Does my fwb have feelings for me? (Quiz and 15 signs)

By: Naveen B

Friends with benefits relationships can be a fun and exciting way to explore sexual intimacy without the pressure of a committed relationship.

However, as time goes on, you may start to wonder does my fwb have feelings for me beyond just physical attraction. While some people may be able to maintain a purely physical relationship, others may find themselves wanting something more.

If you’re questioning whether your FWB has feelings for you, you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll explore 15 signs that may indicate your FWB has developed deeper feelings for you.  These signs can give you insight into your FWB’s true feelings.

But before we dive into the signs, it’s important to note that not everyone will experience the same signs or to the same degree.

Everyone expresses their feelings differently, and some people may be better at hiding their emotions than others.

Additionally, just because your FWB exhibits some of these signs does not necessarily mean that they want a committed relationship with you. It’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your FWB about your feelings and what you both want from the relationship.

To help you determine if your FWB may have developed feelings for you, we’ve also included a quiz at the end of this post. This quiz will ask you a series of questions related to the signs we’ll be discussing, and will provide insight into your FWB’s possible feelings for you.

So, if you’re curious about whether your FWB has feelings for you or if you’re just looking for more insight into these types of relationships, read on for 15 signs your friends with benefits have feelings for you, and take the quiz to see what your results reveal.

Does my fwb have feelings for me?

It can be difficult to determine if your FWB (friends with benefits) has deeper feelings for you beyond just a physical connection.

However, by analyzing their behavior and actions, you may be able to gain some insight.

If your FWB initiates contact with you frequently, shows affection towards you outside of just sexual encounters, and expresses interest in your personal life and future plans, there’s a possibility they may have deeper feelings for you.

Additionally, if they introduce you to their friends or integrate you into their social life, remember details about your life or conversations you’ve had, and make an effort to make you happy or support you emotionally, it could be a sign that they have deeper feelings for you.

However, the only way to know for sure is to have an open and honest conversation with your FWB about their intentions and feelings.

Also read: I miss my fwb, why? what to do? (20 reasons and tips to handle the situation)

Here are some signs that your friend with benefits (FWB) may have developed feelings for you:

1. They initiate more frequent and intimate conversations outside of sexual encounters.

2. They make an effort to spend more time with you outside of the bedroom.

3. They express concern for your well-being and happiness.

4. They show signs of jealousy or possessiveness when you mention other romantic interests.

5. They share personal details about their life and past experiences.

6. They introduce you to their friends or family.

7. They display physical affection outside of sexual encounters, such as holding hands or cuddling.

8. They express romantic gestures or feelings towards you.

9. They prioritize your needs and desires during sexual encounters.

10. They show interest in your hobbies, passions, and goals.

11. They make an effort to remember important details about your life.

12. They become emotionally vulnerable with you.

13. They give you thoughtful gifts or surprises.

14. They make future plans with you that extend beyond sexual encounters.

15. They use language that suggests a deeper emotional connection, such as “I care about you,” or “I enjoy spending time with you.”

Also read: Can friends with benefits fall in love? Research says “Yes.”


Let’s explore each sign in much more detail way:

15 Signs your fwb has feelings for you

The following is a list of signs your fwb have feelings for you:

1. Initiating more frequent and intimate conversations outside of sexual encounters:

If your FWB is interested in more than just sex, they may initiate conversations that are more personal or intimate in nature.

For example, they may ask you about your hopes and dreams, your family or friends, or your past experiences.

They may also share more about themselves and their life. This shows that they are interested in getting to know you on a deeper level and forming a connection beyond just physical intimacy.

Example: Your FWB sends you a text message asking how your day was and engages in a conversation about your job or school, instead of just asking when they can see you next.

2. Making an effort to spend more time with you outside of the bedroom:

If your FWB wants to spend more time with you outside of sexual encounters, it could be a sign that they have feelings for you.

For example, they may invite you to hang out during the day or suggest going out to dinner or a movie.

They may also want to engage in activities that don’t involve sex, such as going for a walk or hiking.

This shows that they enjoy spending time with you and want to build a relationship that extends beyond just sex.

Example: Your FWB invites you to go to a concert or a sports game together and buys tickets for the two of you to attend.

Also read: Statistics of friends with benefits turning into a relationship (As per research, survey, study)

3. Expressing concern for your well-being and happiness:

If your FWB is invested in your happiness and well-being, it could be a sign that they care for you on a deeper level.

For example, they may ask how you are feeling if you are sick or stressed, or offer to help you with something if you are struggling. 

They may also offer words of encouragement or support when you are going through a difficult time.

This shows that they want to be there for you, even when sex is not involved.

Example: Your FWB calls you or sends a message to check in on you after you have had a rough day at work or school.

4. Showing signs of jealousy or possessiveness when you mention other romantic interests:

If your FWB shows jealousy or possessiveness when you mention other romantic interests, it could be a sign that they have developed feelings for you.

For example, they may ask questions about your other relationships, or express disapproval or discomfort when you mention someone else you are interested in.

This shows that they may be feeling threatened by the idea of you being with someone else.

Example: Your FWB gets upset or distant when you mention that you went on a date with someone else.

Also read: How to keep your fwb interested? (10 Steps and tips to follow)

5. Sharing personal details about their life and past experiences:

If your FWB is opening up and sharing personal details about their life and past experiences, it could be a sign that they trust you and want to build a deeper connection.

For example, they may tell you about their family or childhood, or share their hopes and fears for the future. This shows that they are willing to be vulnerable with you and value your opinion.

Example: Your FWB shares with you a personal story about a difficult time they went through in their life, and how it has shaped who they are today.

6. Introducing you to their friends or family:

If your FWB is introducing you to their friends or family, it could be a sign that they are interested in more than just sex.

For example, they may want you to meet their best friend or bring you to a family gathering. This shows that they are willing to integrate you into their personal life and want you to meet the people who are important to them.

Example: Your FWB invites you to a dinner party with their friends or brings you to a family barbecue.

7. Displaying physical affection outside of sexual encounters:

If your FWB is showing physical affection outside of sexual encounters, it could be a sign that they have developed feelings for you. For example, they may hold your hand, hug you, or cuddle with you.

This shows that they are interested in physical intimacy that is not solely based on sex and that they enjoy being close to you.

Example: Your FWB hugs you tightly when they see you or holds your hand while walking together.

Also read: 50 Signs your fwb is jealous

8. Going out of their way to do things for you:

If your FWB is going out of their way to do things for you, it could be a sign that they care for you on a deeper level.

For example, they may offer to pick you up from the airport or help you move into a new apartment.

They may also surprise you with small gifts or gestures to show that they are thinking of you. 

This shows that they are willing to invest time and effort into the relationship.

Example: Your FWB surprises you with your favorite coffee or pastry on their way to see you, or offers to help you with a project that you have been working on.

9. They prioritize your needs and desires during sexual encounters:

If your FWB is prioritizing your needs and desires during sexual encounters, it could be a sign that they care for you on a deeper level.

For example, they may take the time to ask what you like or what feels good, and make sure that you are comfortable and satisfied.

This shows that they are not just interested in their own pleasure, but are also concerned about yours.

Example: Your FWB asks you what your favorite position is or what you would like to try, and makes sure to incorporate your preferences into your sexual encounters.

10. They show interest in your hobbies, passions, and goals:

If your FWB is showing interest in your hobbies, passions, and goals, it could be a sign that they care for you and want to get to know you better.

For example, they may ask about a project you are working on or offer to help you with something that you are passionate about. They may also encourage you to pursue your goals and offer words of support and encouragement.

Example: Your FWB asks about your photography hobby and offers to model for you or help you with a project.

Also read: Why my fwb is confusing me? (20+ reasons, signs, tips to handle the situation)

11. They make an effort to remember important details about your life:

If your FWB is making an effort to remember important details about your life, it could be a sign that they are interested in you on a deeper level.

For example, they may remember your favorite color, your birthday, or an important event in your life. This shows that they are paying attention to you and value your relationship.

Example: Your FWB remembers your birthday and surprises you with a small gift or card.

12. They become emotionally vulnerable with you:

If your FWB is becoming emotionally vulnerable with you, it could be a sign that they trust you and want to build a deeper connection.

For example, they may share their fears or insecurities with you, or express their feelings of sadness or happiness. This shows that they feel comfortable opening up to you and value your emotional support.

Example: Your FWB shares with you their fears or anxieties about an upcoming event or situation, and asks for your support or advice.

Also read: 20 Signs he only wants to be friends with benefits

13. They give you thoughtful gifts or surprises:

If your FWB is giving you thoughtful gifts or surprises, it could be a sign that they care for you on a deeper level.

For example, they may surprise you with your favorite food or drink, or buy you a gift that they know you will love. This shows that they are paying attention to your likes and dislikes and want to make you happy.

Example: Your FWB surprises you with a book that they know you’ve been wanting to read or takes you to see a movie that they remember you mentioning wanting to see.

14. They express jealousy or concern when you talk about other romantic interests:

If your FWB expresses jealousy or concern when you talk about other romantic interests, it could be a sign that they have developed feelings for you.

For example, they may ask questions about the person you are seeing or express their disapproval. 

Example: Your FWB seems upset or bothered when you mention going on a date with someone else or talks about someone else they know you are interested in.

15. They want to spend time with you outside of sexual encounters:

If your FWB wants to spend time with you outside of sexual encounters, it could be a sign that they have developed feelings for you. For example, they may suggest going to see a movie or grabbing dinner together.

This shows that they enjoy spending time with you in a non-sexual context and may be interested in getting to know you on a deeper level.

Example: Your FWB invites you to hang out and watch a movie or go for a hike together, without the expectation of a sexual encounter.

Also read: 20 Very subtle signs your friends with benefits is falling for you


Does my fwb have feelings for me Quiz

The following are some quiz questions to confirm yourself if your fwb have feelings for you:

1. Does your FWB initiate contact with you outside of just making plans to hook up?

a) Never

b) Sometimes

c) Frequently

2. Does your FWB prioritize spending time with you over other people or activities?

a) No, they usually make plans with me last minute

b) Sometimes, but it depends on their schedule

c) Yes, they often make plans in advance and cancel other plans to spend time with me

3. Does your FWB show affection towards you outside of just sexual encounters?

a) No, we only touch when we’re hooking up

b) Sometimes, they might hold my hand or give me a hug

c) Yes, they frequently show physical affection towards me

4. Does your FWB ask you personal questions and show interest in your life outside of the bedroom?

a) No, they never ask about my personal life

b) Sometimes, they might ask a question or two

c) Yes, they seem genuinely interested in my life

Also read: 50 Subtle signs your fwb likes you deeply

5. How does your FWB react when you bring up the possibility of a relationship?

a) They avoid the topic and change the subject

b) They say they’re not interested in a relationship but continue to see me

c) They express interest in exploring a romantic relationship with me

6. Does your FWB make an effort to get to know your friends or introduce you to their own friends?

a) No, we keep our social circles separate

b) Sometimes, but it’s rare

c) Yes, they make an effort to integrate me into their social life

7. How does your FWB react when they see you talking or flirting with someone else?

a) They don’t seem to care

b) They might get slightly jealous, but don’t say anything

c) They get noticeably upset or jealous

8. How does your FWB act towards you after hooking up?

a) They usually leave right away or don’t stay for long

b) They might stay and cuddle for a little bit

c) They stay and talk or spend time with you after hooking up

9. Does your FWB remember details about your life or conversations you’ve had in the past?

a) No, they don’t seem to remember much about me

b) They might remember a few details or things we’ve talked about

c) Yes, they remember significant details and seem to pay attention when we talk

10. Does your FWB initiate physical touch or affection outside of just hooking up?

a) No, they only touch me during sexual encounters

b) Sometimes, but it’s rare

c) Yes, they frequently initiate physical touch or affection

Also read: 50 Signs your fwb doesn’t like you

11. Does your FWB talk about the future with you, such as making plans for future hangouts or events?

a) No, they don’t mention anything about the future

b) Sometimes, but it’s usually just in the moment

c) Yes, they talk about making plans in the future and seem excited about it

12. How does your FWB introduce you to others?

a) They don’t introduce you as anything in particular

b) They introduce you as a friend

c) They introduce you as their “friend” or “someone they’re seeing”

13. Does your FWB make an effort to do things for you or make you happy outside of just hooking up?

a) No, they don’t do anything for me outside of our sexual relationship

b) Sometimes, but it’s rare

c) Yes, they make an effort to do things for me or make me happy

14. How does your FWB react when you express your emotions or vulnerabilities to them?

a) They seem uncomfortable and change the subject

b) They listen, but don’t really engage with what you’re saying

c) They actively listen and provide support or comfort

15. Does your FWB express verbal affection towards you, such as saying “I like you” or “I care about you”?

a) No, they don’t express verbal affection towards me

b) Sometimes, but it’s usually in the context of sexual encounters

c) Yes, they express verbal affection towards me outside of just sexual encounters


  • If you mostly answered (a) or (b), it’s unlikely that your FWB has feelings for you beyond just a physical connection.
  • If you mostly answered (c), there’s a possibility that your FWB may have deeper feelings for you.

However, it’s important to have an open and honest conversation with them to clarify their intentions and make sure you’re both on the same page.

Also read: 25 Hidden signs your fwb is catching feelings for you

Final thoughts:

In conclusion, it’s important to pay attention to the signs that your FWB may have developed deeper feelings for you.

While some people may be able to maintain a purely physical relationship, others may want something more.

By being aware of these signs and having an open and honest conversation with your FWB, you can both determine what you want from the relationship and whether your feelings are mutual. 

Remember, communication is key in any relationship, and being honest with yourself and your partner can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying experience for both of you.


  • Naveen B

    Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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