50 Subtle signs your fwb likes you deeply

By: Naveen B

The dynamic between friends with benefits (FWB) can often be complex and emotionally complicated.

While a FWB relationship is typically understood to be casual and non-committal, there are times when one party may develop romantic feelings for the other.

However, it can be difficult to discern whether a FWB is interested in a more serious relationship or if they are content with the current arrangement.

To help you navigate this gray area, we have compiled a list of 50 subtle signs your FWB likes you. By paying attention to these signs, you can gain greater clarity and potentially avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings that may arise in a FWB relationship.

Before diving into the 50 subtle signs your fwb likes you, let’s consider some important perspectives to make informed decisions about your relationship with your fwb.


How do you know if your fwb is into you?

How to know if fwb likes you? Determining whether a friend with benefits (FWB) is romantically interested in you can be a complex and nuanced task.

It is crucial to approach this question with a stoic mindset, as it requires careful consideration of multiple factors, including communication, actions, and emotions.

Firstly, it is essential to examine the nature of the relationship between you and your FWB.

Are you both clear about the boundaries of the relationship and have you discussed the possibility of developing romantic feelings for each other?

If not, it may be challenging to discern whether your FWB is interested in you in a more profound and meaningful way.

Furthermore, it is essential to pay attention to the way your FWB communicates with you.

Do they initiate conversations about personal topics or express concern for your well-being? 

These can be signs that they are interested in you on a deeper level than just a physical one. 

Additionally, consider whether they make an effort to spend time with you outside of the bedroom.

If your FWB regularly seeks out your company for non-sexual activities, this could be an indication that they value your company and enjoy spending time with you.

Another important factor to consider is the emotional connection between you and your FWB.

Do you both share personal details about your lives and experiences? Are you comfortable discussing your feelings with each other

 If so, this could suggest that your FWB is interested in building an emotional connection with you, which could be a sign of deeper romantic interest.

However, it is crucial to remember that not all physical relationships have to lead to romantic involvement.

It is entirely possible for two people to engage in a mutually satisfying FWB arrangement without any romantic feelings.

Therefore, it is important to take a holistic view of your relationship with your FWB and to consider all the available evidence before making any conclusions.

By examining these elements of your relationship, you can gain a better understanding of your FWB’s intentions and make informed decisions about the future of your relationship.

Also read: 50 Signs your fwb doesn’t like you

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50 Subtle signs your fwb likes you

The following are some of the most subtle signs your fwb likes you and probably falling for you:

1. Your FWB texts you first and initiate conversations:

When you have a friends with benefits relationship, it’s usually all about the physical aspect.

You meet up, have some fun, and then go your separate ways until next time.

However, if your FWB is texting you first and initiating conversations outside of your meetups, it could be a sign that they might find you as a genuine and good person and like you more.

For example:

If your FWB texts you to ask how your day was or sends you a funny meme they saw on Instagram, it shows that they’re thinking about you even when you’re not together.

If they initiate conversations about your hobbies, interests, or future plans, it could be a sign that they want to get to know you better as a person.

If your FWB starts texting you more frequently or starts using more flirty emojis, it could be a sign that they’re liking you more.

2. They’re more affectionate with you than with other friends:

If your FWB is more affectionate with you than with their other friends, it could be a sign that they like you beyond just a physical attraction.

For example:

If they hold your hand, cuddle with you, or give you forehead kisses during your meetups, it shows that they have a deeper emotional connection with you.

If they’re more affectionate with you than they are with other people they’re physically intimate with, it’s a good indication that they’re developing feelings for you.

If your FWB is more affectionate with you outside of your meetups as well, it’s an even stronger indication that they’re interested in more than just a casual relationship.

For example:

 If they hug you for longer than usual or give you a peck on the cheek when you’re saying goodbye, it shows that they want to be close to you and show you affection.

Also read: Why does my fwb text me everyday? 

3. They call you by pet names:

Using pet names is a sign of affection and intimacy. If your FWB is using pet names with you, it could be a sign that they’re developing feelings for you.

For example:

If they call you “babe,” “honey,” or “sweetheart,” it shows that they want to be more than just friends with benefits.

Using pet names is a way to show endearment and to create a sense of intimacy and connection.

If your FWB only uses pet names during your meetups, it could be a sign that they’re just trying to be romantic in the moment.

However, if they start using pet names when you’re texting or talking on the phone, it’s a good indication that they’re interested in a more emotional relationship.

4. They compliment you often:

If your FWB is complimenting you often, it could be a sign that they have feelings for you.

For example, if they tell you that you look beautiful, smart, or funny, it shows that they appreciate more than just your physical appearance.

If they start complimenting you on things like your personality, your interests, or your accomplishments, it’s a good indication that they want to get to know you on a deeper level.

If they start complimenting you more frequently and in different contexts, it’s a good indication that they’re interested in a more emotional relationship.

5. They introduce you to their friends and family:

If your FWB is introducing you to their friends and family, it’s a strong indication that they’re interested in more than just a casual relationship.

For example, if they invite you to their friend’s birthday party or their family’s Thanksgiving dinner, it shows that they want you to be a part of their social circle and that they see a future with you beyond just a physical relationship.

If your FWB is introducing you to their friends and family, it’s a good opportunity to observe their behavior around you.

If they act differently around you when they’re with their friends or family, it could be a sign that they have deeper feelings for you.

For example, if they introduce you as their “friend” but act more affectionate with you when they’re alone with you, it could be a sign that they’re not ready to be public about their feelings yet.

6. They make efforts to impress you and spend time with you:

One subtle sign that your FWB likes you is when they start making an effort to impress you and spend more time with you.

When someone likes you, they want to show you their best selves, and they will go out of their way to do things that they think will impress you.

This can range from dressing up nicely when you meet to planning elaborate dates or surprising you with thoughtful gifts.


They show up to meet you in their best attire and well-groomed.

They surprise you with thoughtful gestures like your favorite snack or a book you mentioned wanting to read.

They plan creative dates or activities to do together.

They suggest spending more time together, beyond the usual FWB arrangements.

They make an effort to fit into your schedule and make time for you.

7. They’re interested in learning more about you:

Another sign that your FWB may have feelings for you is when they start asking more questions and showing genuine interest in your life.

When someone is interested in getting to know you on a deeper level, they will ask open-ended questions and actively listen to your responses.

This can be a subtle sign that they want to learn more about you and possibly pursue a more serious relationship.


They ask about your interests, hobbies, and passions.

They want to know more about your family and background.

They ask about your career aspirations and goals.

They show curiosity about your childhood and life experiences.

They inquire about your personal values and beliefs.

8. They remember each little thing you tell them:

When your fwb likes you, they pay attention to the details, and one way this can manifest is by remembering the little things you share with them.

This can be as simple as recalling your favorite movie or restaurant or remembering a story you shared with them weeks ago.

It shows that they are invested in getting to know you and care about the things that matter to you.


They remember your favorite drink or food order.

They recall an inside joke or shared experience.

They mention a movie or book you recommended.

They remember the names of your family members or friends.

They ask about a specific event or detail from your life.

9. They frequently check on you to make sure you are okay:

Another one of the subtle signs your FWB likes you is when they check on you frequently to make sure you are doing well with your life.

When someone cares about you, they want to make sure that you are doing well and are happy. 

This can be a sign that they want to be there for you and support you in whatever way they can.


They ask how your day was or how you’re feeling.

They check in after a difficult situation, such as a job interview or family problem.

They offer to help with something you’re struggling with, like moving or a project.

They show concern when you are sick or not feeling well.

They make sure to keep in touch and stay updated on your life.

10. They talk about wanting a more serious relationship:

Perhaps the most straightforward sign that your FWB has feelings for you is when they talk about wanting a more serious relationship.

This can be a direct statement or a subtle hint, but either way, it shows that they are thinking about a future with you and want to take things to the next level.


They ask about your thoughts on relationships and commitment.

They hint at wanting to be exclusive or move things forward.

They talk about future plans that involve you, like vacations or events.

They express jealousy or discomfort when you see other people.

They bring up the topic of marriage or long-term commitment.

11. They become jealous when you talk about other people:

Jealousy is often a sign of possessiveness and can indicate that your FWB has developed feelings for you.

If your FWB becomes jealous when you talk about other people or if they express discomfort when you go on dates with others, it may be a sign that they are interested in a more exclusive relationship.


Your FWB asks about your dating life and reacts negatively when you talk about going on dates with other people.

They may make snarky or passive-aggressive comments when you mention other people you find attractive.

Your FWB may ask for reassurance that they are the only person you are seeing.

They may try to sabotage your attempts to date other people by creating conflicts or making themselves more available to you.

12. They’re always eager to please you:

If your FWB goes out of their way to make you happy or do things for you, it may be a sign that they are interested in more than just a casual relationship.

Your FWB may try to impress you by cooking your favorite meals, buying you gifts, or doing things to make your life easier.


Your FWB may go out of their way to plan activities that they know you enjoy.

They may offer to pick up groceries or run errands for you.

Your FWB may surprise you with thoughtful gifts or gestures.

They may prioritize spending time with you over other commitments.

13. They express an interest in making plans with you in the future:

If your FWB frequently talks about the future and includes you in their plans, it may be a sign that they are interested in more than just a casual relationship.

Your FWB may express interest in traveling together, attending events together, or meeting each other’s friends and family.


Your FWB may talk about future vacations or trips they want to take with you.

They may express interest in meeting your friends or family.

Your FWB may suggest attending events together, such as concerts or weddings.

They may talk about future plans that involve you, such as moving in together or starting a business together.

14. Their body language around you is different than it is with other people:

Body language can be a subtle yet powerful indicator of a person’s feelings.

If your FWB exhibits different body language around you than they do with other people, it may be a sign that they have developed feelings for you.

Your FWB may make more prolonged eye contact with you, touch you more often, or exhibit other signs of attraction.


Your FWB may lean in closer to you when you’re talking.

They may make more prolonged eye contact with you than they do with other people.

Your FWB may touch you more often, such as placing their hand on your shoulder or back.

They may exhibit nervous behaviors, such as fidgeting or blushing, when they’re around you.

15. They don’t necessarily see you as just a friend with benefits:

If your FWB talks about your relationship in terms of more than just casual sex, it may be a sign that they are interested in a more serious relationship.

Your FWB may talk about their feelings for you, express interest in exclusivity, or use language that implies a deeper emotional connection.


Your FWB may say things like, “I really enjoy spending time with you” or “I feel a strong connection with you.”

They may express a desire for exclusivity or for a more committed relationship.

Your FWB may refer to you as their “partner” or use language that implies a more serious relationship.

They may express concern about your emotional well-being or show a greater interest in your life outside of your sexual relationship.

Your FWB may show signs of jealousy or possessiveness, indicating that they view your relationship as more than just casual.


Signs your fwb likes you

Here are some more subtle signs your fwb likes you:

16.  They’re always looking for excuses to be alone with you.

17. They show signs of possessiveness.

18. They want to go on dates with you.

19. They bring up conversations about commitment.

20. They seek validation and reassurance from you.

21. They invite you out to special events.

22. They are willing to compromise in order to make you happy.

23. They make an effort to stay in contact with you.

24. They text you good morning and good night messages.

25. They make plans that involve the two of you.

26. They plan surprise outings or gifts for you.

27. They take your feelings and opinions into consideration.

28. They try to make you laugh and smile.

29. They refer to you as their “special someone”.

30. They make time for you even if they’re busy.

Sure Signs your friends with benefits is into you and likes you

Here are some of the sure signs your friends with benefits likes you and into you:

31. They use your nickname in conversations with you.

32. They respect your boundaries and don’t push you to do things you’re not comfortable with.

33. They show genuine interest in things you talk about. 

34. They show signs of protectiveness towards you.

35. They give you little gifts just to show they care.

37. They try to engage in meaningful conversations with you other than sex.

38. They try to kiss you every time they see you.

39. They tell you things that they usually don’t share with others. when you’re around.

40. They make a point of publicly displaying affection towards you.

41. They send you funny memes and GIFs.

42. They’re always ready with a corny pick-up line.

43. They make lighthearted jokes about you in conversations.

44. They tease you in a playful and endearing way.

45. They act goofy and silly when you’re around.

46. They express their affection in various forms of love language.

47. They try to make you laugh with ridiculous stories.

48. They always try to one-up your jokes.

49. They get jealous when you talk to other people.

50. They try to make it a point to surprise you with something funny or unexpected.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, navigating the boundaries of a friends with benefits relationship can be challenging, but paying attention to subtle signs can help you determine if your FWB has developed romantic feelings for you.

Jealousy, eagerness to please, future planning, body language, and language that implies a deeper emotional connection are all signs that your FWB may be interested in something more serious.

However, it’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your FWB about your own feelings and intentions to avoid misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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