Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays in the United States.
It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year. The holiday commemorates the first Thanksgiving that took place in 1621 when the Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians gathered together in Massachusetts to feast on food that had been provided by the Native Americans.
Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate harvest and thank God for all that we have.
There are many traditions and activities associated with Thanksgiving, some are playing thanksgiving trivia, cooking delicious foods, sending thanksgiving greetings but the most popular one is the giving of thanks.
Families and friends gather together to feast on food that has been prepared by the host family or friends.
Some typical Thanksgiving foods include turkey, ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and apple pie.
But in this article let’s go with Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers.
- What is a Thanksgiving trivia game?
- How to play a Thanksgiving trivia game? Step by step guide:
- Thanksgiving trivia team names
- 100+ Thanksgiving trivia
- Thanksgiving trivia questions
- Interesting Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers
- Good Trivia questions about thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving trivia multiple choice
- Fun thanksgiving trivia
- Crazy Thanksgiving movie trivia
- Pop culture thanksgiving trivia
- Friends thanksgiving trivia
- Obscure Thanksgiving food trivia questions and answers
- Thanksgiving trivia for seniors
- Thanksgiving facts and trivia
- Thanksgiving sports trivia
- Thanksgiving football trivia questions and answers
- Turkey thanksgiving trivia
- Easy Thanksgiving trivia for kids
- Thanksgiving trivia for preschoolers, elementary students, kindergarten, middle school students
- Thanksgiving music trivia
- Thanksgiving bible trivia questions and answers
- Native American thanksgiving trivia
What is a Thanksgiving trivia game?
Thanksgiving trivia game is a game where players compete to answer trivia questions about the history, customs, and traditions of Thanksgiving.
The questions can be about the Thanksgiving holiday itself, specific foods that are traditionally eaten at Thanksgiving, or any other related topic.
It’s a fun way to learn about this special holiday and to enjoy some friendly competition with family members.
There are other Trivia games for thanksgiving such as the following: Thanksgiving Quiz, Thanksgiving Word Search, and Thanksgiving Hangman. crossword puzzles, and more.
How to play a Thanksgiving trivia game? Step by step guide:
1. First, gather family members around the Thanksgiving table and prepare some questions to ask during the game. These can be about general knowledge about Thanksgiving, specific foods that are traditionally eaten at the holiday, or any other related topics.
You don’t have to worry about the topics, in this blog post, below you will have hundreds of thanksgiving trivia questions and answers on different categories to ask.
2. Once everyone is gathered around the table, divide yourselves into groups and set names for each group.
3. Start the game by asking the below trivia questions in order or randomly to each group.
4. Each group will then have 1 or 2 minutes to answer the question. If they get it right, they can add 1 point to their score. If they answer the question incorrectly, they will have to take a penalty point or pass it to the next group.
5. When all the groups have finished answering the questions, the group with the most points will be the winner. The game can be continued in this way until one group is the winner.
6. Finally, the group that wins the thanksgiving trivia game will be treated with a special thanksgiving dish from the table or they can get a special thanksgiving gift.
Thanksgiving trivia team names
Here are some of the best thanksgiving trivia team names for each group:
1. Turkey Trotters
2. Cornucopia Cartel
3. The Grinch
4. The Misfits
5. Frybread Freaks
6. Thanksgiving Hooligans
7. Pumpkin Pals
8. Cranberry Crusaders
9. Green Goblins
10. The Pilgrims
If you understand the game. So, let’s begin to play.
There are many interesting Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers for all ages. Here is a list of 100+ thanksgiving trivia for the entire family including kids and seniors.
100+ Thanksgiving trivia

The following is a huge list of thanksgiving trivia for adults, kids, seniors and all age groups:
1. What year was the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: 1621
Thanksgiving was originally celebrated in America on November 24, 1621, when Wampanoag Indians and recently arriving Pilgrims gathered at Plymouth for a harvest festival. This gathering is considered as the “first Thanksgiving” in American history.
2. What was Thanksgiving originally called?
Answer: Harvest festival.
The Pilgrims at Plymouth observed a harvest festival. The Plymouth Plantation celebration of 1621, where the settlers held a harvest feast following a fruitful growing season, is the historic Thanksgiving event that has received the most attention in American popular culture.
3. Who began Thanksgiving?
Answer: the Pilgrims
After the Pilgrims’ first grain harvest was a success in November 1621, Governor William Bradford hosted a celebration and invited a number of the nascent colony’s Native American friends, including the Wampanoag chief Massasoit.
4. Which president refused Thanksgiving a holiday?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson.
When Thomas Jefferson declined to issue a proclamation in 1801, he refused to support the custom. Given that Thanksgiving is based in Puritan religious practices, Jefferson believed that supporting the feast meant supporting state-sponsored religion.
5. Who invented eating turkey on Thanksgiving?
Answer: As Bradford described how the colonists had slaughtered wild turkeys in the autumn of 1621 and since turkey is a distinctively American (and delicious) bird, it has been increasingly popular as Americans’ go-to Thanksgiving feast since Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863.
6. How many turkeys do people consume each year during Thanksgiving celebrations?
Answer: 45-46 Million Turkeys.
According to the National Turkey Federation, about 45 million to 46 million turkeys are consumed each Thanksgiving.
7. What are the symbols of thanksgiving?
Answer: The six main symbols of Thanksgiving are turkeys, cornucopias, cranberries, corn, pumpkins and beans.
8. Why do we eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Native American tribes in the Northeast grew pumpkins and gourds. Native Americans brought pumpkins as gifts to early settlers and taught them the many uses of pumpkins. This led to pumpkin pie being served on America’s first Thanksgiving some 50 years later.
9. What percent of Americans skip turkey on Thanksgiving?
Answer: 1 in 4 Americans are tired of traditional Thanksgiving. A study commissioned by Hardy’s found that Americans are best at changing things up is by serving a main dish besides turkey. Overall, 64% said they wouldn’t mind skipping the standard Thanksgiving bird, and 30% said they stopped serving it each year.
10. What colors symbolize Thanksgiving?
Answer: The colors most closely associated with Thanksgiving are red, brown, yellow, and orange. Which were most likely derived from the harvest feast of 1621.

Thanksgiving trivia questions
Here is a list of Best thanksgiving trivia questions:
1. What do Native Americans think of Thanksgiving?
2. What is the rule for Thanksgiving date?
3. Why is Thanksgiving not on a Friday?
4. What meat was not served at the first Thanksgiving celebration?
5. How many times does it say be thankful in the Bible?
6. What should you not talk about on Thanksgiving?
7. What are some weird Thanksgiving traditions?
8. What to bring to Thanksgiving if you can’t cook?
9. What do you not say at Thanksgiving dinner?
10. What is the real story of Thanksgiving?
11. Is celebrating Thanksgiving disrespectful to Native Americans?
12. What does the Mayflower have to do with Thanksgiving?
13. What state has the most Native Americans?
14. Did Native Americans have pillows?
15. Which city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade?

Interesting Thanksgiving trivia questions and answers
Here are some Interesting Trivia questions and answers for thanksgiving:
1. Who was the Indian that helped the Pilgrims?
Answer: Squanto
A friendly Indian named Squanto helped the colonists. He showed them how to plant corn and how to live on the edge of the wilderness. A soldier, Capt. Miles Standish, taught the Pilgrims how to defend themselves against unfriendly Indians.
2. Why is Thanksgiving always on a Thursday?
Answer: In 1789 Pres. George Washington decreed Thursday, November 26, as a day of public thanksgiving, but, in the years that followed, the holiday bounced informally from month to month and date to date. The last Thursday in November became the norm in 1863 with a declaration by Pres. Abraham Lincoln.
3. What language did the Pilgrims speak?
Answer: English
4. What is the Friday right after Thanksgiving called?
Answer: Black Friday
Black Friday is a colloquial term for the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States. It traditionally marks the start of the Christmas shopping season in the United States.
5. What is Sunday after Thanksgiving called?
Answer: National secondhand sunday.
During the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we celebrate National Secondhand Sunday to support second hand sellers, circular fashion, and the planet.

Good Trivia questions about thanksgiving
Here are a few good Trivia questions for thanksgiving:
1. What is Tuesday after Thanksgiving called?
2. Where is the birthplace of Thanksgiving?
3. What city has the oldest Thanksgiving Day Parade?
4. What country first had Thanksgiving?
5. What state first adopted Thanksgiving?
1. GivingTuesday; 2. Plymouth, Massachusetts; 3. Philadelphia Thanksgiving; 4. England; 5. New York.

Thanksgiving trivia multiple choice
Here are some Difficult Thanksgiving trivia questions multiple choice with answers:
1. What city has the biggest Thanksgiving parade?
a. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade | New York City, NY
b. California
c. Los Angeles
d. Florida
2. Who brought the food to the first Thanksgiving?
a. Chinese
b. Africans
c. The Wampanoag guests
d. Arabs
3. What is the oldest Thanksgiving parade float?
a. Tom Turkey
b. Macy’s Parade
c. Detroit’s parade
d. Philadelphia’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

Fun thanksgiving trivia
Here is a list of Fun thanksgiving trivia. These Funny trivia questions for thanksgiving make your day for sure:
1. What eating utensil was missing at the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: Forks. The pilgrims did not use forks.
2. Who cooked the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: That first Thanksgiving was cooked by two Saints, Mary Brewster and Susanna Winslow, and two Strangers, Elizabeth Hopkins and Eleanor Billington.
3. How many calories on average are consumed, per person, at Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: 4,500
4. What turkeys actually gobble?
Answer: Male turkeys
5. As per the Guinness Book of World Records, on record how much does the heaviest turkey weigh?
Answer: 86 pounds

Crazy Thanksgiving movie trivia
Here is a list of Crazy Thanksgiving movie trivia questions and answers:
1. What are some family Thanksgiving movies?
Answer: From old classics like A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving to modern favorites including Free Birds and Jim Henson’s Turkey Hollow, we’re taking a look at some of the best Thanksgiving family movies,
2. Which holiday movie begins with a Thanksgiving Day Parade?
Answer: Miracle on 34th Street
3. Which movie is the real story about the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: “Saints & Strangers”
4. What movie made the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade famous?
Answer: Miracle on 34th Street
5. What are some good movies to watch during Thanksgiving?
Answer: The Humans (2021); Holidate (2020); Friendsgiving (2020)

Pop culture thanksgiving trivia
Here are some weird pop culture thanksgiving trivia questions and answers:
1. In Full House, who makes Pam’s famous pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving?
Answer: DJ
2. In the Thanksgiving episode, who does Buffy The Vampire Slayer encounter?
Answer: A Native American warrior
3. Who wore the turkey head in Friends?
Answer: Monica
4. What episode of Modern Family is Thanksgiving?
Answer: Thanksgiving Jamboree. Season 8; Episode 7.
5. What episode is Thanksgiving on Gossip Girl season 3?
Answer: Season 3: “The Treasure Of Serena Madre”
Friends thanksgiving trivia
These are some odd friends thanksgiving trivia questions and answers:
1. How many Thanksgiving episodes are there in Friends?
Answer: 10 Thanksgiving Episodes.
Friends Fans Need to Watch All 10 Thanksgiving Episodes in This Order. From Monica’s broken wedding china to the Geller Cup to Rachel’s Thanksgiving Trifle dessert!
2. Where did the gellers go for Thanksgiving?
Answer: Puerto Rico
The gang’s Thanksgiving tradition starts off in season one, when Monica and Ross’s parents announce that they are going to Puerto Rico for the holiday.
3. What does Chandler eat on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Chandler’s traditional holiday feast is tomato soup, grilled cheese and a family-sized bag of Funyuns.
4. Why did Joey put a turkey on his head?
Answer: In 1992 Monica says that the turkey on Joey’s head is intended to feed 20 people at her parents’ house. This maintains the continuity in “The One Where Underdog Gets Away” (S01E09), which establishes that that episode in 1994 was Monica’s first Thanksgiving as the cook/host.
5. What does Phoebe say about Thanksgiving?
Answer: Phoebe: “Oh yeah! Happy needless-turkey-murder day.”

Obscure Thanksgiving food trivia questions and answers
Here are some Unique and obscure Thanksgiving food trivia questions and answers:
1. Why do we eat turkey on thanksgiving day?
Answer: In the old days wild turkeys are native to North America made them a natural choice to be served at early Thanksgiving celebrations.
2. What is the second most consumed food on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Ham is the second most popular main dish at Thanksgiving.
3. What did Pilgrims drink?
Answer: When the water supply became unfit to drink, the Pilgrims drank beer. In fact, in the seventeenth century, many people always choose beer over water, as the latter was often contaminated.
4. What did the Pilgrims eat everyday?
Answer: Pilgrims most likely had dried meat and fish, cheese, dried fruit, biscuits, grains, flour, and dried beans and peas.
5. What dessert was served at the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: Dried grapes and raisins.
6. What 3 Foods did the Pilgrims eat?
Answer: Turkey (probably), venison, seafood.

Thanksgiving trivia for seniors
The following are a few Tough Thanksgiving trivia questions for seniors:
1. How many women were at the very first Thanksgiving celebration?
Answer: Five
2. Which President officially made Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday of every November?
Answer: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
3. Question: Which President received a live raccoon as a Thanksgiving present?
Answer: Calvin Coolidge
4. When was the first Turkey Trot?
Answer: 1896
5. Question: Where was the first Turkey Trot?
Answer: Buffalo, New York
Thanksgiving facts and trivia
Here is a list of Random thanksgiving facts and trivia questions and answers:
1. What are 5 cool Thanksgiving facts?
- Turkey wasn’t on the menu at the first Thanksgiving
- A ripe cranberry will bounce.
- All turkeys and chickens have wishbones.
- Canadians celebrate their own Thanksgiving every October.
- Abraham Lincoln declared a national day of Thanksgiving in 1863.
2. What is the healthiest food on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Healthy: Roasted Vegetables.
3. What is the most overrated Thanksgiving food?
Answer: Mashed potatoes are the most overrated of Thanksgiving foods.
Thanksgiving sports trivia
Here are a few Hard thanksgiving sports trivia questions and answers:
1. What is a popular sport on Thanksgiving?
Answer: American football
American football is one of the many traditions in American culture that is associated with Thanksgiving Day.
2. What is the most watched sport on Thanksgiving?
Answer: National Football League (NFL)
3. What is the most viewed sporting event of all time?
Answer: The most watched sports events in history centre around the two biggest occasions in sport: the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup.
4. Which is the No 1 sports game in the world?
Answer: Football/Soccer
5. What is the number 1 hardest sport?
Answer: Boxing

Thanksgiving football trivia questions and answers
The following is a list of Thanksgiving day football trivia questions and answers:
1. When was the first Thanksgiving football game?
Answer: 1876
2. How long has the NFL been playing on Thanksgiving?
Answer: Since the league’s inception in 1920.
3. When was the first televised NFL Thanksgiving game?
Answer: The first nationally televised Thanksgiving game was the 1953 Green Bay Packers-Lions game, broadcast by the Dumont Television Network, one of the first commercial TV networks in the United States
4. Which NFL team has played the most games on Thanksgiving Day?
Answer: Detroit Lions
5. What was the 1st NFL team to host a Thanksgiving game?
Answer: The Detroit Lions
The Detroit Lions Thanksgiving Day heritage gained national attention in another way, starting with the very first game in 1934.

Turkey thanksgiving trivia
Here are some weird Thanksgiving trivia questions with answers
1. What main dish is traditional fare at Thanksgiving?
Answer: A traditional Thanksgiving dinner consists of roast turkey, turkey stuffing with onions and celery, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, corn, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
2. What are 4 commonly consumed foods at Thanksgiving other than turkey?
3. When was turkey the main dish for Thanksgiving?
Answer: 1800s
4. Which states produce the most turkeys in America?
Answer: The top turkey-producing state is Minnesota, followed by North Carolina, Arkansas and Virginia.
5. What state kills the most turkey?
Answer: Missouri

Easy Thanksgiving trivia for kids
Here are some Easy Thanksgiving trivia questions for kids with answers:
1. Who is the mother of Thanksgiving?
Answer: Sarah Josepha Hale
Her name was Sarah Josepha Hale. Hale was a New England-born poet, editor, activist and philanthropist perhaps best known for penning the poem “Mary’s Lamb,” or “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” as it is known today.
2. What is the motto of thanksgiving?
Answer: Thanksgiving Sayings.
There’s always something to be thankful for. There’s always room for seconds. Give thanks with a grateful heart. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.
3. What is a short prayer of thanksgiving?
Answer: Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed on my life.
4. What is the most important child safety rule during Thanksgiving?
Answer: Keep children away from the stove.
The stove will be hot and kids should stay three feet away. Make sure kids stay away from hot food and liquids.
5. What are the 3 E’s of gratitude?
Emote: feel the emotion.
Extend: give gratitude to include other people.
Exercise: do your daily gratitude exercise.
6. What are the four A’s of gratitude?
Answer: The four A’s of gratitude: appreciation, approval, admiration and attention.

Thanksgiving trivia for preschoolers, elementary students, kindergarten, middle school students
These are a few Thanksgiving trivia questions for students from preschool, kindergarten, middle school, tweens and teens:
1. What are some Thanksgiving words?
2. What is a unique way to say happy Thanksgiving?
Answer: May all the good things of life be yours, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming years.
3. Who came to the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: Pilgrims
4. Who is the father of Thanksgiving?
Answer: Abraham Lincoln
5. What was the first Thanksgiving called?
Answer: Harvest festival
Thanksgiving music trivia
Here is a list of Thanksgiving music trivia with answers:
1. What is the name of the Thanksgiving song?
Answer: “The Thanksgiving Song” (also known as “Happy Thanksgiving”) is a song performed by Adam Sandler discussing Thanksgiving. The song was written by Sandler, Ian Maxtone-Graham and Robert Smigel.
2. Was there music at the first Thanksgiving?
Answer: The living history museum there recently showcased the spiritual music of both the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians.
3. Which song was originally written for the Thanksgiving holiday let it snow?
Answer: “Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!”
4. Who composed a hymn of Thanksgiving?
Answer: William Augustus Muhlenberg
5. What is the American folk song about gathering for Thanksgiving?
Answer: We Gather Together

Thanksgiving bible trivia questions and answers
Here are some Christian and bible thanksgiving trivia questions and answers:
1. How many times in the Bible does it talk about thanksgiving?
Answer: 25.
The Bible uses the word “thanksgiving” only 25 times (in the NIV), although you will find many other instances with the base word “thank.”
In the Old Testament, thanks is mentioned 102 times, and this word appears 72 times. Here’s the definition: “Acknowledging what is right about God in praise and thanksgiving” (1 Chr. 16:34).
2. What is the meaning of thanksgiving in the Bible?
Answer: Thanksgiving in the Bible means to respond to God’s goodness and grace with gratitude. The word for giving thanks in the Old Testament means to raise hands to God in gratitude. The New Testament word for thanks has the root idea of grace.
3. What is the spiritual significance of Thanksgiving?
Answer: Thanksgiving is a display of our belief, faith, trust, hope and our understanding of the way the kingdom of God operates.
Native American thanksgiving trivia
The following are some great native american thanksgiving trivia with answers:
1. What do Native Americans say about Thanksgiving?
Answer: A day of mourning and protest.
2. Is turkey sacred for Native American?
Answer: The turkey never lost its spiritual significance in Puebloan societies, scholars note. To this day, the bird carries symbolic value among tribes linked to those early Native Americans, and turkey feathers remain important in many ritual practices.
3. Who is the God of Native American?
Answer: The Great Spirit is the concept of a life force, a Supreme Being or god known more specifically as Wakan Tanka in Lakota, Gitche Manitou in Algonquian, and by other, specific names in a number of Native American and First Nations cultures
4. What is ironic about Native Americans celebrating Thanksgiving?
Answer: For many in the Indigenous community, the annual holiday actually serves as a harmful reminder of how their land was stolen from them during colonization, how many of their people were killed, and how their culture was almost entirely stripped from them.