It is always fun to play games with your friends and family. There are various types of fun games that can be played at home as well as online
Never have I ever questions are some of the most popularly played games. All you need is a group of people with a high level of alcohol in their blood.
Have you ever watched a group of people play Never Have I Ever – the game where they take turns admitting things they’ve never done and then the other players take turns saying “Never have I ever…”.
The classic party game “Never have I ever” has been a raging hit for quite some time and can be an absolute blast!
Let’s discuss the rules for playing never have I ever questions the game. Everyone should be familiar with it, but in case you aren’t, I’ll tell you what you need to know about playing this game.
Never Have I ever Game
- Never Have I ever Game
- What is never have I ever?
- How to play never have I ever?
- Never Have I Ever Rules
- Never Have I Ever Questions
- Funny never have I ever questions
- Dirty never have I ever questions
- Best never have I ever questions
- Never have I ever questions for couples
- Never have I ever questions for adults
- Never have I ever questions for teenagers
- Never have I ever questions for kids
- Never have I ever questions for kids funny
- Never have I ever questions for siblings
- Never have I ever questions for parents
- Never have I ever questions clean
- Naughty never have I ever questions
- S#xual never have I ever questions
- Never have I ever Christmas questions
- Never have I ever holiday questions
- Never have I ever questions 18 and 18+
- Never have I ever questions for virgins
- Never have I ever questions extreme
- Never have I ever questions for teachers
- Juicy never have I ever questions
- Never have I ever questions for friends
- Never have I ever questions for girls
- Never have I ever questions for workplace (employees)
- Embarrassing never have I ever questions
- Sad never have I ever questions
- Worst never have I ever questions
- Never have I ever questions for girlfriend
What is never have I ever?
“Never Have I ever” also referred to as ten fingers” is a fun conversation game played at parties, online, or over text. This is also one of the best ways to help you build friendships and strengthen deep relationships.
As players often admit to things that they previously had not. So, this is the opportunity to get to know people better. And have fun at the same time.
Basically, Never have I ever is a drinking game in which players ask each other about things they have never done.
People who have done this respond by taking a sip of the drink. There is also a version that does not require drinking, usually played by children and underage adolescents. Instead of drinking, they count their scores on their fingers.
How to play never have I ever?

If you don’t know how to play the never have I ever game, Here is a quick introduction:
The game is a simple one, and you will need at least two players. It’s more enjoyable, however, if you’re with a group. Each player forms a circle before starting this verbal game.
The first player says something they’ve never done before starting with the phrase “Never Have I Ever…” followed by something they have not done.
For example: if you’ve never kissed anyone in your lifetime, then you can say, “never have I ever kissed anyone in my lifetime.”
If you have ever done the action the first player mentions, you have to drink. A statement is then made by the next person, and the game continues around the circle.
The last person to consume a sip of drink at the end of the game will be declared the winner.
Any other person who has done that must admit to the act and take a drink. A number of humorous stories are revealed throughout this process.
Moreover, after all, players’ cups have been consumed, you may change the question.
When no one takes a drink, then the individual who said the particular “Never have I ever…” statement must take one.
By imposing this rule, the players are likely to strategize more and suggest less pointless ideas.
Additionally, another variation mandates that when only one person drinks, they should explain in detail why they are drinking.
There is another variation of this game in which a person puts up five or ten fingers and puts one down when something is done. The person who ends up putting down all his fingers will have to drink several times consecutively.
Also read: 750+ Conversation starters on topics for any situation (Your ultimate questions list)
Never Have I Ever Rules

Playing a game has some unique rules and regulations, making it stand out from other fun activities. Rules must be followed by all players for the game to flow.
Here are never have I ever game rules to consider before playing
- The game cannot be played if the players do not tell the truth. There must be some restrictions in order to be more exciting and fun.
- Any person who violates these rules is disqualified or must pay a fine.
- No one speaks on behalf of the players. Despite the fact that this game is played in a group, each player should play individually. As a player, you cannot take charge of players on either side when playing.
- If anyone has an objection to a particular topic before the game begins, you can eliminate them. This way you won’t have any misunderstandings or disputes at the end of the game.
- Everyone who crosses the limit will be eliminated from the game.
- Be sure all the alcohol in each person’s glass is equal.
Here is the sample never have I ever questions I have written, you can use exactly these same questions or improvise on your own.
In this post the never have I ever questions can be played by kids, teens, adults, couples, and family.
By keeping everyone in mind, I wrote a different collection of questions. Continue reading and have fun. Cheers!
Related: 250 Questions to ask right now to understand anyone.
Never Have I Ever Questions
- Never have I ever dreamed of fairytale love?
- Never have I ever thought of disappearing from the world
- Never have I ever had a heart that never is broken?
- Never have I ever experienced the most beautiful moment in my life?
- Never have I ever made someone’s day wholesome?
- Never have I ever inspired the world to follow their dreams?
- Never have I ever loved myself so much more than anyone in this world?
- Never have I ever committed to something that I completely believed in?
- Never have I ever given up on all that I have ever imagined?
- Never have I ever seen god in my dreams?
- Never have I ever felt that I have been living multiple lives at the same time?
- Never have I ever risked my life to save the life of someone dearest to me?
- Never have I ever cried all alone and kept all the pain to myself that no one ever knows yet?
- Never have I ever met people in real life that I experienced in my dreams?
- Never have I ever lived a true and authentic life?

Funny never have I ever questions
Hilarious never have I ever questions
Never have I ever kissed my own face in the mirror?
Never have I ever laughed so hard at the most serious situation?
Never have I ever put my fingers in the hot soup thinking it was a finger bowl?
Never have I ever drank the oil thinking it was beer when I was fully drunk?
Never have I ever searched everywhere for the TV remote while holding it in my hands itself?
Never have I ever accidentally proposed to someone and they suddenly accepted it?
Never have I ever neither lived nor died?
Never have I ever become serious for funny and hilarious moments?
Never have I ever done nothing and expected everything?
Never have I ever loved, laughed, cried, and shifted all my moods at the same time for an annoying person?
Never have I ever lived like a king or queen at night and completely broke in the morning?
Never have I ever lied to my family that you are sick to avoid traveling or attending a party that I don’t like?
Never have I ever laughed at my own jokes when everyone didn’t understand them?
Never have I ever fallen so in love with myself that I wanted to marry myself?
Never have I ever couldn’t control pee and peed in my dress?
Also read: 1000+ Random Questions (The only list you need to ask for deep conversation)

Dirty never have I ever questions
Good never have I ever questions dirty
Never have I ever touched someone else’s pr#vate parts?
Never have I ever seen a stranger in his/her naked position?
Never have I ever watched p##n all day long?
Never have I ever taken b#ner/vulvarine at the odd time of the night?
Never have I ever stared at the wrong body parts of a hot stranger in such a way he or she noticed?
Never have I ever seduced my sibling?
Never have I ever slept with a person whom I hate the most?
Never have I ever clicked my naked pictures and sent them to my girlfriend/boyfriend?
Never have I ever put weird stuff in my private parts?
Never have I ever thought of doing dirty things with everyone I get attracted to?
Never have I ever completely drunk, smoked, slept with the wrong person, and regretted it later?
Never have I ever had hor#y thoughts about much older or younger people than me?
Never have I ever had a crush on s*xy-looking celebrities and wanted to offer myself or anything they wished for?
Never have I ever peeked into someone’s else home while they are making out?
Never have I ever dreamt of having s*x every moment, hour, day, night, month, and year without any rest all my life?

Best never have I ever questions
Never have I ever worked my best to make the world to be a better place to live?
Never have I ever started a business or initiative or non-profit organization in the aim to upgrade the people’s mindsets to find themselves settled financially, spiritually, and physically healthy?
Never have I ever believed in me and kept going without giving up, when no one supported me and became successful on my own?
Never have I ever had a vision that became a reality through my efforts and persistence?
Never have I ever changed someone’s life that they reached so great heights and achieved all they ever dreamt of?
Never have I ever understood all the people around me and became an inspiration in their lives?
Never have I ever been so strong, even in my darkest times, and kept breathing?
Never have I ever gone so broke and lived from pay to paycheck yet still pursued my dreams?
Never have I ever traveled all around the world and drank the finest wine, and ate the best food with the finest people?
Never have I ever been empowered by the grace of the god and the nature of my mind?
Never have I ever loved, inspired, encouraged, and uplifted all the souls that ever touched mine?
Never have I ever looked up and down with complete consciousness and realized all that I have is this mortal body?
Never have I ever been in so bliss without any reason without any external forces but just with a sudden internal realization of everything?
Never have I ever analyzed the past, envisioned the future, and lived in the present with all my awareness?
Never have I ever made my parents so proud that I fulfilled their dreams as well as mine and reached the ultimate destiny?
Also read: Huge list of 650+ questions that make you think (on different topics & concepts to ponder)

Never have I ever questions for couples
Cute and romantic never have I ever questions couples edition that strengthens the bond and improves the authentic connection between each other. Here are some more 200+ couple questions on different topics you may enjoy reading.
Never have I ever taken all your monthly income and spent it all on shopping?
Never have I ever lived with you alone for weeks when you were upset for unknown reasons?
Never have I ever made you angry for my laziness and slow process of everything?
Never have I ever loved you enough which made you feel that we were bonded forever?
Never have I ever prepared special food, especially for you, that you will never ever forget?
Never have I ever made you feel that we both are soulmates?
Never have I ever been disappointed just because you didn’t invite me to your friend’s party?
Never have I ever loved you again and again and again even after you hurt me endless times?
Never have I ever kissed you in front of your parents?
Never have I ever made out when we were both drunk and being caught by our kids?
Never have I ever gone on a hot date with you, without knowing that it was you?
Never have I ever hugged you so long and went to sleep emotionally in your laps?
Never have I ever become so serious because of our future plans?
Never have I ever manipulated or controlled you through my words or actions?
Never have I ever stayed without for so long that increased that distance between our connection, attachment, and loving bond?

Never have I ever questions for adults
Never have I ever learned something too late, which I was supposed to learn when I was not an adult?
Never have I ever behaved like an adult though I was not biologically?
Never have I ever spent so much time on the things that didn’t matter to me at all?
Never have I ever dreamed my whole life instead of living it fully?
Never have I ever regretted something that I am not responsible for?
Never have I ever fully accepted people for who they are?
Never have I ever had a true friend with whom I share all my secrets and pain and happiness?
Never have I ever thought of my good ex-girlfriend/boyfriend and missed them as just a good human without bad intentions?
Never have I ever wanted to help people who are so unfortunate financially or emotionally weaker than me?
Never have I ever created so much space in my heart and felt too deeply about everything?
Never have I ever written something which is very dear to my soul and never read it again?
Never have I ever slept so long that my pain and depression vanished in my dreams?
Never have I ever become mature and understood everything yet chosen silence?
Never have I ever evolved into a beautiful human as time ticked near to the end?
Never have I ever taken my family everywhere they wished to travel and fulfilling their dreams?

Never have I ever questions for teenagers
Never have I ever had a crush on my teacher?
Never have I ever bunked school and gone for watching a movie in the theatre?
Never have I ever lied to my parents about your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Never have I ever had multiple lovers in my teenage?
Never have I ever got so jealous when my best friend was close with others?
Never have I ever ended up hurting myself while protecting the person I like?
Never have I ever ruined a party because of my impatience and thoughtlessness?
Never have I ever made out with my lover in my own home?
Never have I ever dreamed of my future and worked hard on my passions unlike the rest of the teens?
Never have I ever cheated for not being truthful?
Never have I ever built any morals and values from my family and education?
Never have I ever cried and been so emotional at the end of the farewell?
Never have I ever attended a get-together party and felt so wholesome and togetherness?
Never have I ever dreamed of a girl/boy and met her in my real life?
Never have I ever invited my parents to my lover’s birthday?

Never have I ever questions for kids
Never have I ever reacted harshly and got offended by my parents?
Never have I ever loved my parents so much more than anyone else in the world?
Never have I ever taken math classes instead of art classes because of my parents interest?
Never have I ever liked a girl/boy in school that I want to take home and introduce to my parents?
Never have I ever thought of becoming an astronaut and traveling into space?
Never have I ever felt sorry for others and wanted to help those who are begging on the roads?
Never have I ever had a strong feeling that I will become so great and achieve everything I dream of?
Never have I ever had friends who shared their lunch with me in school?
Never have I ever disobeyed my parents and hurt them by acting foolishly?
Never have I ever talked to god in my dreams and played a chess game with him?
Never have I ever had wings and flew so high that I forgot how to walk?
Never have I ever bought chocolate for me, flowers for mom, and a pen for dad?
Never have I ever made myself strong when I got sad?
Never have I ever helped my parents with the little things they needed?
Never have I ever sung, danced, and played music with all my heart and passion?
Never have I ever questions for kids funny
Never have I ever peed in my pants/skirt where I couldn’t control during a long trip instead of telling to parents by thinking why to disturb them?
Never have I ever done something funny and stupid and hid it from everyone to avoid punishment?
Never have I ever learned something new and forgot the next day and that continually happened every day?
Never have I ever sucked my own thumb to control the cravings for drinking mom’s milk?
Never have I ever acted over smart in order to skip school and in the end caught by mom?
Never have I ever asked my mom where do babies come from?
Never have I ever wondered why boys have peni**s and girls don’t have?
Never have I ever cried in front of my friends and they made fun of me?
Never have I ever dared to see what papa and mama doing in their bedroom out of curiosity?
Never have I ever acted so stubborn until I got what I wanted from my parents?
Never have I ever woken up in the night and been surprised today the sun has taken leave?
Never have I ever kept crawling even though I learned how to walk?
Never have I ever asked my mom whether I am adopted?
Never have I ever kissed my miss in school and proposed to her and asked her to marry me?
Never have I ever got zero marks in all exams?
Never have I ever questions for siblings
Never have I ever kicked my sibling and acted as she/he beat me?
Never have I ever planned to go to a party with my brother/sister by misleading my parents that we are going for tuition?
Never have I ever been a partner in crime with my siblings and cousins?
Never have I ever used my sibling’s phone and secretly read all her/his private chats?
Never have I ever had grudges over my brother and sister for nothing but my ego?
Never have I ever felt jealous of the physical beauty or smartness of my sibling?
Never have I ever cheated in a game while playing with my sister?
Never have I ever helped my little brother and sister to defend themselves whenever someone bullies them and taught a lesson to the bully?
Never have I ever loved my siblings for being on my side always?
Never have I ever driven my big brother crazy by acting so childish and foolish?

Never have I ever questions for parents
Never have I ever lost trust and faith in my spouse and children?
Never have I ever smoked secretly in the fear of my spouse?
Never have I ever felt so proud of my kids for what they have become?
Never have I ever had any regrets in my life?
Never have I ever not listened to my intuition and later realized it?
Never have I ever planned a surprise trip for my whole family?
Never have I ever failed in every business or idea I started?
Never have I ever been so rude and mean to my spouse?
Never have I ever apologized for being tough and too strict on my kids?
Never have I ever thought to myself that “Am I a good parent?”
Never have I ever felt so blessed to have such a wonderful family?
Never have I ever had a personal tragic experience and overcome alone that no one in the family ever knew?
Never have I ever overcontrolled all my family members?
Never have I ever received so much love and respect from relatives and society?
Never have I ever guided my family in all highs and lows of this life’s journey?

Never have I ever questions clean
List of clean never have I ever questions. I wrote these beautiful questions in the aim to give you an artistic feeling and embrace an aesthetic moment and feel the life inside out. Enjoy reading.
Never have I ever had clean and pure intentions about everything around me?
Never have I ever seen the beauty hidden in the depths of each and every soul?
Never have I ever discovered the truth and found peace within myself?
Never have I ever stayed alone and yet lived unto my fullest potential without seeking anyone’s help?
Never have I ever felt so safe and secure with every person in my life?
Never have I ever enjoyed eating food more than spending time with people?
Never have I ever given charity to all those who are in need financially?
Never have I ever done my best part as a human and felt proud of myself?
Never have I ever wondered about the earth, oceans, mountains, and lost in the symphony of their anthems?
Never have I ever attached to the universe and being in sync with nature?
Never have I ever experienced liveliness in silence than that of words, music, and art?
Never have I ever flown into outer space as a human and returned as an angel?
Never have I ever wished my parents to live forever healthy and wealthy with all they possess in their guts?
Never have I ever been inspired by the person whom I loved the most and utterly shattered by the same person?
Never have I ever brightened the environment wherever I visited with my presence?

Naughty never have I ever questions
Never have I ever surprised my lover by wearing lingerie?
Never have I ever got hor#y after watching a romantic scene in the movie?
Never have I ever flirted with all the people on my contact list?
Never have I ever seduced my boss to get a promotion?
Never have I ever begged my crush for a kiss?
Never have I ever been locked in the same room/lift with a stranger and made it out by not controlling it?
Never have I ever done it in the car with my boyfriend/girlfriend?
Never have I ever consciously avoided wearing any innerwear to seduce everyone?
Never have I ever enjoyed the smell of the sweat of a man/woman I loved?
Never have I ever had a one-night stand?
Never have I ever had a naughty and dirty chat with random people on the internet?
Never have I ever sold my body for money?
Never have I ever expected something hot and weird in bed from my partner?
Never have I ever fancied about other women/men while I was enjoying my partner in the bed?
Never have I ever wanted everything that a man or woman could do during intimate times from my partner?
Also read: 100 Nasty never have I ever questions (nasty game edition)
S#xual never have I ever questions
Never have I ever lost my virginity with the wrong person?
Never have I ever s#xually attracted to all sorts of genders?
Never have I ever had s#x for hours without taking any rest?
Never have I ever done s#x at the most dangerous place in the world?
Never have I ever touched my partner’s private parts with my lips?
Never have I ever put my finger in the wrong hole of my partner?
Never have I ever made a person pregnant accidentally?
Never have I ever talked too much while having s#x?
Never have I ever been unsatisfied by the s#xual performance of my partner?
Never have I ever dominated my partner during my physically intimate periods?
Never have I ever proceeded to have s#x without any emotional connection?
Never have I ever regretted having s#x with a person much older than me?
Never have I ever committed to s#xual pleasures rather than the relationship itself?

Never have I ever Christmas questions
Never have I ever witnessed the Santa clause in person?
Never have I ever celebrated Christmas without the family?
Never have I ever missed or skipped Christmas celebrations because of no mood to participate?
Never have I ever decorated a Christmas tree without the stars and lights?
Never have I ever fasted on Christmas occasion?
Never have I ever celebrated Christmas in the month of November instead of December?
Never have I ever invited Jesus Christ to my home for dinner on Christmas day?
Never have I ever watched a Narnia movie during Christmas celebrations?
Never have I ever received a life partner as a gift for my Christmas?
Never have I ever prayed to God to gift you a million-dollar wealth for Christmas?
Never have I ever spent quality time with the Santa on your special day and enjoyed it until New Year’s Eve?
Never have I ever loved Christmas more than any other festival?
Never have I ever completely drunk on Christmas Eve Day?
Never have I ever questioned why do we celebrate Christmas every year on December 25?
Never have I ever lost myself in happiness on Christmas?
Never have I ever holiday questions
Never have I ever participated in a snowball fight?
Never have I ever cooked dried fish and baked cookies for fun?
Never have I ever embraced sunbath on my holiday?
Never have I ever made popcorn and cranberry garland?
Never have I ever sent holiday cards to all my neighbors for more connection and peace in the neighborhood?
Never have I ever played holiday party card games?
Never have I ever visited my grandparents’ home for my holiday?
Never have I ever traveled alone to a foreign country and visited my favorite place in the world?
Never have I ever borrowed a ton of holiday books from the library?
Never have I ever experienced the beautiful sunset at the edge of the ocean on my favorite holiday?
Never have I ever planned a family get-together party under the tree?
Never have I ever had a fancy date night with my partner in a unique way?
Never have I ever gone fishing and roasted the fish near the fireplace?
Never have I ever written letters to the Santa?
Never have I ever danced while raining?
Never have I ever questions 18 and 18+
Never have I ever learned something new in my teenage that changed my life forever?
Never have I ever been broken by someone I loved?
Never have I ever been played and taken advantage of by friends for my kindness?
Never have I ever had a crush on my neighbor?
Never have I ever been afraid of sharing my feelings with someone I loved the most?
Never have I ever made fun of others for their looks?
Never have I ever looked back to my young age and felt that I evolved and matured a lot within a few years?
Never have I ever had the courage to move on from my past relationship?
Never have I ever worked on my passions and fulfilled at least one of them?
Never have I ever learned to become strong even though everyone hurts me?
Never have I ever done a job which I was never interested in?
Never have I ever surprised or shocked my parents with my boyfriend/girlfriend?
Never have I ever had an experience of sleepwalking?
Never have I ever been kissed by my crush?
Never have I ever left home for days without informing anyone and later faced the serious consequence for such an act?
Never have I ever questions for virgins
Never have I ever fancied about love that doesn’t exist not even in fairytales?
Never have I ever saved my body from the wrong guys/girls and chose to stay a virgin?
Never have I ever dated someone online and realized he/she is the perfect person existed for me?
Never have I ever sent nude pictures to my lover?
Never have I ever stayed pure with the person I love and decided not to have s#x until we get married?
Never have I ever broken up with someone who forced me to have physical intimacy?
Never have I ever been driven crazy and couldn’t control me to have s#x because of my s#xual and hormonal changes?
Never have I ever pre-ej#culated because of w#t dreams?
Never have I ever not touched any opposite gender of my age?
Never have I ever had the fear of thoughts of how my future partner is going to be?
Never have I ever m#sturbated multiple times in a day?
Never have I ever thought of staying v#rgin my whole life?
Never have I ever been doubted by my love for my v#rginity?
Never have I ever loved me for keeping my v#rginity and offering myself to my soulmate?
Never have I ever questions extreme
List of never have I ever questions extreme dirty and funny and darkest desires.
Never have I ever been turned on by seeing someone naked?
Never have I ever been intrigued by my darkest fears?
Never have I ever been #### by the s#xiest person alive?
Never have I ever licked a person’s whole body and enjoyed it?
Never have I ever done it to me?
Never have I ever been addicted to a particular s#x position?
Never have I ever consumed all the pain of the world and felt so powerful?
Never have I ever gone after all my darkest and scariest desires and achieved each one of them?
Never have I ever had a dirty one-night stand story?
Never have I ever eaten my own ####?
Never have I ever had any crazy and unusual obsession and addiction over something or someone?
Never have I ever done something worst while I was drunk?
Never have I ever questions for teachers
Never have I ever punished my student for no reason?
Never have I ever had a crush on my favorite student in college or university?
Never have I ever misled my students with the wrong information?
Never have I ever fallen asleep during a lecture or class?
Never have I ever drunk and go to school?
Never have I ever inspired my students with the most powerful true-life story?
Never have I ever been respected and felicitated by the whole school faculty and students for my service and inspiration?
Never have I ever skipped teaching just to take a rest and have fun?
Never have I ever helped low-grade students in their exams and encouraged them to cheat?
Never have I ever made out with one of my co-teacher?
Never have I ever been paid extra by the school?
Never have I ever been educated by my students and got introduced to new technology?
Never have I ever learned so much while teaching rather than reading?

Juicy never have I ever questions
Never have I ever been proposed to by my crush?
Never have I ever stayed so long in the bathroom for some weird reason?
Never have I ever had juicy and wet dreams?
Never have I ever made out with an angel in my dreams?
Never have I ever kissed myself when I felt so good about myself?
Never have I ever danced for my crush to impress him or her even though I was shy?
Never have I ever liked my own body, heart, and soul and fell in love with me?
Never have I ever called someone and told them that I am insanely in love with them?
Never have I ever ripped my heart apart and put it on the top of the house?
Never have I ever gone to heaven and talked to god?
Never have I ever never shaved my private parts?
Never have I ever squeezed someone’s genitals’ and felt so good?
Never have I ever uplifted myself when no one recognized my worth?

Never have I ever questions for friends
Never have I ever door slammed my closest and best friends?
Never have I ever not realized the value of friendship?
Never have I ever turned my back on my best friend?
Never have I ever dreamed of marrying one of my friends?
Never have I ever helped my friend’s family when they are in deep need of me?
Never have I ever fallen in love with my friend’s brother or sister?
Never have I ever had the most beautiful and pure friend in my life?
Never have I ever felt so connected to my friend than to my parents?
Never have I ever lost my childhood friend accidentally?
Never have I ever had any plans to start a business with my friends?
Never have I ever bankrupted my own friends because of too much trust?
Never have I ever made out with my opposite-gender friend when we were drunk?
Never have I ever questions for girls
Never have I ever been treated not well by boys or men?
Never have I ever, never talked to any boys because of shyness?
Never have I ever had any guy friends in my life?
Never have I ever been afraid to follow my dreams because of social pressure?
Never have I ever felt no safety anymore in the society for girls?
Never have I ever felt that women or girls should have equal rights in everything?
Never have I ever never connected with any guys because of their inauthenticity?
Never have I ever cried and been so emotional even for simple things?
Never have I ever stayed at home for months without going out?
Never have I ever eaten ice cream while rains?
Never have I ever gone for a long drive with my dad?
Never have I ever thought that I do not need any man to take care of me?
Never have I ever traveled alone to another country to meet the love of my life?
Never have I ever questions for workplace (employees)
Never have I ever fallen in love with my co-worker?
Never have I ever been promoted thrice within three months?
Never have I ever lied to my boss?
Never have I ever missed finishing the project till the deadline?
Never have I ever gone late to the office?
Never have I ever taken a year full of leaves for some personal reasons?
Never have I ever been underpaid and ill-treated by the CEO?
Never have I ever lied to HR and taken leaves without any permission?
Never have I ever aimed for a CEO position?
Never have I ever slept during office hours?
Never have I ever smoked secretly in the office?
Never have I ever thought of resigning from this job and shifting my field?
Never have I ever never loved the work I was doing and completely felt stressed all the time?
Never have I ever talked about something bad about the company I was working in?
Never have I ever regretted choosing to join this company?

Embarrassing never have I ever questions
Never have I ever kissed multiple people in a row at the same time?
Never have I ever embarrassingly walked naked on the streets without any shame?
Never have I ever licked my own underarms and liked the smell of it?
Never have I ever been caught by parents while I was making out with my sibling?
Never have I ever felt so good by seeing while someone is suffering?
Never have I ever not taken bath so long that I ended up smelling like sh#t?
Never have I ever seduced a man/woman just for their property?
Never have I ever stolen money from my parents’/spouse pockets for my personal use?
Never have I ever mast##bated in front of strangers?
Never have I ever cursed myself for being ugly?
Never have I ever hacked my partner’s system to check on him and validate what he is up to?
Sad never have I ever questions
Never have I ever felt so much pain and suffering in the world, and want to become a healer for all those who were wounded tragically?
Never have I ever loved someone so much that I lost myself in the process?
Never have I ever suffered so long even after doing all the good things yet never found peace and happiness?
Never have I ever dreamed of a good and pure human being and I ended up with the wrong person for all the reasons?
Never have I ever felt so lonely even after being surrounded by everyone who wishes good for me?
Never have I ever left home and never returned?
Never have I ever lost myself in my own thoughts and gone so deep until it changed my identity?
Never have I ever experienced sadness for the simplest odd things that happened to me?
Never have I ever found what I have been seeking?
Never have I ever looked into someone else’s eyes and taken all their negative energies into my mind?
Never have I ever gone through complete mental illness such as depression and anxiety for loving someone?
Never have I ever lost someone whom I love the most in an accident?
Never have I ever smiled for a little time in my life?
Never have I ever been myself?
Worst never have I ever questions
Savage never have I ever questions
Never have I ever walked in while my parents made it out?
Never have I ever preferred death over life?
Never have I ever wished to have a peni*s rather than vagin*a? (vice versa)
Never have I ever thought of drinking my own pee**?
Never have I ever slept in the bedroom and woke up in the graveyard?
Never have I ever witnessed a ghost in my living room?
Never have I ever done s*x with my maid/car driver/watchman?
Never have I ever complained to the poli*ce about my partner?
Never have I ever made out with my co-worker?
Never have I ever loved one person and married another just for money?
Never have I ever humiliated and bullied my peer because of my racist thoughts?
Never have I ever questions for girlfriend
Never have I ever dumped my boyfriend?
Never have I ever emotionally manipulated my guy?
Never have I ever loved him with all my heart and soul?
Never have I ever taken him to the most place in the world?
Never have I ever connected to him psychologically and spiritually?
Never have I ever dreamed of marrying him so soon?
Never have I ever been disappointed because of his thoughtlessness?
Never have I ever looked beyond the surface of his intentions?
Never have I ever cooked his favorite dish every day until he got bored of it?
Never have I ever doubted and had trust issues with him?
Never have I ever kissed him on his forehead while he was sleeping?
Never have I ever thought of giving up on my love?
Never have I ever been scared to introduce him to my parents?