Why my fwb is confusing me? (20+ reasons, signs, tips to handle the situation)

By: Naveen B

Friends with benefits (FWB) relationships can be exciting and fulfilling, but they can also be confusing and emotionally challenging.

When you are involved in an FWB relationship, you may find yourself wondering why my fwb is confusing me and giving mixed signals, and not sure of whether they are manipulating you or not.

These questions can be especially difficult to answer when you have feelings for your FWB and want more than just a casual arrangement.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why FWB partners may give mixed signals and resist the idea of a committed relationship.

We will examine some of the signs that may indicate that your FWB is manipulating you, and we will provide you with practical tips on how to navigate this complex and often confusing relationship dynamic.

We will approach this topic from a psychological perspective, drawing on insights from research on human behavior and interpersonal relationships.

Our goal is to provide you with a complete guide to understanding the dynamics of FWB relationships, and to help you make informed decisions about how to move forward in your own relationship.

So if you are feeling confused, frustrated, or uncertain about your FWB, read on for our expert insights and advice.

Why my fwb is confusing me and giving me mixed signals?

Why is my FWB giving me mixed signals and confusing me? There might be various factors involving why your FWB may be giving you mixed signals.

They may be struggling with their own emotions or expectations, or they may have unresolved emotional baggage that is causing them to act inconsistently.

Additionally, they may be experiencing conflicting feelings or struggling with personal insecurities or doubts. There is a chance that your fwb might be a player who just wants to play with your emotions. All of these aspects can contribute to mixed signals and confusion in the relationship.

These casual relationships often lack clear definitions or boundaries, which can make it difficult for both parties to understand their roles and expectations. 

Further, FWB relationships can be seen as a form of moral ambiguity or ethical gray area, which can lead to conflicting feelings or confusion about the nature of the relationship.

Mixed signals can arise when there is a lack of clear communication or understanding between the two parties.

If you and your FWB are not on the same page about your expectations or feelings, it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.

Additionally, if there are conflicting emotions or expectations at play, it can be difficult for either party to act in a consistent or predictable manner.

Also read: 25 Hidden signs your fwb is catching feelings for you


Is my FWB manipulating me?

It can be difficult to determine if a friend with benefits (FWB) is manipulating you, as the relationship is often casual and undefined. However, there are some signs that you can look out for that may indicate manipulative behavior. Here are a few things to consider:

1. They only contact you when they want something: If your FWB only reaches out to you when they want to hook up or need something from you, it could be a sign that they are manipulating you for their own benefit.

2. They make you feel guilty: If your FWB tries to make you feel guilty for not spending time with them or not giving them what they want, it could be a sign that they are using guilt to manipulate you.

Your FWB uses guilt or other manipulative tactics to get what they want from you, such as making you feel like you owe them something or using threats to make you comply with their wishes.

3. They play mind games: If your FWB plays mind games with you or manipulates your emotions, it could be a sign that they are manipulating you.

Your FWB often changes their behavior or makes promises they don’t keep, leaving you feeling confused or hurt.

4. They don’t respect your boundaries: If your FWB doesn’t respect your boundaries or tries to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with, it could be a sign that they are manipulating you.

Your FWB avoids taking responsibility for their actions, deflecting blame onto you or others.

5. They don’t show appreciation: If your FWB never expresses gratitude or appreciation for your time and effort, it could be a sign that they are taking advantage of you. 

If you suspect that your FWB is manipulating you, it’s important to communicate with them openly and honestly about your concerns.

If they are unwilling to listen or change their behavior, it may be best to end the FWB relationship and seek out healthier connections.

Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and honesty in all of your relationships.

Also read: More than friends with benefits but not a relationship (complete guide) meaning, signs, characteristics, challenges, & tips to navigate situationship


FWB mixed signals: 10 Reasons why your fwb is confusing you

It’s difficult to say exactly why your friend with benefits (FWB) is giving you mixed signals without knowing more about your situation. However, here are some possible reasons for FWB mixed signals:

1. Different Expectations:

You and your FWB may have different expectations about what your relationship is or where it’s headed.

One of you may be looking for something more serious, while the other just wants a casual hookup.

This mismatch of expectations can lead to confusion and mixed signals.

2. Fear of Commitment:

Your FWB may be afraid of commitment or getting too close to you emotionally.

This fear can lead them to send mixed signals, as they may want to keep things casual but also enjoy spending time with you.

3. Emotional Baggage:

Your FWB may have unresolved emotional baggage from past relationships or other issues that are causing them to send mixed signals.

They may be struggling with trust issues or fear of getting hurt, which can make it hard for them to be clear about their feelings.

4. Lack of Communication:

If you and your FWB are not communicating clearly about your feelings and expectations, it can lead to confusion and mixed signals.

It’s important to have open and honest conversations about what you want and where you see the relationship going.

5. Conflicting Emotions:

Your FWB may have conflicting emotions about the relationship.

They may enjoy spending time with you and the physical aspects of the relationship, but also feel guilty or unsure about the situation.

Also read: Why does my fwb text me everyday? (Your guide to texing fwb everyday)

6. Playing Games:

Unfortunately, some people enjoy playing games or manipulating others.

Your FWB may be intentionally giving you mixed signals to keep you guessing or to maintain a sense of power or control in the relationship.

7. Insecurity:

Your FWB may have personal insecurities or self-doubt that are causing them to send mixed signals.

They may worry that you don’t really like them or that you’ll lose interest if they are too clear about their feelings.

8. Other Romantic Interests:

It’s possible that your FWB is interested in pursuing other romantic relationships but doesn’t want to fully let go of the FWB arrangement.

This can lead to mixed signals as they try to balance multiple relationships.

9. Fear of Losing You:

Your FWB may be sending mixed signals because they are afraid of losing you altogether.

They may be trying to keep you interested in the relationship while also not wanting to commit to anything more serious.

10. Simply Unsure:

Finally, it’s possible that your FWB is giving you mixed signals simply because they are unsure about their own feelings.

They may be conflicted or unsure about what they want from the relationship, which can lead to mixed signals as they try to figure things out.

Also read: 50 Signs your fwb doesn’t like you

My FWB is confusing me, what to do?

First and foremost, it is important to remember that communication is key in any type of relationship. It is possible that your FWB partner is simply sending you mixed signals due to a lack of clarity in how they feel towards you.

If this is the case, it is important to establish clear boundaries, expectations, and communication early on in order to avoid confusion and ensure that both partners are on the same page.

One way to do this is to start by creating a shared understanding of what a friends-with-benefits relationship means to each person.

This could be done through a conversation, where both partners discuss their expectations and boundaries. This conversation should include topics such as:

• What type of physical contact is acceptable within the relationship? 

• Are there any emotional expectations or attachments? 

• Will you be monogamous or non-monogamous? 

• How often will you meet up? 

• What topics are off-limits? 

• How will you handle the end of the relationship? 

Once the boundaries and expectations around the relationship have been established, it is important to maintain open communication with each other.

This means that if something changes or if either person begins to feel uncomfortable, they should be able to tell their partner in order to avoid confusion and hurt feelings.

Finally, it is important to remember that a friends-with-benefits relationship is not a substitute for a romantic relationship.

If you and your partner are looking for something more, it is important to be honest with each other and discuss what you both want out of the relationship. 

Ultimately, a friends-with-benefits relationship should be a consensual and mutually beneficial relationship.

By having open and honest communication, you and your partner can ensure that the relationship is a positive experience for both of you.

Also read: 50 Subtle signs your fwb likes you deeply

Why does my FWB not want a relationship?

There could be a variety of reasons why your friend with benefits (FWB) does not want a committed relationship. Some possible reasons may include:

1. They are not emotionally ready for a relationship: Your FWB may have recently gotten out of a relationship or may not be ready to commit to a serious relationship at this time.

2. They are not interested in a romantic relationship with you: While you may enjoy spending time with your FWB, they may not feel a romantic connection with you and may prefer to keep things casual.

3. They enjoy the freedom of a FWB relationship: Some people prefer the benefits of a physical relationship without the commitments and expectations that come with a traditional romantic relationship.

4. They have other priorities: Your FWB may have other priorities in their life, such as work, school, or family, that they feel take precedence over a romantic relationship.

5. They are in an open or polyamorous relationship: If your FWB is already in a committed relationship, but it is open or polyamorous, they may not be interested in pursuing a monogamous relationship with you.

6. They are afraid of commitment: Some people may have a fear of commitment and may prefer to keep things casual and non-committal.

7. They are focused on personal growth: Your FWB may be more focused on their personal growth and development, and may not have the time or energy to commit to a relationship at this time.

8. They are dealing with personal issues: Your FWB may be dealing with personal issues, such as mental health concerns or family problems, that make them hesitant to commit to a relationship.

9. They enjoy the excitement of new experiences: Some people enjoy the thrill of meeting new people and having new experiences, and may not want to commit to one person.

10. They simply do not want a relationship: Your FWB may not want a committed relationship with anyone at this time, and may prefer to keep things casual and non-committal.

It’s important to remember that each person is unique and has their own reasons for their behavior.

If you are looking for a committed relationship and your FWB is not, it’s important to respect their decision and prioritize your own needs and well-being. 

Final thoughts:

If you feel like your FWB is manipulating you, it’s important to trust your instincts and prioritize your own well-being.

Consider having an honest conversation with them about how you feel and setting clear boundaries for the relationship.

If they continue to exhibit manipulative behavior, it may be best to end the relationship and move on.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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