Life is full of hard questions to answer. Some of these questions are funny, some are serious, but all are thought-provoking and interesting.
We spend our time searching for answers to things that might never be answered. We don’t even know why we are here, in the first place.
How often have you asked yourself, “What is life about? Is it the people around me? Is it my job? Is it my hobbies?” Now that I think about it, I am pretty sure that everyone asks him or herself these questions at least once a day. Which is the hardest question to answer?
Also read: 375 Thought provoking questions to ask yourself and others
The world is full of mysteries. There’s the Bermuda Triangle, eerie disappearances and the Loch Ness Monster, to name just a few.
But some of the greatest mysteries are those that can be answered by science. It might take decades or even centuries to get to the bottom of these questions, but with enough research and experimentation, most people believe we’ll eventually have answers.
Here are some of the hardest questions to answer about life, existence, world around us and many other topics that make you think.
Hard questions to answer

Here is a list of hard questions to answer:
1. What makes us happy?
2. How should we spend our time?
3. What makes a good life?
4. Why do bad things happen to good people?
5. Is our society getting better or worse?
6. What is the purpose of life?
7. Are we alone in the universe?
8. What is the best way to govern ourselves?
9. Is there a God and if so, what is it like?
10. How did everything begin and where is it going?
11. Do we have free will or are we determined by external forces beyond our control?
12. Does human consciousness have any survival value or are we an evolutionary accident? (“Why are we here?”)
13. Are humans inherently good or evil, or both?
14. Can science answer all questions, or are some things beyond scientific explanation? (“What is the nature of reality?)
15. Is there life after death and if so, what will it be like?
Also read: 500+ Questions that make you think hard
Hardest questions to answer

Many questions are unanswerable. For example, asking “Why is there something rather than nothing?” is unanswerable because we don’t know what it would mean for there to be nothing. It’s like asking “What is the sound of a leek falling in an empty field?” or “How many sweets can I fit in my mouth at once?”
There are many other questions that we don’t have good answers to, but these are generally not considered unanswerable.
For example, “Is there life on other planets?” is probably unanswerable, but it’s not considered so because we think that if there was life on other planets (even if we can’t find it) then we could discover this.
Similarly, many people consider “Is God real?” to be unanswerable, but others disagree because they think that the answer is either yes or no.
Here are some of the most hardest unanswerable questions:
1. Why does anything exist?
2. Why should anything exist?
3. Why is everything there as it is and why not in any other way as they should be?
4. Is there a best way to live?
5. What makes us human?
6. Why should I be moral?
7. Does God exist even if you die?
8. What is the nature of reality?
9. How do we know what’s true?
10. Why do people suffer?
11. How can something come from nothing?
12. Is the mind separate from the body?
13. What is knowledge, and how do we know what we know?
14. Does history have a pattern or purpose?
15. Should we trust our intuition and reasoning to find truth, or should we be skeptical at all times?
16. If physicalism is true, then why does it feel like something to be you? Conversely, if consciousness is fundamental, then where does it exist and how does it interact with matter to create our reality?
17. Is there a difference between something that’s merely conscious and something that has feelings and an inner life like ours (i.e., subjective experience)? Or are these things synonymous? And if they aren’t synonymous, which one is more basic to reality—consciousness or subjective experience?
Also read: 125 Questions that make no sense
Hard questions with answers

Here are some Hard questions to ask and answer with answers:
1. Why is there something rather than nothing?
Answer: Why is there existence rather than nonexistence? This question is debated among philosophers and physicists and is a deep question that no one has a good response to.
But one thing we do know is that we exist, so it must be possible for something to exist. So why do we exist and nothing else doesn’t? We don’t know, but this question always gives me pause when I think about it.
2. Is time travel possible?
Answer: While we haven’t figured out how to travel faster than the speed of light (and therefore reach the past), There are many theories about how time travel could work, but so far these only exist as mathematical concepts.
In fact, some scientists think time travel into the future is possible, but traveling into the past is impossible because you can’t go back and change history without grave consequences (like creating a paradox).
However, others disagree with this theory and say that time travel should be possible both ways. Unfortunately, we’ll likely never know for sure until someone experience it.
3. What is dark matter?
Answer: The light that makes up our universe only accounts for less than 5% of its total mass/energy, so where does all this “dark matter” come from? Scientists believe it could be made up of particles that are not detectable by our current technology. If this is true, then dark matter could explain many phenomena we have a hard time comprehending without it.
4. Why do we sleep?
Answer: For many years, scientists couldn’t figure out why we fall asleep at all. Theories ranged from it being an evolutionary remnant to a protective function, with modern research leaning more toward the latter explanation:
Sleep allows our brains and bodies to recover from daily stressors and restore themselves to optimal working order. But why we dream during sleep remains a mystery, though experts have several theories.
5. Is there a God?
Answer: Believers find faith in the Bible, Quran, and other religious texts. Non-believers believe that man created religion to explain how the world works.
But is either side right? Maybe both are partially wrong. It’s possible there is a higher power that exists — but it’s not always watching us and doesn’t necessarily intervene in our lives. Or maybe we’re all just on our own.
6. How did everything begin? How did the universe begin? How did life on Earth begin? How did consciousness begin? How did human civilization begin?
Answer: The Big Bang theory might explain how the universe began, but it doesn’t explain what existed before the universe began because time didn’t exist before the Big Bang.
How could there be no time before the Big Bang? And what was there before time existed — was there anything at all? And if so, why is there something rather than nothing?
Perhaps our universe is one of many in an infinite multiverse, but then what happened before our universe came into being?
Do we live in a computer simulation, as Elon Musk and Nick Bostrom have suggested, and if so, how did our simulated reality come into existence and why were we simulated by someone or something else that exists outside our reality?
7. How far away is the edge of the universe?
Answer: It’s easier to know how old the universe is than how large it is. All of the matter we perceive — everything we see, hear, feel and touch — is contained in a sphere called the observable universe.
That’s why it’s called “observable” — because that’s all we can observe from our position in space. We know that 14 billion years ago a massive explosion called the Big Bang propelled all matter outward at incredible speeds — and it’s still moving outward today as space continues to expand faster than our perception can keep up with.
Yet that doesn’t mean there isn’t more matter beyond our view; it just means we can’t see it. But if we could travel fast enough to get past this boundary — called the “horizon”
8. Is there life elsewhere in the universe?
Answer: We haven’t yet found any evidence of life outside our solar system or even on another planet, but we’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s out there. And with billions of galaxies, it can’t be impossible that at least one other planet has advanced enough to harbor life.
9. What’s at the center of a black hole?
Answer: Black holes are so dense that they warp space-time around them and have such strong gravitational pulls that nothing can escape their surface. Scientists aren’t sure what lies beneath these super-massive objects, if anything at all.
10. Are there aliens?
Answer: For any planets where life evolved, it seems likely that it would go through a similar evolutionary process and develop something comparable to humankind. But how common is intelligent life? We might be alone in the universe, but it’s hard to imagine that we are.
11. Who am I?
Answer: The question of personal identity is important because it affects what kinds of things one can meaningfully say about oneself. For example, if a person is not identical to any physical object, one cannot say, “I am in pain,” but rather only “Something that I am now experiencing pain.”
12. Why do we exist?
Answer: The universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. While the spatial size of the entire universe is unknown, it is possible to measure the size of the observable universe.
Also read: 100+ Questions that mess with your mind
Hard questions to answer Funny

The following are some Funny hard questions to answer:
1. Why do we drink milk from the breast but not from other animals?
2. Why do we almost always kiss on our lips?
3. Why do we wear underwear?
4. If it’s not a requirement for survival, then why does sex feel so good?
5. Why are humans the only animal species capable of blushing?
6. Why is it so easy to remember bad things, but so hard to remember good things?
7. When you go to sleep and dream, your eyes move rapidly under your lids … but why?
8. When you’re with someone else and they start scratching themselves, why can’t you help yourself from starting to scratch yourself too?
9. How come, when it’s hot outside, we all want to eat ice cream … and when it’s cold, we all want hot chocolate and soup?
10. Why do people get married if half of those marriages end in divorce anyway?
11. If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?
12. Can you die of boredom?
13. What happens when two mirrors face each other? Where
Also read: 30+ Questions that make think deeply funny
Really hard questions to answer

Here is a list of really hard questions to answer:
1. How can you think about death, if you don’t believe in life after death?
2. Why is there something instead of nothing?
3. What is the meaning of life?
4. What happens when we die?
5. Is the world good or bad?
6. Are humans good or evil?
7. What is the difference between right and wrong, good and bad?
8. Why should I be moral?
9. Does God exist?
10. Is there a soul?
11. Is there free will?
12. Where should I look for answers to my questions about life, the world and religion?
13. Can I know anything at all?
14. Do we have free will or are our choices determined by physical processes in our brain?
Also read: 300+ Questions that are hard to answer
hard questions to answer for friends
The following are hard questions to answer with friends:
1. Why does anything exist?
2. Why should anything exist?
3. Why is everything there as it is and why not in any other way as they should be?
4. Is there a best way to live?
5. What makes us human?
6. Why should I be moral?
7. Does God exist even if you die?
8. What is the nature of reality?
9. How do we know what’s true?
10. Why do people suffer?
11. How can something come from nothing?
12. Is the mind separate from the body?
13. What is knowledge, and how do we know what we know?
14. Does history have a pattern or purpose?
15. Should we trust our intuition and reasoning to find truth, or should we be skeptical at all times?
16. If physicalism is true, then why does it feel like something to be you? Conversely, if consciousness is fundamental, then where does it exist and how does it interact with matter to create our reality?
17. Is there a difference between something that’s merely conscious and something that has feelings and an inner life like ours (i.e., subjective experience)? Or are these things synonymous? And if they aren’t synonymous, which one is more basic to reality—consciousness or subjective experience?
Hard questions to answer about life
Here are some hard questions to answer about life:
1. Why does anything exist?
2. Why should anything exist?
3. Why is everything there as it is and why not in any other way as they should be?
4. Is there a best way to live?
5. What makes us human?
6. Why should I be moral?
7. Does God exist even if you die?
8. What is the nature of reality?
9. How do we know what’s true?
10. Why do people suffer?
11. How can something come from nothing?
12. Is the mind separate from the body?
13. What is knowledge, and how do we know what we know?
14. Does history have a pattern or purpose?
15. Should we trust our intuition and reasoning to find truth, or should we be skeptical at all times?
16. If physicalism is true, then why does it feel like something to be you? Conversely, if consciousness is fundamental, then where does it exist and how does it interact with matter to create our reality?
17. Is there a difference between something that’s merely conscious and something that has feelings and an inner life like ours (i.e., subjective experience)? Or are these things synonymous? And if they aren’t synonymous, which one is more basic to reality—consciousness or subjective experience?
hard questions to answer about the world
Here are a few most hard questions to answer about the world:
1. Do we have to believe in “everything” and “Nothing”?
2. What makes a good teacher?
3. Is the world right side up?
4. What is the hardest question to answer?
5. Does luck exist?
6. What makes a good boss?
7. Is it easier to understand someone else’s pain or your own pain?
8. Can we know everything?
9. Why do we feel pain?
10. What is the meaning of life?
11. Does everyone deserve respect?
12. Do you believe in God? Why or why not?
13. Where does happiness come from? How can we be happy with what we have and not wish for more things or money or power or status etc.?
14. Are humans born selfish and violent, or are these learned behaviours that some humans adopt and others don’t adopt depending on their life experiences, environment and opportunities that they are exposed to during childhood and further on in adulthood?
15. Would it be possible to live without money/capitalism and society/government/rules if human beings were only rational and had no emotions/passions such as greed, envy, hatred etc.?
hard questions to answer trivia
It is not uncommon to be invited to a trivia night, only to be caught up short when you realize you are not as smart as you think you are. If you have been in such a situation, then we have got you covered.
Here are some of the really hard trivia questions to answer that will give your brain a workout:
1. What is the most common letter that does not appear on a US state license plate?
The answer is probably ‘Q’ or ‘Z’. As for the states that don’t have vowels on their tags, there are surprisingly few of them. The list includes New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Kansas, Oklahoma and Utah.
2. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you found the letter “A”?
One thousand and one: one thousand plus one equals A.
3. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?
Just once because after that you’re subtracting more than 10 and it no longer works. For example, take 100 and subtract 10 and you get 90. Subtract another 10 from 90 and you get 80. Subtract another 10 from 80 and now you’re only down to 70 when in reality you should be at 60 if you had continued to subtract by 10s.
4. Which is heavier: a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?
They both weigh the same – a pound! Whether they’re feathers or gold, they both weigh the same amount because they are both measured using the same measurement – pounds (or kilograms). The real
1. What is the name of the longest river in the world?
2. How many planets are there in our solar system?
3. The three primary colors are red, green and what?
4. Where was Barack Obama born?
5. Who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
6. What is the capital city of France?
7. Who wrote Harry Potter?
8. Who won the first Nobel Peace prize of the 21st century?
9. What does TOEFL stand for?
10. When did the Titanic sink?
11. What is the most spoken language in the world?
12. What is the name of the city of South Africa that means “place of gold”?
13. You might have heard that humans consume 8 spiders in their sleep every year. Do you believe this?
14. If you could stop only one thing from happening, what would it be?
15. How many stars are there in our galaxy?
16. Do you think we will ever find another planet like ours? Would you want to live there? Why or why not?
17. What is the biggest problem facing humanity today and what should we do about it?
18. What do you think will happen if there was an asteroid heading towards Earth right now and we did nothing?
19. If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Why did you choose this particular event? If not, why not? What would happen if someone tried changing history instead of just watching it happen without interfering themselves?
20. Would it be possible to create a utopia on Earth where everyone lived happily ever after with no problems whatsoever? If yes, how would this work out for humanity as a whole over time?
Hard science questions
Here are some hard science questions with answers:
1. What happens after death?
Humans have been trying to answer this question for millennia, without success. Some believe consciousness ceases when our bodies stop functioning;
others believe in reincarnation or that our spirits continue on some realm beyond our understanding. We just don’t know for sure — but that hasn’t stopped us from speculating wildly about what the afterlife might look like.
2. Why does time only move forward?
One of the most fundamental experiences of being human is that time seems to flow in one direction: forward. But on a quantum level, things work differently. And scientists are still trying to figure out why this is the case.
3. Is there a limit to human knowledge?
It’s impossible to say for sure just how much humans can and will learn about the universe we live in and the complex systems that govern it — but we do know that there are huge swaths of unanswered questions out there, many of which may never be answered.
4. How do we define morality?
Morality, or at least its foundations, is one of humanity’s most hotly debated topics. The question of “What’s the difference between right and wrong?” has become even more contentious in the 21st century, as the world’s population becomes increasingly diverse in terms of race and culture.
5. What is the meaning of life?
Some believe we are born into this world only to die, and that there’s no other point to this life experience. Others believe we’re here to learn and grow, or to help each other, or to leave the world a better place than how we found it.
But again, we just don’t know for sure. Meaning is a subjective thing and different people may have different opinions on its importance — so all you can do is decide what meaning you want your life to have and then try to live up to it.
6. When did time begin?
Physicists still haven’t found a definitive answer to this one, although they have some hypotheses as to how time came into existence after the Big Bang created the universe billions of years ago (although “billions” has no meaning before time itself existed). Some theories suggest that time existed forever. There is no beginning and ending.”
7. Where do we come from?
This is another ancient question that’s essentially unanswerable. We know from evidence found by evolutionary biologists that all life evolved from a single-celled organism to the diversity of species we see today — but how did that organism first arise?
Many scientists have their own theories, but none can really be proven, and the debate has raged for decades without resolution.
8. Why are we here?
This question comes in a few different forms: Why are humans here on Earth? Why do we exist at all? What’s our purpose in life?
It’s an existential question that has no clear-cut answer, because it’s up to you — and everyone else — to decide what your purpose is ultimately going to be. Some people live their entire lives without finding an answer.
9. How did the universe start?
The big bang theory is currently the leading explanation as to how the universe began — and while it’s true that all galaxies outside our own appear to be moving away from us, there are still plenty of unanswered questions about how exactly this expansion occurred. Another popular theory suggests that a white hole might have spat out our universe like a cosmic belch — but we simply don’t have enough evidence yet to prove either theory.
10. Why is there something rather than nothing?
This is one of those questions that philosophers and physicists love to talk about over drinks. The universe exists, so there must be a reason for it, right?
Some people think the reason is God; others think it’s just a natural occurrence that happened by chance. Either way, no one can prove anything with absolute certainty, so it’s all a matter of opinion.
very hard questions to answer
Here are a few very hard questions to answer:
1. Why does one person live and another die?
2. If a person is in this world for only a short time, what is the best way to spend it?
3. How can one know if he or she is living correctly?
4. When life is difficult and painful, how can one not be cynical about the goodness of life?
5. What is the best way to approach death?
6. How can we avoid making our lives trivial by doing things that are merely habitual or automatic?
7. Why do we have such difficulty understanding each other and getting along with each other?
8. How can you tell if you really love someone else or if you’re just infatuated with them?
9. What is the best way to handle strong feelings like anger, fear and jealousy?
10. In what sense are we free and what does it mean to be free?
11. If we don’t believe in anything beyond this world, why should we be moral?
12. What is the best way to raise children so that they grow up to be reasonable people?
13. How can things that have happened in the past affect us so strongly today?
14. Do human beings have some special quality that aliens don’t?
Hard questions to answer about yourself
Identifying a problem is the first step to finding answers. With that in mind, here are fifteen hard questions to answer about life that you should ask yourself if you want to find true happiness and fulfillment:
Here are some hard questions to answer about yourself:
1) Why am I doing this?
2) What is love?
3) What is my purpose?
4) How can I be more happy?
5) What do I really want out of life?
6) What’s important to me?
7) Am I living up to my full potential?
8) How can I be more creative?
9) Do I have any regrets?
10) What makes life worth living for me?
11) What would make me feel more fulfilled?
6. What am I supposed to do with my life?
8. Is this all there is to life?
9. Why am I not happy with my life even though I have everything I have dreamed of having?
11. Will I ever be happy again in my life, and if so how do I get there from here?
13. Why are we so busy all the time, and why does it seem like everyone else has a busier life than we do?
14. When will I ever find the time to pursue my dreams and goals in life, or will it always be too late for me to do what I want to do in life and with my business?
15. Am I ever going to succeed at this or should I just quit now before it gets any worse than it already
16. Where do I see myself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 50 years?, Is that where I want to be going?, and If not, why not?, and what changes can I make so that where I end up is where I want to be going, and how do I get there from here?,
and what will getting there cost me (e.g., time, money, effort, relationships), and am I willing to pay those costs now or not yet?, and if not yet, when will be
Super hard questions to answer
Here are some super hard questions to answer:
1. Why do so many people choose to settle down and get married?
2. What is love?
3. How can you tell when someone is in love with you?
4. How does the internet work?
5. Is the world really becoming more dangerous, or are we just more aware of the dangers that have always existed?
6. What is the best age to be, and why?
7. Why do people grow old and die?
9. Why are some people rich and others poor?
10. Do we have free will, or are our lives already determined by fate?
11. Is there a god watching over us, or are we alone in the universe?
12. What happens when you die? Do we continue to exist in another form? Or does everything just end completely?
13. Is there anything that can actually be known for sure, or is all knowledge uncertain to some degree?
14. How can we tell if something is really beautiful, or if it only seems beautiful because we were conditioned to think that way from birth?
15. Where do all our lost socks go to eventually disappear forever?
never have i ever questions hard to answer
Here are some of the hard to answer never have i ever questions:
1. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender.
2. Never have I ever peed in the shower
3. Never have I ever worn clothes inside out, then left the house
4. Never have I ever gone to the bathroom in a pool
5. Never have I ever been really drunk at work
6. Never have I ever given my phone number to someone just because they were cute
7. Never have I ever told a lie about being sick to get out of work or school
8. Never have I ever given someone a fake number
9. Never have I ever forgotten where I parked my car
10.Never have I ever been in love with 2 people at the same time
11. Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend’s crush.
12. Never have I ever had a crush on someone older than me.
13. Never have I ever cried at the end of a movie.
14. Never have I ever been dumped by someone.
15. Never have I ever peed myself after drinking too much alcohol.
16. Never have I ever lied about my age.
17. Never have I ever swam with dolphins or whales.
18. Never have I ever stolen money from anyone.
Extremely hard questions to answer
Here are some extremely difficult questions to answer
1. What is the meaning of life?
This is a question that is often asked, but never answered.
2. Why are we here?
Philosophers have contemplated this for centuries and have not yet arrived at an answer that satisfies everyone.
3. Is there a god, and what is it?
Although the majority of people believe in some sort of god, no one can prove whether or not a god exists.
4. Can we ever know everything?
This is hard to answer, because we cannot know until we know everything. However, since we do not know everything, it is hard to say if this knowledge would be attainable or if it would just create more questions.
5. What will happen after death?
No one knows what happens after death, because no one has come back from the dead to tell us! This question may never be answered!
6. Why are some people born rich and some poor?
It seems unfair that some people have so much while others struggle to get by, but there does not seem to be any pattern to who receives wealth and who does not.
7. Why do bad things happen to good people?
Many times there seems to be no rhyme or reason for tragedy
Hard questions to answer about love
Love is a beautiful thing, but it can also be tricky to navigate. It’s not easy finding someone you’re compatible with. And when you do find that person, you may find yourself struggling to understand what they want and how they feel about you.
Here are some of the most hard questions to answer about love:
1. Why do we fall in love?
2. What does it mean to be in love?
3. Why is it so hard to find the right person?
4. How do I know if my partner is The One?
5. What’s the difference between lust and love?
6. How do I know if my partner truly loves me?
7. Is it really possible to find lasting love?
8. Is true love worth the risk?
9. Is there such a thing as “the one?”
10. Do soulmates exist?
11. How do you know if someone is “the right one” for you?
12. How do you know when it’s time to break up?
13. Are we really meant to be together forever?
14. Is it ok to date multiple people at once?
15. Does the perfect relationship even exist?
16. If so, what does it look like?
hard questions to answer yes or no
Here are some of the hard questions to answer with yes or no:
1. Do you believe it is possible to love two people at once?
2. Is it okay to fall in love with a close friend?
3. What do you think about going out with a single parent?
4. Should a couple marry before living together?
5. Do you think it is possible to be too much in love with someone?
6. Do you think women should be allowed to have more than one husband?
7. Do you think men should be allowed to have more than one wife?
8. If you have not been married before but your partner has, do you think that gives him/her an advantage as a spouse?
9. Is it okay for parents and children to share the same bed?
10. Is it okay for parents and children to share the same bathroom?
11. Would you want your child to marry someone of another race or ethnicity?
12. Would you want your child to marry someone who was disabled (mentally or physically)?
13. Would you want your child to marry someone of a different religion from yours?
Most hard questions to answer
Here are some of the most hard questions to answer:
1. What is “C”?
2. Why do men have nipples?
3. What is the greatest invention of all time?
4. Is there a higher power controlling everything?
5. Why does society exist?
6. Why do people do what they do?
7. Why are we so different from each other, even though we’re all human beings with similar needs and desires?
8. Who am I and why am I here?
9. Why can’t I just be happy all the time?
hard questions to answer riddles
1: What travels around the world but stays in one spot?
Answer: A stamp
Explanation: Stamps can be stuck on an envelope and travel around the world to different countries but still remain in one spot on the envelope.
2: A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?
Answer: The woman is a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry. She then held a pan of water under the picture of her husband and put it in the oven for over 5 minutes (to develop). Later she went out with her husband because they were hungry for dinner.
3. What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
Answer: A river.
4. What is always coming but never arrives?
Answer: Tomorrow.
5. What is always old and sometimes new; never sad, sometimes blue; never empty, but sometimes full; never pushes, always pulls?
Answer: The moon.
6. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?
Answer: The letter M.
7. What goes around the world but stays in one spot?
Answer: A stamp.
8.What gets wetter the more it dries?
Answer: A towel
9. What looks like half an apple?
Answer: The other half
10. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
Answer: Your name
11.What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
Answer: A clock
12. I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: A candle
Hard moral questions to answer
1. Who are you?
2. What are you?
3. Where did you come from?
4. Where did the world come from?
5. How do we know what is right and wrong?
6. How do we know what the meaning of life is?
7. What happens when you do not live as per morals and ethics?
8. Is there a god or gods? If so, what are they like?
9. When, if ever, is it right to disobey the law or another arbitrary authority figure?
10. When, if ever, is it right to kill a person (in war, on death row, etc.)? Why or why not?
11. When, if ever, is it right to sacrifice one person for the good of many others? Why or why not?
12. What makes something valuable (i.e., worth keeping or pursuing)? What makes something worthless (i.e., worth throwing away or avoiding)?
hard questions for a mother to answer
The truth is, there are a lot of hard questions that mothers have difficulty answering. Some questions are easier to answer than others, but we still have to do it. This is why I’ve decided to compile a list of hard questions for a mother to answer and how to answer them the best way possible.
1. How did you feel when I was born?
You will be surprised how many times your child asks you this question. It’s one of the most common hard questions for a mother to answer.
You might think that they wouldn’t care about how you felt when they were born, but they do. I don’t know why. If you’re not sure what to say, keep it short and simple: “I felt happy, excited, nervous and scared at the same time. But mostly happy!”
2. What does love mean?
This is one of those hard questions for a mother to answer because there are no words that can truly describe it.
The best way I know how to explain it is to tell my child that love means: wanting someone else to be happy even if you aren’t; wanting someone else to be safe even if you aren’t; someone who would,
3. What is sex about?
4. Where do babies come from?
5. How did I come into this world?
6. Why do I have to go to school?
7. Why does it take so long to grow up?
8. Who made God?
9. Is it wrong to want to be rich?
10. What does it mean to be a mother?
11. Why and how did you become a mother?
12. How do you want your children to remember you when they are grown?
13. What will you tell your children about being a mother?
14. What is the hardest part of being a mother?
15. What is your proudest moment as a mother?
16. What is the most important life lesson you want to teach your children?
17. How do you want to be remembered as a mother?
Hard questions to answer about the bible
Here are some hard questions to answer about the bible:
1. Will God really punish those who do not accept Jesus as their savior?
2. Will hell actually exist?
3. Does Hell exist? What is the meaning of Hell in Christianity?
4. Do miracles still happen today?
5. Is it true that America is a Christian nation?
6. Are there people going to hell for not believing in Jesus Christ?
7. Why do people say that all religions are created by the same God?
8. Is it right to stone people to death for not accepting the religion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
9. Is it important to believe in God, Jesus or Allah before you die?
10. Does Satan exist? What is his role in the Bible story?
11. How did Noah and his family fit inside the ark without getting wet? Are we all going to be saved no matter what we do or believe?
12. Did Moses really write the 10 Commandments on tablets of stone with God’s finger and bring them down from Mt Sinai at night (Exodus 24:12-18)?
Hard questions to answer about me
Here are some hard questions to answer about me:
1. What’s my plan?
2. Why do I have such bad credit?
3. Why am I not successful in business?
4. Why am I so dependent on my parents?
5. Why can’t I make a decision?
6. Why am I so inconsiderate of others?
7. What’s wrong with me that nobody likes me?
8. How could I have been so stupid, gullible, and naive?
9. How could I have made such a big mistake about his/her character?
10. Am I suffering from depression or some other mental illness?
11. Why can’t I stop smoking, drinking, drugging, gambling, or procrastinating?
12. Where did my ambitions go to school and learn the skills to succeed in life?
13. What’s the matter with me that I’m so unhappy all the time and never seem to find anything to be happy about?
14. If there were something about me that was getting in the way of my happiness, why would it be necessary for me to even know about it, much less change it or fix it myself??
Funny but hard questions to answer
These are some funny but hard questions to answer:
1. Is it possible to determine the height of a building with a barometer?
2. Would a sniper rifle bullet kill you if it misses?
3. Do fish sleep?
4. Can pigs really fly?
5. What is the most common name in the world?
6. What is the difference between a brothel and a whorehouse?
7. Why do apples float and rocks sink?
8. Why are mirrors not reflective at night?
9. How many people die each day?
10. Who would win in a fight between Superman and Batman?
11. Why do cats purr when they’re happy and angry at the same time?
12. Why is Batman so rich if he doesn’t have any superpowers or gadgets to help him out?
13. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If so, how much noise does it make?
14. Where do all your lost socks go and why don’t they come back?!
Hard questions to answer about someone
Here are some hard questions to answer about someone:
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2. What is your dream job?
3. Why are you leaving your current job?
4. Do you have any questions for us?
5. Why are you looking for a new job?
6. Can you explain why there is a gap in your employment history?
7. Who else have you applied to work for?
8. How long would it take for you to make a meaningful contribution to the company?
9. What characteristics do you possess that make you a team player?
10. Give me an example of when you had to adapt quickly to change and overcome adversity.
11. Tell me about a time when a project did not go as planned and how did you handle it?
12. Describe the most difficult problem you encountered in your previous position, and how did you solve it?
13. What motivates you, and why do you want this job?
14. What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how do they impact your performance at work?
15. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
hard questions to answer for adults
There are some questions that are just so difficult to answer that they leave you feeling uncertain, uncomfortable, or downright confused. And while these questions may not lead to any concrete answers, they can be fun to think about.
1. Why do we dream?
2. What happens when we die?
3. How much water should I drink every day?
4. What’s the best way to deal with a bad roommate?
5. Why do I feel anxious all the time?
6. Why is sleeping on a plane so hard for me?
7. How did I get this cold sore?
8. Why do I have such a hard time sticking to my diet?
9. Why am I always tired?
10. Does size matter?
11. How can I overcome my fear of public speaking?
12. What’s the secret to good sex?
13. What’s the best way to find love in a world that seems obsessed with hooking up and being detached from one another?
Hard questions to answer about relationships
A new relationship can be as exhilarating as it is terrifying. You finally found that guy/girl you click with, someone you really enjoy spending time with who seems to like you just as much.
But making the transition from just dating to exclusive is a big one. It’s a scary thing to go from seeing someone occasionally to being in a committed relationship with them. And it’s even scarier if you’re unsure how he feels about it.
You want him to feel the same way about moving forward in the relationship, but luckily there are some ways to tell if he wants to be exclusive with you. Here are some of the most hard questions to answer about love and relationships:
Here are some of the most hard questions to answer about relationships:
1. Why do people cheat?
We’d like to think that the only reason anyone would be unfaithful is that they were missing something in their relationship.
That’s true, but it’s not the whole story. A study published in the Journal of Psychology found that infidelity is often a symptom of a bad relationship – and not the cause.
2. What makes someone fall out of love?
Love doesn’t always last forever, and sometimes it’s not even very long-lived. But what does it take for someone to fall out of love with you?
A study from 2012 found that it comes down to three things: lack of respect, loss of attraction and lack of support. If you’re missing any one of these three things, or just not getting enough of them from your partner, you may find yourself falling out of love.
3. Why do people lie?
It’s a common question, but it isn’t a simple one. A 1999 study found that lying is an evolutionary trait, dating back to our earliest ancestors as a way of developing trust between individuals.
But since we can’t trace how far back this behavior goes, it’s hard to say what causes people to lie – except maybe to answer by themselves.
4. What is love?
5. What is not love?
6. How can you tell when someone loves you?
7. How can you tell when someone doesn’t love you?
8. Is it possible to have a loving relationship with another person and yet not feel love for them, or vice versa?
9. Is it possible for two people who truly love each other to be unhappy together? If so, why? If not, why not?
10. What does it mean for a couple to “have chemistry”? Is this something that happens automatically and can’t be changed, or is there such a thing as developing chemistry between two people over time?
11. Are there any circumstances in which you would end a relationship even though you still loved your partner and they still loved you back?
12. Is it ever too late to save a relationship?
13. When is a relationship over?
14. How do I know when to call it quits?
15. How do you get your ex back?
16. Is he/she the one for me?
17. If a couple of years go by in a relationship without any problems and all you do is live happily ever after, is it still worth it to stay together?
18. If your partner cheats on you but apologizes and promises to think twice the next time they are faced with a similar situation, should you forgive them?
19. If your partner is always complaining about how boring you are and tells you that they would rather be with someone who knows how to have fun, should you try to become more fun or break up with them?
20. If your partner thinks that sex is the most important part of a relationship, should you try to show them that there’s more to love than just sex or leave them?
21. If your partner doesn’t believe in marriage but wants to live with you, should you move in together or not?
22. If your partner has depression but refuses to get help for it, should you stay with them and help them through it or leave them because you’re not their therapist?
23. If your partner has cancer but wants to keep the news from everyone else including their parents and friends, should you stay silent?
24. If both of you want different things from life but love each other deeply, should you let go of what makes each of you happy in an attempt to?
Really hard questions to answer about life
Here are some really hard questions to answer about life:
1. Why are people good?
2. Are humans naturally good or evil?
3. Do all actions have consequences?
4. Is it okay to lie to save a life?
5. What is the difference between right and wrong?
6. Why is forgiveness important?
7. How would you define “life”?
8. How do you know you exist?
9. Is there a universal truth?
10. What is consciousness?
11. Why are we here?
12. Who/What created the universe?
13. How did it all begin?
14. What is the purpose of life?
15. Are we alone in the universe?
16. Why are we different from other animals, if humans evolved from apes and other primates, just like them?**
17. How can I know what is right and wrong?
18. Is there a way to measure success in life?
19. Should I just do whatever feels good?
20. Is there anything wrong with sex outside marriage?
21. Can my sins be forgiven and forgotten?
22. What will happen at the end of time?
23. If God loves me, why does He allow pain and suffering in my life?
24. Does science refute Christianity?
Hard questions to ask and answer
Here are some hard questions to ask and answer:
1. How do we know that the change we see around us is real or just an illusion?
2. If a tree falls in the forest does it make any sound if no one is there to hear it?
3. Does life have a meaning or should it be given a meaning?
4. What are the key rules of life?
5. How can one be sure that their perception of reality is actually real?
6. How can you know what is right and what is wrong?
7. What will happen to you when you die?
8. Is there a purpose to our lives and what is it?
9. Why do people need religion in order to lead happy and meaningful lives?
10. What happens to us when we dream?
11. Is there a higher power that pulls the strings of our lives?
12. If a person is born with depression, is their life more difficult than other people’s lives?
13. Is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? (The famous Tennyson quote)
14. Is love really blind or does it only seem that way because we want it to be true so bad?
Stupid questions but hard to answer
Here are some stupid questions but hard to answer:
1. How much time does it take for light to travel from the Sun’s surface to the Earth? What is the chemical composition of glass?
2. Why do we call it a “drive-through” if you have to stop?
3. How can something be “new” and “improved”?
4. If the world is getting smaller, how come postage stamps are getting bigger?
5. Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
6. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
7. If all of the North American Indians were killed off, why did their kids grow up to be such jerks?
8. Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?
9. How come Wonder Woman could spin clothes out of air, but she wore a bustier and hot pants instead of a burka?
10. How do they get those boats in those glass bottles?
11. Do Lipton Tea employees take coffee breaks?
12. If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen?
13. Why are they called buildings when they’re already finished? Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
Hard questions to answer for boyfriend
These are some hard questions to answer for boyfriend:
1. When was the first time you started thinking of me romantically?
2. Do you want to get married someday?
3. Have you ever cried because of me?
4. What’s the one thing you would never admit to your friends about us?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?
6. Do you think you’ll be a good father one day?
7. How do you feel about having kids?
8. Would you ever move in with someone without being engaged or married first?
9. Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend before me?
10. Who is the most important person in your life, other than me and your family, and why?
11. What is your ideal type of girl?
12. What do you think about me?
13. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher or any other woman?
14. Do you have any regrets in life?
15. Have you ever been deeply in love?
16. Are there any past relationships that would still haunt you if I bring it up?
17. Are you committed to our relationship?
18. How close are you with your family and friends?
19. What is the most beautiful thing about me according to you?
20. What is the best decision you’ve made so far in life?
Hard questions to answer about your partner
Here are some hard questions to answer about your partner:
1. What is the worst thing that somebody has walked in on you doing?
2. Have you ever had an exciting dream about me?
3. Have you ever cheated on someone and if so why?
4. Do you think love at first sight is really possible?
5. What is something that annoys you about me?
6. Would you break the law to save a family member’s life?
7. How do you know your partner is loyal?
8. Do you trust them 100%?
9. What do you like about them?
10. Do you feel safe with them?
11. Do you think you will fall out of love with them?
12. Do you think your current relationship will last for the rest of your life?
Hard questions nobody can answer
In the human realm there are so many hard questions with no answer, we have science to help us understand and explain what we encounter.
But the world is full of things that are still mysterious. Here are some of the most hard questions nobody can answer:
1. What happens after you die?
2. Why does time exist?
3. What is nothing?
4. What is consciousness?
5. Was there a beginning to the universe?
6. Will there be an end to the universe?
7. Are we real?
8. Are there parallel universes?
9. Is the world a simulation?
10. Will we ever contact aliens?
11. What is consciousness?
12. Is time travel possible?
13. What is dark matter and dark energy?
14. What happens after you die?
15. What is the best way to live?
Hard questions you can’t answer
Here are some hard questions you can’t answer:
1. Why do we need to sleep?
2. Why are there different languages?
3. Why do we dream?
4. Where were you before you were born?
5. Where does music come from?
6. How long does it takes to count infinity?
9. How did Earth get its name?
10. How did we get here (on Earth)?
11. How can something be made from nothing?
12. How can I exist in the past and present at the same time?
13. Can people really live forever (immortality)?
14. Can a person know everything about anything?
Hard questions to answer for family
1. Why does God let bad things happen to good people?
2. How can I make the world a better place for future generations?
3. Is war ever justified?
4. Should abortion be legal or illegal?
5. Are we alone in the universe or could there be intelligent alien life out there?
6. How did life start on earth and what is our purpose here on this planet?
7. How can I live a happier and more fulfilling life?
8. Is there such a thing as objective truth, or are all truths subjective and relative to their believers?
9. Should “under God” be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools? What about “In God We Trust” from our currency?
10. Did Jesus Christ really exist and was he really the Son of God, as he claimed to be, or just another false prophet like so many others who came before him and after him?
Ethically hard questions to answer
Here are some Ethically hard questions to answer:
1. Why do we have a need to be right?
2. Why is it so hard to get a straight answer out of a person?
3. Why do we have to be like everyone else?
4. When will there ever be world peace?
5. How much is enough money?
6. Who am I and what am I doing here?
7. What does my purpose in life look like?
8. What’s my calling and how can I fulfill it?
9. Why am I here and not there?
10. Does my life matter and how do I make it matter more?
11. Why are some people rich and others poor?
12. Why are some people healthy and others sick or disabled?
13. How can these things happen in a “good” God’s world, if he exists at all?
14. Is there any justice in the universe, or will good and evil always co-exist together without resolution, until the end of time itself?
15. Why don’t most people live their dreams or achieve their goals, but instead settle for something less fulfilling than they’d originally planned for their lives?
16. Why don’t most people live up to their full potential, but choose instead to accept mediocrity as their lot in life?”
Hard to answer hypothetical questions
Here are some hard to answer hypothetical questions:
1. Why is there something rather than nothing?
2. What did you do today that you could have done yesterday?
3. What are the best and worst things about being human?
4. How do you know what is real?
5. When as a society have we been at our best?
6. How can we be happy in an unhappy world?
7. What, if anything, can be done to improve the lives of the poor?
8. If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound?
9. Are our memories reliable?
10. If a person in a vegetative state is able to communicate yes or no by blinking, would it be ethical to keep them alive using life support systems such as a ventilator, IVs etc.?
11. Do humans have free will, or are all events predetermined by forces beyond our control?
12. What is it like to feel pain, or to see colors, or to fall in love? How can we possibly compare our experiences with that of others when their experiences may be so different from our own?
13. What makes something funny or entertaining and why does this differ for each individual’s sense of humor?
Hard questions to answer about god
Here are some hard questions to answer about god:
1. What is the greatest commandment?
2. Who is my neighbor?
3. How can I be saved?
4. What will happen to me when I die?
5. Why does God allow suffering?
6. What happens to a person’s soul after death?
7. What is the unforgivable sin?
8. If God is all-powerful, then why doesn’t He stop evil and suffering?
9. How can I know if I am saved?
10. Is it ever right to tell a lie?
11. Does God really hear my prayers, and if so, how can I be sure that He will answer my prayers according to His will?
12. Does God really want me to forgive those who have hurt me or harmed me in some way? If so, how do I do it without becoming bitter and resentful toward that person or persons for their actions against me?
13. What does it mean to bear spiritual fruit for Christ and others in my life (John 15)? Do we have the power and the ability from within ourselves to bear spiritual fruit for others in our lives, or must we rely on the Holy Spirit living inside of us each day to empower
Personal hard questions to answer
Here is a list of personal hard questions to answer:
1. What Should I Do When My Parents Want Me to Marry Someone I Don’t Love?
2. What Does It Mean That God Is Faithful?
3. How Can I Convince My Parents That I Need to Choose My Own Career?
4. How Do You Deal With the Guilt of Having an Abortion?
5. Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People?
6. Do You Believe in Ghosts and Spirits? What Does the Bible Say About Them?
7. I Don’t Want to Be Gay Anymore, But I’m Afraid to Ask God for Help
8. What Does It Mean to Have a Personal Relationship with God?
9. I’ve Been Single a Long Time — How Do I Start Dating Again?
10. What Does the Bible Say About Birth Control, Including the Pill and Cond#ms?
Hard questions to answer when drunk
Here are some hard questions to answer when drunk:
1. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
2. Which is heavier, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?
3. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
4. Why do they put holes in crackers?
5. If you were shrunk down to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, could you survive the ride?
6. Why is there no word for purple in the dictionary?
7. Where did our alphabet come from?
8. How many words can be made out of “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz”?
9. Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?
10. What does “toy” mean in “Toyota”?
Hard questions to answer about your girlfriend
Here are some hard questions to answer about your girlfriend:
1. Can you explain why you and your partner are a good match or why she’s the person for you?
2. What do you like most about her?
3. What do you find most attractive about her?
4. What does she add to your life that no one else can?
5. When was the last time your girlfriend made you smile?
6. Do you feel lucky to be with her? Why or why not?
7. If you had to describe yourself, what words would you choose? Are these the same words your girlfriend would use to describe herself? Would they be the same words she’d use to describe you?
8. What is your favorite feature on your girlfriend’s body, and why do you like it so much?
9. Do you think that your girlfriend makes an effort with her appearance just for you, or does she dress up because it’s important to her in general?
Really hard truth questions to answer
1. Who are you?
2. Why are you here?
3. Where are we going?
4. What do you think?
5. Who am I?
6. Why don’t you understand me?
7. Where did I leave my keys?
8. Where is your sister?
9. Who do you like more, me or your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend?
10. How can I make this relationship work?
11. Are you cheating on me?
12. Do you really love me?
13. When will we get married and have kids?
Hard to answer philosophical questions
1. Why is life unfair?
2. Where did all humans come from?
3. Why is it so hard to find someone you love, who loves you back?
4. Does your soul live on forever?
5. What is the purpose of existence and creation on this planet?
6. Are there parallel universes and alternate realities that exist in tandem with our own? If so, how do they affect us and our reality?
7. Are we alone in the universe or are there other intelligent creatures out there, too? If so, why haven’t they contacted us yet, or have they already done so and we just didn’t catch on yet?
8. What does it mean to be a human being and where does the definition end for other living creatures that might share some of our traits (like intelligence)?
9. Why is it that there are such strong physical laws that govern our world but none that govern human behavior and morality as strongly?
10. Why do we die?
11. How did the universe begin?
12. Is there an afterlife?
13. What is the meaning of death?
14. Why do bad things happen to good people?
15. Is there an ultimate reality or truth to which all things converge and is it knowable by us?
Also read: 500+ Philosophical questions to ask
Hard questions to answer that are funny
Here are some hard questions to answer for fun:
1. What is the thing that no one wants, but no one wants to lose either?
2. Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly?
3. What has hands and a face but no mouth?
4. If there are apples in a basket, and you take away , how many apples do you have?
5. What does everyone always do when he or she gets into a car?
6. A farmer has sheep and all but die, how many are left?
7. In a lake there are lily pads; each day the lily pads double
8. Why do people clap when an airplane lands?
9. If you put a chameleon in a room full of mirrors, what color would he turn?
10. Did Adam and Eve have navels?
11. How come wrong numbers are never busy?
12. How did a fool and his money get together in the first place?
13. Which way do babies come out – head or feet first?
14. Do fish ever get thirsty?
Hard questions to answer for couples
Here are some hard questions to answer couples:
1. Do you want to be completely honest?
2. Can you be yourself with this person?
3. What are your thoughts about marriage?
4. What about kids?
5. What is your biggest regret in life so far?
6. How do you feel about money?
7. Where do you see yourself in five years time?
8. How would you describe yourself in three words?
9. What is your biggest fear in life?
10. Can I trust you?
Hard questions to answer truthfully
Here are some hard questions to answer truthfully:
1. What do you like the most about your life?
2. How well do you know yourself?
3. What is the biggest obstacle you have ever overcome?
4. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
5. Are you happy with your life?
6. When was the last time you lied to someone and why?
7. What is the best decision you ever made in your life?
8. Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
9. Who do you look up to in your life and why?
10. Do you think happiness comes from within or without?
11. What are some of the things that scare you most about the future?
Hard to answer paranoia questions
These are some super Hard to answer paranoia questions:
1. How do you know that this isn’t a dream?
2. How do you know if you are awake?
3. How do you know that the last time you were awake, wasn’t all a dream?
4. Can you tell me if we are really all living in someone’s dream?
5. Are our lives just a game and we are characters in it?
6. What if all of this is just an extended hallucination as part of a bad acid trip?
7. How do we know we aren’t fictional characters, who think they exist but actually don’t?
8. What if someone is feeding us hallucinations and we don’t even realize it?
9. If opinions are subjective, how can we ever be objectively correct about anything at all?
10. Is the world out there or is it in our heads?
11. Does everything happen for a reason or is there no meaning to life at all?
12. Why does life exist at all when it could easily not be here at all?
13. Is life meaningful by itself or must we create meaning for it ourselves?
14. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?
Hard questions that are hard to answer
Here is a list of hard questions that are hard to answer:
1. What is love?
2. Do you really know what love is?
3. Why it feel like everyone else knows how to be an adult, but you feel like you’re just fumbling through?
4. Are you happy with your life?
5. Do you care about other people?
6. Do you care about yourself?
7. What do you want do in your life?
8. What makes you, YOU?
9. Is it all worth it in the end?
10. Why are we here, on this earth?
11. What are we all living for?
12. Do we have free will or is everything predetermined by something or someone else?
13. Are we alone in the universe and if not, why haven’t they contacted us yet? (or have they?)
14. How did everything get started anyway and where exactly are we going with all of this stuff that’s happening now?
15. Is there a God or gods and if so, who/what/where is he/she/it/they and what does he/she/it/they want from me?
Hard questions to answer to ask a guy
Here are some hard questions to answer to ask a guy:
1. What is your biggest regret in life?
2. What makes you really sad?
3. Why are you unhappy with your current life situation?
4. How do you feel about the education you received from your parents?
5. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
6. What is the most important thing for you in life?
7. Would you change anything about your childhood if you could?
8. What is the one thing that would make your life better?
9. What are some of the things that hold you back from following your dreams?
10. If money was not an issue, what would be on your bucket list to do before you die?
Deep hard questions to answer
Here are some deep hard questions to answer:
1. Why do the people you love the most hurt you?
2. Is it really worth it to do something I would regret for the rest of my life?
3. How much money is enough?
4. Why do good things happen to bad people?
5. How will I know when I’ve found “the one”?
6. Should I take a safe, but unfulfilling job or take a chance on doing what I love even if it won’t pay the bills?
7. How much am I willing to compromise to make a relationship work?
8. What will people think of me if they knew the truth about me?
9. If everyone else is jumping off the bridge, does that mean that I have to jump off too?
10. If a thing is worth doing, is it worth doing well?
Hard questions to answer in a relationship
Being in a relationship is one of the most important things in life. It’s something that should be cherished and not taken for granted. However, there are some questions we need to ask ourselves before embarking on the journey of love.
1. What’s your purpose?
Before you even start to think of finding love, you need to know what your purpose is. What are you looking for in a relationship? What do you want from your partner? There may be some things that you don’t want, such as having children or living together. Other than that, you need to be clear about what you want from your partner and how long you’re willing to wait for it.
2. Are you ready for commitment?
Commitment is the key to any successful relationship. If you’re not ready for it, then it’s better not to get into one in the first place. You should also set expectations from each other regarding commitment. If one wants more than the other, then they might end up breaking up in the long run.
3. What are you looking for in a relationship?
If you’re asking this question, it means that you’ve already found someone that you’re interested in pursuing a relationship with. However, before you get too far ahead of yourself, you’ll want to make sure that you’re on the same page with this person.
While asking this question can be a little nerve-wracking, it’s important to know what their answer is. If they’re looking for something casual or are not looking for a relationship at all, then it’s best to know early on so that you can decide if it’s worth pursuing or not.
4. What do I want in a relationship?
This is another one of those hard questions to answer in relationships because there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The most important thing to consider when answering this question is what your needs and wants are as an individual.
For example, if your ideal relationship would be someone who supports your dreams and goals, then look for someone who will cheer you on when you need it most and is willing to help out where needed. If family is important to you, then look for someone who values family as much as possible.
5. Are you happy?
This is the biggest of all the questions to ask in a relationship. It’s also one of the most difficult to answer since it can conjure up a lot of different kinds of responses, some of them not very pretty. But this is an important question to ask because it’s one that goes to the heart of your connection with each other.
It’s not always fair to expect your partner to be able to read your mind and know exactly how you feel. And it’s not really fair to expect yourself to be honest about whether you’re happy or not. Chances are, if you’re not happy in the relationship, you can blame yourself as much as anyone else, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t face up to what’s going on and try to fix things or move on.
6. Do I feel safe when I’m with you?
This is another hard question because it means considering whether or not your partner has ever made you feel unsafe in any way — physically, emotionally or otherwise. If they have, then this probably isn’t a healthy relationship for either of you. Even if your partner has never hurt you, feeling unsafe may mean that there are trust issues that need to be addressed.
7. How do you feel about s#x?
S#x is a huge part of relationships, so it’s important to know how your partner approaches it. Some couples might be perfectly happy with their sex life as is, but for others, it’s not enough.
Some of these questions are as follows:
How often do you want to have s#x?
What kind of birth control do you prefer?
How important is s#x in your life?
8. What are your goals for the next five years?
Sharing long-term goals can bring you closer together and help you understand where the relationship is going. Even if those goals are wildly different from yours, it’s good to know them and see how they could impact the relationship.
Do you want kids soon? Are they planning to move across the country in a few years? Go on a yearlong backpacking trip around Europe? Good to know now rather than later.
9. What family values do you hold?
Asking this question might lead to some uncomfortable conversations, but it’s better to know if your partner has beliefs that could hurt your relationship before things get serious. Do they blame their mother for everything that goes wrong in their life? Do they think all women should stay home and raise children.
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
You can’t actually answer the question without knowing what love is. If you say something like “Yes, I believe that if you get a clear look at my face, that’s all you need to know,” then you’re going to sound like a jerk.
Dumb hard questions to answer
Here are some dumb hard questions to answer:
1. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
2. How do you feel about taking no for an answer?
3. How would you sell hot cocoa in Florida?
4. How many basketballs would fit in this room?
5. What’s your favorite 90s jam?
6. Are your parents proud of you?
7. Where do you see yourself in five years?
8. If you were a pizza delivery man, how would you benefit from scissors?
9. What was the last costume you wore?
10. When was the last time you climbed a tree?
11. Why is a tennis ball fuzzy?
12. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?
13. If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the Zappos office, what type of parade would it be?
14. Do animals have accents and why or why not?
15. If cats and dogs didn’t exist, what small animal would be man’s best friend and why?
Also read: 30 Dumb questions that make you think hard
Hard emotional questions to answer
The following are some hard emotional questions to answer:
1. Do you love me?
2. Do you miss me when we aren’t together?
3. Do you really care about me or are you just saying it to make me feel good?
4. Am I the only one who is committed in this relationship?
5. What do you think about our future?
6. Do you really have time for me or am I just a time pass for you?
7. How much freedom do you expect from each other in a relationship?
8. Are we on the same page about our relationship?
9. What kind of person am I for you, is it someone whom you can consider as your life partner?
10. Is there someone else in your life that matters to you more than me?
Hard questions to answer about Christianity
Many people have a vague idea of what christianity is, or what the Bible is. But they don’t really know the answers to some of the tough questions.
If you’re reading this, you probably know that Christianity is based on a belief in Jesus as the Son of God and his atoning sacrifice for mankind’s sins. It also includes that one particular book of the Bible, the Holy Bible.
But you may not know about some other things about Christianity, such as:
1. What is God like?
2. How should I live?
3. What is sin?
4. What is salvation from sin?
5. What does the Bible say about sex and marriage?
6. What does the Bible say about homosexuality?
7. Is Jesus the only way to God?
8. Is there more than one way to heaven?
9. Should I be a Christian today?
10. What do I need to believe in order for me to go to heaven?
11. Is there a hell? Can you get into hell without help from God or Jesus?
12. Is homosexuality an abomination before God that deserves death or eternal punishment in hellfire?
Hard to answer biblical questions
1. Why did God create the devil, knowing he would rebel?
2. Why did God create man, knowing he would sin?
3. How can God be both good and loving, yet allow evil and suffering in the world?
4. Why should a just God punish me for the sin of Adam and Eve?
5. Why are there so many different religions in the world, all claiming to have the truth?
6. How can Jesus be God if he was born of a virgin birth? Isn’t that impossible?
7. What about those who have never heard of Jesus? Will they go to hell?
8. Is it true you’re born again only by grace through faith, or are there other ways to get into heaven?
9. Is Jesus really coming back to earth someday like the Bible says He will? If so, when will this happen? How will this happen? What will happen when He comes back again?
10. Does God hate homosexuals too much to allow them into heaven because of their sexual preferences, even though they may be good people otherwise?
11. Why does Christianity use an Old Testament scripture to establish what it means to be a good person?
12. How can Christians believe that their faith is a gift from God when they do not have access to Jesus’ actual teachings?
13. Is there more than one kind of Christian?
14. Why are there so many different Christian denominations?
15. Why are Christianity and Hinduism so different?
Hard questions to answer in the bible
Here are some hard questions to answer in the bible:
1. How can God be one yet have three parts?
2. Should we pray to Jesus or God?
3. If Yahweh is the name of God, what’s our name in heaven?
4. Why did God create evil?
5. How can we understand the Trinity?
6. What happens to babies when they die?
7. What are the characteristics of a godly man?
8. Is there any way to make up for my sins?
9. If God knows everything, then why does he still judge us for our actions (if he already knows what we are going to do)?
10. What does God think about human cloning?
11. Does God love Satan?
12. Why did Jesus have to die on a cross to save us from our sins if he is also God and could just forgive us as himself (without having to die)?
13. Why would a good and loving God allow suffering in the world?
14. How can a loving, all-powerful and all-knowing God allow bad things to happen to good people?
15. If God knows everything and sees everything, then why did he ask Adam where he was or Cain where his brother was after the
16. Why did God create the world?
17. Why did God make humans so sinful?
18. Why is there evil, suffering, and death in the world?
19. Where did Cain’s wife come from?
20. Why were people allowed to own slaves?
21. Did God make a mistake with Adam and Eve?
22. What was Jesus doing for his first years of life?
23. How did the disciples get rid of their wives?
24. Why does Jesus want me to hate my family?
25. What does it mean that we’re all descended from Adam?
26. Why did God make Satan so powerful?
27. What are the biggest problems with Christianity today?
28. How do we know what’s in the Bible is true?
hard questions for your boyfriend to answer
These are some hard questions for your boyfriend to answer:
1. Are you okay when I am with another guy?
2. Do you cheat on me?
3. Do you know what happened?
4. Why did you do that?
5. What’s wrong with you?
6. Why don’t you love me anymore?
7. How could you do this to me?
8. How do I look when I am with your best friend?
9. Have you cheated on me?
10. What are your goals in life?
11. Did I disappoint you?
12. Why did you leave me?
13. Do you want to go back to your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
14. Are you happy with the way things are going between us right now?
Also read: 31 Deep questions to ask your boyfriend
Hard to answer questions to ask a girl
Here are some hard questions to answer for a girl
1. Why are you still single?
2. Are you waiting for a perfect guy to come along?
3. Is it hard for you to trust men again?
4. Do you believe in soul mates?
5. How long does it take for you to open up to someone new?
6. Have you ever cheated in a relationship before?
7. What is the longest relationship you have been in?
8. What is the shortest relationship you have been in?
9. Do you think it’s possible to be faithful forever in a relationship?
10. Do you believe that there’s only one person out there who is perfect for us?
11. Do you believe something magical happens to a relationship after marriage?
12.What are the most important things your partner can do to make you happy in a relationship?
13. What is the ideal amount of time for a couple to spend together in a day?
14. What do you think is the most important responsibility of being a parent?
15.What do you think is more important to be a good husband, love or loyalty?
How can I get you to like me?
16. What would it take to get you to stop worrying about what other people think of you?
17. How can I get you to stop being so jealous when I talk to other girls?
18. When was the last time you were in love and why did it end?
19. What’s one thing about yourself that you don’t like, and what are you doing about it?
Hard questions to answer for guys
Here are some hard questions to answer for guys:
1. Do you believe in yourself?
2. How do you define success?
3. How do you define failure?
4. Do you have a five-year plan for your life?
5. What are your goals for the year?
6. What are your goals for the month?
7. What are your goals for the week?
8. What are your goals for the day?
9. What would you like to accomplish this hour?
10. Are you focused on results or activity?
11. Are you getting things done or just doing things looking busy?
12. Do you take advantage of opportunities, or do they pass you by?
13. Would your friends characterize you as positive, upbeat, and enthusiastic about life? Or negative, gloomy and pessimistic about life?
14. How many hours a day do you spend watching television, surfing the Internet and playing video games (or other distractions)? How much time do you spend reading something that will improve your skills or help you achieve your goals in life?
15. What is the most important thing in life to YOU?”
Hard questions to ask yourself
Here are some of the most hard questions to ask yourself:
1. why do humans fall in love?
3. why did i choose to come into this world?
5. what do i do with my inherent talents?
6. when will i find true happiness in life?
7. what is the source of all this suffering?
8. where does all my money go, every month?
9. when will i get a good job and settle down in life?
10. will i ever find a good partner for marriage?
11. when will my children start to respect me more than anyone else in the world?
12. why am i always fighting with my spouse, at home?
13. how can i ever control my temper and be gentle with others around me?
14. why can’t i live like an ordinary man, without any worries or problems in life whatsoever?
Hard questions to answer in a job interview
These are some hard questions to answer in interview
1.Every time you make a mistake, how do you react?
2.How would you feel if a good friend started working for one of your competitors?
3.What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea, but you think it stinks?
4.What’s the best way to deal with a colleague who keeps taking credit for your ideas?
5.What would you do if you made a strong recommendation in a meeting, but your colleagues decided against it?
6.You’re at work when you find out that your child has been hospitalized with an emergency condition. Do you tell your boss immediately or say nothing until the end of the day? How much detail do you provide?
7.A close colleague announces he is leaving and that he’s accepted an offer from one of your key clients. The client wants to hire him because they want his knowledge of your company’s projects and processes. You’ve worked hard on these projects and processes; should you share them with him? Why or why not?
8.Are there any instances where it would be appropriate to arrive at work late?
9.Tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-worker
4. What can you offer us that someone else can not?
5. How would you describe yourself in one word?
6. Why should we hire you?
7. How did you hear about this position?
8. Tell me something about yourself that’s not on your resume’. Or, what do you know about our company?
9. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?
10. Do you have any questions for me?
11. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
12. Describe a situation where you had to work with a difficult individual, and how did you handle it?
13. What are three positive things your last boss would say about you?
14. If selected for this position, can you describe your strategy for the first 90 days?
15. Who was your toughest competitor?
16. Is there someone who has been a role model for you professionally? How have they impacted you?
17. What do you like most about this job or company, and why?
18. Do you dislike anything about the company or industry?
19. How does this position fit into the organization’s goals and objectives?
20. What would you change about our products or services if you could?
21. If I spoke with your previous manager or supervisor, what would he or she tell me are your strengths and weaknesses?
22. Where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten years from now?
23. Why did you leave (or are leaving) your job? Why do you want to leave your current company? Why are you looking to make a change?
24. Why should we hire you over the other candidates we are interviewing for this position? What makes you the best candidate for us?”
25. What can we expect from your references when we contact them?
Also read: 500+ Job Interview Questions