250+ Conversation starters for Tinder (With best topics, openers, questions and tips)

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By: Naveen B

Not everyone on Tinder is just looking for a one-night stand or for friends with benefits, as there are some who are seeking serious relationships on the service.

With that being said, for those of you who want to know what to say on Tinder or initiate some good tinder conversation starters, this complete guide can help you.

It can be tricky to create conversations on Tinder that lead somewhere and result in a date.

Some people find it easier to talk through text messages than face-to-face; but others take more time to get comfortable with someone before they open up.

Here I will provide tips and topics for starting engaging conversations when online dating and best conversation starters for tinder. Take notes!

Table Of Contents
  1. How to start a conversation on tinder?
  2. Tips to start a conversation on tinder
  3. Tinder conversation starters
  4. Tinder openers
  5. Tinder Convo Starters
  6. Good conversation starters for tinder
  7. Tinder conversation topics
  8. Best tinder conversation starters
  9. Funny tinder conversation starters
  10. Fun tinder conversation starters
  11. Smooth, clever, witty and Cool Conversation starters on tinder
  12. Best smooth and flirty conversation starters for tinder
  13. Tinder conversation starters for guys
  14. Tinder conversation starters for hookups
  15. Great conversation starters on tinder
  16. Conversation starters for tinder matches
  17. Flirty conversation starters for tinder
  18. Best lines to start a conversation on tinder
  19. Phrases to start a conversation on tinder
  20. Tinder sentence starters
  21. Successful tinder starters
  22. Lines to start a conversation on tinder
  23. Easy conversation starters for tinder
  24. Conversation starters on tinder with a girl
  25. Interesting conversation starters on tinder
  26. Good first conversation starters on tinder
  27. Top conversation starters on tinder
  28. Tinder conversation starters to use on guys or girlfriends
  29. Tinder conversation starters no bio
  30. Dirty tinder conversation starters
  31. Conversation starters for tinder matches
  32. Tinder bio conversation starters
  33. Simple tinder conversation starters
  34. Tinder conversation openers
  35. Good tinder message starters
  36. Conversation openers for tinder
  37. Random tinder conversation starters
  38. Cute tinder conversation starters
  39. Best tinder starters
  40. Good ways to start a conversation on tinder
  41. Funny ways to start a tinder conversation
  42. Tinder questions to keep the conversation going

How to start a conversation on tinder?


When it comes to starting a conversation on Tinder, you need to understand that you’re talking to someone with a limited attention span.

Sure, they might be scrolling through their matches as they brush their teeth or wait in line at the grocery store.

But chances are they’ll only spend a few seconds reading your message before deciding whether to respond or move on.

When it comes to starting a conversation, most of us are our own worst enemies. We think too much and take ourselves far too seriously.

We’re afraid of saying the wrong thing and coming off as weird or rude. We’re afraid of being rejected. We’re afraid of coming off as creepy or needy.

But here’s the thing: we’re all just people, trying to connect with other people.

That’s why it’s important to get right to the point — ask a question that naturally leads into a longer discussion.

Also read: 750+ Conversation starters on topics for any situation (Your ultimate questions list)

Here is the best way to start a conversation on tinder:

  • First message: Grab her attention, make her smile, and start an interesting conversation with a GIF/photo/video.

Start off your Tinder conversations by asking about something from her bio. It’s an easy way to get the ball rolling and shows that you’re interested in learning more about her.

For example, if she mentions that she’s an avid traveler, ask her where she goes on vacation or where she traveled last. She’ll be excited to share all of the details with you!

  • Second message: Ask more questions and tell more stories, but keep it light-hearted.

This is where things get interesting. Start off by talking about small things that are happening in your life to build rapport.

This will get her talking about herself and give you some insight into what she’s interested in doing next time you meet up. Keep it light-hearted and positive; no one wants to talk about their breakup

  • Third message: Shift your focus completely on that person and speak less about you.

Everyone knows how much people like to talk about themselves, and it’s a little-known fact that people like to do this, even more, when they’re on Tinder.

So when you find yourself talking to someone who hasn’t filled out their bio, use the opportunity to ask them questions about themselves.

Try asking them what they’re looking for on the app, or why they chose to sign up in the first place.

This is arguably one of the most important Tinder conversation starters because it sets the tone for the rest of your conversations.

Most importantly, it will help you determine if this person is worth pursuing and spending your time on

If you’ve got a match with someone who doesn’t have any photos of themselves whatsoever, then don’t panic. It could be that they’re using an older version of Tinder where photos weren’t required.

Alternatively, they could just be shy and prefer to chat away before revealing their identity. In any case, it’s worth getting to know them a little better before making any snap judgments

But here’s a quick tip: if there aren’t any pics, but there is a bio, read the bio carefully before sending a message. Some people will leave clues that can make all the difference in how your conversation goes. If you still want to reach.

Tinder conversation starters examples:

“Hi mate, what do you think of [insert news story here]?”

“Hey, how’s it going? New to the app, but I’d love to chat and get to know you better.”

“How was your weekend?”

Tips to start a conversation on tinder

The most successful conversations on Tinder are when both people are contributing. If you’re doing all the work, your match is probably not going to respond — and that’s not because the person is being rude, it’s just that they have no reason to.

Here are some best tips for starting a conversation with a match on tinder:

  • Use their name. It might sound cheesy, but it works.
  • Say something specific about their profile.
  • Ask a question. Questions are usually easier to respond to than statements. “Hi” is fine, but “What did you do this weekend?” is better.
  • Be polite and use proper grammar/spelling.

Tinder conversation starters


Here is a list of Conversation starters for tinder:

1. Just use their name 

This works great. For eg: (Alexxxxxxxx, or Saraaaaaaaaaah) then wait for their reply. You will be surprised how fast they will respond to you.

Because when you just text their name by repeating their last letter and nothing else, they will feel it cute/ romantic or something exciting, and most importantly it gives a hint to them that you are really interested in them.

That’s why a positive response from them is for sure.

2. Good morning, stranger.

Without any doubt, this is one of the best conversation starters for tinder because you can send this message whenever you want.

The beauty of this text is that it shows your interest in that person by calling him/ her ‘stranger’. But again don’t overuse it because they may think that you are stalking them.

 3. Hey! I was doing some research today and guess what I found out?

This trick works well because when you say ‘guess what’ they will definitely try to guess what it is.

And you will get an instant reply asking you “what?” Try to add something unique after that and see how they respond to you.. You can say anything like ‘I found out we have a lot in common’, or ‘

4. I was checking some profile photos on tinder today, and then i saw yours, it was interesting and i thought it would be a shame not to talk to you.

Most people love it when others compliment them. But this one is a little different than your typical ‘you look beautiful’ or ‘you’re so cute’. It’s unique, fun, and guaranteed to get them interested in talking with you.

-Don’t say that you liked her photo and you like her smile or her eyes, she doesn’t care about that, she’s already pretty and knows that.

-Say something original, be creative, say what made you want to start a conversation with her.

5. Hi there, beautiful human!

 This works great, because it’s straightforward and friendly while still being flirty and fun. It’s also not too forward or presumptuous — after all, he/she may not actually be beautiful (though I’m sure she is).

If he/she likes your opening line (and chances are good that he/she will), they’ll probably ask something like “How do you know?” or “What makes me a beautiful human?”

6. I hope this doesn’t come off as creepy… but…

This is a clever approach because it’s not a direct pickup line. You’re actually trying to get her to continue the conversation, by knocking out the “creepy” part of the way you’re introducing yourself. 

It also sets the stage that you’re not just a random stranger who wants to talk to her. You’re actually trying to have some sort of mutual interaction.

7. I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend…

This is another one of those lines that don’t introduce yourself in a traditional fashion, which makes it easy for her to say yes to continuing the conversation with you.

Plus, it also provides you with an easy transition into asking her on a date (or getting her number).

8. I know this is really random, but I had to tell someone and you seem like someone who would appreciate it.

This one works best if you’ve already been chatting with them for a bit – maybe even seen each other in person a few times before sending them this message! If this person likes animals too then chances are

9. Your profile says that you’re into [common interest]. I’m more into [uncommon interest]. Have you ever tried it?

You can use your common interests as a foundation for your conversation and then build on them by connecting them with your uncommon interests and experiences. 

For example, if she says she likes Mexican food in her profile, you can say something like, “I love Mexican food too! And margaritas.

Do you have a favorite place? I just discovered this amazing hole-in-the-wall where they make authentic street tacos that are out of this world!”

10. Your bio/interests say that you like (insert hobby/interest here). What about that appeals to you?

If someone has listed a hobby in their profile, then it’s an opportunity for you to do some research and personalize the conversation. 

Start by looking at the person’s profile and doing a quick Google search, so you can ask them something about the hobby that maybe only people who are into it would know about. 

It shows you’ve put some time into learning more about them before messaging, which will certainly be appreciated?

People Also Read: 75+ Cute conversation starters with topics for your boyfriend or girlfriend

Tinder openers

Here are some tips for best tinder openers:

  • Ask about their day
  • Share something you found online
  • Talk about something new in your life
  • Ask about their family and friends
  • Give them a compliment
  • Talk about something funny you saw recently
  • Talk about your childhood
  • Take a guess at what they’re doing next weekend
  • Ask a follow-up question or two!
  • You can build a better relationship by asking good questions

Tinder Convo Starters

These are some phrases and sentences that works great for Good tinder convo starters:

1. “I’m curious about…”

A conversation is like a chess game. There are openings and there are middles, but there is only one end.

So if you want to create a conversation that actually leads somewhere, you need to think about what that end will be.

2. “I have a confession…”

For many people, the most important part of being with someone is feeling accepted for who they are. So if you can make your match feel comfortable sharing the deepest parts of their soul with you right off the bat, you’re in for a much smoother ride.

3. “You know what I love?…”

The key here is to make sure that what you love is something that your match might also enjoy.

By using an opening word like “you” instead of “I,” you can make it much more likely that they will respond by talking about themselves and not just leave it at a one-sided compliment.

4. “This might sound crazy…”

It doesn’t matter how good your profile looks – if someone reads something in your messages that makes them uncomfortable, they won’t respond to them

This is a great way to start a conversation because it’s inquisitive. It shows that you’re interested in her and not just looking for a hookup. It’s also a safe conversation starter because it isn’t too serious or aggressive.

5. “Have you ever…”

This is another great conversation starter because it’s open-ended and inquisitive, but it’s also open-ended enough that she’ll have an interesting answer prepared (if she wants to answer).

Usually, when someone asks me this question, I have a great story prepared.

6. “What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year?”

If you’re going for an artsier girl, ask about her favorite movies or TV shows instead of the best movie she saw this year.

If she prefers Netflix over Hulu, ask what she’s watching now or what she thinks makes a good show.

 It doesn’t really matter what you ask as long as you’re showing that you’re interested in her taste in media. When she replies, tell her why you like that movie or show too.

Good conversation starters for tinder


Here is a list of good tinder conversation starters:

1. What’s up, (nick name/pet name)?

2. Hello, anybody there? How’s it going? (Over text)

3. Hiiii, Comrade, where have you been?

4. How are you doing today, gentle soul?

5. What’s the deal with [insert random topic here]?

6. What’s new, my favorite person?

7. I’m thinking about [insert random topic here], what do you think about that?

8. Do you want to know a secret?

9. What do you think about [insert random topic here]?

10. “Bar” or “club”?

11. Did I just see you at (insert location here)?

Also read: 200 Good conversation starters to talk to anyone in any situation

Tinder conversation topics


Here is the list of 40 Topics for conversation starters on tinder:

1. Friends with benefits 

2. Long distance relationship 

3. Social media 

4. Dating apps 

5. Love at first sight 

6. Wedding anniversary 

7. Breakup 

8. Ghosting 

9. Being single 

10. Polyamory 

11. Monogamy 

12. Online dating 

13. First date 

14. Engagement proposal 

15. Love triangle 

16. Soulmate 

17. Dating anniversaries 

18. Love and war 

19. Rebound relationship 

20. Crushes 

21. Marriage 

22. Proposal 

23. Valentine s day 

24. Cheating on someone 

25. Romance 

26. Hookup 

27. Tinder 

28. Matrimony 

29. Living together 

30. Soul mate 

31. One sided love 

32. Commitment phobia 

33. Divorce 

34. Spouse 

35. Emotions 

36. Heartbreak 

37. Sexting

38. Texting Crush 

39. Flirting

40. Long term relationship

Also read: 200+ Deep Conversation Starters (On deep topics to break the ice)

Best tinder conversation starters

The following are some of the best conversation starters on tinder:

You can use these best conversation starters for tinder if you want a quick response from them.

1. Nice [insert item in common], i don’t often see that on tinder but you made it look good!

2. Hey comrade, glad I found you.

3. I like your style, do you have any recommendations of good places to shop at (or some good brands)?

4. Is there any chance that you can help me with something? I am trying to decide what tattoo should i get next (send 2 or 3 possible tattoos) and i need someone’s opinion!

5. You seem like an awesome person! I would love to know more about you.

6. How did you come up with your username? It’s really cool.

7. It seems like I know you for so long! Do you think we both met each other before?

Pro Tip: When you’re dating online, most interactions begin in the same way: a message. It’s hard enough to get someone to open your message, let alone respond. 

Especially if you’re someone who tends to get stressed by a plethora of options – or you don’t want to waste a precious question trying to figure out if someone is going to be a good match – this might be the best option for your lifestyle. 

It will definitely encourage a natural conversation, and you can see how they treat people around them, which is always important!

Before you start stressing out about how you’re going to answer what feels like an interview questions, remember that it’s meant to be fun! You’re looking for someone who excites and intrigues you – not just someone who likes the same TV shows as you do

Funny tinder conversation starters

Here is a list of funny conversation starters for tinder

1. If I had to describe myself in 3 words, I’d say “boring”, “lazy” and “cheap”. But enough about me, what are you doing later?

It’s a bit funny but also perfect for starting your tinder conversation. It will make both of you laugh and then give them an opportunity to reply. This is one of the best ways to start your tinder convo because it’s really funny.

2. Are you one of those people who just lives off of memes?

Memes are a very popular thing on the internet nowadays, so it’s no surprise that they make great conversation starters tool.

This is one of the best ways to start a tinder conversation if you’re looking for something funny and easy-going: just ask her if she likes memes! If she says yes then you’ve got yourself an instant connection!

3. How do you do that thing where your ear and your shoulder touch your head?

4. Do you live in a cornfield because I’m stalking you?

5. Sorry, but it looks like we have a faulty connection… because I can’t stop thinking about you!

6.  “I would totally get lost in your eyes… but I wouldn’t mind.”

Fun tinder conversation starters

Here is a list of tinder conversations for fun

 1. Yoo, do you know about the new Club that opened up downtown? It’s supposed to be really great, but I haven’t been there yet. Here’s my number, let me know if it’s good!

This one is more of a call-to-action type message where you are offering them your number as a way of inviting them on a date. 

The catch here is that they should not be able to tell if you are actually giving them your number or trying to find out if they are interested in going on a date with you. So, make sure you present it as something casual and fun that is not serious at all. 

2. What do you think of that new show on Netflix? I can’t stop binge-watching it!

This is another great way to start your Tinder convo because it’s fun and easy going. It’s also a perfect way to get her talking about herself without seeming like she has something to hide – which is always good when trying to impress someone

Related Article: 100 Easy conversation starters that actually work in any situation

Smooth, clever, witty and Cool Conversation starters on tinder

Here is a list of Unique and engaging conversation starters on tinder:

1. “Do you have any nicknames?”

If everyone calls them “Bob” but their name is actually “Robert,” it may take some getting used to for you to call them by the right name when you start dating exclusively. 

It’s better to know now if that nickname is something that bothers them or not so that down the road, if things get serious, it doesn’t become an issue.

2. “What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?”

This question will show you how adventurous they are. If they have an adventurous spirit, they’ll probably be open to new experiences and new places – including traveling to see you in a long distance relationship, if that’s what’s in the cards.

3. “What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?”

Concerts can bring people together like nothing else — which is why they make such good date ideas — so this question is bound to give you some great answers that are perfect for follow-up questions.

4. “What’s your favorite holiday tradition?”

This question is especially good at Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas, but can work any time of year when people are likely thinking about holidays and traditions. 

It’s also a good icebreaker because it reveals something unique about each person while also allowing others to share something similar that relates them to each other.

5. “Do you have any pets?”

This is a great conversation starter because it’s personal but not too personal. Most people love their pets (or love talking about their pets).

So it allows someone to talk about a subject they are passionate about and knowledgeable about. It also gives them an opportunity to show off photos of their cute cats and dogs!

6. “What’s your favorite thing about [insert name of city]?”

This is a simple question that can lead to some very interesting conversations.

There are so many different things that you can ask about and talk about once you ask this question and hopefully, it will lead to a great conversation.

7. “What has been your best vacation or holiday ever?”

I think this is an excellent question because people don’t often get asked about their favorite holidays and it gives them the chance to reminisce about good times, which is something everyone loves doing.

Related Article: 100+ Romantic conversation starters for all stages of couples who are in a relationship

Best smooth and flirty conversation starters for tinder

1. I have no bio in my profile. Is it okay if I ask you to fill that gap?

2. I think I’m falling for you, but how can I be sure if it’s not even midnight yet?

3. Are you tired of being alone? Then join me! Let’s make a romantic duet!

4. My parents keep telling me how much money they spent on my education. And now all I want is to meet a girl like you and forget about it.

5. Do your legs hurt from running through my dreams every night?

6. Do you have a map? Cause honey, I just keep gettin’ lost in your eyes!

7. You look like my first wife/husband… Though I never married!

Tinder conversation starters for guys

Here are some best Conversation starters on tinder for guys:

1. Do you believe in love at first swipe or should I unmatch and rematch you again?

3. Would you rather have a bird as a pet or a horse? (I’ll assume both of them are free to keep)

4. I’d like to get to know you better but I’m afraid I might jinx it.

5. You may not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away. (Please stand up and turn on the light for me)

6. What do you think about me? (I’ll tell you what I think about you)

7. What’s your Instagram username? (Mine is @overqualified_l*ser)

8. If we were at a bar and I told you that my dog can talk would you believe me? (He can’t talk but he does walk on his hind legs sometimes)

Tinder conversation starters for hookups

The following are some good and interesting conversation starters on tinder for hookups:

1. You seem interesting, and I think we have a lot in common. Would you like to chat?

2. Hi! What are your plans this weekend? Are you available for a date night?

3. Your bio seems interesting, If it’s okay with you, I would like to hang out with you.

4. I really like your profile picture. I think we look like a perfect couple.

5. Howdy! You seem like a pretty cool person. Let’s get to know each other.

6. Hi! How was your week? May I join you to have some fun?

7. Hello there. I’d love to talk to you, if you’re up for it.

8. Wassup? How’s your day been so far?

9. Hello! How are you doing today?

10. I’m not sure what to say here, but I’ll give it a shot anyway. You seem nice, so let’s talk.

11. Hola! What are you doing right now? Wanna chat?

12. Hey! You seem like an interesting person. Want to talk sometime?

13. Hello gentle soul?! Do you wanna chat sometime soon?

Great conversation starters on tinder

Here is a list of great conversation starters for tinder

1. “What was the best thing that happened to you this week?”

This question encourages positivity and gratitude, which is always a good combo for an interesting chat. It might also give your date an idea of how well things are going between you both.

2. “What is your favorite place you have traveled to?”

The best part of this question is that it allows you to choose whatever makes for a good story for you. Traveling creates so many wonderful memories, and asking this lets you learn what your date values most in life.

3. “What was the best birthday party you have ever had?”

This is another question that gives your date the freedom to share whatever they want, but also gives you clues into how they think about past events and the people in their lives.

4. “What did you want to be when you were 12?”

This question can be thought-provoking and funny at the same time! Everyone had ambitions when they were younger, so don’t be afraid that this will be a dull or awkward question — it’s sure to create some laughs and smiles!

5. “What’s your favorite thing to spend money on?”

People love talking about themselves and their passions, so this is a great way to get a conversation started. If they say they’re not into spending money, ask why and what else they like to spend time doing.

6. “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?”

This question prompts people to daydream together, which is a fun way to bond and get closer. Share your own answer after hearing theirs; chances are good that you’ll discover shared interests and commonalities between you two.

Also read: 350+ Conversation starters for couples (teen, married and old couples with deep topics)

Conversation starters for tinder matches

Here are some best ways to start a conversation on tinder with a potential online dating match:

The best way to start a conversation on Tinder is with the right icebreaker.

Break the ice with a question.

Use one of these Best conversation starters to get his/her attention.

  • Get his/her attention with a compliment.
  • Ask about a common interest.
  • Talk about your job/career.
  • Ask about school/college.
  • Discuss an interesting news story you read recently.
  • Get personal with a joke or fun fact about yourself.
  • Show off your creative side with something funny or interesting you made, drew, etc.

Flirty conversation starters for tinder

These are some best flirty tinder conversation starters:

1. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?

This is a great flirty conversation starter for tinder. It’s the best way to start a conversation with someone because a cheesy pickup line like this one always works because no one can resist a good compliment.

When someone asks you to do something, it’s hard to refuse right! So if you tell them that you would like to see them again, they will certainly comply with your request.

2. You are the most beautiful/good looking girl/guy I saw on tinder, Where are you from?

Telling someone how pretty/handsome they are is the best way to get their attention. But it should be done in a subtle manner, otherwise, it would sound too cheap. So this one works very well. They will definitely reply if you text them this.

3. I’m sorry, but I was completely distracted by your smile.

This pickup line works because it’s unique, not something she’s going to hear from every guy she talks to today.

This works especially well if you’ve been talking for a while and you want to make your move with a compliment that will definitely work.

4. I’m in a good mood right now.

This works great, because it is an open-ended question that can be answered with anything from a picture to a story, showing off her beautiful smile, or her awesome personality.

Here are some amazing pick up lines flirty conversation starters for tinder:

1. “I was thinking about getting a puppy but then thought it would be better to find someone to take care of.”

2. “I just saw the best upsexy in the world. I need someone to share it with immediately!”

3. “‘m going to a dodgeball tournament with my friends on Monday night. You in?”

4. “For some reason, I’ve been feeling extra hungry lately. Wanna join me?”

5. “What’s your go-to pick-up line?”

6. “If you were a fruit, you’d be a fineapple.”

7. “You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.”

8. “Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.”

9. “You must be a magician, because every time I look at you, everyone else disappears.”

10. “Is your name Google? Because you have everything I’ve been searching for.”

Related Article: 75 Weird Conversation Starters (Weirdest topics, questions and openers)

Best lines to start a conversation on tinder

1. Be honest, are you..

2. Either a weekend in a chalet in the mountains or a weekend with a good

book on the beach.

3. Either a free subscription to a healthy lifestyle magazine or a free

subscription to an alternative lifestyle magazine.

4. Either an hour with a current political leader of your choice or an hour

with an historical figure of your choice.

5. Either a free membership for the gym or a free course of dance lessons.

6. Either a night out at the opera or a night out at the filming of your

favorite TV program.

Phrases to start a conversation on tinder

Here are some Phrases to start a conversation on tinder

1. I hope this doesn’t come off as creepy… but

2. I laughed so much when someone told me . . .

3. Be honest, are you..

4. Please don’t kill me if you’re already in a relationship…

5. If we were at a bar and bumped into each other . . .

6. I bet you’re not going to message me back because…

7. I wish I could make friends as easily as I can swipe through your profile pics..

8. Imagine if we met in person and you realized my best quality is…

9. It’s so rare to find someone who’s … just like me! Are we soul mates? 😉

10. Who’s your best friend? Do you guys ever hang? (I’m actually looking for a new friend too).. 

11. If I were ruler of the country for a week I would . . .

12. I laughed so much when someone told me . . .

13. On a scale of zero to ten, what score would you give yourself for being

a risk taker?

14. I love the words of . . .

Tinder sentence starters

Here are some best tinder conversation starters

1. I see you like [insert common interest]. Do you have any other weird interests?

2. How does a person get as beautiful/handsome as you?

3. If we went on a date, where would we go, and why didn’t you just let me pay for it?

4. The barman says “sorry, we don’t serve time travellers” You reply: “But I haven’t even had my dinner yet!”

5. What’s your favourite wine/beer/drink?

6. If I was to ask your friends about you what would they say?

7. What’s the best present you ever received and who was it from?

8. Would you rather have unlimited love or unlimited money? Why?

9. If I could arrange for us to be stranded alone together on a tropical island, with no hope of rescue, would you take me up on that offer? And then what would we do all day?

People Also Read: 100+ Conversation starters for groups (Group chats, topics and questions for any situation)

Successful tinder starters

Here are some successful tinder starters

1. I hope this doesn’t come off as creepy… but

2. I laughed so much when someone told me . . .

3. Be honest, are you..

4. I’m just here for the pizza.

5. You should be someone’s wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/fiancé(e)/spouse…

6. What’s your favorite place to get a drink?

Lines to start a conversation on tinder

Here are some Best lines to start a conversation on tinder

1. If my heart doesn’t deceive me, I really felt some deep vibes after seeing your tinder profile.

2. I laughed so much when someone told me . . .

3. Be honest, are you..

4. Just saw your profile.

5. You seem cool.

6. Is it me or is this app just a hook-up thing?

7. What do you want to do with your life?

8. This one time at band camp…

9. How many times have you been arrested? Kidding! (Or not.)

10. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

11. If you had to be stuck in an elevator with someone, who would it be? Kidding! (Or not.)

Easy conversation starters for tinder

Here are some simple and casual ways to start a conversation on tinder:

1. What is your favorite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?

If you ask this question, there is a high chance that they will respond to it, because everyone loves to talk about their hobbies and favorite things.

If they don’t answer your question, then just tell them about yours! This way, the conversation will still continue.

2. Hi, how’s your weekend going?

This one is a bit cheesy but if you use this on the right person it might work wonders for you.

If you are not sure whether they are free or not, ask them something like ‘Do you have any plans for this weekend?’ If they say yes, then don’t spoil their plans or tell them to cancel it. Instead, maybe suggest meeting some other time.

3. Do you love the outdoors?

This is another great question for starting a conversation with someone on Tinder. You can ask them about their hobbies and interests as well – like what do they like to.

4. What do you like about your job?

This question lets the man know that he needs to impress the woman before he asks for anything else from her.

It also shows that he has some interest in her career, which shows that he respects her and has some respect for himself too.

Conversation starters on tinder with a girl

1. “What three words would you use to describe yourself?”

This question may sound similar to the question above, but it actually elicits different information from people because it requires them to think about

2. “What’s the biggest challenge you’re facing right now?”

This is a great way to get people talking about themselves but be prepared for them to really open up and share their feelings with you.

This is also one of those questions that will reveal a lot about someone’s personality and values, so try it out in your next conversation!

3. “What was your dream job when you were little?”

Remember how we used to dream big as kids? Well, this question will take you back in time and remind us how innocent we all were before we got caught up in the hustle of adulthood.

Bonus points if they still remember their answer from when they were younger!

4. “What do you like most about your job?”

Everyone has at least one passion – and this question will help your date remember theirs.

Their answer will tell you what makes them light up and will help you determine whether their passions align with yours.

5. “If you won $10 million in the lottery today, what would you do with the money?”

This question is guaranteed to get a great response from your tinder date. Not only does it open up a fun dialogue about your date’s fantasy life (something everyone has), but it also gives you some insight into how they view their finances.

6. “What’s your favorite joke?”

This is another fun question that can easily go down the rabbit hole if you aren’t careful.

It’s always nice to start a conversation in a light-hearted way and this is an awesome way to start things off on the right foot.

7. “What was your favorite TV show when you were growing up?”

Talking about childhood memories often reveals the type of person someone is deep down inside, so this question can be revealing in more ways than one.

8. “What is the most bizarre thing that has ever happened to you at work?”

Everyone has a story about something weird that happened to them while they were on the job, so this one will have your date laughing before they know it — and probably sharing some

Suggested Reading: 350+ Interesting Conversation Starters (Questions and Topics)

Interesting conversation starters on tinder

Here are some Interesting conversation starters on tinder.

1. It’s a beautiful day. Aren’t you glad to be out enjoying it?

2. What would you do if you won the lottery?

3. Do you like traveling?

4. Do you have a favorite place that you like to visit?

5. How did you get into doing what you’re doing now?

6. What are your plans for the future?

7. If I were to give you a free plane ticket anywhere, where would you go?

8. What’s your favorite type of exercise?

9. Who is your favorite band or musician?

10. What was the last movie that made you cry?

11. What was the last movie that made you happy?

12. Tell me about something that has made you proud this year so far!

13. If I had to eat one meal every day for the rest of my life, what meal would I choose?

This can lead to lots of funny (and funny-sounding) answers and a lot of laughs! You might even find out that they’re secretly a wizard in the kitchen (or not so secretly).

Also read: 350+ Interesting Conversation Starters (Questions and Topics)

Good first conversation starters on tinder

Because you only have a few seconds to make a good impression, it’s important that your first message stands out. Here are tips on how to use Tinder like a pro:

  1. Be honest, but not too forthcoming.
  1. Be creative.
  1. Make it short and sweet.
  1. Send the message at the right time.
  1. Be active and take an interest in other people’s profiles.

Here are some Good conversation starters on tinder for the first time chatting:

1. You seem interesting! I wanna know you more…

This works great because everyone wants to feel like they are interesting, so if you tell them that they are interesting then they will most likely text back asking to find out more about them! 

This also shows that you aren’t just looking for someone who fits into your cookie-cutter image of how they should look or act – which is a good sign. 

2. I was wondering if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but then I realized that this is tinder and everyone here is single or at least they should be. 

3. You look like a sporty person, which sport do you prefer?

4. I hope this message does not bother you, but your photo is really interesting and i just had to send you a message to know more about you.

5. You have a nice profile photo and your bio sounds very nice too! I just had to say hi before we forget each other in the crowd of tinder users.

6. You have an amazing smile! How are you doing?

7. You look very funny on your photo, what’s the story behind that?

Top conversation starters on tinder

1. I like [their interest] too

This is a great way to get them talking about their passions and what they do for fun. Asking what they do for fun can be a little bit boring, so if you have something in common, this is your chance to engage them on it and hopefully get some more details out of them while they talk about it.

2. What are you doing right now?

You can add anything else to this question that makes it personal and unique to the specific person you’re asking, but again, this is a great way to start a conversation that lets you know 

What they’re up to right now and whether or not they might want to go out on a date with you at some point in the near future. If not now, then maybe later. (We were thinking something along the lines of “Do you want to go out with me tonight?”)

3. What’s one skill you wish you could be better at?”

Not only will this question tell you what they’re passionate about; it will also let you know what areas of life they wish they had more time for.”5. What’s one thing about yourself you’re really proud of?”

4. “What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

This question is guaranteed to get you some interesting answers. It’s also perfect for a casual conversation.

5. “If you could bring one fictional character to life, who would it be?”

This isn’t only a fun question; it also gives insight into what that person values in other people. Is it someone who’s kind and gentle? Someone who’s smart and witty? Or someone who’s fearless and brave? Whatever their answer, this will help you learn more about them than any other questions could.

Tinder conversation starters to use on guys or girlfriends

Here are some tinder conversation starters to use on boyfriends or girls to make the connection deeper:

1. How long have you been on Tinder/Bumble/Hinge/etc.? 

2. What’s your favorite restaurant in this town?

3. What are your favorite TV shows?

4. Which celebrity would you like to meet and why?

5. What was the last movie that you saw and what did you think of it?

6. What do you do for fun / What are your hobbies?

7. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

8. If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you bring with you?

9. Are you a morning or night person?

10. Who is your role model and why?

11. Where did you grow up, and what was your childhood like? (Growing up where/how I did shapes me into who I am)

12. What kinds of things really make you laugh?

13. What is something that most people don’t know about you? (What makes me unique?)

14. What is your favorite holiday tradition? (What do I value?)

Tinder conversation starters no bio

It’s nearly impossible to know what you’re getting when you swipe right on someone that doesn’t have a bio. With no mutual friends, you have to go into the conversation blind. You can’t even do anything with their pictures because they didn’t add them. What are you supposed to do?

  • Add Some Humor
  • “Didn’t think I’d find anyone with no information,” or “I’m so glad I was wrong.”
  • Show An Interest In Them
  • “What exactly are you looking for?” or “What made you decide to use Tinder?”
  • Be Honest
  • “Why did you decide not to write anything in your bio? It’s probably for the best since I’m terrible at writing about myself.”

Dirty tinder conversation starters

Here are some Best dirty tinder conversation starters

1. Hello, weirdo! I instantly connected to your bio,

2. If you’re looking for a sugar daddy, keep swiping.

3. I’m a sucker for love, coffee and long conversations with strangers.

4. They say that I’m a walking contradiction…but that’s just my personality coming out.

5. You’ve probably never had a stranger message you so many emojis in one message…until now.

6. Why did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool.

7. Can’t swipe right on everyone…

Conversation starters for tinder matches

Here is a great tinder starters or conversation openers for your potential online date:

1. “Do you know…?”

2. “I love…”

3. “Do you think…”

4. “I don’t know if I can handle a girl/guy who…”

5. “How would you describe yourself in 3 emojis?”

6. “On a scale of 1 to America, how free are you tonight?”

7.”What are your thoughts on losing weight within a week?”

8.”It seems that this is not the best place for me to meet someone, but I thought I would give it a try! Tell me something about you!”

9. “Tell me something about you that is guaranteed to make me laugh.”

10. “If there was a fire in your house and all your family members were safe, what would be the one thing that you would save?”

11. “If we went on a date and it was amazing, where would we go next?”

12. “What do you like most about yourself? What do you like least?”

13. “What is your biggest goal in life right now? What are you doing

Tinder bio conversation starters

Here are some Tinder bio conversation starters that I’ve been using to get more women’s numbers.

1. Hello, weirdo! I instantly connected to your bio, because I’m also a weirdo.

2. You didn’t mention your favorite color in your bio. Is it red? If it isn’t, can we pretend it was?

3. The first thing you do when you wake up?

4. Great joke on your bio! Is there anything else you’re a pro at?

5. Your bio is intriguing but I’d love to know more about you…

6. You sound like a girl who’s not afraid to take risks, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?

7. How do you spend your weekends?

8. What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

9. Whoa, I think we’re going to have an instant connection if we both love __________ as much as I do!

10. What are three things you value most in life?

11. What is one thing that is a deal-breaker for you when dating someone new?

12. What are three things you love most about yourself? (Great question because she’ll have to turn

Simple tinder conversation starters

Here is a list of casual and basic tinder conversation starters for a quick connection:

1. If I gave you $10,000 with no strings attached, how would you spend it?

2. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you choose?

3. What’s your idea of the perfect date?

4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

5. What was your favorite subject in school? Least favorite?

6. Do you have any pet peeves?

7. What’s something you’re grateful for today?

8. How do you like to spend your weekends?

9. What’s the best thing that happened to you this week? The worst thing?

Tinder conversation openers

Here is a list of best Tinder chat starters

1. What a interesting bio you have!

2. I like your confidence, but it’s a little too much.

3. I’d swipe right just to see how you look when you aren’t yelling at cats.

4. If I were a cat I’d spend all 9 of my lives with you.

5. What’s the difference between a diamond and your eyes? Nothing! They’re both really expensive!

6. You are so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine.

7. Can I tie your shoes? I don’t want you falling for anyone else.

8. Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I scraped my knee falling for you.

9. How do you feel about a date? (What’s wrong with this question?)

10. Wanna come over to Netflix and chill? (What’s wrong with this question?)

11. You’re so hot, your zipper is falling for me!

12. Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?

13. Hi, how was heaven when you left it?

14. Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful . . 

Good tinder message starters

Here are some good tinder message starters for an instant reply:

1. If you could go anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

2. You: Hey! I just met you, and this is crazy, but I was wondering if you’d like to meet me maybe? Person: ____

2. If we were stranded on an island what is one thing you would bring?

3. What do you like to do in your spare time?

4. Favorite movie/show/book?

5. Who’s your celebrity twin? (mine is Jennifer Love Hewitt)

6. I’m a little drunk right now, but i’m pretty sure i just saw you dancing with the guy from Maroon 5… wait.. did that really happen??

7. What’s the weirdest pickup line someone has used on you?

8. My friends tell me I have an unhealthy obsession with _____, what are some of your obsessions?

9. So what kind of [adjective] person are you looking for anyways?

Conversation openers for tinder

Here are some great conversation openers for tinder:

1. Would it be weird if I said that I love the smell of your hair in the morning?

2. What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

3. Tell me, if you had only 24hrs to live, what would you do?

4. What’s the most spontaneous thing that you’ve ever done?

5. What was your favourite toy when you were a kid?

6. If your life was a movie, what actress would play you and who would play your love interest?

7. What have you got going on this weekend?

8. So… how did you end up here on Tinder?

9. Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets?

10. If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?

11. If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first one year anniversary?

12. If I could only eat three foods for the rest of my life, what would they be?

13. Who is the coolest person in your family and why is it me (or not me)?

Random tinder conversation starters

The following are a few of the very random tinder conversation starters:

1. It’s a beautiful day. Aren’t you glad to be out enjoying it?

2. Are you as crazy about your dog as I am about mine?

3. Tell me the most random fact you know.

4. What was the best vacation you ever went on and why?

5. Let’s talk about our favorite books, movies, or TV shows.

6. Do you prefer to cook or eat out? What are some of your favorite restaurants?

7. If you were in a room full of people and had to teach them one new thing, what would it be?

8. Do you like working out? I’ve been trying out this new yoga class…

9. What is the next place on your travel bucket list?

10. Do you have any cool plans for this weekend? I’m going to check out that new ice cream place…

Cute tinder conversation starters

Here is a list of cute conversation starters for tinder:

1. What’s the worst date story that has ever happened to you?

2. I hope you don’t mind me saying so but you’re pretty cute.

3. Your smile brightens my day, any chance I could be yours?

4. I noticed you had a dog in your profile picture, how about we go for a walk together sometime?

5. I’m sure you get this all the time but you’re gorgeous!

6. How would you like to join me for a drink?

7. What do you think of the latest Game of Thrones episode? Do you want Jon Snow to come back from the dead or are you over him now that he and Daenerys Targaryen have hooked up?

8. Are you also addicted to Netflix or is it just me?

9. You look like an adventurous person, how about we start off with going on an adventure together!

10. Do those things really work or is there something else in your bio that made me swipe right?

11. Are there any interesting places in your neighbourhood that I should check out?

12. Where did you get those amazing pictures taken? They look awesome!

Best tinder starters

Here are some good tinder starters

1. Do you have any siblings / pets / children / exes / tattoos (or anything else)?

2. If money didn’t matter and we could travel anywhere around the world, where would you take me?

3. What’s the best/worst thing about your job?

4. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be the first thing you do?

5. Who’s your favourite movie character of all time?

6. What’s your favourite way to spend a Sunday afternoon?

7. What’s one thing people would say you’re really good at? And one thing they could improve on? 

8. Would you rather follow your heart or your brain? And why? 

9. What is the dumbest thing you’ve done because somebody dared you to do it? 

10. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but haven’t got around to yet? 

11. Do you have any crazy internet dating stories? 

Good ways to start a conversation on tinder

Here is a list of lovable and romantic Ways to start a conversation on tinder

1. What is going on lately in your life?

2. Not even sure what to say here. Just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are.

3. I’m terrible at this. You must be one of those evil geniuses that’s too smart for me to figure out.

4. I’m new in town and I don’t know anyone, so can you show me around?

5. How do you feel about going on a date with someone who is totally obsessed with you?

6. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you look like an angel to me.

7. Do you believe in love at first swipe? Because I think we’re a match made in Tinder heaven!

8. Hey, Santa told me he needs my wishlist by tonight, what should I tell him?

9. If I had to describe the color you represent, then I’d have to go with rainbows because you are beautiful!

10. Excuse me, can I borrow your phone? My mom told me to call her when I met the man of my dreams!

11. Are your parents bakers? Because they sure made them a cutie pie!

12. Can you tell me which way the nearest escape route is? Because I want to get away from

Funny ways to start a tinder conversation

Here are some funny questions that are good to start a conversation on tinder:

1. You look really cute in your picture, I just had to say hi!

2. What were you doing in this picture of you? (Comment on a picture she posted)

3. What movie would you like to see this weekend? (Bonus points for opening the door for a date)

4. I think we should skip the week of chatting and go straight to drinks this weekend! 

5. If we went on a date, where would we go, and why didn’t you just let me pay for your meal? 

Tinder questions to keep the conversation going

These are some killer tinder questions to keep the conversation going:

1. What’s the longest time you’ve spent in an airport?

2. How old is your best friend? What’s their name?

3. Where is the next place you would travel to and why?

4. Where was the last place you went for a vacation?

5. What is one thing you love about yourself?

6. What’s something people don’t know about you?

7. What are some of your favorite things to do in your free time?

8. Who do you look up to most and why?

9. What is your favorite TV show and why?

10. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

11. Do you have any pets or animals at home that are special to you? Tell me about them!

12. If you were to make a movie about your life, who would play you and why?

13. Is there any place in particular that you want to visit before you die? Why do you want to go there so badly?

14. It seems like we disagree on this one thing, but maybe we can still be friends.

This is the best way to keep someone from feeling judged or threatened.

15. I really appreciate your point of view. Could you explain it more?

This is a great way to get someone to open up about why they feel the way they do, and it will give you more ammunition for your argument at the same time.

16. What if [x thing] happened instead? Would that change how you feel?

Asking hypotheticals is a great way to get people thinking about different angles of an issue or event, which can help see things from your perspective.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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