25+ Signs your soulmate is missing you

By: Naveen B

Even when life pulls you apart, an unbreakable bond with your soulmate remains.

Have you ever noticed familiar songs playing at just the right moment, random text messages popping up, or a comforting scent wafting by?

These could be signs your soulmate is missing you or his or her heart is reaching out for you. As your souls journey together, you become attuned to each other in ways that transcend physical proximity.

A tender ache in your chest, visions while dreaming, or hearing their voice call to you – trust these signals. Your soulmate may be thinking of you and sending love across the miles.

In this blog post let’s explore some of the subtle signs your soulmate is missing you.

Table Of Contents
  1. 25+ Signs your soulmate is missing you

25+ Signs your soulmate is missing you

The following is a list of signs your soulmate is missing you:

1. Sudden overwhelming emotions without apparent cause.

If you find yourself experiencing intense emotions like sadness, nostalgia, or longing out of the blue, it could be a sign that your soulmate is missing you deeply.

These feelings may arise when you least expect them and can catch you off guard.

You may wonder why you suddenly feel overwhelmed with emotion, but it could be your soulmate’s energy reaching out to you from a distance.

Your hearts and souls are connected, and they may be sending waves of emotion your way, even if you are physically apart.

2. Sensing their presence in your surroundings.

At times, you might have a strong sensation that your soulmate is nearby, even if there is no logical reason to believe so.

You may catch a whiff of their perfume, hear a familiar song that reminds you of them, or feel a gentle touch on your shoulder when no one is around.

These subtle signs could be the universe’s way of letting you know that your soulmate is missing you and trying to connect with you energetically.

Trust your instincts and pay attention to these little moments that make you feel like they are present with you in some way.

3. Constantly reminiscing about shared memories.

When your soulmate is missing you, both of you may find yourselves constantly reminiscing about the beautiful moments you’ve shared together.

You might find your mind wandering back to special dates, meaningful conversations, or heartwarming experiences you had as a couple.

These memories bring a smile to your face and fill your heart with warmth. It’s a way for your souls to stay connected, even when you are physically apart.

The power of these cherished memories helps you both feel the deep bond you share and brings a sense of comfort and joy during times of separation.

4. You have an intuitive feeling that they are constantly thinking of you.

Intuition plays a significant role in soulmate connections.

When your soulmate is missing you deeply, you might have a strong gut feeling that they are constantly thinking of you.

It’s as if you can sense their thoughts and emotions, even without any direct communication. 

This intuitive connection goes beyond regular human understanding and taps into the profound soul-level bond you share.

Trust in this intuitive feeling and believe that your souls are communicating with each other, bridging the physical distance that separates you.

5. You experience an involuntary eye spasms

An unusual physical sign that your soulmate is missing you deeply is experiencing involuntary eye spasms or twitches.

Some people believe that when your right eye twitches, it means your soulmate is thinking of you.

This folklore might not have scientific backing, but it reflects the cultural belief in the soulmate connection and the idea that our bodies can respond to the energy and thoughts of our loved ones.

While it’s essential to stay grounded in scientific understanding, acknowledging such cultural beliefs can be a way to honor the spiritual aspects of the soulmate connection.

Also read: 20 Signs your soulmate is thinking of you sexually

6. They share a cryptic post on social media which is related to you

They share a cryptic post on social media which is related to you: Your soulmate may use social media as a platform to express their feelings and thoughts, especially when they are missing you deeply.

They might share a cryptic post, a meaningful quote, or a song that holds significance in your relationship. While the post may not directly mention you, it carries hidden messages that resonate with your connection.

It’s their way of reaching out and letting you know that they are thinking of you, even from a distance. Pay attention to these subtle hints and take them as signs of their longing and affection for you.

7. Experiencing synchronicities related to your soulmate.

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that hold deeper significance in your life.

When your soulmate is missing you, you may encounter synchronicities that remind you of them or evoke shared memories.

These synchronicities act as gentle reminders of the soulmate bond you share and reaffirm the cosmic connection between your souls.

You might come across their name in unexpected places, hear a song that reminds you of them, or receive messages that resonate with your emotional state.

Embrace these synchronicities as messages from the universe, guiding you towards the knowledge that your soulmate is missing you too.

8. Unexpected gifts or surprises from them.

A sign that your soulmate is missing you deeply could be the occasional appearance of unexpected gifts or surprises from them.

These thoughtful gestures could be a way for them to express their love and affection for you, even when you are not physically together.

It shows that they are thinking of you and taking the time to make you feel special.

These gifts may not be extravagant; they could be small tokens of their love that carry immense meaning and significance in your relationship.

9. Unexplained surge of energy or restlessness.

When your soulmate is missing you, you may experience unexplained surges of energy or restlessness.

It’s as if your souls are yearning to be together, and this yearning manifests in your physical and emotional state.

You might find it challenging to focus on tasks or feel a sense of excitement and anticipation without knowing the exact cause.

This surge of energy is a reflection of the profound connection you share with your soulmate, and it signifies the eagerness to reunite and be in each other’s presence.

10. Seeing significant symbols or reminders of them everywhere.

When your soulmate is missing you, you may notice significant symbols or reminders of them everywhere you go.

These symbols could be something special that holds meaning in your relationship, such as a favorite flower, a specific animal, or a particular number.

The universe might use these symbols as a way to keep your soulmate’s energy present in your surroundings, offering comfort and reassurance during times of separation.

Embrace these symbols as signs that your soulmate is thinking of you and that you are not alone in your feelings of missing each other.

Also read: 15 Signs your soulmate is waiting for you


11. Feeling a warm, comforting sensation in your heart.

One of the most profound signs that your soulmate is missing you deeply is the warm and comforting sensation you feel in your heart when you think of them or talk about them.

It’s as if your heart is responding to their energy and presence, filling you with a sense of love, joy, and contentment.

This heartwarming feeling goes beyond ordinary emotions; it’s a soul-level connection that transcends time and space.

Embrace this sensation as a reminder of the beautiful bond you share with your soulmate and the deep love that exists between you.

12. Intuitive sense of their well-being or distress.

When your soulmate is missing you deeply, you might have an intuitive sense of their emotional state, even without direct communication.

You may find yourself thinking about them out of the blue, and this sudden thought could be accompanied by a feeling of concern or joy.

It’s as if your souls are connected on a deeper level, allowing you to pick up on their emotions from afar.

You may sense their well-being and happiness when they are doing well, or you might feel a subtle pang of worry when they are facing challenges.

This intuitive connection is a testament to the strength of your soulmate bond and your ability to stay attuned to each other’s emotions.

13. Experiencing their scent in unexpected places.

One of the signs that your soulmate is missing you is when you catch a whiff of their unique scent in unexpected places.

You may be going about your day when suddenly, you smell their cologne or perfume, even though they are not physically present.

This experience can be both comforting and slightly unsettling, as it reminds you of their physical presence and the depth of your connection.

It’s as if their energy is lingering around you, leaving behind a trace of their essence to let you know that they are thinking of you.

14. Receiving signs or messages through dreams or meditation:

Just as you dream about your soulmate, they might also experience dreams or receive messages during meditation that connect them to you.

In their moments of stillness and relaxation, their minds open up to receive intuitive guidance and signs from the universe.

They may encounter symbols or images that remind them of you or receive messages of love and connection that leave a lasting impression.

These experiences during dreams or meditation serve as a source of comfort and reassurance, assuring them that your souls are still intertwined even when you are apart.

15. Noticing repeated number patterns related to them:

Another intriguing sign that your soulmate is missing you deeply is when you notice repeated number patterns that hold significance in your connection with them.

You may repeatedly come across numbers that have special meaning to both of you, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or meaningful dates.

It could be seeing these numbers on the clock, license plates, or in other random places.

This synchronicity of numbers is believed to be a message from the universe, reminding you both of the profound bond you share and that your souls are in sync.

Also read: 15 Signs your soulmate is in your life

16. Hearing their favorite song at the perfect moment:

Music has a unique way of connecting souls, and when your soulmate is missing you, you might experience a special song that holds significance to your relationship playing at the perfect moment.

It could be while you’re driving, shopping, or even at a random café.

The timing of hearing their favorite song feels like a cosmic coincidence, as if the universe conspired to remind you of your soulmate’s presence and the beautiful moments you’ve shared together.

This magical encounter with their favorite song can evoke powerful emotions and leave you feeling deeply connected to them.

17. Feeling their touch or presence during quiet moments:

A profound sign that your soulmate is missing you deeply is when you feel their touch or sense their presence during quiet moments of solitude.

You might be sitting alone, reading a book, or simply contemplating life when you suddenly feel a gentle touch on your arm or a warm presence surrounding you.

Even though they are not physically there, their energy seems to wrap around you, providing a sense of comfort and companionship.

This experience can be both heartwarming and awe-inspiring, as it reinforces the notion that soulmates are connected on a level beyond the physical realm.

18. Having an instinctive urge to reach out to them:

When your soulmate is missing you deeply, you may experience a strong and instinctive urge to connect with them.

It’s as if an invisible force is pulling you towards them, compelling you to reach out through a call, text, or any means of communication.

This urge may arise at unexpected times, and you might find yourself wondering why you suddenly feel the need to talk to them.

This intuitive longing is a manifestation of the deep emotional bond you share with your soulmate, and it serves as a reminder that your souls are attuned to each other’s desires and thoughts.

19. Knowing their thoughts before they share them:

In a soulmate connection, you might find yourself knowing what your partner is thinking or feeling even before they express it.

It’s as if you are tapped into their thoughts and emotions on a profound level.

This intuitive understanding goes beyond ordinary empathy; it’s a telepathic connection that allows you to sense their inner world without the need for explicit communication.

You may finish each other’s sentences or intuitively grasp what they need without them saying a word.

This deep soul connection fosters a sense of intimacy and trust, knowing that you can be fully present for each other, even when you are apart.

20. A shared telepathic understanding or communication:

When your soulmate is missing you deeply, you might experience moments of shared telepathic understanding or communication.

This means that you can communicate with each other on an energetic level, even without using words.

You may feel their presence in your mind and heart, and they might sense your thoughts and emotions as well.

This profound form of connection transcends physical distance and creates a sense of unity between your souls.

It’s a powerful reminder that your souls are intertwined and that you can feel each other’s love and longing, no matter where you are.

Also read: 35+ Weird soulmate signs you absolutely need to know

21. Feeling a gentle tug at your heartstrings:

During times of soulmate separation, you may feel a gentle tug at your heartstrings, as if your soulmate’s energy is reaching out to yours.

It’s a subtle but undeniable sensation, and it often occurs when you think about them or sense their presence in some way.

This gentle pull at your heart serves as a comforting reassurance that your soulmate is thinking of you and missing you just as much as you miss them.

It’s a reminder that the bond between your souls is alive and strong, even when you are physically apart.

22. You catch yourself talking to them in your thoughts or out loud:

When your soulmate is missing you deeply, you might find yourself talking to them in your thoughts or out loud as if they were right there with you.

You might share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with them as if having a conversation with their presence.

This act of speaking to your soulmate, even when they are not physically present, is a way to stay connected and share your inner world with them.

It reflects the depth of your emotional bond and the comfort you find in knowing that they are with you in spirit, even during times of physical separation.

23. You feel a deep sense of peace when you envision being with them:

When your soulmate is missing you deeply, you may find that simply thinking about being with them brings a profound sense of peace and contentment.

Whether you imagine a future together or reminisce about cherished moments, the thought of their presence brings a calming sensation to your heart and soul.

This inner tranquility arises from the soul-level connection you share with your soulmate, and it acts as a reassurance that your bond is strong and enduring, regardless of the physical distance between you.

24. You see their initials or names in unexpected places or patterns:

Signs from the universe can be subtle yet powerful.

One way your soulmate might send messages of missing you is by showing their initials or names in unexpected places or patterns.

You may come across their initials on a license plate, see their name appear in a book you’re reading, or notice patterns that seem to spell out their name in some way.

These occurrences might seem coincidental, but when they happen consistently and leave you with a feeling of comfort, it could be a sign that your soulmate is reaching out to you from afar.

25. You sense a gentle touch on your skin, as if they’re reaching out to you:

In moments of stillness and quiet, you might feel a gentle touch on your skin that you cannot explain.

It’s as if your soulmate is reaching out to you, sending their love and energy in a tender and comforting gesture.

This sensation might be accompanied by a warm feeling in your heart or a sense of reassurance.

It’s a reminder that your souls are connected, and even when you are physically apart, you can still experience the closeness and intimacy of your bond.

26. You have vivid memories of shared experiences flooding your mind:

When your soulmate is missing you, you might find that memories of your shared experiences together flood your mind with clarity and intensity.

These memories come alive as if they were happening in the present moment.

You can recall the details, emotions, and sensations of those moments with great vividness.

It’s a way for your soulmate to let you know that they cherish and hold onto the beautiful moments you’ve shared, and that they long for more shared experiences in the future.

27. You receive a sign or message from them through someone else unexpectedly:

The universe has its ways of delivering messages, and sometimes your soulmate may use someone else as a messenger to let you know they are missing you.

It could be a friend, a family member, or even a stranger who passes along a message, quote, or symbol that resonates deeply with you and your connection with your soulmate.

Pay attention to these unexpected encounters and messages, as they could carry the essence of your soulmate’s thoughts and emotions, bringing you a sense of comfort and assurance that they are thinking of you too.

Also read: 40+ Signs your soulmate is thinking of you


The soul’s attachment can overcome any distance. Listen for cues, be open to magic, and let your heart guide you.

If your intuitive self tells you your partner’s spirit is touching yours, accept the gift.

Send love back through the invisible thread that forever connects you. Have faith that your bond remains unbroken, no matter where your paths lead.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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