’s important to consider the individual personality and emotional needs of the guy you’re interested in, while also using logical strategies such as highlighting the benefits of this type of relationship and setting clear boundaries and expectations.

Remember, the most important thing is to communicate openly and honestly throughout the arrangement.

This will help ensure that both parties feel comfortable and respected, and can enjoy the benefits of a friends with benefits relationship without any unnecessary awkwardness or confusion.

By using these tips and being confident in your approach, you can successfully navigate this conversation and explore your sexual chemistry with a guy in a safe and respectful way.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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