How to calm down: A guide to calm anxiety and tips to relax your mind

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By: Naveen B

As we’re all social beings, in every walk of our lives, we all have to deal with different people in different situations.

Not every time things favor us, which ultimately leads to many anxiety issues. 

In such stressful situations, we have no idea how to calm down and how to calm anxiety though we know ‘peace’ is the only solution. Yet, we utterly fail in figuring out how to relax.

Sometimes, we feel that we do nothing wrong as per our beliefs and values. Still, people take us for granted and judge us cruelly without understanding the story from our side.

These anxious situations make us feel insecure, and we do not know how to deal with those insecurities too.

More than anything, very often during difficult situations, not other people, we make ourselves feel uncomfortable as if it is the end of the world and caught up in our own heads. 

That’s completely normal for highly sensitive people, especially those who are perfectionists and who take things very personally.

Having said that, every personality trait has its downsides.  And all the insecurities of physical, emotional, and sexual abuses lead to common serious mental health issues, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Panic Attacks
  • Stress
  • Fear
  • Nervousness
  • Pressure
  • Eating disorders
  • Bipolar disorders etc.,

How to calm down?


The simple solution to calm down in the moments of uncertainty and challenging times is, to come to your senses and see the things, the way they actually are instead of over-assuming.

Make yourself relaxed, free your body in an unaffected position and breathe with confidence and talk to yourself that everything is in your control and this is not the end of the world. 

However, that’s easier said than applied in real life.

For that reason, practicing a few actionable strategies and techniques to calm your mind can help you to deal with any anxious situations.  

Here is the complete guide on how to calm anxiety when you are angry, stressed, or depressed. Apply these practical ways and tips to feel more relaxed and overcome your panic attacks with ease.

7 Strategies to calm down

Follow these step-by-step strategies to calm down your mind and stay relaxed all the time.

1. Find your triggers:

When you know what causes you to trigger your anxiety and panic attacks, it becomes less difficult to deal with depression, anger, and nervousness. 

Mostly, you fail to realize your pain points when your mind is filled with a burden of fears and insecurities. So, for an instant realization just try to slow down your thought process and –

Ask these questions to identify your triggers of anxiety and stress. They will definitely help you to figure out your issue:

  • Why am I not being myself?
  • Why this situation is creating anxiety (anger, stress, depression) in me?
  •  Is it my self-consciousness?
  • Is it my own vulnerability?
  • Am I being controlled?
  • Is someone taking advantage of me?
  • Am I feeling lonely?
  • Is it fear of uncertainty?

2. Analyse your situation:

Remind yourself that you are not alone even if you feel so lonely. They are just your own thoughts of depression tricking you by taking advantage of your fear of uncertainty. Distract yourself from your own thoughts and get into your moments. Then you will see the situation as it is.

3. Recognize the root issue:

Except for some of life’s inevitable natural causes, the rest of our human suffering is being created by our own delusions and presumptions.

Instead of just being always in your head, stop thinking for a while and recognize the root issue with a fresh perspective.

Most of the time the root issue is nothing but ‘you’ itself.

4. Manage your Emotions:

After asking the right questions; analyzing your situation; and figuring out the root issue – You will come to a level of awareness.

Which will make you feel completely overwhelmed, weak, and sensitive towards the problem. This is due to your extreme empathy.

So, it’s obvious that anxiety and panic attacks will take control of you. That’s why instead of worrying, balance your emotions with appropriate thoughts.

5. Use your thoughts(logic) to create an optimistic solution:

Whenever you are stuck in difficult situations and not aware of how to calm down from anxiety, a quick solution is to shut down your feelings and use your logic instead.

This strategy helps you not to get attached too much to a person or thing or the issue itself. Then you will have a clear mindset to think of the best possible solution.

6. Accept the challenging times:

The best times are those which are difficult to deal with. Because they are the uninvited opportunities to help you grow as an individual.

Appreciate the time you have been given, stand up for yourself, accept every challenge that comes your way, and evolve into a better human.

7. Adapt to the changes:

Even if things don’t go as per your plans or expectations, that is absolutely fine. We, humans, are being designed to adapt to the changes of nature.

Whether you accept the laws of nature or not – without your realization you open yourself to life and flow with the time.

 Having said that, just remember, with each hardship you become closer to yourself. 

Be curious about learning.

You enter into new beginnings that have many more opportunities and possibilities of magic and wonder.

Cheer yourself up, no one can do that for you except your higher self. Open, learn, adjust and adapt. Then all the best things will attract you.

5 Techniques to calm down from stress, anxiety and relax from all other mental illnesses


There is no need to make yourself complicated by creating the baggage of mental health issues when your body and mind itself are packed with powers. If you use your faculties in the right way everything can be healed by itself.

Follow these evidence-based techniques to calm down yourself with ease and natural efforts:

While these techniques can be helpful for managing stress and promoting relaxation, it’s crucial to understand that they are not a substitute for professional help in dealing with mental illnesses.

Here’s a breakdown of the techniques, emphasizing their role in stress management and relaxation:

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing (Evidence-Based):

  • Function: Slows down the heart rate and promotes feelings of calmness.
  • Practice: Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your belly expand. Hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through pursed lips.
  • Effectiveness: Studies show diaphragmatic breathing can be an effective tool for reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (Evidence-Based):

  • Function: Involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups, promoting physical and mental relaxation.
  • Practice: Tense and relax muscle groups progressively, starting with your toes and working your way up. Focus on the feeling of relaxation spreading through your body.
  • Effectiveness: Research suggests progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful in managing stress, anxiety, and even chronic pain.

3. Emotional Freedom Technique (EMFT) (Limited Evidence):

  • Function: Combines elements of cognitive therapy and acupressure, tapping on specific meridian points while focusing on negative emotions.
  • Practice: While some find it helpful, extensive scientific research is lacking to conclusively validate its effectiveness.
  • Recommendation: Consider EMFT as a complementary technique, but seek professional help for addressing underlying mental health issues.

4. Transcendental Meditation (TM) (Emerging Evidence):

  • Function: Aims to achieve a state of deep relaxation by focusing on a mantra (a repeated sound or word).
  • Practice: Requires proper training and guidance.
  • Effectiveness: Emerging research suggests TM may be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. However, more robust studies are needed.

5. Guided Imagery (Evidence-Based):

  • Function: Uses visualization to create a relaxing mental state.
  • Practice: Imagine yourself in a peaceful and calming environment, focusing on the details of the scene.
  • Effectiveness: Studies indicate guided imagery can be effective in managing stress, anxiety, and even pain perception.

Important Note:

  • While these techniques can be helpful for managing stress and promoting relaxation, they are not a cure for mental illnesses.
  • If you are struggling with a diagnosable mental illness, seeking professional help from a therapist, psychiatrist, or other qualified mental health professional is crucial.
  • These professionals can provide proper diagnosis, develop a treatment plan, and offer guidance and support tailored to your specific needs.

Remember, taking care of your mental health is essential. If you’re experiencing symptoms that interfere with your daily life, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help.

10 Ways to calm down from stressful situations


Effective Techniques:

  1. Focus on Your Breathing (Highly Effective):
    • Practice slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing. This activates the relaxation response in the body, lowering heart rate and promoting calmness.
  2. Shift Your Focus (Effective):
    • Distract yourself from the stressor by engaging in a different activity, talking to someone, or finding something else to occupy your mind.
    • This can help break the cycle of negative thoughts and allow your body to begin to relax.
  3. Take a Break and Give Yourself Alone Time (Effective):
    • Removing yourself from the immediate stressful situation allows you to regroup and gain perspective.
    • Taking some time for yourself can help you approach the situation with a calmer mind.
  4. Listen to Calming Music (Effective):
    • Soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and promote relaxation. Choose music with slow tempos and avoid anything with harsh lyrics or loud noises.
  5. Write Down Your Feelings (Effective):
    • Journaling can help you process your emotions and gain clarity on the situation.
    • Putting your thoughts and feelings into words can be a form of release and can help you identify areas that need to be addressed.
  6. Work on Your Body to Relax (Effective):
    • Progressive muscle relaxation or gentle stretching can help release physical tension associated with stress.
    • Engaging in physical activity like walking or yoga can also promote the release of endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.

Techniques with Limitations:

  1. Practice Optimistic Thoughts (Limited Effectiveness):
    • While a positive outlook can be beneficial, solely focusing on positive thoughts during high-stress situations might not be practical.
    • Acknowledge the stressful situation while focusing on coping mechanisms to manage it effectively.
  2. Visualize Yourself in Calmness (Somewhat Effective):
    • Visualization can be a helpful relaxation technique, but its effectiveness can vary depending on the individual and the severity of the stress.
  3. Allow Things to Happen Naturally (Limited Effectiveness):
    • While accepting situations can be part of managing stress in the long run, it’s crucial to address the source of stress actively in most cases.
    • Ignoring the situation entirely might not resolve the underlying issue.
  4. Seek Help (Highly Effective):
    • While not directly a technique to calm down in the moment, seeking professional help is crucial for managing chronic stress or mental health issues.
    • Therapists and counselors can equip you with coping mechanisms and provide support to address the root cause of your stress.


  • Combining these techniques can be more effective than relying solely on one method.
  • The best approach depends on the individual and the specific situation.
  • If you find yourself struggling to manage stress on your own, seeking professional help is essential.

9 Tips to calm down

  • Let go of controlling everything: You cannot do anything in situations which are out of your control and that’s good for some reason. Just do what is in your power and make yourself stay calm.
  • Avoid repetitive thoughts: Come out of your head for a moment by stopping negative over-thinking and seeing clearly with a fresh perspective. Within a while, you see no problem at all. The problem is just your thoughts. So change them to be calm.
  • Realize your motives: This situation is not the end of the world, still, you are breathing and everything is in your control. Just realize your motives, if your intentions and goals are good, then you don’t need to feel anxious, stressed, or scared of anything. This realization helps you to calm down in every situation.
  • Trust the journey: Understand that every challenging situation brings you closer to yourself. You will learn, evolve and become a new version of yourself. Have the willingness to trust the journey, nothing will disturb the status of your peaceful soul.
  • Talk to yourself as an advisor: No one can help you better than your own awareness of yourself. Learn to self-talk and advise yourself with what-if questions. If you do not know how to calm down, asking the right questions will help you to relax in any stressful scenarios.
  • Be contented in life: Whether situations turn in your favor or against, any way you will grow intellectually so deep, psychologically more compassionate, and spiritually conscious about life. Everything that happens is better for your personal development. Just be contented with what you possess without many expectations. This will surely help you to calm your anxiety.
  • Prepare yourself for the worse: Just be ready for worse outcomes and prepare yourself to fight every struggle. Developing this attitude from the beginning itself will help you to be calm in any situation irrespective of the outcomes.
  • Practice meditation: This single most effective way to make yourself more aware and calm down during depressed, angry, and nervous times is by practicing meditation. Though it takes time to develop the right kind of meditation techniques, your efforts will be worth it in the end.
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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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