Halloween is the perfect time for kids to get creative and have a spooky fun time! It’s the fun time for kids when they get to dress up, collect candies, and have a blast.
Halloween Eve is the bewitching night when candy flows like cauldron brew, and kids transform into pint-sized monsters and heroes.
The haunting history of this holiday collides with pure childhood mischief to create a spellbinding atmosphere. And what’s Halloween without some wickedly funny questions?
Behold, our collection of 350+ Halloween questions for kids, designed to cast a giggly spell on your little witches, wizards, and ghouls.
From “Would you rather” conundrums to “Never have I ever” confessions, these icebreakers will brew up a cauldron of fun conversations at your Halloween gatherings.
- 350+ Halloween questions for kids
- Easy questions to ask kids on the history of halloween
- Halloween trivia questions for kids
- Would you rather halloween questions for kids
- This or that questions for kids halloween edition
- Halloween movie trivia questions and answers for kids
- Never Have I Ever Halloween Questions For Kids
- Fun Halloween questions for kids
- Good Halloween questions to ask kids, students, preschoolers

350+ Halloween questions for kids
The following is a list of halloween questions for kids:
1. Imagine you’re a Halloween detective. What mysterious case would you investigate on Halloween night?
2. If you could redesign the classic Halloween colors, what new color palette would you choose for the holiday?
3. What’s the most unexpected Halloween costume you can think of, and why would it be so surprising?
4. If Halloween had its own language, what would some common phrases or expressions be?
5. If Halloween candy could come to life, which one would you want as your sidekick, and what adventures would you have together?
6. If you could invent a new flavor of Halloween ice cream, what spooky ingredients would you include?
7. What would you do if you discovered a secret portal that led to a Halloween-themed dimension?
8. If you were a witch or wizard, what special spell would you cast to make Halloween even more magical?
9. If you had to create a Halloween-themed amusement park ride, what would it be like, and what would it be called?
10. What’s the most unusual Halloween tradition you can think of that people from a different planet might have?
11. If you could time-travel to any historical Halloween celebration, what time period would you choose, and why?
12. What’s your strategy for surviving a zombie apocalypse on Halloween night?
13. If you could invite any famous monsters to a Halloween tea party, who would be on your guest list, and what treats would you serve?
14. What would you do if you woke up on Halloween morning and realized you were the only person in your town, and it was up to you to make the holiday special?
15. If you were a Halloween DJ, what would be your ultimate Halloween party playlist?
16. If you could transform into any Halloween-themed vehicle, what would you become, and where would you take your friends for a spooky ride?
17. What’s the most daring Halloween costume challenge you can think of, and would you be up for it?
18. If Halloween had its own currency, what kind of spooky-themed coins and bills would you create?
19. If you had a magical Halloween lantern, what wishes would it grant you when you lit it?
20. What’s the most mysterious and enchanted Halloween forest adventure you can imagine going on?
21. If you could have a conversation with a famous Halloween ghost, like Casper, what would you ask them?
22. What’s the secret ingredient in your family’s famous Halloween stew, and why does it make it extra special?
23. If you had to organize a Halloween parade, what unique floats and characters would you include?
24. What would you do if you found a hidden treasure map that led to a Halloween-themed treasure chest?
25. If Halloween had its own Olympic games, what spooky sports and challenges would be included?
Also read: 500+ Halloween Instagram Captions that make your posts spooktacular (IG Edition 2023)
26. If you could create a Halloween-themed escape room, what kind of puzzles and clues would participants have to solve?
27. What’s your favorite ghost story to tell around a Halloween campfire, and how does it go?
28. If you could make a deal with a Halloween genie, what three wishes would you ask for?
29. What would you do if you discovered a secret Halloween society with magical powers?
30. If you could create a time capsule to represent Halloween for future generations, what items would you include, and why are they significant?
31. If you could design your own Halloween costume, what would it be and why?
32. What spooky creature would make the best pet for Halloween, and why?
33. If Halloween were a national holiday, what kind of special traditions would you want to create for it?
34. What’s the spookiest thing you’ve ever found while trick-or-treating?
35. If you could have a Halloween-themed party, what decorations and games would you include?
36. If you were a friendly ghost for a day, what would you do to help people have a fun Halloween?
37. What would you do if you discovered a real haunted house in your neighborhood?
38. Which Halloween candy do you think is the best and why?
39. If you could go trick-or-treating with any famous person, who would it be and why?
40. What’s the most creative pumpkin carving design you can think of?
41. If you could spend Halloween night anywhere in the world, where would it be, and what would you do there?
42. What’s the scariest Halloween story you’ve ever heard?
43. If you were in a Halloween movie, would you want to be the hero or the mischievous villain?
44. If you could make a potion for Halloween, what magical effects would it have?
45. If you could turn into any Halloween-themed creature for a day, what would you choose and why?
46. What’s the most creative way to decorate your house for Halloween without using traditional decorations?
47. If you could have a conversation with a famous Halloween character like Dracula or the Headless Horseman, what would you ask them?
48. If Halloween were in the summer instead of the fall, how would you celebrate it differently?
49. What’s your favorite Halloween-themed song or music to listen to during the season?
50. If you could visit a real haunted graveyard, what kind of spooky adventures would you hope to have?
51. If you had to make a potion to turn into a classic Halloween monster, which one would you choose and why?
52. What’s the most creative way to repurpose your Halloween candy after the holiday?
53. If you could create a new Halloween tradition, what would it be, and how would it work?
54. If you had a magic wand for Halloween, what enchantments would you cast on your neighborhood?
55. What’s your favorite part about carving pumpkins, and what kind of face or design do you enjoy making?
56. If you could travel back in time to experience a historical Halloween celebration, when and where would you go?
57. What would you do if you encountered a friendly ghost on Halloween night?
58. If you could design your own haunted maze, what spooky surprises would it include?
59. What’s the best costume you’ve ever seen someone wear on Halloween, and why did you like it?
60. If you could create a Halloween-themed board game, what would the rules be, and how would you win?
Also read: 300 Halloween icebreaker questions for your haunting time (2023 Edition)
Easy questions to ask kids on the history of halloween
Some of the Easy This or That Halloween questions for kids include:
1. Why do people carve pumpkins on Halloween?
2. What is the purpose of wearing costumes on Halloween?
3. Where did the tradition of trick-or-treating originate?
4. What did ancient Celtic people celebrate around the same time as Halloween?
5. Why did people believe that dressing up as scary creatures would protect them from ghosts?
6. What do black cats symbolize in Halloween folklore?
7. What is the significance of bonfires during Halloween celebrations?
8. How did Halloween customs change when it was brought to America by immigrants?
9. What is the meaning behind the term “All Hallows’ Eve”?
10. What do people traditionally bob for on Halloween?
11. Why do some people believe that Halloween is a time when the spirit world is closer to the living?
12. What was the original purpose of wearing masks on Halloween?
13. Why did people light candles in carved turnips before using pumpkins?
14. What role did harvest festivals play in the development of Halloween traditions?
15. What is the origin of the superstition about breaking mirrors on Halloween?
16. How did the concept of vampires become associated with Halloween?
17. What is the significance of the colors orange and black in Halloween decorations?
18. How did the tradition of telling ghost stories on Halloween start?
19. What are some ancient symbols associated with Halloween and their meanings?
20. Why did people in the past leave food out for wandering spirits on Halloween?
21. What are some traditional Halloween games and their origins?
22. How did the practice of going door-to-door asking for treats or money on Halloween evolve?
23. What is the connection between Halloween and the changing seasons?
24. Why do we often see images of witches flying on broomsticks during Halloween?
25. How did the concept of zombies become part of Halloween lore?
26. What were some early Halloween costumes made from before store-bought costumes were available?
27. How has Halloween evolved over time, and what are some modern additions to the holiday?
28. What is the significance of skulls and skeletons in Halloween decorations?
29. How has Halloween become a global holiday celebrated in different cultures?
30. What are some traditional foods and treats associated with Halloween, and why are they significant?
1. People carve pumpkins to make jack-o’-lanterns.
2. To disguise themselves and have fun.
3. To share treats and prevent tricks.
4. Samhain, a Celtic festival.
5. To scare away evil spirits.
6. Black cats were believed to bring good or bad luck.
7. Bonfires were lit to ward off evil spirits.
8. It blended with Native American and European traditions.
9. All Hallows’ Eve is the night before All Saints’ Day.
10. Apples in the game bobbing for apples.
11. It’s a time when the boundary between worlds is thin.
12. Masks were worn to blend in with spirits.
13. Pumpkins are native to America and easier to carve.
14. Harvest festivals marked the end of the growing season.
15. Breaking mirrors is linked to superstitions about souls.
16. Vampire legends come from various cultures.
17. Orange symbolizes autumn and black represents darkness.
18. Ghost stories create a spooky atmosphere.
19. Symbols like bats and owls have different meanings.
20. To appease and honor deceased loved ones.
21. Traditional games include bobbing for apples.
22. Trick-or-treating evolved from souling and guising.
23. Halloween marks the transition from fall to winter.
24. Witches on broomsticks are a common Halloween image.
25. Zombies became popular through movies and TV.
26. Early costumes were often homemade or simple.
27. Halloween now includes haunted houses and parades.
28. Skulls and skeletons represent death and the afterlife.
29. Halloween customs vary around the world.
30. Traditional foods include candy, caramel apples, and pumpkin pie.
Also read: 500 Halloween questions to ask for fun conversation – 2023 (Icebreakers, Quiz and Trivia)

Halloween trivia questions for kids
Here are some Halloween trivia questions and answers for kids:
1. Question: What is the term for the fear of Halloween?
Answer: Samhainophobia.
2. Question: In what month is Halloween celebrated?
Answer: October.
3. Question: Which vegetable is traditionally carved into Jack-o’-lanterns?
Answer: Pumpkins.
4. Question: What do you call a group of witches?
Answer: A coven.
5. Question: What do you say when you knock on someone’s door for trick-or-treating?
Answer: “Trick or treat!”
6. Question: Which famous candy company produces Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups?
Answer: Hershey’s.
7. Question: What nocturnal creature is often associated with Halloween?
Answer: Bats.
8. Question: In the song “Monster Mash,” what dance do the monsters do?
Answer: The Monster Mash.
9. Question: What is a mummy’s tomb called?
Answer: A sarcophagus.
10. Question: What is a werewolf’s weakness?
Answer: Silver.
11. Question: What is the name of the friendly ghost in Pac-Man?
Answer: Inky.
12. Question: What classic Halloween movie features a pumpkin king named Jack Skellington?
Answer: “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”
13. Question: What is the main ingredient in a witch’s cauldron?
Answer: Eye of newt.
14. Question: What do you call a person who studies and collects spiders?
Answer: An arachnologist.
15. Question: What type of monster turns to stone in the daylight?
Answer: Medusa.
16. Question: What Halloween-themed holiday is celebrated in Mexico and involves colorful skull decorations?
Answer: Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).
17. Question: Which famous scientist is often associated with the story of Frankenstein’s monster?
Answer: Dr. Victor Frankenstein.
18. Question: What is the traditional Halloween game where apples are placed in a tub of water, and participants try to grab them with their teeth?
Answer: Apple bobbing.
19. Question: What do you call a group of black cats?
Answer: A glaring or clowder.
20. Question: What is the name of the friendly ghost in the cartoon series “Casper the Friendly Ghost”?
Answer: Casper.
21. Question: What supernatural creature can transform into a bat?
Answer: Vampires.
22. Question: Which famous magician was known for escaping from locked chains and boxes?
Answer: Harry Houdini.
23. Question: In the legend of Sleepy Hollow, what is the name of the headless horseman?
Answer: The Headless Horseman is often referred to as “The Hessian” in the story.
24. Question: What is the name of the candy corn-loving character in “Toy Story”?
Answer: Woody.
25. Question: What is the traditional Halloween game where participants are blindfolded and try to pin a nose on a paper witch while being spun around?
Answer: Pin the Nose on the Witch.
26. Question: What is the term for a female vampire?
Answer: A vampiress.
27. Question: What is the name of the ghost in the “Pac-Man” game that chases Pac-Man?
Answer: Blinky.
28. Question: What is the main color associated with Halloween?
Answer: Orange.
29. Question: What do you call a small, carved pumpkin that is lit from the inside with a candle?
Answer: A Jack-o’-lantern.
30. Question: Which classic Halloween monster can transform into a wolf?
Answer: A werewolf.
Also read: 150 Ultimate Halloween trivia questions and answers (Game edition – 2022)

Would you rather halloween questions for kids
These are some Halloween would you rather questions for kids:
1. Would you rather have a pet ghost that tells spooky stories at night or a pet black cat that brings you good luck?
2. Would you rather go trick-or-treating dressed as a giant candy bar or a talking pumpkin?
3. Would you rather spend Halloween in a haunted house filled with friendly ghosts or a dark forest inhabited by talking spiders?
4. Would you rather have to eat a sandwich made entirely of candy corn or drink a smoothie made of mashed-up Halloween candy?
5. Would you rather have a broomstick that can fly or a cauldron that can grant you three Halloween wishes?
6. Would you rather be a zombie with perfect dance moves or a vampire with a fear of the dark?
7. Would you rather have to eat a handful of real worms or pretend to be a scarecrow all night in a spooky cornfield?
8. Would you rather have the ability to talk to bats or turn into a pumpkin at will?
9. Would you rather wear a costume that’s too big and keeps falling off or one that’s too tight and itchy?
10. Would you rather spend Halloween night in a creepy, abandoned carnival or a haunted, creaky old mansion?
11. Would you rather have a friendly ghost as your best friend or a talking skeleton as your sidekick?
12. Would you rather be a werewolf with a howling problem or a witch who keeps turning people into pumpkins by mistake?
13. Would you rather have a house that’s always decorated for Halloween or a closet that’s full of endless costumes?
14. Would you rather go on a treasure hunt for Halloween candy in a haunted graveyard or a spooky cave?
15. Would you rather have a pumpkin head that lights up when you’re excited or a bat wing for an arm?
16. Would you rather be a superhero who can only fight Halloween-themed villains or a supervillain who can only create Halloween-themed chaos?
17. Would you rather have a talking Halloween mask that gives you advice or a talking pumpkin that tells jokes?
18. Would you rather spend Halloween night in a town of friendly monsters or a city of mischievous goblins?
19. Would you rather have to eat a bowl of eyeball-shaped gummies or a plate of worm spaghetti?
20. Would you rather have a magic broom that can clean your room in seconds or a magic mirror that shows you the scariest thing you can imagine?
21. Would you rather be a pumpkin pie chef for a family of hungry scarecrows or a candy maker for a clan of mischievous ghosts?
22. Would you rather have a costume that changes into a different Halloween character every hour or a bag of candy that never runs out?
23. Would you rather have a magical cauldron that brews potions or a talking skull that tells riddles?
24. Would you rather be a ghost that can only communicate through spooky sound effects or a vampire with a fear of bats?
25. Would you rather have a Halloween party with a zombie DJ or a werewolf dance instructor?
26. Would you rather have to spend Halloween night in a pumpkin patch with a friendly scarecrow or a corn maze with a helpful witch?
27. Would you rather have a magical spellbook that can grant one Halloween wish per year or a time-traveling broomstick?
28. Would you rather have a pet owl that delivers spooky messages or a pet black cat that can predict the future?
29. Would you rather be a pumpkin coach driver for a group of fairy tale creatures or a haunted house tour guide for a bunch of curious ghosts?
30. Would you rather have to wear a costume made entirely of spider webs or a costume that glows in the dark and attracts ghostly attention?
Also read: 500+ Would you rather Halloween questions

This or that questions for kids halloween edition
Here are some of the this or that questions for kids halloween edition:
1. Ghost or Vampire?
2. Witch’s Cauldron or Mad Scientist’s Lab?
3. Pumpkin Pie or Candy Corn?
4. Werewolf or Mummy?
5. Black Cat or Bat?
6. Haunted House or Spooky Forest?
7. Trick-or-Treating or Costume Party?
8. Zombie or Skeleton?
9. Frankenstein’s Monster or Dracula?
10. Jack-o’-Lantern or Scarecrow?
11. Candy Apples or Caramel Popcorn?
12. Spider Webs or Bats in the Decorations?
13. Gummy Worms or Jelly Eyeballs?
14. Witches’ Brew or Vampire’s Blood Punch?
15. Costume Contest or Pumpkin Carving Contest?
16. Witches’ Hat or Wizard’s Hat?
17. Candy Bowl or Candy Bag?
18. Fog Machine or Strobe Lights?
19. Haunted Hayride or Corn Maze?
20. Creepy Crawlies or Haunting Howls?
21. Spooky Sounds or Eerie Silence?
22. Costume Makeup or Costume Masks?
23. Scary Storytelling or Pumpkin Decorating?
24. Moonlit Night or Starry Night?
25. Halloween Playlist or Halloween Movie Marathon?
26. Vampire Teeth or Werewolf Claws?
27. Trick-or-Treat Bucket or Trick-or-Treat Pillowcase?
28. Cursed Pirate or Friendly Pirate?
29. Witches’ Broomstick or Wizards’ Wand?
30. Ghouls or Goblins?
31. Day of the Dead or Halloween?
32. Potion Ingredients or Spell Books?
33. Chocolate or Sour Candy?
34. Monster Mash or Thriller Dance?
35. Superhero Costume or Classic Monster Costume?
36. Gory Makeup or Glittery Makeup?
37. Tombstone Decorations or Ghostly Sheets?
38. Halloween Parade or Haunted House Tour?
39. Costume DIY or Store-Bought Costume?
40. Trick-or-Treating in Your Neighborhood or a Different One?
41. Costume Inspired by a Movie Character or a Classic Monster?
42. Bobbing for Apples or Pin the Nose on the Pumpkin?
43. Halloween Arts and Crafts or Pumpkin Carving?
44. Trick-or-Treat Early or Stay Out Late?
45. Friendly Ghost or Mischievous Goblin?
46. Costume Inspired by a Scary Book or a Scary Movie?
47. Spooky Graveyard or Abandoned Asylum?
48. Monster Under the Bed or Monster in the Closet?
49. Zombie Apocalypse or Alien Invasion?
50. Halloween Pajamas or Halloween Onesie?
Also read: 650+ Halloween This or That Questions Game Edition – 2023
Halloween movie trivia questions and answers for kids
Some halloween movie trivia questions and answers for kids include:
1. Question: What is the name of the friendly ghost in the movie “Casper the Friendly Ghost”?
Answer: Casper.
2. Question: In the movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” what is the name of the pumpkin king who wants to take over Christmas?
Answer: Jack Skellington.
3. Question: Who stars as the young witch Marnie in the Disney Channel movie “Halloweentown”?
Answer: Kimberly J. Brown.
4. Question: What is the name of the hotel in the movie “Hotel Transylvania,” where monsters go to relax?
Answer: Hotel Transylvania.
5. Question: In the film “Monster House,” what is the house’s owner, Nebbercracker, revealed to be?
Answer: Nebbercracker is revealed to be the house itself, possessed by a spirit.
6. Question: What Pixar film features a young boy named Miguel who visits the Land of the Dead during Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)?
Answer: “Coco.”
7. Question: What is the name of the adorable dog in “Frankenweenie” who is brought back to life by his owner?
Answer: Sparky.
8. Question: In “Hocus Pocus,” what is the name of the Sanderson sisters’ book of spells?
Answer: The Spellbook (or “The Sanderson Sisters’ Spellbook”).
9. Question: Who plays the titular character in “Beetlejuice”?
Answer: Michael Keaton.
10. Question: What is the name of the cat that is transformed into a human in “Hocus Pocus”?
Answer: Thackery Binx.
11. Question: Which Halloween movie features a group of friends who must save their town from monsters who come to life from a book?
Answer: “Goosebumps.”
12. Question: In “Monsters, Inc.,” what do the monsters use to power their city?
Answer: Screams of human children.
13. Question: Who is the famous comedian known for his role as Dracula in the “Hotel Transylvania” series?
Answer: Adam Sandler.
14. Question: What is the name of the friendly vampire in “Hotel Transylvania”?
Answer: Count Dracula, also known as Drac.
15. Question: Which Halloween-themed movie features a magical cat named Thackery Binx and three witch sisters?
Answer: “Hocus Pocus.”
16. Question: In “The Addams Family,” what is the name of the hand that serves as the family’s butler?
Answer: Thing.
17. Question: What is the name of the young boy who befriends a friendly ghost in the movie “ParaNorman”?
Answer: Norman Babcock.
18. Question: In “Corpse Bride,” what is the name of the living groom who accidentally proposes to the deceased bride?
Answer: Victor Van Dort.
19. Question: What is the name of the town where most of the action takes place in “The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
Answer: Halloween Town.
20. Question: Which Halloween movie features a young girl named Coraline who discovers a parallel world through a hidden door?
Answer: “Coraline.”
21. Question: What is the name of the friendly vampire family in the movie “Hotel Transylvania”?
Answer: The Drac Pack.
22. Question: In “Monster House,” what is the name of the neighborhood bully who also becomes a target of the haunted house?
Answer: Chowder.
23. Question: Who provides the voice for Jack Skellington in “The Nightmare Before Christmas”?
Answer: Chris Sarandon (speaking voice) and Danny Elfman (singing voice).
24. Question: What is the name of the boy who accidentally unleashes an army of small monsters in “Gremlins”?
Answer: Billy Peltzer.
25. Question: In “ParaNorman,” what supernatural ability does Norman possess?
Answer: He can see and speak to ghosts.
26. Question: What is the name of the friendly ghost dog in “Casper”?
Answer: The ghost dog is named “Kibosh.”
27. Question: In the movie “The Witches,” what is the main character turned into by the witches?
Answer: A mouse.
28. Question: What is the name of the vampire who moves into the neighborhood in “Hotel Transylvania 2”?
Answer: Vlad.
29. Question: Which Halloween movie features a group of kids who discover that their neighbor is a retired monster hunter?
Answer: “The Monster Squad.”
30. Question: What is the name of the animated movie about a young boy who goes on an adventure with a group of monsters to save his town’s Halloween traditions?
Answer: “Monster Family” (also known as “Happy Family” in some regions).
Also read: 600+ Halloween topics to talk about and ideas for your holiday inspiration
Never Have I Ever Halloween Questions For Kids
List of Never have I ever halloween questions for kids include:
1. Never have I ever eaten an entire bag of Halloween candy in one night.
2. Never have I ever worn a costume that was so scary, it made someone cry.
3. Never have I ever carved a pumpkin and accidentally cut myself.
4. Never have I ever gone trick-or-treating and forgotten to say “thank you.”
5. Never have I ever bobbed for apples and accidentally bitten someone else’s hand.
6. Never have I ever worn a costume that was so itchy, I couldn’t wait to take it off.
7. Never have I ever told a ghost story that scared my friends so much they couldn’t sleep.
8. Never have I ever tried a spooky Halloween-themed food that looked gross but tasted delicious.
9. Never have I ever been too scared to go inside a haunted house attraction.
10. Never have I ever lost my way in a corn maze and had to be rescued.
11. Never have I ever dressed up as a monster and scared my own reflection in the mirror.
12. Never have I ever been so excited on Halloween that I couldn’t fall asleep the night before.
13. Never have I ever accidentally stepped on a slimy, squishy pumpkin guts while carving a pumpkin.
14. Never have I ever had a costume malfunction in the middle of trick-or-treating.
15. Never have I ever tried a Halloween candy that I thought was going to be gross but ended up liking it.
16. Never have I ever been so frightened by a Halloween decoration that I screamed.
17. Never have I ever pretended to be a spooky ghost to play a trick on someone.
18. Never have I ever made a jack-o’-lantern with a silly face instead of a scary one.
19. Never have I ever dressed up as a famous Halloween monster like Dracula or Frankenstein.
20. Never have I ever had a costume that was so big I couldn’t fit through doorways.
21. Never have I ever accidentally knocked over someone’s Halloween decorations.
22. Never have I ever gone on a Halloween hayride and screamed my lungs out.
23. Never have I ever collected so much candy that it filled up an entire pillowcase.
24. Never have I ever worn a costume that made it impossible to sit down.
25. Never have I ever tried to scare someone with a fake spider and ended up scaring myself.
26. Never have I ever made a Halloween craft that turned out to be a spooky mess.
27. Never have I ever eaten so much Halloween candy that I felt sick.
28. Never have I ever gone trick-or-treating in the rain and had my costume get soaked.
29. Never have I ever been too scared to enter a dark room on Halloween night.
30. Never have I ever had a Halloween costume that made me feel like a real superhero.
31. Never have I ever accidentally knocked over someone else’s jack-o’-lantern.
32. Never have I ever been chased by someone in a scary costume while trick-or-treating.
33. Never have I ever made a DIY Halloween decoration that turned out way creepier than I intended.
34. Never have I ever been to a Halloween party where the food looked too spooky to eat.
35. Never have I ever dressed up as a famous Halloween villain like the Wicked Witch of the West.
36. Never have I ever gone to a haunted house and chickened out before entering.
37. Never have I ever had to trick-or-treat with a flashlight because it was so dark.
38. Never have I ever worn a costume that was so big I kept bumping into things.
39. Never have I ever accidentally scared a younger trick-or-treater while wearing my costume.
40. Never have I ever tried a Halloween-themed dessert that tasted really creepy but turned out delicious.
41. Never have I ever seen a Halloween movie that was so scary I had nightmares.
42. Never have I ever been spooked by a Halloween decoration that moved unexpectedly.
43. Never have I ever been dared to touch something slimy and gross at a haunted house.
44. Never have I ever tried to stay up all night to see if Halloween monsters were real.
45. Never have I ever had a costume that made it impossible to use the bathroom.
46. Never have I ever accidentally dropped my trick-or-treat candy on the ground.
47. Never have I ever been to a Halloween-themed amusement park ride that made me scream.
48. Never have I ever tried to make a potion with creepy ingredients like eyeballs and spiders.
49. Never have I ever had a Halloween costume that was so funny it made everyone laugh.
50. Never have I ever hidden behind a door to jump out and surprise someone with a spooky “Boo!”
Also read: 250+ Halloween Never Have I Ever Questions (Game Edition – 2023)

Fun Halloween questions for kids
List of some Funny halloween questions for kids include:
1. Why do mummies have trouble making friends? Because they’re too wrapped up in themselves!
2. What did the skeleton say to the vampire? “You suck!”
3. Why was the ghost always invited to Halloween parties? Because he brought the “booze”!
4. What do you call a group of witches that live together? A “broom”-mate!
5. Why did the zombie go to school? To improve his “dead”-ucation!
6. What did the pumpkin say to the pumpkin carver? “Cut it out!”
7. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!
8. How do you mend a broken jack-o’-lantern? With a pumpkin patch!
9. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
10. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit? A blood orange, of course!
11. Why did the mummy become a math teacher? Because it’s good at “wrapping” up problems!
12. Why did the ghost go to the party? To have a “boo”-last!
13. Why don’t witches ride their brooms when they’re angry? They’re afraid of flying off the handle!
14. Why don’t mummies take vacations? They’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!
15. What do you call a monster made of spaghetti? The “pasta”-bility monster!
16. Why did the werewolf stay home on Halloween night? Because he didn’t want to have a bad “hair” day!
17. How do you make a witch itch? Take away the “w”!
18. Why do vampires use mouthwash? Because they have bat breath!
19. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash!
20. Why did the ghost become a stand-up comedian? Because it had a captive audience!
21. How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little “boo”-gie in it!
22. What did one toilet say to the other toilet on Halloween? “You look a bit flushed!”
23. Why was the math book sad on Halloween? Because it had too many problems!
24. What do you call a monster with a glass eye? A “gleye”-mon!
25. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn on Halloween? “Where’s pop-corn?”
26. Why don’t mummies take vacations in the summer? Because they’re afraid to relax and “un-ravel”!
27. What kind of candy do you find at a construction site? “Candy” bricks!
28. Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue? To get another rib!
29. What did the zombie eat after he had his teeth cleaned? The dentist!
30. Why did the vampire get a job at the blood bank? Because it needed to make a “withdrawal”!
Also read: 200+ Halloween Truth Or Dare questions (Game Edition – 2023)
Good Halloween questions to ask kids, students, preschoolers
Here is a list of good halloween questions to ask kids, students, preschoolers:
1. What is the origin of the name “Halloween”?
2. Why do we carve pumpkins on Halloween, and what is the name for a carved pumpkin with a candle inside?
3. Can you name three other names for Halloween in different cultures around the world?
4. What is the significance of the black cat in Halloween folklore?
5. Why do people dress up in costumes on Halloween?
6. What ancient festival is Halloween believed to have evolved from?
7. What is the purpose of bobbing for apples at Halloween parties?
8. Why do we say “trick-or-treat” when we go door-to-door on Halloween?
9. What is the history of the tradition of wearing masks on Halloween?
10. What is the origin of the superstition about black cats?
11. What do people traditionally believe about the boundary between the living and the dead on Halloween night?
12. What are some common symbols associated with Halloween, and what do they represent?
13. How did the tradition of telling ghost stories on Halloween originate?
14. Why are spiders and spider webs often used as decorations on Halloween?
15. What is the connection between Halloween and the autumn harvest?
16. What is the history behind the concept of vampires being associated with Halloween?
17. Can you name a famous vampire character from literature or movies?
18. What is Dia de los Muertos, and how is it related to Halloween?
19. Why are jack-o’-lanterns carved from pumpkins today, and what were they originally carved from?
20. What is the significance of bonfires in Halloween celebrations?
21. How has Halloween evolved over time, and what are some modern customs associated with it?
22. What is the story behind the legend of the Headless Horseman?
23. How did the idea of zombies become part of Halloween lore?
24. What are some popular Halloween games and activities?
25. Can you name a famous ghost or ghost story from Halloween?
26. What is the purpose of haunted houses during the Halloween season?
27. What are some traditional Halloween foods and treats, and why are they significant?
28. What are some safety tips for trick-or-treating on Halloween night?
29. How do different cultures around the world celebrate Halloween or similar holidays?
30. What are some creative and fun ways to make homemade Halloween decorations and costumes?
Also read: 125 True or false halloween questions (2023 Edition)

With these Halloween questions for kids in tow, your little ones will embark on a spooktacular journey of laughter and creativity.
Whether they’re unraveling mysteries or sharing their most ghostly secrets, may this Halloween be a night of unforgettable family fun!