20 Very subtle signs your friends with benefits is falling for you

By: Naveen B

Friends with benefits relationships can be complicated, with both parties involved often looking for different things.

While some people are content with keeping things casual, others may develop deeper feelings for their partner over time.

It can be difficult to tell if your friends with benefits is falling for you, or if they’re just enjoying the physical aspect of the relationship.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 20 signs your friends with benefits is falling for you and developing deeper feelings for you. We’ll provide examples for each sign, as well as offer advice on how to handle the situation if you’re not interested in pursuing a deeper relationship.

If you’re currently in a friends with benefits relationship, understanding these signs can help you navigate the complex emotions and expectations that can arise. 


20 Signs your friends with benefits is falling for you

The following are some of the subtle signs your friends with benefits is falling for you:

1. They prioritize your time together.

If your friends with benefits is falling for you, they will prioritize your time together over other commitments.

They will make an effort to see you, even if it means rearranging their schedule. They will also be more willing to accommodate your schedule and make time for you.


  • They cancel plans with other people to see you.
  • They rearrange their work schedule to make sure they can spend time with you.
  • They are consistently available when you want to spend time together.

2. They communicate frequently and consistently.

Communication is key in any relationship, even a friends with benefits one.

If your partner is falling for you, they will make an effort to communicate with you frequently and consistently.

They will check in with you throughout the day and keep you updated on what’s going on in their life.

They will also be more open and honest with you about their thoughts and feelings.


  • They send you good morning and goodnight texts.
  • They update you on their day and ask about yours.
  • They are responsive and engaged in conversation.

Also read: Why does my fwb text me everyday? (Your guide to texing fwb everyday)

3. They share personal details and stories with you.

When someone is falling for you, they will feel more comfortable opening up and sharing personal details and stories.

They will want to connect with you on a deeper level and build a stronger emotional bond.

They will also be more interested in hearing about your life and experiences.


  • They share childhood memories and family stories with you.
  • They tell you about their hopes and dreams for the future.
  • They confide in you about their fears and insecurities.

4. They introduce you to their friends and family.

If your friends with benefits is falling for you, they will want to introduce you to the important people in their life.

They will want you to meet their friends and family and be a part of their social circle.

They will also be more interested in meeting the important people in your life.


  • They invite you to hang out with their friends.
  • They introduce you to their parents and siblings.
  • They make an effort to get to know your friends and family.

5. They make plans for the future with you.

When someone is falling for you, they will start to make plans for the future that involve you.

They will talk about things they want to do together and places they want to go.

They will also be more interested in making long-term plans with you.


  • They suggest taking a trip together.
  • They talk about future events they want to attend with you.
  • They make plans for holidays and special occasions.

Also read: 25 Hidden signs your fwb is catching feelings for you

6. They show physical affection outside of the bedroom.

One of the interesting signs your friends with benefits is falling for you is that they will show physical affection outside of the bedroom.

They will want to touch you, hold your hand, and cuddle with you.

They will also be more interested in non-sexual physical intimacy.


  • They hug and kiss you in public.
  • They hold your hand while walking.
  • They cuddle with you while watching a movie.

7. They express their appreciation and admiration for you.

When someone is falling for you, they will express their appreciation and admiration for you. 

They will let you know how much they value you and how much you mean to them.

They will also be more vocal about the things they like and admire about you.


  • They thank you for being there for them.
  • They compliment your personality and appearance.
  • They express gratitude for the things you do for them.

8. They are willing to compromise and make sacrifices for you.

If your friends with benefits is falling for you, they will be more willing to compromise and make sacrifices for you.

They will prioritize your needs and wants over their own and be willing to make adjustments to their life to accommodate you.


  • They change their plans to be with you.
  • They make an effort to do things you enjoy.
  • They adjust their schedule to spend time with you.
  • They make compromises in their own life to be with you.
  • They are more flexible and accommodating to your needs.

Also read: How long can a friends with benefits relationship last?

9. They show concern and support for your well-being.

When someone is falling for you, they will show genuine concern for your well-being.

They will check in on you when you’re sick, offer support during tough times, and be there for you when you need them.


  • They bring you soup when you’re sick.
  • They offer to help you with a project or task.
  • They check in on you when you’re feeling down.

10. They express jealousy or possessiveness towards you.

If your friends with benefits is falling for you, they may express jealousy or possessiveness towards you.

They may get upset if they see you with someone else or if you’re not giving them enough attention.

While this behavior can be unhealthy, it can also be a sign that they have strong feelings for you.


  • They get upset if you talk to other people at a party.
  • They ask about your other romantic interests.
  • They show a strong emotional reaction when they feel threatened.

11. They initiate non-sexual activities or outings with you.

When someone is falling for you, they will want to spend time with you doing non-sexual activities.

They will suggest going to the movies, trying a new restaurant, or going for a hike together.

They will also be more interested in spending time with you outside of the bedroom.


  • They suggest going to a concert or festival together.
  • They ask you to join them for a workout or yoga class.
  • They plan a day trip or weekend getaway.

12. They make an effort to understand your interests and hobbies.

One of the revealing signs your friends with benefits is falling for you is that they will take an interest in your interests and hobbies.

They will ask questions about your passions and try to understand what makes you happy. They will also be more willing to try new things with you.


  • They ask you to explain your favorite hobby.
  • They suggest trying a new activity or hobby together.
  • They take an interest in your favorite books, movies, or TV shows.

13. They listen actively and offer emotional support when needed.

When your fwb partner is falling for you, they will listen actively and offer emotional support when you need it.

They will be a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board for your ideas, and a cheerleader for your successes.


  • They listen attentively when you’re venting about a problem.
  • They offer words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
  • They celebrate your successes and accomplishments.

14. They respect your boundaries and preferences.

When your friends with benefits is falling for you, they will respect your boundaries and preferences.

They will ask for your consent before doing anything physical, and they will be attentive to your needs and desires.


  • They ask before initiating physical contact.
  • They respect your decision to take things slow.
  • They are mindful of your preferences and boundaries.

15. They go out of their way to make you happy.

When your fwb is falling for you, they will want to make you happy.

They will do small things to show you that they care, like bringing you your favorite snack or leaving you a sweet note.


  • They surprise you with your favorite food or drink.
  • They leave you a thoughtful note or gift.
  • They do something special to make your day.

16. They show signs of nervousness or anxiety around you.

If your friends with benefits is falling for you, they may show signs of nervousness or anxiety around you.

They may be more fidgety, have trouble making eye contact, or stumble over their words.


  • They blush or get flustered around you.
  • They fidget or play with their hands.
  • They have trouble maintaining eye contact.

17. They exhibit behavior that is inconsistent with a casual relationship.

One of the hidden signs your friends with benefits is falling for you is that they may exhibit behavior that is inconsistent with a casual relationship.

They may act in ways that suggest they want more from you than just sex.

They may express their feelings for you or talk about a future together.


  • They say “I love you” or use other romantic language.
  • They bring up the possibility of a future together.
  • They act in ways that suggest they want a deeper connection.

18. They express their desire for exclusivity or commitment.

When friends with benefits partner is falling for you, they will want exclusivity and commitment. 

They will express their desire for a deeper, more committed relationship with you.


  • They ask to be exclusive.
  • They talk about their desire for a monogamous relationship.
  • They express their willingness to commit to you.

19. They discuss important life decisions with you.

If your friends with benefits is falling for you, they will want to involve you in important life decisions. They will seek your input and value your opinion.


  • They ask for your advice on a major decision.
  • They discuss their career goals with you.
  • They involve you in their future plans.

20. They show vulnerability and trust in you.

When fwb is falling for you, they will show vulnerability and trust in you.

They will open up to you about their fears and insecurities and trust you to keep their secrets.


  • They share personal stories or experiences with you.
  • They confide in you about their fears or worries.
  • They trust you with their deepest secrets.

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, these signs suggest that your friend with benefits is developing deeper feelings for you.

It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with them about your own feelings and expectations.

If you’re on the same page, a friends with benefits relationship can evolve into a more committed and fulfilling partnership.

However, if you’re not interested in pursuing a deeper relationship, it’s important to be clear and honest about your intentions to avoid hurting them in the long run.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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