75+ Trick questions to ask a cheater or your unfaithful spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend

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By: Naveen B

Infidelity is one of the most heartbreaking and devastating experiences in a romantic relationship.

When you suspect that your partner may be cheating on you, it’s common to feel a range of emotions, from sadness and anger to confusion and betrayal.

You may find yourself struggling to trust your partner, wondering if they are being honest with you or if they are hiding something.

If you suspect that your partner may be cheating on you, it’s important to approach the situation with caution and care.

While it may be tempting to confront your partner immediately and demand an explanation, this can often lead to a breakdown in communication and a further deterioration of trust.

One approach to dealing with a suspected cheater is to use trick questions to gauge their honesty and test their loyalty.

These questions are designed to be subtle and indirect, allowing you to assess your partner’s behavior and responses without giving away that you already know they have cheated.

By using trick questions to ask a cheater, you can gain valuable insight into your partner’s mindset and behavior.

You may be able to determine if they are truly remorseful for their actions or if they are likely to repeat their behavior in the future.

Additionally, these questions can help you determine if your relationship is salvageable or if it’s time to move on.

Of course, it’s important to keep in mind that trick questions are not foolproof and may not work for every situation.

Some cheaters may be skilled at deception and able to hide their true intentions, even when faced with tricky questions. 

However, by using these questions as a starting point for discussion and exploring your partner’s responses, you may be able to uncover important information about their behavior and make a more informed decision about the future of your relationship.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 75+ trick questions to ask a cheater or unfaithful spouse and provide tips for how to use them effectively. 

Whether you are currently dealing with a cheating partner or simply want to be prepared for the possibility in the future, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and strategies for navigating this difficult situation.

People Also read: 21 Questions for a new relationship, From Deep to S#xy


75+ Trick questions to ask a cheater

The following are a list of trick questions to ask a cheater (boyfriend, girlfriend, fiance or spouse):

1. Have you been feeling guilty about anything lately?

2. Can you tell me about any changes in your behavior or personality that you’ve noticed lately?

3. Do you feel like you’re not getting what you need from our relationship right now?

4. Have you ever felt like you were leading a double life, or that you had a secret side to yourself?

5. Have you been feeling guilty about anything recently, even if it’s unrelated to our relationship?

6. Do you think that you’ve been fully honest with me about your thoughts and feelings lately?

7. Can you explain why you’ve been less affectionate or intimate with me lately?

8. Have you ever felt like you were living a double life, or that you were hiding something important from me?

9. Can you tell me about any secrets or hidden aspects of your life that you haven’t told me about?

10. Have you ever felt like you were emotionally or physically distant from me, even if we were physically together?

11. Do you believe that cheating is always wrong, or are there situations where it’s justified?

12. If I am doing something behind your back, how would you react?

13. Have you ever had any emotional affairs while we’ve been together?

14. What do you think is the best way to regain trust after cheating?

15. Do you think that a relationship can survive infidelity?

16. Do you think it’s okay to keep secrets from each other, even if they might hurt them?

17. Do you believe that cheating is always wrong, or are there situations where it’s acceptable?

18. Have you ever had a one-night stand or a fling while in a committed relationship?

19. Do you think that cheating can ever strengthen a relationship, or is it always destructive?

20. Have you ever been in a situation where you had feelings for more than one person at the same time?

21. If you were to cheat on your partner, do you think you could keep it a secret forever?

22. If you had the opportunity to cheat on your partner without anyone ever finding out, would you do it?

23. Do you think that there’s a difference between physical cheating and emotional cheating, or are they equally bad?

24. If you found out that your partner had cheated on you, would you want to know the details or would you rather not hear about it?

25. Do you believe that everyone is capable of cheating under the right circumstances, or are some people just more faithful than others?

26. Have you ever flirted with someone else while in a committed relationship, even if you didn’t intend to act on it?

27. Do you think that people who cheat are fundamentally flawed, or is it just a mistake that anyone could make?

28. Is it possible for a person to be completely faithful to their partner for their entire life?

29. Do you believe that a physical relationship with someone outside of a committed relationship is ever justified?

30. How would you feel if your partner had a close friend of the opposite sex who they spent a lot of time with?

Also read: 100+ Tricky Love Questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend


Tricky questions to ask your boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse if you knew they are cheating on you and confirm it by testing

Here are some of the best Trick questions that could potentially lead your partner to confess if they are cheating on you:

1. Do you think that it’s possible to be in love with two people at the same time?

2. Can you explain what you were doing on [specific date and time]?

3. Do you believe in monogamy or do you think that it’s natural to be with multiple partners?

4. Why did you lie to me about where you were or who you were with?

5. If your partner were to be with someone else, would you want to know or would you prefer they keep it a secret?

6. Have you ever felt guilty about something you’ve done in our relationship?

7. If I give you permission to pursue another relationship, would you consider it?

8. Do you have any friends who have cheated on their partners? What do you think about their behavior?

9. Have you ever lied to me about anything in our relationship?

10. How would you feel if I cheated on you?

11. Do you think that it’s possible to have an emotional affair with someone, even if you don’t have s#x with them?

12. Have you been spending more time away from me than usual, and if so, can you tell me why?

13. Can you tell me about any doubts or uncertainties you’ve been having about our relationship lately?

14. Do you think that you’re fully present and engaged in our relationship, or are you distracted by other things or people?

15. Can you tell me about any new interests or hobbies you’ve picked up recently that I don’t know about?

Questions about cheating

Here are some of the serious questions about cheating:

16. Have you ever lied to me about where you were or who you were with?

17. Have you ever lied to me about anything important?

18. Do you believe in the concept of fidelity in relationships?

19. Do you think that a one-time mistake is forgivable in a relationship?

20. Do you think that honesty is always the best policy, even if it could hurt someone’s feelings?

21. Have you ever been unfaithful to a previous partner?

22. Do you think that it’s possible for someone to cheat on their partner and still truly love them?

23. Can you tell me about a time when you were unfaithful in a past relationship?

24. Do you think that cheating can ever be justified in a relationship?

25. Have you ever thought about cheating on me before, even if you didn’t go through with it?

26. Can you explain why you’ve been acting differently around me lately?

27. Can you tell me about any personal issues or stresses that have been weighing on you lately?

28. Do you think that it’s possible to have an emotional affair with someone, even if it’s not physical?

29. Have you been getting more attention from someone else lately than you’re used to?

30. Can you tell me about any conversations or interactions you’ve had with someone that you wouldn’t want me to know about?

Also read: 50+ Trick Questions Ask your Boyfriend


10 Questions to ask your unfaithful spouse

Here is a list of 10 questions to ask your unfaithful spouse:

1. Have you ever lied to me about anything related to our relationship or your feelings for me?

2. Can you tell me about any friendships or connections you’ve made recently that I don’t know about?

3. Have you ever thought about leaving me for someone else?

4. Can you tell me about any intimate moments you’ve shared with someone other than me since we’ve been together?

5. Do you think that a person who cheats once is likely to do it again?

6. Have you ever had a one-night stand, and if so, can you tell me about it?

7. Have you ever felt tempted to cheat on me?

8. Can you explain why you’ve been so defensive and guarded when I bring up the topic of fidelity?

9. Do you think that you’ve been prioritizing our relationship lately, or have you been distracted by other things?

10. Have you been spending more time on your phone or computer than usual, and if so, can you tell me why?

Also read: 33 Trick questions to ask your boyfriend to see if he loves you

Deep questions to ask a cheating boyfriend, girlfriend or partner

These are a few deep questions to ask a cheating boyfriend, girlfriend or a partner:

1. Can you tell me about any secrets you’ve been keeping from me, even if they don’t relate to cheating?

2. Do you think that you’re fully committed to our relationship, or are there doubts or reservations you’re holding back?

3. Have you ever felt like you were attracted to someone else, even if you didn’t act on it?

4. Can you explain why you’ve been hesitant to make plans or commitments with me lately?

5. Do you think that honesty and transparency are essential in a relationship, or are there times when it’s better to keep things to yourself?

6. Have you ever felt like you were emotionally invested in someone else, even if you didn’t act on it physically?

7. Can you explain why you’ve been more secretive or guarded around me lately?

8. Have you ever felt like you were living a lie, or that you were being deceptive in some way in our relationship?

9. Do you think that secrecy is ever justified in a relationship, or should everything be out in the open?

10. Can you tell me about any dreams or fantasies you’ve been having lately that involve someone other than me?

Also read: 85 Trick questions to ask your girlfriend (Now or Never)


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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