All children, teens, and adults feel low and down most of the time, which is simply a natural part of adulting.i
These emotions may intensify and become worrisome if they remain for a longer duration. The uneasy thoughts may affect the professional and personal life of one. These feelings may convert into serious disorders such as depression and anxiety.
If you are looking for how to deal with anxiety and depression without medication, in this article let’s discuss it in a detailed way and provide you with 10 tips to treat depression and anxiety naturally.
But, before that let’s briefly understand,

What is Depression?
Depression is one of the most common types of mental disorder, which develops anxiety alongside.ii
It is a mood swing disorder that causes consistent feelings of sadness, sorrow, and loss of interest.
People suffering from depression may appear unhappy, discontented, disoriented, and lethargic. They remain demotivated, saddened, and negative all the time.
What is Anxiety?
On the other hand, anxiety is a sudden panic or scary feeling about a certain situation that feels like butterflies in the stomach like a job interview, a big performance, taking Vivas, etc but it converts into a disorder if a person remains stressed without any reason.
Worrying continuously and excessively without any issue, making it tough for ourselves in day-to-day activities leads to serious damage and should be treated immediately.
What Happens if depression and anxiety are left untreated?
Untreated depression may increase the chance of serious and unhealthy behaviors like addiction to alcohol or drugs. They may become a hindrance in daily life activities, relationships, and quality of life.iii
Some individuals may undergo depression only once, others might face it repeatedly. Although depression can potentially lead to suicide, taking the right support measures can prevent this tragic outcome.
It’s crucial to understand people’s mental health and help them to recover from suicidal thoughts.
So, are there any natural remedies to treat anxiety and depression?
Also read: How to stop obsessive thoughts about a person? (15 Tips)
How to deal with anxiety and depression without medication?
Medication or medicinal therapy is one of the important ways to treat psychiatric issues. In many cases, it is used to tailor the symptoms of both anxiety and depression but taking medicines is not the permanent solution to depression and anxiety.
Medication may leave aftereffects that sometimes decelerate the issue. Mental disorders should be treated psychologically and with calmness.
Some drugs have addictive effects and may manifest withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly. Taking medicine may cause other organs to be dysfunctional.
Medication sometimes remains ineffective for some individuals due to which alteration to high dose is required which is quite challenging for the brain. Due to these negative hallmarks depression and anxiety should be treated without medication.
In today’s article, we will learn about 10 natural ways of treating depression and anxiety. Following are some ways.
- Proper Routine
- Healthy Diet
- Regular Exercise
- Avoid Addictive Substances
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Socialize With Positive People
- Get Enough Sleep and Maintain Good Hygiene
- Meditation
- Herbal Teas
- Rehabilitation Centers
People Also Read: Stress vs Anxiety vs Depression – 20 Differences
10 Natural ways to deal with depression and anxiety without medication
The following is a list of practical and natural ways to deal with depression and anxiety without medication:
1. Get Back to Routine:
Getting back to normal life is challenging while suffering from depression and anxiety or any sort of mental disorder but it is necessary to do so
Setting a gentle routine can help you to recover more quickly and easily.
Maintaining a normal schedule relieves problems and diverts and relaxes your mind. Set goals for yourself to achieve in a day. As you start feeling better add on your tests. Be creative with your tasks.
2. Exercise:
It’s important to keep your body fit. To boost your mind, exercise is the best option. It has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve mood.
Start with activities you enjoy, whether it’s walking, jogging, yoga, or any other form of exercise. Regular activity appears to encourage the brain’s activity to fix itself in sure ways.
Research shows stimulating your cardiac activity helps you to remain mentally and physically strong and tends to reduce stress while comforting depression and anxiety levels.
3. Healthy diet:
Diet is such an important part of mental health that it has inspired an entire field of medicine called nutritional psychiatry.
A study reveals that dietary patterns characterized by a high intake of fruit, vegetables, whole grain, fish, olive oil, low-fat dairy, and antioxidants and low intakes of animal foods were associated with a decreased risk of depression.
Depression suppresses the body’s food requirement which leads to malnutrition problems in later stages. Make healthy lifestyle changes including healthy food choices rather than starting a diet.
4. Avoid Addictive substances:
Intake of addictive substances has increased because many individuals conceptualize that taking alcohol, caffeine or other drugs releases depression and anxiety levels and helps them to alleviate their mental disorder.
People may turn towards alcohol as a form of self-remedy to decompose their saddened feelings and escape from negative thoughts that dominate their feelings and lives.
One should get rid of this alcoholism to completely get out of nervousness and paralysis. This seems to be tough but is essential.
5. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT):
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the evidence-based psychological interventions for the treatment of several psychiatric disorders, including depression and anxiety.
In this treatment negative thoughts are identified and explained to the patient.
With this approach, particulars try to co-relate the pattern between thoughts and feelings and help the sufferers to recognize their mental state and influence them to cope with it.
They suggest mindful exercises and relaxation techniques that are valuable components of depression and anxiety relaxants.
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6. Socialize with positive people:
Depression sometimes automatically resolves when you interact and socialize with positive thoughts. Making new friends and hanging out with good people goes a long way in lifting your spirit.
Positive people provide you emotional, moral, and empathic support, they create a safe place and environment without judging your state of mind.
Positive people are likely to encourage and motivate others towards good opportunities as well as forbid negative socials.
Depression is a complex mental health disorder and positive people are the professionals in treating it without any medicinal interventions.
7. Maintain good hygiene and get more sleep:
Depression causes insomnia or non-restorative sleep disorder. Difficulty in falling asleep due to tension and anxiety increases health issues, such as rapid eye movement (REM).
Waking up early in the morning and being unable to go back to sleep is a characteristic symptom of depression for some individuals. Sleep disturbance may lead to fatigue, and low energy levels, contributing to more extreme symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Quality sleep contributes to emotional well-being and regulates mood swings. Adequate sleep enhances stress levels and provides the ability to do daily life tasks. It also helps release lethargy and fatigue associated with anxiety and depression.
Cognitive functions that are impaired due to mental problems are restored successfully, if individuals do not get enough sleep their cognitive function may exacerbate or even lead to failure.
Good personal hygiene maintenance is also a very essential part of becoming depression free. It involves basic self-care like daily bathing, brushing, and grooming.
Good personal cleanliness is connected to actual well-being. Actual prosperity can influence psychological wellness.
8. Meditation:
Meditation can be a complementary approach to resolving depression. It provides control over alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety.
To begin meditating, find a place where you can sit comfortably and quietly. Then close your eyes and do nothing for a minute or so.
Meditation is directly related to cortisol, which is a stress hormone, it is released when you are stressed, or your body is in a stressful situation.
Doing meditation relaxes your mind and helps prevent the release of cortisol. It helps individuals in accepting their thoughts and emotions without being overwhelmed. It also helps you to get closer to nature and God.
9. Herbal Teas:
Herbal teas are not a professional way of treatment but it’s a substitute method. They have a calming and cooling effect and tend to manage symptoms of depression and anxiety.
There are several types of herbal teas, and all have a basic function which is to resolve stress. It’s essential to note that individual responses can vary, and while some people find relief with herbal teas, others may not experience significant benefits.
10. Rehabilitation Centers:
Rehabilitation centers, often referred to as rehabs, primarily focus on substance abuse and addiction treatment.
While they may address underlying mental health issues, including depression, it’s crucial to seek specialized care for depression treatment. Treatment for depression typically involves a combination of therapy and lifestyle adjustments.
They help mentally exhausted individuals to grow and become depression free by providing sessions and talking about their issues. They try to bring the victims toward normal life and morals

Depression is a difficult condition that might deteriorate over the long run if left untreated. There are various regular ways of treating sensations of depression and anxiety despite taking solution energizer medicine.
These procedures can likewise be useful when used to supplement medicines that might incorporate psychotherapy and drugs.