200+ Common sense questions everyone should know with answers (riddles, brain teasers, tricky questions, trivia)

By: Naveen B

Every day, we encounter a multitude of situations that require us to rely on our common sense to navigate through them.

However, have you ever wondered just how sharp your common sense truly is?

Prepare to embark on an exciting intellectual journey as we dive into the realm of common sense questions, riddles, tricky questions, and trivia.

In this captivating blog post, we present you with over 200 mind-boggling common sense questions with answers that will put your common sense to the test.

From puzzling riddles that challenge your problem-solving abilities to tricky questions that require sharp thinking, we cover a diverse range of topics that will captivate and entertain you.

Throughout this exploration, we not only pose these questions but also provide you with comprehensive answers, explanations, and insights.

By delving into the underlying reasoning behind these common sense conundrums, we aim to enhance your critical thinking skills and broaden your understanding of the world.

What relation is that child to its father who is not its father’s own son?

What’s the logic behind a mirror’s reflection?

Can you determine the missing number in a sequence?

How would you handle an ethical dilemma?

These are just a glimpse of the intriguing challenges you’ll encounter as you navigate through our collection of 200+ common sense questions of math, science, reasoning, interview questions, riddles, trivia and more.

Whether you’re seeking intellectual stimulation, looking to engage in friendly competitions, or simply hoping to expand your general knowledge, this blog post is sure to captivate your mind. 

Challenge yourself, test your wits, and uncover the depths of your common sense as we embark on this thrilling journey together.


200+ Common sense questions

The following are some of the best common sense questions with answers:

1. Why can’t a man marry his widow’s cousin in America?

Answer: Because that man would be dead.

2. What relation is that child to its father who is not its father’s own son?

Answer: His daughter

3. Johnny’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle, and…?

Answer: The third child is Johnny himself.

4. What word in the English language becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

Answer: The word “short.”

5. What kind of room has no doors or windows?

Answer: A mushroom

6. What goes up and down, but remains still in the same place?

Answer: Stairs

7. What clothes does a house wear?

Answer: Address

8.  What is it that is found in the middle of America and Australia?

Answer: The letter R

9. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?

Answer: Future

10. What looks most like one half of a cheese?

Answer: The other half

11. Which train is the hardest to get on?

Answer: The 12:50, because it’s 10 to 1 if you catch it.

12. What relation is your father’s only sister’s husband to you?

Answer: Your uncle

13. Mary’s father has five daughters: Nana, Nene, Nini, Nono, and ____. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Mary, as stated at the beginning of the question.

14. How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

Answer: Only once. After subtracting 10 once, you would have 90, not 100.

15. What do all ships weigh, no matter their size?

Answer: Their anchors

Also read: 30+ Tricky common sense questions with trick answers that make you think


Funny common sense questions and answers

Here is a list of some Funny common sense questions and answers:

1. What is history’s favorite fruit?

Answer: Dates

2. Which country is popular on Thanksgiving day?

Answer: Turkey

3. What is it that everyone in the world is doing at the same time?

Answer: Growing older

4. What is it that is always behind time?

Answer: The back of a watch

5. What is it that is alive and has only one foot?

Answer: A leg.

6. If a rooster laid an egg on the roof of a barn, which way would it roll?

Answer: Roosters don’t lay eggs.

7. How can you make the number seven even?

Answer: Remove the letter “s” from “seven” to make it “even.”

8. Which is quicker, heat or cold?

Answer: Heat, because you can catch a cold.

9. Whose business thrives even when things are at their dullest?

Answer: The knife sharpener’s

10. How many months have 28 days?

Answer: All 12 months have at least 28 days.

Also read: These 79 Funny Common Sense Questions And Answers Will Make You LOL!


Random Common sense questions to ask

These are a few Random dumb Common sense questions to ask someone

1. If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

2. If roses are red, why are violets blue?

3. Can you cry underwater?

4. If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way to the center of the Earth?

5. How can someone be “a little bit pregnant”?

6. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?

7. Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?

8. If you could travel back in time and kill your own grandfather, would you still exist?

9. Why is it called a building if it’s already built?

10. If a vampire bites a zombie, does the zombie become a vampire or does the vampire become a zombie?

11. If a cat always lands on its feet and buttered toast always lands butter-side down, what happens if you strap buttered toast to the back of a cat and drop it?

12. If you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?

13. If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?

14. If you’re traveling at the speed of light and you turn your headlights on, what happens?

15. If a doctor suddenly dies while performing surgery, do the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?

16. If a turtle loses its shell, is it naked or homeless?

17. If a book about failures doesn’t sell, is it a success?

18. If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

19. If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

20. If a mirror reverses left and right, why doesn’t it reverse up and down?

Also read: 100+ Impossible questions (about life, world to ask your friends, family and answer yourself)


Best Common sense questions everyone should know

Here is a list of Common sense questions everyone should know with answers:

1. Which is heavier, a pound of rocks or a pound of feathers?

Answer: They both weigh the same.

2. How many sides does a circle have?

Answer: 2 sides. (Inside and outside)

3. What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?

Answer: The word “incorrectly” itself is spelled incorrectly.

4. How far can a dog run into the woods?

Answer: Only halfway. After that, the dog runs out of the woods.

5. What starts with an “e,” ends with an “e,” and contains only one letter?

Answer: An envelope

Also read: 70 Simple and easy questions people get wrong (with common sense answers)

Simple and Easy common sense questions

Here is a list of some simple, easy and Basic common sense question:

1. If you leave a glass of water outside on a hot day, what will happen to the water?

2. If you see a car approaching with its headlights on, what does it indicate?

3. If you touch a hot stove, what will happen?

4. If you eat too much food, what might happen to your stomach?

5. If you see dark clouds in the sky, what does it suggest about the weather?

6. If you leave a banana peel on the floor, what might happen if someone steps on it?

7. If you don’t study for an exam, what is likely to happen to your performance?

8. If you don’t wear warm clothes in cold weather, what might happen to your body?

9. If you don’t pay your bills on time, what consequences might you face?

10. If you don’t lock your front door, what is the risk of someone entering your house?

Also read: 70+ Questions that keep you up at night and don’t let you sleep on days end

Tricky Common sense questions people get wrong

These are a few Tricky Common sense questions that are hard and people always get wrong:

1. What starts with a “P,” ends with an “E,” and has thousands of letters in it?

Answer: Post office

2. A plane crashes on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?

Answer: Survivors are not buried.

3. If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many apples do you have?

Answer: You have four apples, because you took them.

4. How can you make the number one disappear?

Answer: Add the letter “G” in front of it, making it “Gone.”

Also read: 150 Questions that need answers


Stupid common sense questions 

The following are some stupid common sense questions to ask:

1. Why do we say “heads up” when we want someone to duck?

2. If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how would we ever know?

3. If a firefighter fights fire and a crime fighter fights crime, what does a freedom fighter fight?

4. Why do we say something is “out of order” when it’s not working, but we don’t say it’s “in order” when it is working?

5. If a cat always lands on its feet and buttered toast always lands butter-side down, what happens if you strap buttered toast to the back of a cat and drop it?

6. If a store is open 24/7, why are there locks on the doors?

7. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a picture of a thousand words worth?

8. If a tree’s bark is removed, does it become more outgoing?

9. If a mime is arrested, do they still have the right to remain silent?

10. If a candle factory burns down, does it smell better?

11. If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can they still hear their headphones?

12. If a pizza delivery driver delivers a pizza to their own house, do they still get a tip?

13. If a person with multiple personalities threatens to kill themselves, is it considered a hostage situation?

14. If a book is in a series, is it still called a book or is it a chapter?

15. If a doctor suddenly dies while performing surgery, do the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient?

16. If a mirror reflects everything, why can’t it reflect itself?

17. If a bee is allergic to pollen, is it still considered a bee?

18. If a vampire can’t see their reflection, how do they style their hair?

Also read: 500+ Stupid questions to ask and to think about

Common sense math questions

Here is a list of Common sense math IQ questions with answers:

1. If it takes 5 hours for 10 workers to build 5 walls, how many walls can 20 workers build in the same amount of time?

Answer: 10 walls.

2. How many times can you subtract 5 from 25?

Answer: You can only subtract 5 from 25 once. After that, you would have 20, not 25.

3. A farmer had 15 cows, but all but 8 died. How many cows does the farmer have now?

Answer: The farmer still has 8 cows. The phrase “all but 8 died” means that 8 cows survived.

4. John had $30, but he spent $35. How is this possible?

Answer: John had a negative balance of $5.

5. A box contains six red balls and four blue balls. How many balls must you draw to ensure you have at least one ball of each color?

Answer: You need to draw three balls. It is possible to draw three red or three blue balls initially, but the third ball guarantees you will have at least one of each color.

Also read: 100 Deep questions to think about

Common sense multiple choice questions

Here are a few common sense multiple choice questions with quiz answers:

1 Question: If you were running a race and you passed the person in second place, what place would you be in?

a) First place

b) Second place

c) Third place

d) It depends on how many people are in the race

Answer: b) Second place

2 Question: How many months have 28 days?

a) 1

b) 6

c) 12

d) All months have 28 days

Answer: d) All months have 28 days

3 Question: A plane crashes on the border of the United States and Canada. Where do they bury the survivors?

a) In the United States

b) In Canada

c) Survivors are not buried

d) It depends on the nationality of the survivors

Answer: c) Survivors are not buried

4 Question: You are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove, and a gas lamp. You only have one match. What do you light first?

a) The candle

b) The wood stove

c) The gas lamp

d) The match

Answer: d) The match

5 Question: How can a man go eight days without sleep?

a) By taking short naps throughout the day

b) By using sleep-inducing medication

c) By practicing meditation

d) By sleeping at night

Answer: d) By sleeping at night

6 Question: How many animals of each species did Moses take on the ark?

a) None

b) Two of each species

c) One of each species

d) It was Noah, not Moses, who built the ark

Answer: d) It was Noah, not Moses, who built the ark

7 Question: How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

a) 1

b) 10

c) 90

d) As many times as you want

Answer: a) 1

8 Question: A doctor gives you three pills and tells you to take one every half hour. How long will the pills last?

a) 1 hour

b) 1.5 hours

c) 2 hours

d) 3 hours

Answer: b) 1.5 hours

Also read: 50 Common sense test questions and quiz questions with answers

Common sense questions about America

Here are some trivia common sense questions about America:

1 Question: What is the capital city of the United States?

Answer: Washington, D.C.

2 Question: Which country borders the United States to the north?

Answer: Canada

3 Question: What is the national bird of the United States?

Answer: Bald Eagle

4 Question: Which document begins with the words “We the People”?

Answer: The United States Constitution

5 Question: Who was the first President of the United States?

Answer: George Washington

6 Question: What is the national anthem of the United States?

Answer: The Star-Spangled Banner

7 Question: Which city is known as the “Big Apple”?

Answer: New York City

8 Question: What is the tallest mountain in North America?

Answer: Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley) in Alaska

9 Question: Which state is known as the “Golden State”?

Answer: California

10 Question: What is the national flower of the United States?

Answer: Rose

Also read: 50 Common sense trivia questions and answers

Tough and difficult Common sense questions for adults

Here are some difficult and hard common sense questions for adults:

1. What has a heart that doesn’t beat?

Answer: A deck of cards.

2. What can you hold in your right hand but not in your left hand?

Answer: Your left elbow.

3. What has keys but can’t open locks?

Answer: A piano.

4. What goes up but never comes down?

Answer: Your age.

5. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?

Answer: A glove.

6. What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?

Answer: A map.

7. What has a head and a tail but no body?

Answer: A coin.

Also read: 100 Questions that no one knows the answer to (seriously nobody can answer)

Common sense science questions

Here is a list of Science common sense questions:

1. Why is the sky blue?

Answer: The sky appears blue because of a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering, where the Earth’s atmosphere scatters shorter wavelengths of light (blue and violet) more than longer wavelengths (red, orange, and yellow).

2. Why do objects fall to the ground?

Answer: Objects fall to the ground due to the force of gravity. Gravity is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other.

3. Why does ice float on water?

Answer: Ice floats on water because it is less dense than liquid water. When water freezes, its molecules arrange themselves in a way that creates open spaces, making ice less dense and causing it to float.

4. Why do we see rainbows?

Answer: Rainbows are formed when sunlight is refracted, or bent, by water droplets in the air. This refraction separates the sunlight into its different colors, creating the beautiful arc of colors we see.

5. Why does the moon change shape?

Answer: The moon changes shape because of its position relative to the Earth and the Sun. As the moon orbits the Earth, the amount of sunlight that reaches different parts of the moon changes, causing it to appear to change shape.

6. Why do we have seasons?

Answer: We have seasons because of the tilt of the Earth’s axis. As the Earth orbits the Sun, different parts of the Earth receive varying amounts of sunlight, resulting in the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

7. Why do magnets attract certain metals?

Answer: Magnets attract certain metals because they have magnetic fields. These magnetic fields exert a force on objects made of materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt, causing them to be attracted to the magnet.

8. Why does water boil at a lower temperature at higher altitudes?

Answer: Water boils at a lower temperature at higher altitudes because the atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing altitude. Lower pressure reduces the boiling point of water, making it boil at a lower temperature.

9. Why do leaves change color in the fall?

Answer: Leaves change color in the fall because of changes in pigments. As the days get shorter and temperatures drop, chlorophyll (the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis) breaks down, revealing other pigments like carotenoids (yellow and orange) and anthocyanins (red and purple).

10. Why do we see our reflection in a mirror?

Answer: We see our reflection in a mirror because of the way light behaves. When light hits a smooth and reflective surface like a mirror, it bounces off at the same angle it hits the surface, allowing us to see our own image.

Also read: 150+ Questions that cannot be answered (Scientific, religious, universe, life, funny, dumb)

Common sense geography questions

The following are a few common sense geography questions:

1 Question: What is the largest ocean in the world?

Answer: The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world.

2 Question: Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?

Answer: Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun.

3 Question: What is the capital city of Australia?

Answer: The capital city of Australia is Canberra.

4 Question: Which continent is home to the Sahara Desert?

Answer: The Sahara Desert is located in Africa.

5 Question: What is the longest river in the world?

Answer: The Nile River is the longest river in the world.

6 Question: Which country is known for the fjords, Vikings, and the Northern Lights?

Answer: Norway is known for fjords, Vikings, and the Northern Lights.

7 Question: What is the tallest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

8 Question: Which country is both an island and a continent?

Answer: Australia is both an island and a continent.

9 Question: What is the capital city of Canada?

Answer: The capital city of Canada is Ottawa.

10 Question: Which country is known for the Great Wall?

Answer: China is known for the Great Wall.

Also read: 45 Brain riddles and common sense questions for kids with answers

Common sense history questions

Here is a list of common sense history questions with answers:

1. Who was the first President of the United States?

Answer: George Washington.

2. In which year did World War II end?

Answer: 1945.

3. Who wrote the famous play “Romeo and Juliet”?

Answer: William Shakespeare.

4. Which country is known for building the Great Wall?

Answer: China.

5. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci.

6. Which city was the capital of the Roman Empire?

Answer: Rome.

7. Who discovered America?

Answer: Christopher Columbus.

8. Which war was fought between the North and the South in the United States?

Answer: The American Civil War.

9. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany during World War II?

Answer: Adolf Hitler.

10. Which country was the first to send a human to space?

Answer: The Soviet Union (Russia).

Common sense interview questions

Here are some Common sense interview questions answers:

1. How many golf balls can fit in a school bus?

Answer: This question is designed to test your problem-solving skills. You can estimate the number by calculating the volume of the school bus and the volume of a golf ball, and then dividing the former by the latter.

2. How would you weigh an elephant without using a scale?

Answer: One possible answer is to use a water displacement method. You can fill a large container with water, place the elephant in it, and measure the amount of water displaced. By knowing the density of water and the volume of water displaced, you can calculate the weight of the elephant.

3. How many piano tuners are there in New York City?

Answer: This question is meant to assess your ability to make reasonable estimates. You can start by estimating the number of households in New York City and then make assumptions about the percentage of households that own pianos and require tuning.

4. How many gas stations are there in the United States?

Answer: Similar to the previous question, you can estimate the number of gas stations by considering the population, number of vehicles, and average distance between gas stations.

5. How many hair strands are there on a human head?

Answer: Again, this question tests your estimation skills. You can estimate the number of hair strands by considering the average number of hairs per square inch and the total surface area of the scalp.

6. How many times do the hour and minute hands of a clock overlap in a day?

Answer: The hour and minute hands overlap 22 times in a 24-hour period. This occurs approximately every 65 minutes.

7. How many square feet of pizza are consumed in the United States each year?

Answer: This question requires estimation. You can estimate the number of pizzas consumed annually and multiply it by the average size of a pizza to calculate the total square footage.

8. How many tennis balls can fit in a Boeing 747?

Answer: This question tests your problem-solving skills. You can estimate the number by calculating the volume of the plane and the volume of a tennis ball, and then dividing the former by the latter.

9. How many people are currently airborne in airplanes around the world?

Answer: This question is difficult to answer precisely. However, you can estimate the number by considering the average number of flights per day, the average number of passengers per flight, and the duration of flights.

10. How many piano tuners are there in London?

Answer: Similar to the previous piano tuner question, you can estimate the number by considering the population of London, the number of households, and the percentage of households that own pianos.


Questions about common sense

Here are some questions about common sense with answers or explanation:

1. What is common sense and why is it important in everyday life?

Common sense refers to practical intelligence and the ability to make reasonable judgments based on experience and basic understanding.

It is important in everyday life as it helps us navigate various situations, make sound decisions, and interact effectively with others.

2. How does common sense differ from book knowledge or academic intelligence?

Common sense is practical knowledge gained through observation and experience, while book knowledge or academic intelligence is acquired through formal education and theoretical learning.

Common sense is often more focused on practical application and everyday situations.

3. Can common sense be learned or developed over time?

Yes, common sense can be learned and developed over time. It is a combination of innate abilities, life experiences, and exposure to different situations.

By actively observing, reflecting, and learning from our experiences, we can enhance our common sense skills.

4. What are some examples of situations where common sense is often applied?

Common sense is often applied in situations such as crossing the road safely, managing personal finances, resolving conflicts, prioritizing tasks, and understanding social norms and etiquette.

5. How does common sense help us make decisions and solve problems?

Common sense helps us make decisions and solve problems by providing practical insights and guiding us towards reasonable and logical choices.

It allows us to consider the potential consequences, evaluate available options, and make informed judgments.

6. Are there cultural or societal differences in what is considered common sense?

Yes, there can be cultural or societal differences in what is considered common sense.

Different cultures and societies may have varying norms, values, and expectations, which can influence what is considered common sense in those contexts.

7. Can common sense be subjective, or is it universally applicable?

Common sense can have subjective elements as it can be influenced by personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual perspectives.

However, there are also certain aspects of common sense that are more universally applicable, such as basic safety precautions or logical reasoning.

8. How can we improve our common sense skills?

We can improve our common sense skills by actively engaging in diverse experiences, seeking feedback and advice from others, reflecting on past decisions, and continuously learning from our mistakes.

Developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities can also enhance our common sense.

9. Are there any situations where relying solely on common sense may not be the best approach?

While common sense is generally helpful, there can be situations where relying solely on it may not be the best approach.

Complex or specialized tasks may require expert knowledge or specific training that goes beyond common sense. In such cases, seeking professional advice or guidance is advisable.

10. Can common sense be influenced by personal biases or prejudices?

Yes, common sense can be influenced by personal biases or prejudices. Our beliefs, values, and experiences can shape our common sense reasoning, sometimes leading to biased judgments.

It is important to be aware of our biases and strive for objectivity in our decision-making.

11. Is common sense more important than formal education in certain situations?

Common sense and formal education both have their own significance and complement each other.

While common sense is valuable in practical, everyday situations, formal education provides specialized knowledge and expertise that can be crucial in certain fields or complex scenarios.

12. How does common sense contribute to effective communication and interpersonal relationships?

Common sense plays a vital role in effective communication and interpersonal relationships. It helps us understand social cues, empathize with others, and adapt our communication style to different contexts.

Common sense also guides us in resolving conflicts and maintaining positive interactions.

13. Can common sense be overridden by emotions or personal beliefs?

Yes, common sense can be overridden by emotions or personal beliefs. Strong emotions or deeply ingrained beliefs can cloud our judgment and lead us to make decisions that may not align with common sense.

It is important to be aware of our emotions and biases to make rational choices.

14. Are there any cognitive biases that can interfere with common sense reasoning?

Yes, cognitive biases can interfere with common sense reasoning. Biases such as confirmation bias, availability bias, or anchoring bias can distort our perception of reality and hinder our ability to apply common sense effectively.

Recognizing and mitigating these biases is important for sound decision-making.

15. How can we strike a balance between relying on common sense and seeking expert advice or knowledge?

To strike a balance between relying on common sense and seeking expert advice or knowledge, it is important to recognize the limitations of our own understanding and expertise.

We can use common sense as a starting point and then seek guidance from experts or reliable sources to make more informed decisions in complex or unfamiliar situations.

Also read: 50 Questions About Common Sense with answers on the underlying reasoning behind our everyday knowledge


In conclusion, the exploration of over 200 common sense questions, riddles, tricky questions, and trivia has proven to be a captivating journey.

By challenging our minds and unraveling the logic behind these conundrums, we have enhanced our critical thinking abilities and expanded our knowledge.

Whether it’s solving puzzling riddles or pondering ethical dilemmas, this collection of questions has provided us with opportunities for intellectual stimulation and growth.

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Experienced Psychology and philosophy Writer, self-help and relationship Coach and thought influencer. He has 7 years of experience in Personal development industry. His expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with his latest work, connect with him by following his social media accounts.

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