90+ Powerful Questions about God, Creation, Universe, make you think about whole existence

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By: Naveen B

If you are religious or spiritual,  or simply an intellectual who cannot stop asking questions about God, creation, the universe, and whole existence.

If so, you cannot help but wonder “Why are we here?” “Where did we come from?” While science has proposed theories of creation,

There are many other great thinkers who proposed their own theories to answer the question about the intersection of creation, existence, and god.

Questions about God? Who isn’t curious about him? Anyone who has pondered on this entity. Most likely, everyone.

There are so many questions as to who God is. This is due to the fact that one cannot describe a being that is beyond understanding. 

As humans we can find no answer to the question of who God is because our minds are limited by our own creation, if existence and god were one would the mind then be able to truly understand?

What if we are all asking the wrong questions about the universe? What if it’s not about god, creation, existence, the universe, or the cosmos? What if it’s just “BEING” or to “BE”?

Without further ado, Let’s explore all the meaningful questions about god, life, and its entire existence.

I have written Some powerful God questions that make you think and reconsider your life. Continue reading to check the full list.

Related Questions: 500+ Philosophical questions on various topics.


Questions about God

List of questions about god.

  1. How is God the creator?
  2. If God exists, then, has God defines and created everything?
  3. Did God create out of nothing?
  4. Is all that exists come to exist because of god?
  5. Why did nothing but God exist forever?
  6. What does it mean to say that God is the creator?
  7. Is God the source of all reality outside himself?
  8. Apart from God, Is everything brought into being by God itself?
  9. Does everything that exists owe it’s being to god?
  10. Whatever is outside god, does it not exist?
  11. What is the god’s conservation of the world?
  12. Is the distinction of god important?
  13. If the world has some positive inertia in being on its own, then will it require a god to blast it out of existence?
  14. Does God make the world less contingent?
  15. What if the term “GOD” itself is just an illusion?
  16. Is God independent or dependent on himself or outside of himself?
  17. How powerful is god?
  18. What diminishes God’s greatness and power?
  19. If we accept that indeed god, created the world from nothing, what do we learn from that?
  20. What is the purpose of God?
  21. Is God’s aim to divinize the world?
  22. What is the proof that God exists?
  23. What if God doesn’t exist?
  24. Is God nothing without a religion?
  25. What are the god’s own internal characteristics?
  26. How to realize God’s omnipotence?
  27. Does God need humans and other creatures to make himself exist?
  28. Is God mortal or Immortal?
  29. What if God is just a philosophical argument?
  30. What provides the ultimate evidence of the existence of God? Is it Religion or Philosophy or Spirituality or Science or any other belief?
  31. Is God closer to religion or philosophy or science or spirituality or to nothing at all?
  32. If there is a scientific beginning, does it strengthen God’s argument?
  33. How does god exist?
  34. From where God evolved?
  35. Why does God exist at all?
  36. Just being an individual, How do you think about god without any outside influence?
  37. Does calling God the creator answers the very question?
  38. Does the will of God lie behind the order of the world?
  39. If God did not allow the world to remain as being, would the world disappear?
  40. If God is a creator, who is the destructor?
  41. Is God good or bad?
  42. If God is good, then would he punish innocent lives?
  43. Is God alone?
  44. Are there multiple Gods?
  45. Is God conscious about being in existence?
  46. What is more significant than the god?
  47. Do abstract objects exist independently from god?
  48. How long been god come to existence?
  49. Why no one ever witnessed God?
  50. What makes God, “GOD”?
  51. Does God punish sinners?
  52. Does God answer prayers?
  53. Does God make mistakes?
  54. Why should we worship God?
  55. Who is God?
  56. Do we need middlemen to reach God?
  57. Can he be questioned?
  58. Did God create evil?
  59. Why don’t we have free will?
  60. If God exists why do good people suffer?

’Man’s search for meaning’ is a book written by Victor E Frankl. Frankl was an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust concentration camp survivor. 

In the book, he outlines his theory of logotherapy — a form of existentialist philosophy that justifies the ways human beings can find meaning in life, even when faced with extreme suffering and impossible choices (like whether to save yourself or your children). 

As a curious person myself, it prompted me to wonder about the nature of god — both in terms of the Christian God and the concept of a creator — all that stuff about who/what we came from.

I started asking questions like who created god?, if god created us, did it create itself?

Let’s explore some more questions about creation. Here is the list:

Questions about Creation

List of questions about creation

  1. What is science for, in the kingdom of god’s creation?
  2. Is there any origin to the creation?
  3. What is the creation?
  4. What is the initial act of creation?
  5. How significant is the doctrine of creation from nothing?
  6. Forget about creation, What is god?
  7. Is creation all about why things exist but not how they began?
  8. Is God a creator or the creation itself?
  9. Who in particular sees the universe as god’s creation?
  10. Is the question of creation Ontological?
  11. Is the order of the creation completely chaotic?
  12. How does this chaotic molecular world give rise to the ordered structures of things?
  13. How to enrich the concept of theology with the order of creation and chaos?
  14. As a believer what can you tell about the structure of reality?
  15. If we created the conditions of the Big Bang, then how would it become the truth?
  16. Is a universe than began more consistent with a creator God?
  17. Are we so certain that God is the ultimate ground of all beings but not necessarily the specific designer of our universe’s Big Bang?

Again, What is God? Is god a human construct? Does god exist within the universe, as part of creation or outside of it? Did God create the universe? The answers to these seemingly simple questions, which are still being debated by people today. 

These questions, simply end on two different ends of a long dispute. Each end is attached to a complex history and belief structure. The questions and discussions have often been heated – and sometimes downright spiteful.

Here is a list of further questions about existence that are worth wondering about.

Questions about Existence

List of questions about existence

  1. Why should we pay attention to existence?
  2. How did the universe come to existence?
  3. How did the existence begin?
  4. What was before the beginning of existence?
  5. Does before the beginning, even make sense?
  6. What are the rules of logic?
  7. How real is the existence of numbers?
  8. What are abstract objects and why do they make so much sense or nothing at all?
  9. Can anything exist without any cause?
  10. Why does abstraction exist without the need of any creator?
  11. Is there a divine mind and a divine purpose underlying the whole of cosmic history and related to the whole cosmos?
  12. Is there no theological state difference between a Big Bang theology and a steady-state theology?
  13. How can everything come from nothing?
  14. What is the way to find out the truth?
  15. What is everything else?
  16.  What is the modal plausibility of existence?
  17. What if the most important question is the manifestation of existence, not the mechanism of creation?
  18. How does the existence of the universe affect one’s belief and faith?
  19. Can you prove God doesn’t exist?

What is the meaning and purpose of life? Is there a God? Does God exist? What if he does exist? Are we alone in this universe? 

Unfortunately, I think the answer to all these questions is no. The universe is huge and we are just yet another planet orbiting the sun. 

It’s absolutely insane that anyone could believe this world was created by an omniscient creator God who knows everything we’re thinking and saw us growing up from inside our mother’s womb.

Questions about Universe and cosmos

List of questions about universe and cosmos.

  1. What are the actual questions we need to ask about the universe?
  2. Who is the supreme being of the universe?
  3. Is the universe eternal?
  4. What is the distinction between God and the universe?
  5. Who breathes fire into the equations and gives them a universe to describe?
  6. Does the universe exist with or without the beginning?
  7. Suppose there is no beginning to the cosmos, the universe going through endless cycles, what then?
  8. Is God just sustaining the universe?
  9. Can you observe God’s involvement in the universe on a continuous basis?
  10. Why do atheists believe that the universe is eternal and uncaused and it’s just there but no god has created anything?
  11. What if there is no order to the cosmos?
  12.  Don’t the discoveries of cosmology are just precise observations and explanatory theories that eliminate the need for supernatural causes? If so, why? 
  13. How can physicists believe in god?
  14.  Does cosmology replace god?
  15. What made this real universe, if not god?
  16. Is cosmology really an etiological question?
  17.  Is the universe an eternal succession of physical states?
  18. If scientists decide that there are multiple universes then would it be a great extension of Augustine’s principle of plenitude?
  19. Does the universe have an infinite past?
  20. Can we apply the concept of infinity to physical reality?

Related: Great Mind shifting Questions about Aliens, UFo’s, UAP’s, and Extraterrestrial life.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

1 thought on “90+ Powerful Questions about God, Creation, Universe, make you think about whole existence”

  1. I promise you I have the answer to ever question that is being asked here.
    Please read this message slowly and seriously consider every concept being dealt with.
    — Matter does not exist. Follow this evidence logic and reason
    Atoms > Protons > leptons > subatomic particles are actually > subatomic electromagnetic energy fields > is the Consciousness we use to create this beautiful perception of a universe.
    We see the angstroms
    We hear the decibels
    We create the perception in our consciousness just like dreaming we create this illusion of a physical reality….

    What is more intellectually lazy than saying the universe evolved and not saying EXACTLY what the very first thing the universe evolved from?
    Who created God? Who created primordial ooze?
    The evidence proves there is no physical existence.
    Reduction proves that there is no physical evidence.
    Atoms > protons electrons neutrons > leptons bosons quarks > subatomic particles? > subatomic electromagnetic energy > CONSCIOUSNESS
    I THINK —- therefore I AM —- firing synapses vibrating energy—
    angstroms what you see just vibrating energy
    decibels what hear just vibrating energy
    consciousness firing synapses VIBRATING ENERGY..
    There is nothing physical
    and consider time now….
    The past does not exist anymore
    The future does not exist yet
    only now has ever existed
    A singularity consciousness (1) in a universe of nothingness (0) VIBRATING 10011011 and that binary system creating everything that we IMAGINE exists
    I think therefore I AM
    We created the universe that created us in order to explain our existence…. Who is god the creator?
    Descartes and the bible say “ I AM”….


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