50 Signs your fwb doesn’t like you

By: Naveen B

One of the most common questions people in friends with benefits relationships ask is, “How do I know if my FWB doesn’t like me?”

It can be challenging to navigate the gray area of a relationship that is primarily physical, and it’s not uncommon for one person to develop feelings while the other does not.

In this blog post, we will be discussing 50 signs your FWB doesn’t like you. It’s important to note that not all relationships are the same. However, if you’re feeling unsure about your FWB relationship and want to know if your partner is emotionally invested, this post will provide you with some valuable insights.

FWB relationships can be complicated, and it’s easy to get caught up in the physical aspect while neglecting the emotional connection. So,  it’s best to prioritize your emotional needs and make informed decisions about your relationships.

With that said, let’s dive into the 50 signs your FWB doesn’t like you, so you can determine whether your relationship is worth investing in.


50 Signs your fwb doesn’t like you

The following are some of the most subtle signs your fwb doesn’t like you:

1. They don’t make time for you.

When someone likes you, they make time for you. They want to spend time with you, talk to you, and get to know you better.

If your FWB is consistently canceling plans, making excuses, or not prioritizing you, it could be a sign that they don’t like you.

This behavior can be hurtful and leave you feeling neglected and unimportant.

In psychology, this behavior can be explained by the theory of social exchange. This theory suggests that people evaluate the costs and benefits of their relationships.

And if the costs outweigh the benefits, they may choose to end the relationship or withdraw from it.

In this case, your FWB may not see the benefit of spending time with you and may not feel the need to prioritize your relationship.

2. They stop texting or calling you back.

Communication is an essential part of any relationship, even a casual one like a FWB arrangement.

If your FWB stops responding to your texts or calls, it could be a sign that they are no longer interested in maintaining the relationship.

This behavior can leave you feeling confused and frustrated, as it can be difficult to know whether to continue reaching out or to move on.

From a psychological perspective, this behavior can be explained by attachment theory. Attachment theory suggests that people have a need for emotional connection with others.

And if this need is not met, they may withdraw from the relationship. In this case, your FWB may not feel emotionally connected to you and may choose to withdraw from the relationship as a result.

Also read: How to find friends with benefits and make it work effortlessly (complete guide to online and offline FWB relationship)

3. They make negative comments about you or your relationship.

If your friend with benefits frequently makes negative comments about you or your relationship, it may be a sign that they are unhappy in the relationship.

Negative comments can be hurtful and damaging to one’s emotional well-being, and they can create a toxic environment in the relationship.

A person who values their relationship and their partner will not make negative comments or put down their partner in any way.

4. They don’t make any effort to hang out.

Similar to not making time for you, if your FWB doesn’t make any effort to hang out, it could be a sign that they don’t like you.

This behavior can be frustrating and hurtful, as it can make you feel like you are putting in all the effort in the relationship.

Psychologically, this behavior can be explained by the investment model of relationships. This model suggests that people evaluate the rewards, costs, and alternatives of their relationships.

And if the rewards are low and the alternatives are high, they may choose to end the relationship.

In this case, your FWB may not see the rewards of hanging out with you and may perceive other alternatives as more attractive.

5. They don’t introduce you to their friends and family.

Friendship is a fundamental human need, and one’s social circle plays a vital role in shaping their personality and values.

If your friend with benefits doesn’t introduce you to their friends and family, it may indicate that they do not value your relationship enough to share it with their loved ones.

Moreover, it may also suggest that they see you as nothing more than a casual acquaintance, which may lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness.

In contrast, a person who values your presence in their life will go out of their way to introduce you to their friends and family and make you feel welcomed.

6. They ignore your attempts to talk about your relationship.

Communication is important in any relationship, and if your FWB ignores your attempts to talk about your relationship, it could be a sign that they don’t want to have that conversation.

This behavior can leave you feeling frustrated and confused, as it can be difficult to know where you stand in the relationship.

This pattern can be explained by the avoidance coping style. This coping style involves avoiding or suppressing negative emotions.

And if your FWB is uncomfortable with discussing the relationship, they may choose to avoid the conversation altogether. This behavior can be hurtful, but it is important to remember that everyone copes with emotions differently.

7. They don’t try to make you feel special.

In any relationship, it is essential to make the other person feel special and appreciated.

If your friend with benefits doesn’t make any effort to make you feel special, it may signify that they do not care about your feelings or your presence in their life.

A lack of effort to make you feel special can be a sign of emotional detachment, which can lead to feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction.

8. They don’t compliment you or show affection.

Compliments and affectionate gestures are an essential part of any relationship.

If your friend with benefits doesn’t show any interest in complimenting you or showing affection, it may be an indication that they are not invested in the relationship.

A lack of compliments and affectionate gestures can also lead to a feeling of neglect, which can be damaging to one’s emotional well-being.

9. They don’t act interested in the things you do.

Showing interest in your partner’s life and interests is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship.

If your friend with benefits doesn’t act interested in the things you do, it may signify that they do not value your thoughts and feelings.

Moreover, a lack of interest in your partner’s life can lead to feelings of disconnection and emotional distance.

10. They tell you they don’t want to take things further.

If your FWB tells you that they don’t want to take things further, it is a clear sign that they don’t like you in a romantic or committed way.

This can be a difficult conversation to have, but it is important to respect their boundaries and feelings.

This behavior can be explained by the cognitive dissonance theory. This theory suggests that people experience discomfort when their beliefs and behaviors are inconsistent.

And they may change their beliefs to align with their behaviors.

In this case, your FWB may have realized that they don’t have romantic feelings for you, and telling you that they don’t want to take things further can help them align their beliefs and behaviors.

11. They don’t ask about your day or how you are doing.

A lack of interest in your personal life can indicate that your FWB doesn’t care about you beyond the physical aspect of the relationship.

When someone likes you, they typically want to know more about you, and they take an interest in your life. They ask questions and listen attentively.

If your FWB doesn’t ask about your day or how you are doing, it could mean that they are not emotionally invested in the relationship.

12. They don’t take an interest in your life.

Similarly, if your FWB doesn’t take an interest in your life, it could be one of the obvious signs your fwb doesn’t like you.

A healthy friendship involves both parties taking an interest in each other’s lives.

If your FWB is not interested in what you are doing, it could mean that they are not invested in the relationship.

This lack of interest could be a red flag that your FWB is only using you for physical pleasure.

13. They don’t show any enthusiasm when you suggest activities.

If your FWB doesn’t show any enthusiasm when you suggest activities, it could be a sign that they don’t like you.

When someone likes you, they are usually excited to spend time with you, regardless of the activity.

If your FWB is always lukewarm or unenthusiastic when you suggest things to do, it could mean that they are not interested in spending time with you.

14. They make excuses when you ask to hang out.

When someone likes you, they typically make an effort to see you. If your FWB is always making excuses when you ask to hang out, it could be a sign that they don’t like you.

Whether it’s because they’re busy or because they don’t feel like seeing you, consistent excuses could mean that they’re not interested in maintaining the relationship.

15. They don’t make any effort to keep the relationship going.

If your FWB doesn’t make any effort to keep the relationship going, it could be a sign that they don’t like you.

A healthy relationship involves both parties making an effort to maintain the connection.

If your FWB doesn’t initiate conversations or make plans, it could mean that they’re not invested in the relationship.

A one-sided relationship is not sustainable, and it’s not worth investing in if your FWB doesn’t seem to care.


Signs your fwb is losing interest

Here are some more interesting signs your fwb doesn’t like you and beginning to lose interest on you:

16. They only reach out to you when they want to hook up, and never just to hang out.

17. They don’t ask you any personal questions or seem interested in getting to know you beyond the physical aspect of your relationship.

18. They never introduce you to their friends or family.

19. They never initiate contact with you first, and often take a long time to respond to your messages.

20. They don’t make any effort to plan anything special or romantic for you, like taking you out to dinner or surprising you with a thoughtful gift.

21. They never stay the night, or if they do, they leave as soon as they can.

22. They don’t make any effort to make plans with you in advance and often only contact you last minute.

23. They don’t make any effort to be romantic, like lighting candles or setting a nice atmosphere.

24. They don’t seem interested in your hobbies, passions or interests.

25. They don’t make any effort to include you in their life or activities, like inviting you to their social events or outings.

26. They don’t make any effort to prioritize your pleasure or satisfaction during sex.

27. They don’t want to be seen in public with you, and always suggest meeting up at their place or yours instead of going out somewhere.

28. They don’t seem to care about your feelings or emotions, and often dismiss or ignore them.

29. They don’t make any effort to comfort you or be there for you when you’re going through a tough time.

30. They don’t talk about the future with you, and avoid any conversations about being in a committed relationship.


Signs your fwb doesn’t care about you

Here are few more signs your fwb doesn’t care about you:

31. They don’t show any jealousy or possessiveness towards you, even when you mention other guys or girls.

32. They don’t compliment you or make you feel special in any way.

33. They don’t make any effort to improve their physical appearance or grooming habits when they know they’ll be seeing you.

34. They don’t initiate physical contact outside of sex, like holding hands or cuddling.

35. They don’t seem to enjoy spending time with you, and often seem bored or disinterested.

36. They don’t make any effort to be romantic or affectionate towards you, like giving you a kiss goodbye or holding you close.

37. They don’t make any effort to communicate with you outside of sex, like sending you cute or flirty messages.

38. They don’t want to talk about anything serious or deep, and always keep the conversation light and surface-level.

39. They don’t take your opinions or ideas seriously, and often dismiss them without giving them a second thought.

40. They don’t make any effort to remember important details about your life, like your birthday or your favorite hobbies.

41. They avoid any kind of physical contact or intimacy outside of sex, like hugging or touching.

42. They don’t make any effort to make you feel comfortable or welcome in their space.

43. They seem to be more interested in their phone or other distractions than in spending time with you.

44. They cancel plans with you often, without giving a valid reason or making any effort to reschedule.

45. They don’t share anything personal with you, and seem guarded or closed off.

46. They don’t show any concern or empathy when you share something difficult or emotional with them.

47. They don’t laugh at your jokes or seem to enjoy spending time with you in a non-sexual way.

48. They don’t make any effort to show affection or appreciation for you, like saying “thank you” or giving you a hug.

49. They don’t make any effort to acknowledge or celebrate important events or milestones in your life.

50. They don’t make any effort to stay in touch with you when you’re not physically together, like texting or calling to check in.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, it’s important to remember that every FWB relationship is different.

However, if you’re looking for signs that your FWB doesn’t like you, there are some common patterns to look out for.

From not taking an interest in your life to consistently making excuses to not spend time with you, these signs can indicate that your FWB is not emotionally invested in the relationship.

It’s essential to communicate your feelings with your FWB and make sure you’re on the same page about what you want from the relationship.

If you’re looking for something more meaningful and your FWB isn’t, it may be time to consider moving on.

Remember that you deserve to be with someone who cares about you and wants to be with you.

Don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. Use these signs as a guide to help you make an informed decision about your FWB relationship.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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