20 Signs your soulmate is thinking of you sexually

By: Naveen B

Do you ever get the sense that your soulmate is thinking about you in a more sexual way, even when you’re apart?

It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe, but unmistakable when it happens.

A tingle down your spine, a flutter in your heart, or even arousing dreams seem to come out of nowhere. You feel connected on a deeper level.

While there’s no proven psychic link between souls, these sensations often arise when your partner’s thoughts have turned to passionate fantasies about you.

Something profound within responds when your lover’s mind explores this energy. 

In this blog post let’s explore some of the hidden signs your soulmate is thinking of you sexually.


20 Signs your soulmate is thinking of you sexually

The following is a list of hidden and subtle signs your soulmate is thinking of you sexually:

1. Intense, lingering eye contact.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may notice a profound and lingering gaze in their eyes when you are together.

This eye contact goes beyond casual glances; it’s an intense, almost magnetic connection that communicates a deep level of attraction and desire.

The eyes are often called the windows to the soul, and in this case, they reveal a strong and passionate yearning for intimacy and closeness.

You can feel the intensity of their thoughts and emotions through their gaze, leaving you with a sense of electrifying connection.

2. Unexpected sensual dreams or fantasies.

If your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, their thoughts may manifest in your dreams or your own fantasies.

You may find yourself having unexpected dreams of intimate encounters with them or experiencing vivid daydreams of sensual moments together.

These dreams and fantasies are a reflection of the deep connection between your souls and the mutual desire for a deeper level of intimacy.

3. Heightened physical attraction and desire.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may notice a significant increase in physical attraction and desire when you are in each other’s presence.

The chemistry between you becomes palpable, and even the slightest touch or caress sends shivers down your spine.

Your bodies seem to respond instinctively to each other’s presence, intensifying the sexual energy and creating a deep sense of longing for physical intimacy.

4. Feeling a magnetic connection from a distance.

Even when you are apart from your soulmate, you may sense a magnetic pull towards each other.

It’s as if your energies are intertwined across space and time, creating an invisible thread that keeps you connected.

This magnetic connection goes beyond physical proximity; it’s a soul-level recognition that you are intimately linked to each other’s desires and thoughts, even from afar.

5. Sudden surges of passion and arousal.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may experience sudden and intense surges of passion and arousal without any apparent trigger.

These feelings of heightened desire and arousal can arise at unexpected times, leaving you with a sense of urgency to be close to your soulmate.

It’s as if your bodies and souls are attuned to each other’s desires, responding instinctively to the energy of sexual connection between you.

Also read: 15 Signs your soulmate is waiting for you

6. Receiving intimate or flirty texts/messages.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, they may express their desires through intimate or flirty texts and messages.

These messages go beyond simple communication; they carry a sense of seduction and playfulness, conveying their attraction and interest in a deeper level of intimacy with you.

You may notice a change in their tone or choice of words, hinting at their desire for physical closeness and affection.

These messages serve as a bridge, connecting your emotional connection to a more sensual and passionate realm.

7. Sensing their presence when alone.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may experience a strong sensation of their presence even when you are physically apart.

It’s as if their energy lingers around you, creating a comforting and arousing feeling of connection.

You may find yourself daydreaming about them or sensing their thoughts and emotions as if they are with you in spirit.

This presence transcends the limitations of physical distance and reinforces the idea that your souls are deeply entwined.

8. Increased heart rate or excitement without cause.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, your body and emotions may react with increased heart rate, excitement, or even a rush of butterflies in your stomach, seemingly without any external trigger.

It’s as if your body and soul are attuned to their desires and arousal, responding instinctively to their thoughts and emotions.

These physical reactions serve as subtle yet powerful signals of the deep connection between you and the mutual attraction shared on a soulful level.

9. Intuition about their sexual thoughts or feelings.

As you grow closer to your soulmate, your intuition may become more attuned to their sexual thoughts and feelings.

You may have a hunch or a gut feeling about their desires and intentions, even without direct communication.

This intuitive sense is a result of the deep emotional and energetic connection you share, allowing you to sense their innermost thoughts and emotions on a subconscious level.

10. You may experience Sudden arousal.

You may suddenly feel turned on or sexually excited out of the blue.

This can occur as your body unconsciously picks up on your soulmate’s sexual thoughts and energy directed toward you.

Though physically apart, your soulmate’s desire creates ripples of arousal within you.

Parts of your body may become extra sensitive or responsive to touch.

Your soulmate’s sexual focus intensifies the energy flow between your spiritually connected bodies.

Even from a distance, their passion and imagination activates nerve endings, amplifying your physical sensations.

Also read: 35+ Soulmate signs eyes (soul connection through the eyes)


11. Strong emotional attachment and act flirting

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, the emotional attachment between you becomes deeply.

The physical act of closeness becomes a vehicle for expressing and deepening your emotional bond. They may flirt with you and act silly to arouse you.

You may feel a heightened sense of vulnerability and trust, allowing you to be completely open and authentic with each other.

This emotional connection adds an extra layer of intimacy and depth to your sexual experiences, making them profoundly meaningful and fulfilling.

12. Uncontrollable blushing or butterflies.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, their thoughts can trigger physical responses in your body.

You may find yourself blushing uncontrollably or experiencing butterflies in your stomach without any apparent reason.

These involuntary reactions are a manifestation of the deep emotional and physical connection you share with your soulmate.

Your body becomes attuned to their energy, responding to their desire and affection in a way that goes beyond conscious control.

13. Shared intimate dreams or experiences.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, your connection can extend to the dream realm. 

You may find yourselves having shared intimate dreams or experiences where you engage in sensual and passionate encounters with each other.

These dream experiences become a testament to the depth of your connection, reinforcing the notion that your souls are entwined on a profound level.

14. Experiencing synchronicities related to sex or desire.

Experiencing synchronicities related to sex or desire: When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, the universe may send you signs and synchronicities related to sex or desire.

You may encounter repetitive numbers, symbols, or objects that hold sexual connotations or significance in the context of your relationship.

These synchronicities act as gentle nudges, reminding you of the sexual energy and connection you share with your soulmate.

15. Feeling a tingling or warmth in your body.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may experience physical sensations of tingling or warmth in your body.

These sensations can arise seemingly out of nowhere and are a reflection of the intense energetic connection you share with your soulmate.

It’s as if their desire and affection create a palpable response in your physical being, reinforcing the depth of your sexual connection.

Also read: 35+ Weird soulmate signs you absolutely need to know

16. Sensing their touch in your imagination.

Sensing their touch in your imagination: When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may experience a vivid and tangible sensation of their touch in your imagination.

It’s as if their presence is so deeply ingrained in your mind that you can feel their caress, even when they are not physically present.

This heightened mental connection allows you to explore the depths of your desires together, fostering a sense of intimacy that goes beyond the physical realm.

17. Enhanced sensitivity to sexual stimuli.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may notice a heightened sensitivity to sexual stimuli in your surroundings.

It’s as if your senses become more attuned to the subtle cues and signals of desire, creating a deeper awareness of your own sexual needs and desires.

The world around you seems to mirror the intense energy of your connection, amplifying the allure and allure of sexual intimacy with your soulmate.

18. Empathetic response to their sexual needs.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may experience a deep and empathetic response to their sexual needs and desires.

It’s as if you can empathetically understand their longings and fantasies, and you are attuned to fulfilling their deepest desires.

This natural attraction creates a safe and open space for vulnerable communication about your mutual needs and preferences, fostering a sense of emotional and sexual intimacy.

19. Being drawn to the same erotic content or ideas.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you may find yourselves naturally drawn to the same erotic content, ideas, or fantasies.

It’s as if your minds are synchronized in the realm of desire, sharing a profound understanding of what arouses and excites you both.

This shared attraction to similar erotic stimuli creates an intimate and connected sexual experience, reinforcing the sense of being deeply attuned to each other’s desires.

20. Mutual feelings of sexual anticipation.

When your soulmate is thinking of you sexually, you both may experience a mutual sense of sexual anticipation when you are together.

It’s as if the chemistry between you ignites a flame of desire that builds with each moment spent in each other’s presence.

The excitement and anticipation create a passionate and electrifying energy, reinforcing the deep connection and intimacy you share.

Also read: 40+ Signs your soulmate is thinking of you


While we can’t read minds, the heart has its own wisdom. When your twin flame or soulmate’s desire flows toward you, sensations of being cherished and craved can spontaneously arise.

Stay open and receptive to these signs of a love that transcends physical presence. Nurture your bond by sending loving thoughts in return.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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