How to go back to being friends after sleeping together? (10 Tips with examples)

By: Naveen B

Transitioning from a friends with benefits relationship to a platonic friendship after sleeping together can be a challenging and delicate process.

It can be difficult to navigate the new dynamic and keep emotions in check, but it is possible with the right approach and mindset.

While some people may be able to go back to being just friends after sleeping together, it’s not always the case.

It’s important to consider the circumstances and the individuals involved before attempting to transition back to a platonic relationship.

It’s also essential to have open and honest communication with each other throughout the process.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the psychological aspects of how to go back to being friends after sleeping together. We’ll also provide tips on how to successfully navigate the transition, questions to ask, and things to consider.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to go back to being friends after sleeping together and how to make it work.

Can you go back to being friends after sleeping together?

Can you go back to being friends after fwb? Can you be platonic friends with someone you slept with?

I have seen numerous cases where individuals have slept together and attempted to maintain a platonic friendship afterwards.

While this may seem like a viable option at the time, it is important to consider the potential consequences of such a decision.

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge that sex can create a bond between individuals that is difficult to break.

This can make it challenging to maintain a purely platonic relationship afterwards. While it is possible to maintain a friendship with someone you have slept with, it is important to establish clear boundaries and communicate openly with one another to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

Also read: Statistics of friends with benefits turning into a relationship (As per research, survey, study)

In the case of friends with benefits (FWB), it is crucial to remember that the relationship is based on a sexual connection rather than a romantic one.

This can create a sense of emotional distance between the individuals involved, making it easier to maintain a platonic friendship after the sexual aspect of the relationship has ended.

However, it is still important to establish clear boundaries and communicate openly to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings.

It is also important to consider the potential consequences of attempting to maintain a friendship after a sexual relationship has ended.

While it may seem like a good idea at the time, there is always the risk of developing feelings for one another or experiencing jealousy if one person begins dating someone else. This can lead to feelings of discomfort, resentment, or even the end of the friendship altogether.

Ultimately, the decision to maintain a friendship after a sexual relationship has ended is a personal one that should be made with careful consideration of the potential outcomes.

Also read: Your guide to ending fwb because of feelings (signs, reasons, tips)

How to go back to being friends after sleeping together?

How to go back to friends after fwb? When it comes to navigating the aftermath of sleeping with a friend, there are a few key considerations that can help smooth the transition back to a platonic relationship.

First and foremost, it’s important to be honest and clear with yourself and your friend about what you want from the relationship.

Are you content with just being friends, or do you have feelings that go beyond that? It’s crucial to have a frank conversation about this, as trying to hide or suppress your true feelings is likely to lead to further complications down the line.

Assuming you’re both on the same page about wanting to remain friends, it’s important to establish some boundaries going forward.

This might involve setting limits on physical contact, or avoiding certain topics of conversation that could trigger romantic feelings.

It’s also important to be mindful of your behavior around each other, as even small gestures like lingering eye contact or a lingering touch can send mixed signals.

One factor that can complicate the transition from sex to friendship is the release of oxytocin during sexual activity. This hormone is known to promote bonding and attachment, which can make it harder to separate romantic and platonic feelings.

However, it’s important to remember that oxytocin is not destiny, and that you can choose to focus on the aspects of your relationship that are based on friendship rather than sex.

Another consideration is the potential for jealousy or resentment from other people in your social circle.

If you have mutual friends who were aware of your sexual encounter, they may have strong opinions or feelings about the situation.

It’s important to be respectful of their perspectives, but also to prioritize your own well-being and the well-being of your friendship.

Also read: I ended my fwb will he be back (25 reasons he might come back)


10 Tips to Going back to friends without benefits after sleeping together

I have come across various questions and tips related to the transition from friends with benefits to friends or a platonic relationship.

After sleeping with a fwb and going back to friends can be a tricky situation to navigate, and it requires careful attention to ensure that both parties are on the same page. Here are top 10 tips to go back to being friends after sleeping together.

1. Acknowledge the change in the relationship

2. Give each other space

3. Avoid physical contact

4. Focus on non-sexual activities

5. Do not discuss the intimate details of the encounter

6. Set boundaries for future interactions

7. Avoid alcohol and drugs

8. Keep your emotions in check

9. Stay away from dating other people in your friend group

10. Recognize that it may not be possible to go back to being friends

Let me explain each point in detail and provide examples and questions for clarity.

1. Acknowledge the change in the relationship

It’s essential to acknowledge that sleeping with a friend changes the nature of the relationship. 

It’s natural to feel awkward and uncertain about how to act around each other after the encounter. Acknowledging the shift can help both parties move forward.


“I know things are different between us now.”

“I think we should talk about how we want to move forward from here.”

Questions to ask yourself and your fwb:

  • How do you feel about what happened between us?
  • Do you think we can go back to being friends?
  • What do you think will change between us going forward?

Also read: 50 Signs your fwb is jealous

2. Give each other space

After sleeping together, it’s a good idea to give each other some space. It can be challenging to go back to being friends if you’re constantly around each other.

Taking a step back can help both parties gain some perspective.


“I think we should take some time apart.”

“I need some space to process what happened.”

Questions to ask yourself and your fwb:

  • How much space do you think we need?
  • What are some activities you enjoy doing alone?
  • Do you think we should stop talking altogether for a while?

3. Avoid physical contact

Physical contact can be confusing after sleeping together. It’s best to avoid any physical contact until you’ve both agreed that you’re ready to move on from the encounter.


“I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to hug right now.”

“Let’s not hold hands or touch each other for a while.”

Questions to ask yourself and your fwb:

  • How do you feel about physical contact between us?
  • Do you think we should avoid physical contact altogether, or is there a level that’s okay?
  • What kind of physical contact do you think is appropriate for us right now?

Also read: Why does my fwb kiss me goodbye? (20 Reasons)

4. Focus on non-sexual activities

It’s crucial to focus on non-sexual activities to help shift the focus away from the encounter. Doing things together that don’t involve sex can help you build a platonic relationship.


“Let’s go to the movies or out to dinner.”

“I think we should take a yoga class together.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • What kind of non-sexual activities do you enjoy doing?
  • Do you have any suggestions for things we could do together?
  • How do you feel about doing activities together that we used to do when we were friends with benefits?

5. Do not discuss the intimate details of the encounter

It’s important not to discuss the intimate details of the encounter. Talking about what happened can be uncomfortable and may lead to hurt feelings or misunderstandings.


“I don’t think we should talk about what happened.”

“Let’s not go into the details of the encounter.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • How do you feel about discussing what happened between us?
  • Do you think talking about it would be helpful or harmful to our relationship?
  • Are there any specific details you want to discuss or avoid?

Also read: Why my fwb is confusing me? (20+ reasons, signs, tips to handle the situation)

6. Set boundaries for future interactions

Setting boundaries for future interactions can help both parties feel more comfortable and secure in the platonic relationship. It’s important to discuss what is and isn’t okay going forward.


“I think we should agree not to sleep together again.”

“Let’s make sure we’re both clear on what’s okay and what’s not okay.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • What boundaries do you think are important for us to set?
  • How do you feel about discussing these boundaries openly?
  • What will happen if one of us crosses a boundary in the future?

7. Avoid alcohol and drugs

Alcohol and drugs can lower inhibitions and make it more challenging to stick to boundaries. It’s best to avoid them when spending time together.


“I don’t think we should drink or use drugs when we’re together.”

“Let’s make sure we’re both sober when we hang out.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • How do you feel about drinking or using drugs when we’re together?
  • Are there any situations where it would be okay to drink or use drugs?
  • What will happen if one of us becomes impaired during our time together?

8. Keep your emotions in check

It’s essential to keep your emotions in check when transitioning from friends with benefits to a platonic relationship. Strong emotions can make it harder to navigate the new dynamic.


“I’m trying to keep my emotions in check right now.”

“Let’s make sure we’re both staying level-headed.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • How are you feeling emotionally about our new relationship dynamic?
  • How do you plan on keeping your emotions in check?
  • What will happen if one of us becomes emotional during our time together?

Also read: 50 Friends with benefits boundaries (Importance and tips to set healthy fwb boundaries)

9. Stay away from dating other people in your friend group

Dating other people in your friend group can be a recipe for disaster. It’s best to avoid it altogether to prevent any further complications.


“I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to date anyone in our friend group.”

“Let’s agree to not date anyone who’s part of our friend group.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • How do you feel about dating other people in our friend group?
  • Do you think it’s possible to date someone in our friend group and still maintain a platonic relationship with each other?
  • What will happen if one of us starts dating someone in our friend group?

10. Recognize that it may not be possible to go back to being friends

Lastly, it’s important to recognize that it may not be possible to go back to being friends after sleeping together.

Sometimes the dynamic can change permanently, and it’s essential to accept that possibility.


“I understand if we can’t go back to being friends.”

“Let’s be honest with ourselves about the possibility of going back to being just friends.”

Questions to ask your fwb and yourself:

  • How do you feel about the possibility of not being able to go back to being friends?
  • What will happen if we can’t go back to being just friends?
  • Is there anything we can do to increase the likelihood of going back to being friends?

Also read: Do fwb usually come back? (20 Reasons your fwb might keep coming back)

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, going from friends with benefits to a platonic friendship after sleeping together can be a challenging but possible process with the right approach.

It’s important to consider the circumstances, set boundaries, and have open communication to make the transition as smooth as possible.

It’s also essential to recognize that sometimes it may not be possible to go back to being just friends, and it’s important to accept that possibility.

By following the above tips and asking the questions suggested in this post, individuals can successfully navigate the transition and maintain a healthy platonic friendship.

Remember, communication and mutual respect are key to any successful relationship, including transitioning from friends with benefits to friends without benefits.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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